- The impish desire; the true demon of the party
- The First Encounter is Hard to Forget
- Whats left of BlackMage
- The Ironic Revenge
- The Reason For Existance: The Past of BlackBelt
- The miseries that come from updating
- When Titles Go Bad
- At McChocobos: Impossible Orders
- The summoned warrior: It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time
- explaining the first quest
- The Interview with the King
- First Filler
- intro to redmage
- moving the story along
- intro to blackbelt
- intro to fighter and white mage(this saves me a intro comic)
- Intro to blackmage
- Intro to Theif
Author notes
i had to make a comic that has hardly any jokes and just to foward the story, which is what i did, i tryied to include a parady of starwars in the last panel
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