- FI pg. 33 - Please Try Again
- FI pg.32 - The root of the issue
- FI pg.31
- Filler: Milky Way
- Pg. 30 - "eternal" is a strong word
- Filler: Dark Dragon
- FI Pg.29 - Slight Discomfort
- FI Pg.28 - Nevermind. Dream small.
- FI Pg.27 - Dream Big
- FI Pg.26 - The first major plot twist...
- Treasure n' rum!
- Random quotes: Needs some anti-coagulent
- FI Pg.25 - Some advanced culture
- Dragon
- FI Pg. 24 "Realist"
- FI Pg. 23 Over-reaction
- FI Pg. 22 Willpower
- "rawr" maens "I luv u"
- FI Pg. 21 Sparkly! Attaaaaaaaaack!!!
- FI Pg. 20 How long has THAT been there?
- FI pg. 19 So much for clean fur...
- Name that song!
- I'm a terrible person...
- FI Pg. 18 A tight situation
- FI Pg. 17 A sight to remember
- Aces high photoshop experiment
- FI pg. 16 Fish?
- Happy prank day!
- FI pg. 15 We're screwed
- Rock star
- FI pg.14 Not easy!
- FI pg.13 what a grouch!
- Filler #2
- FI pg. grammer diminishing experiences
- FI pg.11 trouble on the horizon
- FI pg.10 the aventure starts here
- filler #1 "cute" catgirl
- FIpg.9 though it shines it gives off no light
- FIpg.8 Partay!
- FIpg.7 prank day
- FIpg.6 like a sponge
- FIpg.5 he's a fungi
- FI pg.4introductions
- FI pg.3 they're perfect
- FIpg.2 trees have ears
- FI pg.1 Deities
- FI title
Author notes
The letter is kinda hard to read. It says: From this moment on, you will be immortal. You must leave behind all ties to your world. Your family, friends, and species. Any practiced traditions are no longer relevant. Your names are forfeit and will be replaced. your forms can be adjusted to something more practical when you are more used to your powers.
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