first immortals

FI Pg. 24 "Realist"

Author notes

FI Pg. 24 "Realist"


Continuity error! I looked back at some of the first ones I did and noticed some bits that don't seem to make sense anymore. Where are their necklaces? I decided to get rid of them. They are now only temporary plot glue. Where did Creo's earrings go? I forgot to add them. Miraculously, this time I remembered. If you have any other questions about Problems with plot and such, plese note them. It may just be an honest mistake. I don't plan to fix any of this stuff. I am way to lazy to do that. This also explains the lack of gusto in my plans to commit homocide upon the internet guys who drop by and turn off the neighborhoods internet about once a week.

P.S Roasted mealworms taste like corn nuts. We have two confirmations out of two tastings on this fact, but still no one believes us. What gives? They're good!


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