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Moonlight meanderer
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Critique Trade!

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I don't think I've ever done this on DD, but for me it's a great way to get feedback and also to read a bunch of new webcomics! :)

If you critique one of my comics I'll critique your comic. I'm pretty serious about giving critiques, so don't expect me to half-ass it, or to say only nice things, or be excessively mean. I give thought out honest opinions aimed at helping you improve.

As a show of good faith I'll critique the first person to respond without them having to critique me.

Don't feel you have to be nice when critiquing me, I'm looking for honest feedback, not lip service. Also you only get what you give. If your critique is "I like jokes" don't expect three pages from me critiquing your comic. But if you take the time to post your opinion I'll return the favor. Just post your critique and a link to your comic and I'll post my critque of your comic as a response.

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This is on House of Muses

First impressions:

I'm not to keen on the pre-rendered 3D-dolls this comic uses instead of art. It kills the comic stylistically and makes characters look stiff and their eyes look dead. It's a problem of the medium, I sort-of feel this way about all comics I see that use this tool. They just aren't very visually appealing, and with a comic like this that is basically talking heads, it does not help pull in the reader.
Zombie Hunters is an example of a comic that really uses this tool well. She basically draws over the 3D dolls so her prespective and everything is correct, but she can still make the faces as expressive as she needs them to be.

The comic has a oppressive amount of text, especially right off the bat, which can be unappealing for new readers. I haven't read enough yet to comment on the quality of the writing so I'll come back to that in a couple days. For all the reasons I've listed above, this story might be better suited to a narrative format instead of sequential art. You could create a more colorful and vibrant story by just using adjectives instead of pictures. Do the pictures really add to the story? If the answer is no, then maybe you should be working on a novel instead of a comic.

On a technical note, your speech bubbles are strangling your text. I've had this problem myself in the past, you really need to open them up and give the text a little breathing room. It looks like you're using "Digital Strips" as your font, which for me is just barely a step above "Comic Sans." It doesn't add any personality to your comic and seems dry and almost incorrect for a comic set in ancient Greece. It's great for things like the prologue pages, but for dialogue it feels hollow. Slight variations on font can serve as emphasis for things like tone and character traits, don't limit yourself to just Bold and not-bold.

I'll come back later with a critique of the story!

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I get a malware warning when I visit your site, that's encouraging.

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I just found out about this yesterday! Please no one else go to the site until I post it fixed.

I'm going to have to rebuild like the entire thing, there's an iframe in my source code and I have no idea where to remove it.


Posted at

I just found out about this yesterday! Please no one else go to the site until I post it fixed.

I'm going to have to rebuild like the entire thing, there's an iframe in my source code and I have no idea where to remove it.


If you have the firebug extention for Firefox, or able to view the source of the page, do a search for the iframe with the find function.

Posted at

Unfortunately the site is built on PHP and stylesheets so it's not as simple as CTRL+F and then deleting the offending code. Somewhere in the coding it inserts a loop around to a file I didn't create but looks identical to all my other files that inserts the code into the displayed page.

I needed to clean up my web design anyway, but now I know what I'm spending my weekend doing :/

Posted at

Google unblocked me, so I don't think the malware on my site is malicious… I think it just generates spam in my comments section. It should be safe to view, but I'm still going to spend this weekend on repairs.

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Damn, is Drunk Duck slow for everyone today or is it just me.


My site is officially unblocked and malware free at last, but damn was it a pain just to get it this far. The whole thing is pretty bare bones right now.

It's safe, but I'm focused 100% on coding now so it might be a couple weeks before I'm ready to do critiques. I won't even be able to finish HoM's until next week :/

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Moonlight meanderer

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