- #299 Happy Anniversary, Dana! =)
- #298 Coming Out
- #297
- #296 Relative Sobriety
- #295 I'm Lovin' It...
- #294 Sale Boats...
- #293 Yankee Doodle Masacre
- False Accusations
- #291 Oh, Sama...
- #290 McBieber
- #289 Holy Pin Cushion, Batman!
- #288 New Star Wars
- #287 Look What Followed Me Home...
- #286 @#$%&@#
- #285 Lottery
- #284 Too Good To Be True Part II
- #283 Too Good To Be True Part I
- #282 'Hair Oil' To The Chief
- #281 Rule #1: Don't Sample Your Product
- #280 Mistaken Identity
- #279 Momma's Boy
- #278 Playing Doctor
- #277 Physics, Y'all
- #276 The Real Hal Jordan
- #275 From One Train Wreck To Another...
- #274 Prelude To A Milestone...
- #273 An Idiot Staff Meeting
- #272 Happy Anniversary... Sort Of...
- #271 Not A Heart Shaped Box
- #270 Happy Birthday Greg Capullo...
- #269 What's That In Your Pocket?
- #268 Purple Haze
- #267 No Respect... No Respect At All...
- #266 Time Is On My Side
- #265 That Girl Is Poison
- #264 There's always a catch...
- #263 Throw Me A Rope...
- #262 Happy St. Patrick's Day.
- #261 Box Mints
- #260 End of the Tunnel
- #259 Lost In Space-Time
- #258 It's Signed: "Elder Fan"
- #257 Gesundheit
- #256 Question Asked, Question Answered.
- #255 Peanuts and Corn
- #254 Suit Upgrades...
- #253 Coming To A Theater Near You...
- #252 Faster Than A Cannonball...
- #251 Happy Birthday, Riley!
- #250 The Last Temple Crusade Of Doom
- #249 Stud
- #248 One Small Scent...
- #247 The Truth Hurts...
- #246 Slightly Used: Very Little Blood
- #245 High Horse
- #244 The Six Hundred Dollar Man
- #243 Meet N Greet
- #242 Happy Birthday, Mom!
- #241 Growing Panes
- #240 Pitfall Henry
- #239 In The World Today...
- #238 Eat Your Heart Out, Jimmy Johnson
- #237 Uncomfortable Feeling
- #236 The Canadian, in: Up On The Roof
- #235 Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
- #234 Don't Bother Knockin'
- #233 Time To Activate That V Chip...
- #232 Megasnowmaniac
- #231 Yellow and Blue Make Green
- #230 Sorry Charlie
- #229 Today is my brother Karl's Birthday. Happy Birthday!
- #228 Star Wars Needed More Diversity...
- #227 I'm Just As Good As You, Damn It!
- #226 ::Insert Innuendo Here::
- #225 The Bourne Oblivion
- #224 That's Not Rain
- #223 Conan of the Hill People
- #222 Obi Windbag Kenobi
- #221 Nah, Segways Aren't Pretentious... AT ALL.
- #220 Maybe He's A Vampire...
- #219 I'm Back
- #218 Happy Birthday, Cyndi
- #217 Steel Resolve
- #216 The Adventures of Mark Twain
- #215 Visit the Ukrane. Plenty Cheap
- #214 Turn over a new leaf...
- #213 Hoffa Cement & Concrete
- #212 Mayday, Dude...
- #211 Stiff Exchange Rates
- #210 Irreconsilable differences
- #209 Pre-hatched Egg Counting
- #208 Happy Birthday, Dana.
- #207 Merry Christmas!
- #206 Snowglobes
- #205 Fair and Square
- #204 Never A Moments Rest.
- #203 Can I Go Home Now?
- #202 My Mech Is Bigger Than Your Mech...
- #201 Lost And Found
- #200 100 away from a Sparta joke...
- #199 Baby Daddy
- #198 Normal is What You Know...
- #197 1000 Days
- #196 Odd-yssey
- #195 Segregation
- #194 The Last Mistake
- #193 I'm very sorry...
- #192 Snowderella
- #191 Rocky Relationships
- #190 Ze Germans...
- #189 Where Are Their Beards?
- #188 Feel The Love
- #187 In a Blaze of Glory
- #186 Happy Thanksgiving
- #185 Conan. Starring: Conan's Scruff
- #184 Why Famine and Pestilence Never Come Along...
- #183 Unholy Matrimony
- #182 `Bad Medicine
- #181 Friends Like These...
- #180 Unnatural Attraction
- #179 What, Me Worry?
- #178 "Taiji" is Japanese for "Camp Crystal Lake"
- #177 Howdy, Punjab
- #176 What Would You Do?
- #175 As The Daily Planet Turns...
- #174 Oops...
- #173 Surf N Turf
- #172 Unhappy Halloween
- #171 It was either that or financial assistance...
- #170 Cosmic Vrooom!
- #169 Shag Carpet
- #168 By the way, which one's Pink?
- #167 A River In Egypt.
- #166 You Can Do Everything With This Stuff...
- #165 More Like Cyber-Duh Systems Corp...
- #164 Fun on the Tundra
- #163 If You Wanna Be Happy...
- #162 Losing More Than My Mind
- #161 Octopussy
- #160 Many Small Steps
- #159 There's Always One...
- #158 It Doesn't Work That Way...
- #157 The Green Ones Can't Be Trusted.
