Warlock Sholmes First Prev - Another Cover - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 8 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 7 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 6 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 5 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 4 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 3 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 2 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 1 [of 8] - Dragon Cover Next Last First Prev - Another Cover - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 8 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 7 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 6 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 5 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 4 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 3 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 2 [of 8] - The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 1 [of 8] - Dragon Cover Next Last Author notes The Dragon That Wasn't Always There 1 [of 8] Ronson on April 26, 2007 I am creating an archive of my old Warlock Sholmes strips, in the hopes that someday I will do some new ones. I'm also toying with the idea of making a radio series out of some old scripts. We'll see what happenes.Enjoy! Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register JTPokie at 27 Apr, 2007, 08:51 PM First rateing!/Post! Ronson at 27 Apr, 2007, 08:49 PM Another thing that's wrong with this comic is the reference to Mykke … that was the original name of "Mike" from The Gods of Arr-Kelaan.I've decided not to place this on any definite world - or at least not on Arr-Kelaan.So I've also renamed the town of Rushford to be "Ardoyle Harbor" – thanks to JT for the name.
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First rateing!/Post!
Ronson at
Another thing that's wrong with this comic is the reference to Mykke … that was the original name of "Mike" from The Gods of Arr-Kelaan.
I've decided not to place this on any definite world - or at least not on Arr-Kelaan.
So I've also renamed the town of Rushford to be "Ardoyle Harbor" – thanks to JT for the name.