first immortals

I'm a terrible person...

Author notes

I'm a terrible person...


This is a character I designed a while ago. It also explains why I haven't been able to update on time. You see, I came up with this on my own, which is strange 'cuz usually I have help from a close friend of mine whom you know, but not very well yet. He helped me ull this oneoff cuz I don't quite the ninja skills to sneak around unnoticed in the room of a sleeping demon who is fairly paranoid and for good reason. After we heard him yell, I booked it and hoped to god that my friend (who was on th floor laughing hysterically) would be blamed fully for this as he is usually to fault anyway. So I spent the weekend hiding in my mother's closet under a blanket while my friends slipped food in to me every once in a while.

This picture is open to rating on the sexy-o-meter. So far he's got a 10.5 (the scale only goes up 2 10), a 6 from someone who never actually looked at the picture properly, and another 10 from someone who had preveously also given a 6 for the same reasons as before but changed it after she took a second look.


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