- #156 Rotten Ol' Joe
- #155 Detective Tonto
- #154 Bad Timing
- #153 Hide And Seek
- #152 No Funny Business
- #151 Steak Through The Heart
- #150 Sesquacentsequential
- #149 Something For The Kids
- #148 EC10
- #147 Chivalry Is Dead
- #146 Clash of the Titans
- #145 The Evolution of Common Sense
- #144 The bricks and the bees
- #143 Traitarrr Armong Us
- #142 Thick As A Brick
- #141 Tolkein-ian Torture
- #140 The Balance of Power
- #139 Barsoom Bombshell
- #138 Going Through Changes
- #137 Koshertron
- #136 The Circle of Death
- #135 Baiting Rituals
- #134 Resistance is Futile.
- #133 Meanwhile, at the Mos Eisley Cider Mill...
- #132 Animal Cruelty
- #131 Advanced Training
- #130 Most Important Lesson
- #129 I Need A Band-Aid
- #128 Sargent York
- #127 Is That Peperoni On His Butt?
- #126 Saving It For Later
- #125 The Flavor of Change
- #124 Don't You Ever Knock?
- #123 Can I Get A Kids Menu?
- #122 Rumspringa
- #121 Rubik's Amazing Cube
- #120 97X BAM! The Future of Rock N Roll
- #119 And Witty And Bright
- #118 GHOP
- #117 Plastic Disaster
- #116 Class of 90
- #115 The Wright Stuff
- #114 That's Not Egg On His Face
- #113 Grin & Bear Witnesses
- #112 You're All A Bunch Of Monkey Fighters!
- #111 Eleventy One
- #110 There is no I in team.
- #109 Droopy Dogs
- #108 And the Darwin goes to...
- #107 Rhut-ro, Raggy!
- #106 S.S. Revenge
- #105 Suadero: Comida a Los Dios.
- #104 Measure Twice, Jump Once
- #103 My Precious
- #102 Pink Slips in Brussels
- #101 Port-A-Pyramid
- #100 Turning 100
- #099 New Car Smell
- #098 Waaait, It's not Halloween...
- #097 Pop Martial Art
- #096 Jackbusters
- #095 Malpractice Insurance
- #094 The Silent Treatment
- #093 Hermiones Magic Touch.
- #092 Zomb-E
- #091 Judgement Dame
- #090 We've Got A Live One Here.
- #089 Saftey First
- #088 A three hour tour.
- #087 Mighty Boring Power Rangers
- #086 Happy Birthday Dad
- #085 Red Aces and Eights
- #084 Meanwhile, In Gotham Harbor...
- #083 A Book By Its Cover
- #082 Greener Grass
- #081 100 Percent Authentic
- #080 Service With A Smile
- #079 Ignorance Is Wedded Bliss
- #078 Life's A Beach.
- #077 UFO
- #076 Simply Amazing
- #075 Breaking The News
- #074 Burger Time
- #073 There's a Snake Oiler in my boot!
- #072 "First I said it, then I did it"
- #071 Sea of Tranquility
- #070 Batman Vs. Sea Shepards
- #069 Start Your Engines
- #068 Race Revelations
- #067 Men In Black
- #066 F.N.G.
- #065 Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
- #064 When I'm sixty-four...
- #063 Good boy, Paulie
- #062 It's not what you got, it's what you give.
- #061 Don't mess with the classics.
- #060 I need to wash my brain now.
- #059 My Arse Is Dragon
- #058 Honda Honda, faster faster
- #057 Caribbeanworld
- #056 Just a man, with a mans courage.
- #055 This Just In...
- #054 Ai Chihuahua
- #053 situation: Code Pink
- #052 Got a real live one.
- #051 Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb...
- #050 Toothpick
- #049 Feel The Love
- #048 Heaven and Hell
- #047 Cthulhu's Folly
- #046 Chief Running Mouth
- #045 Cetacean Situation
- #044 Space Oddity
- #043 Red Five Red Alert
- #042 Heavy Lifting
- #041 Sardines and Canadian Bacon.
- #040 If you can make it here...
- #039 I say, old man...
- #038 Jack Chatter
- #037 Steampunk Sunset
- #036 Kicking Cancers Ass
- #035 Cup-A-Joe
- #034 Wonderbug
- #033 Pearly Gates
- #032 Skid Marks
- #031 Cretaceous Hijinx
- #030 Megalowhat?
- #029 Rhymes With Orange
- #028 unHappy Ending
- #027 Hard Feelings
- #026 Endangered Species
- #025 2 Girls 1 Movie
- #024 Sea Rations
- #023 Strange Love
- #022 Fwoosh!
- #021 Sign Of The Times
- #020 Where There's Smoke, There's Barbecue
- #019 Crooks Don't Smell Like Donuts
- #018 Ted, Just Admit It.
- #017 The Good Life
- #016 Highway Men
- #015 No Hole No Glory
- #014 Pocket Monster
- #013 Reasonable Remmy
- #012 Blood Over Miami
- #011 Political Science
- #010 Kick it Like The Kaiser
- #009 Smiling in Shackles
- #008 Pagoda Hut
- #007 Silent Scream
- #006 Puke it Like Posh
- #005 Ba-Doom
- #004 Deserted
- #003 Malarky
- #002 No More Secrets
- #001 Booty Call
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The funny thing is that a Gay shark wouldn't be that big of a deal. They often mate together with more than one male on a female.
Dark Pascual at
darth_paul at
I've been so busy that I've had to play a lot of "comic catch-up" anyway. Funny stuff as always man. :-D