Young Studs First Prev - Me So Onryo - Ciel the deal - ...and it does when you ask! - Christmas 2008!!! - It can always get worse... - Don't touch the hiney! - I challenge you to mortal combat! - Less calories...more filler! - Over Nine Thousand!!! - Love Out of the Linden Trees - Where in the world is Ryu-san, amigo?! Chapter 4 - Here Comes a New Challenger - There was a plan?! - Wicked threesome - Getting back to what's "important" - The other side of The Other Side - Sweet CHILD of Mine - Living la vid-Aoko - Sooooooooooul Plain! - Good old fashioned freak out - Heeeeey Aoko! - To Aoko's they go - 3.5 - Filler and Explanation - How about some hot coffee? - He ain't got the right temperature - All work and no play makes Ryu...Uh oh... - Linguistic Experts They Ain't Chapter 3 - Buddy Bash Bro-deo - Send out the love (APRIL FOOLS!) - take off all your clothes! - It's getting hot in here... - It's another strange one - Those halycon days - Pao Pao you're dead! - It's a hiatus, a hiatus, oh oh, rock me, a hiatus! - Ojou so hot! - Long story very short - Into the Purple Abyss??? - Second Official Filler - Moral of the Story? - Ken - Not A Clue - Where You Go From Here - Ryu and Ken - Wakie Wake! Chapter 2 - Flashbacks A Go-Go - Young Studs 13 - FILLER!!!!!!!! (First real filler...Sorry!) - Aoko, Ken, Ryu - Say Goodbye to the Ropers - Roper - The Beginning of the End - Ropers #1 and #2 - Realizations - Aoko - The Instigator - Merry Christmas 2007 - Roper #3 - Internal Pain - Ken - To The Rescue - Roper - The Gathering - Ryu - Da Man! - Happy Thanksgiving 2007 - Ryu - The Wingman - The Places We've Been - Now What? - Ken and Ryu - The Meeting Chapter 1 Intro - Ken and Ryu Meet Up - Young Studs - Comic Cover Next Last First Prev - Me So Onryo - Ciel the deal - ...and it does when you ask! - Christmas 2008!!! - It can always get worse... - Don't touch the hiney! - I challenge you to mortal combat! - Less calories...more filler! - Over Nine Thousand!!! - Love Out of the Linden Trees - Where in the world is Ryu-san, amigo?! Chapter 4 - Here Comes a New Challenger - There was a plan?! - Wicked threesome - Getting back to what's "important" - The other side of The Other Side - Sweet CHILD of Mine - Living la vid-Aoko - Sooooooooooul Plain! - Good old fashioned freak out - Heeeeey Aoko! - To Aoko's they go - 3.5 - Filler and Explanation - How about some hot coffee? - He ain't got the right temperature - All work and no play makes Ryu...Uh oh... - Linguistic Experts They Ain't Chapter 3 - Buddy Bash Bro-deo - Send out the love (APRIL FOOLS!) - take off all your clothes! - It's getting hot in here... - It's another strange one - Those halycon days - Pao Pao you're dead! - It's a hiatus, a hiatus, oh oh, rock me, a hiatus! - Ojou so hot! - Long story very short - Into the Purple Abyss??? - Second Official Filler - Moral of the Story? - Ken - Not A Clue - Where You Go From Here - Ryu and Ken - Wakie Wake! Chapter 2 - Flashbacks A Go-Go - Young Studs 13 - FILLER!!!!!!!! (First real filler...Sorry!) - Aoko, Ken, Ryu - Say Goodbye to the Ropers - Roper - The Beginning of the End - Ropers #1 and #2 - Realizations - Aoko - The Instigator - Merry Christmas 2007 - Roper #3 - Internal Pain - Ken - To The Rescue - Roper - The Gathering - Ryu - Da Man! - Happy Thanksgiving 2007 - Ryu - The Wingman - The Places We've Been - Now What? - Ken and Ryu - The Meeting Chapter 1 Intro - Ken and Ryu Meet Up - Young Studs - Comic Cover Next Last Author notes It's another strange one Croi Dhubh on March 28, 2008 Yep, it's a small update today, but still one I think is worth it. Can't have all my updates be 800x1200+.Oh, and please do leave comments. I love reading them. Comments Please login to comment. Login or Register Rentorian at 29 Mar, 2008, 06:17 PM Poor poor Roper…Let's all laugh at them! Flashlight Antics at 29 Mar, 2008, 06:03 PM Poor Roper…those guys just can't catch a break, can they? XD
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Poor poor Roper…
Let's all laugh at them!
Flashlight Antics at
Poor Roper…those guys just can't catch a break, can they? XD