OK, let's try this again.
I need an artist, for a fantasy story-type comic. I don't know how long it will be, but it will be long. Like, pretty damn long.
I'll be open to whatever suggestions you throw at me.
If you need more info, try and find my old thread.

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Artist Needed for Major Crossover Comic(revived)
do you need a artist or writer? first u speak of needing an artist, but then in the second posting u mention writing, or was u speaking in general of the creation of a comic? anyway, i am guessing u mean/need an artist. good luck my regular artist, who is my brother is taking some time off, he is training to be a pro wrestler, sooo ive been looking for an artist for brokk bloodaxe and the hellsword, but to no avail as of yet, so once again good luck. oh, if you post some script and descriptions you might hav ebetter luck snagin a artist if they know what their jumoin into since u dont have anything for them to reference yet.
As I said, I did originally explain these things in the first thread. The reason I created a second one was because no one was posting in the first and I thought that no one would see it.
I'll have the script for the first comic up tomorrow. I'll explain things again then.
OK, here's the first script.
Panel 1: *a shadowed city, with a silhouette jumping across the tops of buildings*
Narrator: Some people would call me arrogant. And, considering what I call
myself, they have good reason.
Panel 2: *silhouette stops*
Narrator: They believe the title I carry is one of arrogance, not truth. Because,
who would believe it?
Panel 3: *zooms in, shows long, black cloak*
Narrator: Who would believe that a god would walk among mortals? That's
only in the storybooks, right?
Panel 4: *shows black gloves*
Narrator: It would probably blow their minds if they knew how wrong they
Panel 5: *shows armored boots*
Narrator: The title means more to me now than it did before. It's probably
because of how….different I am now.
Panel 6: *shows a stick on the silhouette's back*
Narrator: I can smell whatever they feel, hear what they think, and see into
the darkest corners of their minds.
Panel 7: *shows a pair of green eyes, with a scar running down the left one*
Narrator: Before, I only carried the title of "god". But now…..
*second bubble*
Narrator: I feel as though I really am one.
As I said before, the story is about a god named Toki. He works with a group of gods, under the order of Death(think Sandman). He spends his time completing missions throughout the multiverse, while seeking revenge against a monster.
The story begins after he completes his revenge, so as to avoid the "brooding loner" stereotype.
Because this takes place in the multiverse, the following series of anime/manga/video games will appear:
Teen Titans(TV Show)
Azumanga Daioh
Fullmetal Alchemist
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
More will be added when I think of them.
PQ me if you want more info.
Here's the next script:
Panel 1: *shows main character, in black bodysuit, with black gloves, a black cloak
with a red inside, silver-black leg armor, a scythe with a red blade in a sheath on characters back, character has spiky brown hair, and green
eyes with scar running down his left*
Narrator: My name is Toki Karite.
*second bubble*
Narrator: I am the God of Time.
This is meant to be a splash page that introduces the main character fully.
Short, I know.
Script number 3:
Panel 1: *shows silhouette of Toki's head, fades to flashback, white area with white
desk in centre, Toki standing across from desk, second person sitting
behind it.*
Person: So, how do you feel?
Panel 2: *Toki, with grin on face*
Toki: Incredible. That bit of training helped a lot. I feel like I could take on the
world ten times over!
Panel 3: *second person revealed to be Death from Sandman, pretty goth girl
with smile on face*
Death: Well, knowing you, you would if I let you.
Panel 4: *Toki's expression changes to sarcastic*
Toki: Haha. You are so funny. Now, c'mon boss. Why am I here?
Panel 5: *Death moves some papers*
Death: I hope you're ready for this mission, 'cause it's a biggie.
Panel 6: *Toki raises an eyebrow*
Toki: How so?
Panel 7: *Death's expression changes to serious*
Death: We found him.
*second bubble, Toki*
Toki: Who?
Panel 8: *silhouette of both Toki and Death*
Death: Our worst enemy.
*second bubble*
Death: Trigon the Terrible.
