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by Abuse2000

Adult, 5 pages, 4 likes

An adult comic with graphic imagery not suitable for minors.



by dylan627

Adult, 3 pages, 0 likes

When the world breaks out in a deadly desise the survivors must join forces to find the cure before the virus takes hold of thier life.



by Roxy_

Mature, 2 pages, 0 likes

A story of a special girl who can't cope with being special.



by Necrophia

Everyone, 1 page, 0 likes

Wonderland it's not cuteness and smiling cats.A corrupted world where Alice will enter in her own madness and try to return to her home before she loses something more than her mind.



by Jackle

Teen, 9 pages, 0 likes

Welcome to a the world where fear rules. Welcome to Phobia.

Four Score and Seven Bloody Axes

Four Score and Seven Bloody Axes

by CORY n Slang

Mature, 3 pages, 0 likes

Oh god! It's the future and a robot league of… robots… are rebelling! However, only one was strong enough to survive, and NOW he's out in the wilderness, lookin' for things to get a'choppin'!

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

by BushBumper

Everyone, 1 page, 0 likes

A man returning home from a vacation at his local Business office to find a disturbing and irrefutable truth that causes his life to spiral downwards into a inescapable darkness known as capitalism.

Spork I

Spork I

by eggink

Teen, 8 pages, 0 likes

BOOK ONE - THE M.P.H. MURDERS - A serial killer is on the loose in Enneytown, the third largest spork manufacturer in North America…

The Fiendish neighbour Funny Bunny

The Fiendish neighbour Funny Bunny

by NelsonNSC

Teen, 8 pages, 0 likes

A 6000 years old Vampire that was turned at the age of 16 Desperately tried to cure here immortality, and Genetically Modified Herself RAPID rabbit DNA. This made her able to walk during the daylight again, yet she is still immortal, and have Purplish skin and red eyes.

She now roams around the World Righting Wrongs around the World created by the Evil Ormon Order.

The Buried

The Buried

by daveman

Mature, 1 page, 0 likes

The Buried is a horror comic that puts a new twist on vampire mythology.

Phoenixed Reflection

Phoenixed Reflection

by Phoenixed

Mature, 1 page, 0 likes

This world has some pretty frightening things in it. When you're a vampire you have plenty of time to see them…

The Home Of The Homeless

The Home Of The Homeless

by cursedone

Adult, 12 pages, 1 like

A slasher tale about a local legend in a fictional town, supposably the spawn of Satan himself, luring people in the woods to complete a blood ritual so he can rise his FATHER from hell.

Tainted Origins

Tainted Origins

by TifaJilei

Teen, 4 pages, 2 likes

A family in danger from an inescapable evil force. A bloodline full of riddles and a side of comedy as well! Many unexpected events are to be seen as this story unravels the mystery of the families forgotten by time.

Resident Evil Destruction

Resident Evil Destruction

by Scourger Penguin

Mature, 1 page, 0 likes

The age of Destruction is coming. When the souls of the Universe come together, they form the most formidable enemy this planet has ever seen.
Only one man can stop this power.
Only one man can gain this power.
This one man…….Is our Savior

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper

by SataChild666

Everyone, 3 pages, 0 likes

A brutal story abut jack the ripper and it's kills.
NOTE: it's more violent than the real story…

know where you live kevin burn

know where you live kevin burn

by teg

Teen, 1 page, 0 likes

tell where u live how you eat and what u do kevcomes and your dreamy web comic My life as a sprite comic and on, you keep getting blammed under the user name "Neoskywalker"

SF saga chapter 1 Arsenic

SF saga chapter 1 Arsenic

by Psychotic Ink

Everyone, 1 page, 0 likes

Arsenic is the first chapter in the SF saga. Following an abused child, Chad Smith, as he searches for a man he knows only as "Zeke".

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