welcome back to A.oE i would like tostart by explaining that i have been very bad the last few weeks but only out of neccity with starting my other comic i forgot to work on this one and while the other comic might be more fun the scanner hate the paper i use in the other one and photshop does't mind the paper i use for it with the exception that it has an affinity for turning the papper blue while i usally work reall hard on one comic and use speical affect i neither has the abilty nore the time to use the computer to replicate the affects with seaching for a job and collage starting on the 24th i am going to work on my hand drawn are all by its self entell i get another scanner and a petter pad for my other comic.
the story line countunes but where does this shiny new proble come from and why does it speak/think to its self like that? stay tuned for A.oE chapter 2. as i dive face forward into the 4th demesion with my hefty wee man spork!
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