Dragons Lords have been out of the picture for a while-only dragons remember the time when the dragon masters ruled them and the world. Whether or not the rest of world is brought to a rude remembrance is up to the actions of previously unconnected people
Mystery adventure involving people, aliens, futuristic stuff, swords, magic, and pies. Watch as the story sets itself up to ridiculous proportions using swearing, blind people, gunfights, blood, and pliers (eventually).
Two girls set out to flip the lights back on. Along the way some confusing things happen. Oh, it also takes place in an Asylum. Read Asylum Story. Updates monday-wednesday-friday.
A generation of Nerds, Geeks, and other(who else matters?) all mashed up together to kill thier bordem and dismantle society's rules by what else? Video Games, fights, relationships, and other choatic events created by the L337 teens of the town.
A state between death and resurrection. A place known as Purgatory. When redemption is you only chance at being saved, will you obey Heaven's everyword? After death before judgement is when our lives are truly measured.
When an insain android demon thing's brother gets kidnapped, his brain suddenly works, and he goes to get Megaman…And creates mass waves of chaos as he does.
Follow the stories of a Death Knight cow named Doom, and his fellow guild members as they not only survive the World Of Warcraft but each other. With Beer,Ganking, pants less cow's,and hot horde and alliance women.
The projection of a giant, pink walrus' mind on to electronic media. Also I hear it's a kind of sequel, but more in the sense of a graphics upgrade. No earlier knowledge of the series required. I also hear it's super funny and awesome.
The Emeralds are a Source of great power, However they lay dormant for thousands of years. Can Sonic and the others solve the mystery of these powerful relics of the past? Time will tell