
Celestial sphere fanart

Author notes

Celestial sphere fanart


Well this is mostly here to let you know the comic isn't dead ;^^. Several irritating things have led to a stop in the comic pages, one of them being my laptop still not working properly. I will start on my comic as soon as possible, but'll take a while, still I've got my sketches and pages finished (I've got the story planned far far ahead, so that's the least of my problems). If all else fails I might try to convince my brother to lend his scanner to me and make a hand drawn page..

About the fanart, it's for the comic Celestial Sphere
, go read it ;), it's great. The fanart is made in paint, with one very crappy and clunky school mouse >>, I messed up on the face and eyes, but looky at the hair, it's shiny ^^.

Some of you might have noticed a change in background already, it's old, but it's something, I'll probably update it with a better version as soon as I'll be able to get a page up. Thank you for the patience ;^^.


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