Introduction to Death, who, if you've read Sandman, is not what everyone expects her to be.
Also a beginning of an explanation of Toki's current mission.
As I said before, PQ me if you're interested. Include some of your previous artwork so that I'll know what this will look like.
Next script up:
Panel 1: *shows Trigon from Teen Titans, roaring*
Narrator: Trigon was a name that I was all too familiar with. He was a
demon of almost limitless power. Heck, even Satan got nervous when he
was around, or so I've heard.
Panel 2: *Trigon crushes a planet with his hand*
Narrator: He especially delighted in taking over worlds. He would do so…
Panel 3: *Trigon standing over smaller demons*
Narrator: …by creating children, who he would then use as portals into the
world of his choice. His presence alone was enough to wipe out a world.
Panel 4: *silhouette of Trigon, standing between portals*
Narrator: Because he existed between dimensions, it was impossible to
actually find him. What Death meant was that she had found one of his
children. The question is…
Panel 5: *shows Titans Tower, at nighttime*
Narrator: …which one did she find?
More explination of Toki's current, and quite possibly his most important mission.
Need more information? Don't hesitate to PQ me!
And now, Mambo Numbah 5:
Panel 1: *shows Toki on building looking down*
Narrative Toki: So, what do you want me to do?
Narrative Death: Trigon seeks to take over this world in particular because
of all the superpowered beings in it.
Panel 2: *see silhouettes of Titans approaching*
Narrative Death: He believes that the different beings would be good slaves
for him. As such, he wants to wait until as many of them as possible appear.
Panel 3: *group shot of all five Titans: Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg*
Narrative Toki: What can you tell me about the child?
Narrative Death: Not much. She's very good at hiding herself, indicating that
she may have superpowers of her own.
Panel 4: *zoom in on Toki's eyes*
Narrative Toki: And if I find her?
Narrative Death: Keep close to her. Make sure Trigon's minions never get
to her.
Narrative Toki: Understood.
Narrative Death: And Toki?
Panel 5: *zoom in on Toki's scythe, the blade gleams slightly*
Narrative Death: If worse comes to worse……do what's necessary.
Narrative Toki: ………very well.
Almost at an action scene.
C'mon people! Throw me a freakin' bone, here!
Panel 1: *background changes to inside of warehouse, Titans on right and Jinx,
Gizmo, and Mammoth on the left, staring each other down*
Narrator: I watched the fight for a while, just to understand who was who.
Panel 2: *switches to Titans*
Narrator: The more colourful group appeared to be the good guys, with
the most colourful being the leader.
Panel 3: *switches to HIVE members*
Narrator: While the more drab were the bad guys, their crime being
simple: theft, specifically of gold.
Panel 4: *switches to silhouette of Toki in the rafters*
Narrator: Now that it was clear who was who, it became clear who to
Panel 5: *shows big grin*
Narrator: I can't help but smile.
*second bubble*
Narrator: I've been waiting for a chance to use this line.
Panel 6: *cuts back to HIVE members*
Gizmo: OK, scrum-buffers! Enough messing around! Prepare to be-
Panel 7: *gold bar is flung at Gizmo's head from his right*
*sound effect* WHACK!!
Gizmo: DAH!
Panel 8: *silhouette of Toki lands at side*
Gizmo: Hey!
Panel 9: *silhouette stands up*
Narrator: Showtime.
Panel 10: *Toki appears*
Toki: "The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him…"
And here we go!
Doesn't anyone want to see this awesome action scene come to life?
Lucky number 7:
Panel 1: *shows HIVE students, surprised and angry*
Gizmo: Who the scrudge are you?!
Panel 2: *Toki locks hands behind his head*
Toki: Oh, no one special. Just someone who's generally concerned about
the good guys.
Panel 3: *missiles pop out around Gizmo*
Gizmo: Oh yeah? Well, let me show you what happens when someone
butts in on us!
Panel 4:*missiles fire, hit Toki*
Panel 5:*cloud of smoke appears where Toki was*
Gizmo: HA! The cludge-head didn't even move!
