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by Seamen Comics

Everyone, 96 pages, 4 likes

Seamen is a fun comic with some adult humor and fun facts. I believe the character is unique and fun for everyone to enjoy.

UGG The Slayer

UGG The Slayer

by Zoltcrusher

Mature, 23 pages, 2 likes

UGG is a young teen who is working to become the strongest in the universe, while an unknown organisation is trying to stop him for an unknown reason Uggs Quest is to find out the truth behind the goal of this organisation and find a way to stop this mess and become the stongest!

Blue Phenomenon

Blue Phenomenon

by Luccia

Teen, 42 pages, 10 likes

Sadie's uneventful and miserable life as a shackled princess comes to a screeching halt as soon as her beloved golden statue is taken off of his pedestal. In an attempt to apprehend the thieves herself, she is instead launched into an adventure not quite like the ones in her story books.



by Megawacky_Max

Teen, 31 pages, 1 like

Welcome, Adventurer, to Azazel's sad life. Being a failed thief is no fun when you're forced to run away of towns, especially in the middle of the desert! But things can still go even worse for him…

The Drunk Duck Mafia CYOA

The Drunk Duck Mafia CYOA

by Niccea

Teen, 8 pages, 1 like

This is a choose your own adventure version of the mafia comic…it might take a while to be fully up and running, but I already have a script prepared…I just need to get in some nice pictures and what not.



by HomicidalPenguin

Teen, 47 pages, 4 likes

I was bored and decided to make a comic about a fisherman on a boat in a flooded world

Shadow Born

Shadow Born

by GunPowderRum

Teen, 59 pages, 3 likes

Growing up with her mom and Death in the Underworld, the easily excitable Zadie Gailes never has been a normal kid. Well that and the mysterious entity she can summon and fuse with, Dark Divine.

Her life becomes even stranger when shortly before her eight birthday, she awakens her powers as a Shadowborn: a soul attuned to destruction. Add in an impromptu “bring your daughter to work day” and, she’ll need to get a grip on them quickly to save herself and her father from those who want that power for themselves.



by saltydadcomics

Everyone, 21 pages, 3 likes

A monster that steals disabled children and helps them.A brutal baptiser of sorts .The creature is not gentle in his ways but has good intentions.

Tom and Drake

Tom and Drake

by Ryjia

Everyone, 41 pages, 1 like

This comic is readers choice! It is up to you to say where this comic is going by voting.

Tom and Drake are on unfriendly terms, they also happen to work together.



by scv01

Teen, 40 pages, 3 likes

Adventures of those who survived a solar cataclysm here on earth.

Mercenary Pig

Mercenary Pig

by arvtoon

Everyone, 33 pages, 1 like

Raised on a pig farm under deplorable conditions, one day Percy the Pig injests some nuclear swill and mutates into a walking, talking, thinking , humanoid pig, who decides to become a Mercenary Pig, specializing in animal rights infringements.

Eskimo Dave

Eskimo Dave

by th3rdworld

Everyone, 52 pages, 1 like

Follow Eskimo Dave and a wise cracking polar bear named Steve on their quest to save Dave's village from the forces of evil. New episodes of the series go up every Wednesday.

Bonzai Monster Hunters

Bonzai Monster Hunters

by Hero

Everyone, 31 pages, 0 likes

Lucky's just 13 and he's going into the family business. Unluckily for him they're in the business of capturing and rehabilitating dangerous monsters.



by ringmvn

Mature, 30 pages, 1 like


Dashis and Damon are partnered up as Toro Dorado,
a do-anything-for-a-fee business faced with some of the
most dangerous and sometimes ridiculous circumstances
in the criminal cities of New Haven
and Redastra (also known as Terminal city.)

The World Robot Competition

The World Robot Competition

by ALL

Teen, 112 pages, 0 likes

Based on a fan-fic from Anthony "A-Log" LoGatto and Kerry J. Global Response Unit XJ-9 (aka Jenny) partakes in an all-robot fighting competition. Will she be able to get through the competition in one piece? Illustrated by Glen Bosiwang.

Vinnie and Debrah

Vinnie and Debrah

by Dexter

Teen, 19 pages, 1 like

The life of Vinnie and Debrah. Who can neither live with nor without eachother. Irregular updates and currently on a hold, but I'm planning to start updating again as soon as I find the time to do it…

Prismatic Vodka

Prismatic Vodka

by Tinkerbell

Teen, 33 pages, 1 like

The misadventures of a cat and his bottle of magic vodka.
Albino Black Bears, Cannibal Coffee ninjas, Treasure-hunting aliens, insane demons and Mysterious Cloak Guy included.

Red Star Yingo

Red Star Yingo

by BS7

Everyone, 19 pages, 2 likes

Long ago, a young Yingo boy was resting under a tree eating delicious berries until a strange sphere landed on the berry in his hands. Outta curiosity, the Yingo examined the mysterious spherical stone as it proceeded to glow and reveal itself as a living creature. After awhile of examining this mysterious being, the Yingo was greeted by two individuals. A woman and a elderly old man. They demanded that the Yingo would give the sphere to them immediately. Outta confusion, the Yingo asked why, but they refused to answer. The Yingo then ran away with the Stone so far into the woods that they came across a village. What or who lies in this Village? Find out in this Volume of Red Star Yingo!

Sell Outs

Sell Outs

by Terralopod

Teen, 114 pages, 7 likes

Sell Outs!!! is an American Ska band from Cool World, California formed by Ukulele & Lead Vocalist Leo Toriyama, comprising of his friends: bassist Ariel Ace, horn section Gulliver Ace, and Drummer Gene Kat. Follow these musicians and their fighting monsters known as Amps as they journey and fight to make it in the music biz!

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