- FI pg. 33 - Please Try Again
- FI pg.32 - The root of the issue
- FI pg.31
- Filler: Milky Way
- Pg. 30 - "eternal" is a strong word
- Filler: Dark Dragon
- FI Pg.29 - Slight Discomfort
- FI Pg.28 - Nevermind. Dream small.
- FI Pg.27 - Dream Big
- FI Pg.26 - The first major plot twist...
- Treasure n' rum!
- Random quotes: Needs some anti-coagulent
- FI Pg.25 - Some advanced culture
- Dragon
- FI Pg. 24 "Realist"
- FI Pg. 23 Over-reaction
- FI Pg. 22 Willpower
- "rawr" maens "I luv u"
- FI Pg. 21 Sparkly! Attaaaaaaaaack!!!
- FI Pg. 20 How long has THAT been there?
- FI pg. 19 So much for clean fur...
- Name that song!
- I'm a terrible person...
- FI Pg. 18 A tight situation
- FI Pg. 17 A sight to remember
- Aces high photoshop experiment
- FI pg. 16 Fish?
- Happy prank day!
- FI pg. 15 We're screwed
- Rock star
- FI pg.14 Not easy!
- FI pg.13 what a grouch!
- Filler #2
- FI pg. grammer diminishing experiences
- FI pg.11 trouble on the horizon
- FI pg.10 the aventure starts here
- filler #1 "cute" catgirl
- FIpg.9 though it shines it gives off no light
- FIpg.8 Partay!
- FIpg.7 prank day
- FIpg.6 like a sponge
- FIpg.5 he's a fungi
- FI pg.4introductions
- FI pg.3 they're perfect
- FIpg.2 trees have ears
- FI pg.1 Deities
- FI title
Author notes
I've seen too many cute catgirls who are more trouble than they're worth. I thought it was time for a badass catgirl! This charecter may actually pop up in another comic I'm designing, but not yet.
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