Panel 6:*Gizmo is suddenly surprised*
Gizmo: Huh? Wha-…..no way!
Panel 7:*smoke clears, Toki stands there, unharmed, brushes off some dust*
Toki: No, no. You got it all wrong. Here, I'll show what's supposed to happen.
Panel 8:*Toki vanishes*
Panel 9:*Gizmo is confused, doesn't see Toki reappear behind him*
Gizmo: How'd he-
Panel 10:*Toki elbows Gizmo on top of head*
Gizmo: Uk!
Panel 11:*Gizmo collapses, Jinx and Mammoth stare at Gizmo's body*
Panel 12:*Toki stands*
Toki: The good guys are supposed to win, and the bad guys are
supposed to lose.
It's on now!
Here we go again!
Panel 1: *Mammoth lunges at Toki from behind*
Mammoth: GRAARR!!!
Panel 2: *Toki vanishes*
Mammoth: Again?
Panel 3: *Toki reappears behind Mammoth*
Toki: Say, big guy.
Mammoth: Huh?
Toki: I'm guessing you're into wrestling?
Panel 4: *Mammoth glances back*
Mammoth: Yeah, so?
Panel 5: *Toki grins*
Toki: Well, in that case..
Panel 6: *Toki gets Mammoth in a full nelson*
Toki: …you'll like this move.
Panel 7: *while holding Mammoth, Toki leaps backwards*
Mammoth: Whoa!
Toki: Hup!
Panel 8: *Toki slams Mammoth headfirst into ground behind him*
Toki: Dragon Suplex!
Kinda short, and that last bit was a bit cheesy, but it's still good!
I'll give you a script critique.
You may run into trouble with this fan comic, since Teen Titans and Gaiman's Death, etc, are such prominent copyrights. I doubt it though.
However, what you have shown here smells a lot like total Mary Sue. You may not get any quality artists volunteering to help you. When a new character appears suddenly, and starts barging around in other copyright universes and beating ppl up, the Mary Sue points index goes up by about +500 I think.
Also, the properties you're paying homage to… and the way you're doing it… also may not attract any quality artists.
That's my opinion. Sorry.
Hmmmm. You bring up many interesting points.
First off, I plan on having a list on a seperate page, saying that this belongs to such-and-such, etc, etc. Just to avoid copyright issues.
Second, I realize that my character does have Mary Sue-ish qualities, and one would think that, especially once I reveal his powers. However, he does have weaknesses, both powerwise and mentally, so it may even out(I'm not 100% sure).
Finally, I haven't really written down exactly how each and every comic is going to go. I have the basic storyline in my head(have for years now), and I'm just now dividing it up into seperate comics. As such, some might seem a bit cheesy, while others may be great.
Hopefully, I'll improve as I go along. Only time will tell, though.
First off, I plan on having a list on a seperate page, saying that this belongs to such-and-such, etc, etc. Just to avoid copyright issues.It doesn't matter. You don't have permission to use them. If DC wants to shut you down at DD because of Teen Titans, they can do it no matter what. Again, I doubt they'll bother you, though.
However, he does have weaknessesIt doesn't matter if he's allergic to kryptonite. The point is, the basic format of your story is "My own superhero flies around various copyright worlds and helps the heroes there and beats up the villains there." This basic concept is complete Mary Sue.
Hopefully, I'll improve as I go along. Only time will tell, though.I have no doubt you'll improve. But, I think your time will be better spent on a more worthwhile story concept. I don't mean to shoot down a story concept you've "had for years." But that's my advice.
Regardless, I'd be fairly confident that it will be very difficult for you to find a good artist with this story concept, here on DD.
You're absolutely right. It will be difficult to find an artist willing to help me with this.
But, that does not mean it's impossible. I truly do believe that someone would be interested in this.
It's not about whether or not it will be popular. I don't care about that. What I care about is getting this story out there, for those who would like it.
If they don't like my story, not my problem. I'm not forcing them to read it. It's their decision, not mine.
So, I'm not giving up.
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