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by Weirdo

Everyone, 7 pages, 0 likes

About the realasion ship between a father and his daughtor.

A Trainer Name Mishiru

A Trainer Name Mishiru

by XxVampNekoxX

Everyone, 3 pages, 0 likes

This story will fallow a pokemon trainer name Mishiru and her adventures to be come a Pokemon master. With some miss half's one the way.

The Book Club

The Book Club

by Gothicgeek666

Adult, 9 pages, 0 likes

…umm.. A group of girls (4) that are the leader’s of "The Book Club" but in reality it’s a secret assassin's club.
…That’s the best I’ve got as a short description. XD

Grand Adventures of JAR

Grand Adventures of JAR

by arcanehylian

Everyone, 20 pages, 0 likes

Three heroes realize they are part of a bigger story than just their own lives. A prophecy summons them to go destroy evil along with other mysterious warriors from around the land…it's up to them to stop it. But can they?



by Pandemic

Teen, 4 pages, 0 likes

You have a plate. On this plate you have a huge steak, big mashed potatoes, and some carrots. These things represent Pandemic. Action is the steak, story is the mashed potatoes, and humor is the carrots.

No Vacancies

No Vacancies

by Coelurus

Teen, 2 pages, 0 likes

The story of some lodgers. No catch. Unless you consider ravenous demons, the impending apocalypse and parallel universes, a catch…

Monkafunk Comics

Monkafunk Comics

by monkafunkcomics

Teen, 1 page, 0 likes

A middle-aged alcoholic ninja and his goody-two-shoes son eat cereal, go to flea markets, and occasionally fight evil!

Mad Hat

Mad Hat

by wwagoner

Mature, 5 pages, 0 likes

Poland, 1939. Three small times embark on an existential epic.

Puffball MANIA

Puffball MANIA

by Puffs

Teen, 2 pages, 0 likes

WARNING: Rated T for a reason.
May contain animated blood and cursing.

When Kirby thinks he wins a prize in a gameshow hosted by "Mario", he takes a pipe into a whole other universe? Will he find his way out?

Bob Wars

Bob Wars

by CuirDail1

Everyone, 3 pages, 0 likes

Bob is a creature who faces many dangers in order to save the world.



by fre4kduo

Everyone, 12 pages, 1 like

A fast-paced experimental comic about some freaks having freaky adventures. Join the freakness!

Lost at the Earths Sore

Lost at the Earths Sore

by bordner

Everyone, 63 pages, 0 likes

Lost on a 1931 expedition,Mina Pane is caught in a time poartal and was transported back into a prehistoric age on Danger!

Time to Shine

Time to Shine

by Dachampster

Everyone, 2 pages, 0 likes

The Pokémon Comic where you step back… to Hoenn!
Meet new and old friends, like Steven, Roxanne, Professor Birch, and others.

The Fuhrer And The Tramp

The Fuhrer And The Tramp

by SeanLukeMcCard

Teen, 21 pages, 3 likes

Charlie Chaplin - comic, filmmaker, and raconteur - didn't become the world's biggest star by courting controversy, but when he comes face-to-face with the horrors of Hitler, he feels compelled to get off the sidelines and get involved.



by KaWooHoo

Teen, 1 page, 0 likes

After the most powerful nuclear bomb in the world wiped out 60% of the population in 3010, humanity desperately tried to keep order, but ultimately failed. Now in the year 4050, the landscape is mostly a desert in a chaotic world with no laws or restrictions. However, a teenage girl named Melody plans to take out the most ruthless and feared man on the planet (who calls himself The Walker) in order to bring balance and law to the world. But it's a dangerous journey that she won't face alone, as she's accompanied by two friends, a thief named Derek and a Magician named Puff. Can the group actually re-shape the world to become like ours today again? Find out by: READING THE COMIC!!!

Cosmic Crusader

Cosmic Crusader

by jacksheen0000

Everyone, 1 page, 0 likes

Bryan (Cosmic Crusader) was an ordinary typical guy who dreams were to become a member of the most notorious fighter pilot team called the UFO (Untied Flight Org.). Unlike the other cadets, Bryan always had a difficult time proving himself as a pilot.

Codename Sabotage

Codename Sabotage

by PaulLavallee

Teen, 6 pages, 6 likes

This is an action-packed story, featuring the debut of the feared assasin; Sabotage! This is a straight-up action comic, mixed in with a bit of humor and drama. Enjoy! Updates on Sundays.

Freedom Wills the comic

Freedom Wills the comic

by Mary D Kidd

Teen, 12 pages, 0 likes

Looking through the barrier that keeps you apart from the world you dream to know eventually can drive you crazy to act… but are you strong enough to face the challenges? Janie is a young woman who dives head first into the unknown, will she be able to withstand the dangers?

Justifiable Means

Justifiable Means

by Sainan

Teen, 3 pages, 0 likes

A War Hero decides to declare war to the World to achieve his dream: A Global State.

The Adventures of Masterchief and Megaman

The Adventures of Masterchief and Megaman

by Rudy

Everyone, 3 pages, 0 likes

This is a comic series involving two heroes that go by the name of "Masterchief" and "Megaman." In this RANDOM comic series in which does follow-up a strange plot they will face the journeys in which lead them to saving the world.

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