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Murder Castle

Murder Castle

by SkarletRose

Adult, 31 pages, 0 likes

Based on the True story of H.H.Holmes

A woman Lured by the charms of Holmes, wakes up in the infamous Murder castle, fearing for her life. can she escape the maze?



by jaymichaeljones

Teen, 1 page, 2 likes

GraveWorld is the story of two estranged friends who reunite in the wake of a mysterious discovery to stop a reality shattering cataclysmic event…. and in the process uncover the cosmos’ most closely guarded secrets.



by Sinister357

Everyone, 11 pages, 1 like

The story is all about a Detective named Kyle Hyde who faces the greatest tragedy of all, the loss of his family.
Kyle's fiance Ashley gets murdered in their own family house while Kyle is at the office.
What follows is the pain and hell on earth that Kyle goes through to uncover the mysterious assassin and his reason for the crime, but we also will uncover the dark secrets of Kyle's past.

The Book Of Akahana

The Book Of Akahana

by NickTSimeon02

Adult, 0 pages, 0 likes

The book of Akahana; is hand drawn dark humor/horror comic painted in a gothic ink like palette Akahana ; A socially challenged youth, from Japan ,harbors a demon in her home. This dark humor story entails her experiences and portal to the dark side.

Rick Mortis

Rick Mortis

by Mozzletoff

Teen, 1 page, 0 likes

This is the typical sort of zombie invasion story that everyone is used to but with one major difference; the roles of heros and villains are reversed. Told from the perspective of a group of zombies this is a humourous spin on zombies we are all used to.

The WhipperSnappers

The WhipperSnappers

by atomiceric

Mature, 1 page, 0 likes

A very infrequintly updated comic about mutant killer freaks and what they probably do when they arent killing people in the world of AtomicSaturday



by Ninja Krow

Mature, 3 pages, 0 likes

S.T.U.D (Specialized Tactical Undead Disposal) is a Civilian Secret Militia Formed to safeguard the living from the hoards of the undead. Like an Urban Ledgend their name is spoken, when zombies show their rotting face. STUD will put a bullet tough it!…

Blood Knight

Blood Knight

by foytheboy

Mature, 10 pages, 3 likes

A wandering vampire seeks to distance himself from the world, but finds that he may be the only person capable to fight the growing supernatural evils of the world.



by Monstrosity89

Everyone, 3 pages, 3 likes

Monstrosity is a story about Anoria she's a detective in Sparrowcrest….the day before graduating from the Police Academy her father dies in what appears to be an accident she later finds out that he was killed..After finding this out Anoria throws herself into her work determined to find out what happened to her father. Throughout her journey of trying to get justice for her father she encounters different entities on her search for answers.

The Depraved Tales The Boy who Lusted part 1

The Depraved Tales The Boy who Lusted part 1

by nomein

Mature, 1 page, 2 likes

Despite his relatively good life, Kyle tends to over think things. At the tender age of 16 he can't tell the difference between lust and love. Everything changes for him when a demon visits him at night and bestows him the power to have anyone he could ever want, at a price of course.

Future Tense

Future Tense

by Rastifan

Teen, 1 page, 7 likes

A frightening future where some people aren't safe at all.



by Luna_Maroon

Teen, 1 page, 1 like

Vigeau Maroon, a patient in an experimental research facility that strives to cure various phobias, is afraid of more than the dark; his Doctor. Trapped in his own nightmare, where the lights flicker and more people are disappearing, can you face your own Phobia?

Forgotten Porcelain

Forgotten Porcelain

by Shunsuke the Uke

Teen, 1 page, 0 likes

Naruto, a forgotten doll of porcelain, rests in wait for an escape from his delicate shell. Sasuke and Itachi have the power to release him, but of course they are ignorant. And then there's Kakashi… Naruto won't have it. He'll escape this cold place if the only way to break his spell is to murder Uchiha Sasuke: the bastard who has imprisoned him.

Children of The Dark Woods

Children of The Dark Woods

by ShinobuThePixie

Adult, 15 pages, 1 like

Elena Lugosi is a young vampire girl who on one fateful night has tragedy strike her. All of her hopes, dreams and those she held dear burnt away in flames. With no home to go back to, Elena escapes to a dark forest where she spends several months before meeting a young boy in need and finds new purpose in helping him deal with his inner demons.

Leftovers Comic

Leftovers Comic

by A_Lane

Mature, 0 pages, 0 likes

A comic about food trucks during the zombie apocalypse. Remember folks: eat fresh – not flesh!

16 Faces

16 Faces

by pheasant

Mature, 3 pages, 1 like

We follow a girl who gets lost and eventually stuck at the core of insanity. If you do not like gory, twisted comics, then please, please, please turn back now <3 Do beware that this is my first comic so far, so please be kind :3

Beast Graphic Novel

Beast Graphic Novel

by abarazi

Everyone, 4 pages, 0 likes

Psychedelic horror story about a young man who starts seeing the same nightmare he had two years ago which will lead into major changes in his life.

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