Young Studs
- Me So Onryo
- Ciel the deal
- ...and it does when you ask!
- Christmas 2008!!!
- It can always get worse...
- Don't touch the hiney!
- I challenge you to mortal combat!
- Less calories...more filler!
- Over Nine Thousand!!!
- Love Out of the Linden Trees
- Where in the world is Ryu-san, amigo?!
Chapter 4 - Here Comes a New Challenger
- There was a plan?!
- Wicked threesome
- Getting back to what's "important"
- The other side of The Other Side
- Sweet CHILD of Mine
- Living la vid-Aoko
- Sooooooooooul Plain!
- Good old fashioned freak out
- Heeeeey Aoko!
- To Aoko's they go
- 3.5 - Filler and Explanation
- How about some hot coffee?
- He ain't got the right temperature
- All work and no play makes Ryu...Uh oh...
- Linguistic Experts They Ain't
Chapter 3 - Buddy Bash Bro-deo
- Send out the love (APRIL FOOLS!)
- take off all your clothes!
- It's getting hot in here...
- It's another strange one
- Those halycon days
- Pao Pao you're dead!
- It's a hiatus, a hiatus, oh oh, rock me, a hiatus!
- Ojou so hot!
- Long story very short
- Into the Purple Abyss???
- Second Official Filler
- Moral of the Story?
- Ken - Not A Clue
- Where You Go From Here
- Ryu and Ken - Wakie Wake!
Chapter 2 - Flashbacks A Go-Go
- Young Studs 13 - FILLER!!!!!!!! (First real filler...Sorry!)
- Aoko, Ken, Ryu - Say Goodbye to the Ropers
- Roper - The Beginning of the End
- Ropers #1 and #2 - Realizations
- Aoko - The Instigator
- Merry Christmas 2007
- Roper #3 - Internal Pain
- Ken - To The Rescue
- Roper - The Gathering
- Ryu - Da Man!
- Happy Thanksgiving 2007
- Ryu - The Wingman
- The Places We've Been
- Now What?
- Ken and Ryu - The Meeting
Chapter 1 Intro - Ken and Ryu Meet Up
- Young Studs - Comic Cover
- Me So Onryo
- Ciel the deal
- ...and it does when you ask!
- Christmas 2008!!!
- It can always get worse...
- Don't touch the hiney!
- I challenge you to mortal combat!
- Less calories...more filler!
- Over Nine Thousand!!!
- Love Out of the Linden Trees
- Where in the world is Ryu-san, amigo?!
Chapter 4 - Here Comes a New Challenger
- There was a plan?!
- Wicked threesome
- Getting back to what's "important"
- The other side of The Other Side
- Sweet CHILD of Mine
- Living la vid-Aoko
- Sooooooooooul Plain!
- Good old fashioned freak out
- Heeeeey Aoko!
- To Aoko's they go
- 3.5 - Filler and Explanation
- How about some hot coffee?
- He ain't got the right temperature
- All work and no play makes Ryu...Uh oh...
- Linguistic Experts They Ain't
Chapter 3 - Buddy Bash Bro-deo
- Send out the love (APRIL FOOLS!)
- take off all your clothes!
- It's getting hot in here...
- It's another strange one
- Those halycon days
- Pao Pao you're dead!
- It's a hiatus, a hiatus, oh oh, rock me, a hiatus!
- Ojou so hot!
- Long story very short
- Into the Purple Abyss???
- Second Official Filler
- Moral of the Story?
- Ken - Not A Clue
- Where You Go From Here
- Ryu and Ken - Wakie Wake!
Chapter 2 - Flashbacks A Go-Go
- Young Studs 13 - FILLER!!!!!!!! (First real filler...Sorry!)
- Aoko, Ken, Ryu - Say Goodbye to the Ropers
- Roper - The Beginning of the End
- Ropers #1 and #2 - Realizations
- Aoko - The Instigator
- Merry Christmas 2007
- Roper #3 - Internal Pain
- Ken - To The Rescue
- Roper - The Gathering
- Ryu - Da Man!
- Happy Thanksgiving 2007
- Ryu - The Wingman
- The Places We've Been
- Now What?
- Ken and Ryu - The Meeting
Chapter 1 Intro - Ken and Ryu Meet Up
- Young Studs - Comic Cover
Author notes
What?! Over nine thousand?! Maybe in the level of annoyance Dan is bringing to the cast so far. Seems as if Dan has found a way to…well…fake a Satsui No Hadou himself! What new abilities and power will Dan gain? Guess we'll have to find out. When I ran this idea with Wyldfyre, he thought it was going to be just as funny as it actually turned out. I'm really happy with the end product, as well. I had to color swap each frame of Dan's animations from the Alpha series by hand. I'm actually pretty good at doing it, as you can see. I didn't have any sprites of Dan in green, so…I went through the process of doing it myself. Any color of Gi you'd like to see him in I could do. I'm not taking requests, but I can do it. —– Now, to reply to comments:
Is he singing Numa Numa?? NnnooooooOOOO!!! -Posted on Aug 13, 2008 Yes…yes he was! HAHAHAH! [quote="CoyoteLongshot] Numa numa yae, numa numa yae, numa numa numa yae XD This is really funny. -Posted on Aug 14, 2008 [/quote] Yes, that's the song! Thanks for the compliment. Spread the word of the comic if you like. I know I would *L* — Keep those comments coming!
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