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Crifmer interviews jgib99!

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This interview is conducted by crifmer!

Username: jgib99
Comics: How Unfortunate

So what prompted you to do a webcomic? What led you to do a comic at all, much less one on the internet?

I've always loved drawing. I used to draw a lot of very unfunny comic strips when I was a kid. I never tried to do anything really serious with my artwork until my 20's. I tried sending in some submissions and story ideas with no luck. For a few years, I wasn't doing much drawing. Then one day, I was surfing the net, I came across this site called Digital Webbing. At the time, they had an online comics directory. That's where I saw webcomics like Demonology 101 and The Front. Then soon I came up with an idea for my first webcomic, The Nature of the Beast. It didn't last very long. Not very long after that, I started making the story for How Unfortunate.

Why How Unfortunate? I'm interested in the ideas and inspiration that led to this comic in particular.

How Unfortunate is actually a combination of a few comic ideas I had. The two main ideas were from stories based on the (mis)adventures of two unlucky detectives running into unusual cases. And the second was a Dirty Dozen-styled story with super powered criminals who have to help catch criminals to avoid spending the rest of their lives in prison. The two ideas eventually got mixed together. Its worked out pretty good so far.

How did you find Drunk Duck, and why decide to use it to host your comic?

I found out about Drunk Duck through Buzzcomix. I clicked on a comic (Can't remember the name of it) and the comic was hosted by DD. I then checked out some of the other comics on the site like Charby, Elijah and Azuu, etc.

I know a little about HTML. But not enough to make a decent website. So when I started HU, I decided to use both Drunk Duck and SmackJeeves. But right now, I only use DD. The community is much friendlier and more willing to give you help and feedback than SJ.

What was the first comic that really made an impression on you?

The first print comic that really impressed me was The X-Men: God Loves, Man Destroys graphic novel. It was the first comic story that wowed me.

Where did the title How Unfortunate come from? I know it's the case designation, but how did you come up with that name? It doesn't seem to be related to anything going on in the comic, really. Or is that something we'll have to wait to find out?

I know it doesn't seem like the title really goes with what's going on with the characters so far. But things will start to really get Unfortunate for our main characters as the story goes on. So, believe me, in the end, How Unfortunate will be quite an accurate title. Truthfully, I had a hell of a time thinking of a title for the comic. I had other ideas for titles, but none of them seemed to go well with the story.

I'm always interested in why and how a creator picks which tone best suits the comic. Why did you go for an M rated comic? It seems to me that How Unfortunate would work just as well as a T+ or E comic. Why include the language and (all too brief) nudity?

I've thought about toning down on the language. There hasn't been as many F-bombs in the last few chapters as there was in the beginning of the comic. If it was just about the language, I would just put the @#*##! Stuff where the profanity would be to lower it to a T+. But there's a few reasons why HU has an M rating. Mainly because of gory scenes and yes, some nude scenes, coming up in this chapter and others in the future.

Who are some of your influences, writing and art-wise?

Art-wise. I've always been a fan of and been influenced by Alan Davis. I've always loved his work in Excalibur. My work is also somewhat influenced by some of the old school anime like Speed Racer. My writing influence, I'd have to say Warren Ellis. I'm also a big fan of Brian Bendis.

What do you do for a living? Obviously, you're not making money from a free comic on Drunk Duck. What do you enjoy doing when you're not working on your comic?

I do inventory work at a warehouse. Nothing really exciting. Its really kinda boring. When I'm not working on my comic. I catch up on some TV. Read my favorite comics at DD. Complain when my Philly sports teams lose (Yes, I'm a boo-bird). Go on dates. And hang with friends.

Taking a cue from James Lipton, what is your favorite curse word?

I'm going to go with Pussy. It has a nice soothing sound to it. And it always puts a smile on my face. Plus Fuck is just used too much.

Finally, the weird closing question: If you could be any esoteric personality question (e.g. "if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"), which personality question would you be?

I would have to go with, 'If you were a Looney Tune character, which character would you be?'. And the answer to that question…Wile E. Coyote. We both have the same type of luck when it comes to working with gadgets (Although I haven't fallen off of any cliffs, yet).

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Excellent interview! I think "How Unfortunate" just made it onto my favorites list. :)

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definitely a fun interview.
so great questions and some interesting enlightening answers. :)

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Very cool interview. Good questions!

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