first immortals

Pg. 30 - "eternal" is a strong word

Author notes

Pg. 30 - "eternal" is a strong word


Figgerd it out! I'm probably going to colour from now on cuz I need practice at shading. Anyway, now that I've got photoshop working again, I can update regularly again. Speaking of regular update, READ THIS because it is important. I'm seriously thinking of starting another comic that links to this one, but is 75 million years in the future, present day. It will be awsome and sassy, but I need to make sure I can keep regular updates for both comics. Solution, I'll test it for a couple pages (probably five or so) and I'll start posting the second one if it works out, or I have enough pages made up to update regularly for a while. If I do decide to start it up, this comic will be called "Firefly Illusion" and will be my contribution to the manga world. More information will be released soon.


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