first immortals

FI pg. 16 Fish?

Author notes

FI pg. 16 Fish?


Hi! I finally got it finished! And even better, I will be posting much more often now! Unfortunately, That also means there will be alot less color on the pages. I've decided that it takes just way too long to draw and color my pages in photoshop, so I'm drawing them by hand and scanning them in. There will still be some color. A blotch here and there, but mostly they will be shaded because I don't have the time or the skills to be coloring the whole thing. The upside is that I can draw much better with a pencil so the quality of the drawings will be better. I might start coloring them again when I get better with photoshop. It gives you something to hope for. Please do not come to my door with torches and pitchforks. At least let me get one page up. It should be done by the end of the week at the most.


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