Calling all comickers! Calling all comickers! We are go for launch and need content for this project. We are here to provide the best and the worst of comicking basics and tropes. Our goal is to show how to do and not to do things in webcomics. If we've kept your interest so far read on!
Take a look at our inspiration for this project to get some ideas of for the categories we will be doing. We also want you to note how often it treads the same ground and only provides bad examples of doing things. We don't wanna do that. Each category will run from the first of the month to the last of the month, and we'll post submissions from the second week of the month to the first of the next. Be creative, be funny, but, most of all, have fun. We want you guys to enjoy this as much as we will.
You can PQ me or Jninjashadow with your submissions.
Anyway, here's the rules.
1. All submissions must be PQ'd to either Jninjashadow or Salsa (me). I've even included links to do that at the beginning of this post. Any submissions here or on the other thread (which I used to get help for this and is not really needed now) will no be posted.
2. All submissions must include a web-resolution image file of the comic. This is about making comics. If you're image is still big after reducing the image you may include a link, but it must have some way to get to the image file. Also, only one image file per submission. This makes it easier on us and evens the playing field for those who have a strip as opposed to a story, or are posting examples of a strip as opposed to a story.
3. All Submissions must be your own work and you must own the copyright to the comic. We will take submissions that you don't own, but only if the original owner contacts and gives us permission to use his or her work. We would really like to not get sued for copyright infringement.
4. Submissions must be for the month's category. We hope this is a no brainer, but you never know. In addition to categories, we a splitting them up into bad examples and good examples. Bad examples are taken during the first half of the month, and good examples during the second half of the month. Exceptions will be noted in the post for the category here and on the comic homepage.
5. If you include commentary on your own submission, please do something more than, "This suxx0rz s0 bad. lololololol!!!1!!!11!1111!!!" This is project's goal is to provide the DrunkDuck Community a repository of good and bad examples of comicking basics and tropes. If you include commentary, make sure that it points out the good and bad points of the comic and why it's a good/bad example of the current category.
6. Be original in your submissions. This is one of the problems that HNTRAC suffered from. Many of the submissions covered the same territory over and over again. Please help us to avoid this by submitting something different from what is currently up if you submit later in the half of the month.
That's pretty much it for the rules, we'll add any if we see a need and hope that you have fun. Again, categories will be announced here and on the Comic's homepage.
remember to have fun. We'd hate for this to bore y'all.
Submissions will be posted as fast as we can process them. This means that if you what to see something new, submit something! :) Cheers and happy comicking.