This is the proper game thread. Narrations will be up every day at 10 pm GMT. Please role play while playing. No images unless theyre drawn by you and relevant.
ALSO! I've made out a forum for the game itself.
It contains the rules, Info about the game, a discussion thread and a player sheet thread for you to post your player sheets. New players and old players please post your character sheets in the player sheet thread. Heres the forum
The credit for the game and concept goes to Zeph.
Im using zephs as a template.
____________The Story_____________________________________
Sitting upon an obsidian rock, a man lazed in the sun, his eyes drifting about his surroundings he seemed otherwise content. His eyes locked on a small figure approaching over the horizon. Puzzled he got to his feet, the sun making him squint his eyes in an attempt to see the figure.
It approached him slowly, a small chill ran down his spine as he finally made out what it was. It was a child, around the age of six, it smiled up at him, but it's smile wasn't normal, the eyes were filled with such murderous intent it felt as if the air around the man was growing thick. He stumbled back, "W-what are you!?" he gasped, before the black tendrils tore from the child's being and into him, piercing the armor like a knife through butter.
Several days past, the body left on the rock to rot, suddenly it began to twitch, the flesh from the body already began to corrode burned away, revealing nothing but a pitch black shadow. The fallen soldier sat up, white circles where it's eyes used to be, the shadowy creature jumped off the rock, grabbing it's sword. Within moments the being took off. Charging in the direction the child had went.
It came across the city the soldier once fought to protect fallen into ruin, the civilians slaughtered, black shadowy figures in their place, blood splattered upon their clothing as they marched onto the next part of the city, snuffing out any survivors they saw. The new arrival felt joy fill it inside, a thrill of the kill running through it's shadowy veins as it walked forward. The chaos it was to sue sitting in it's mouth like the sweet taste of one's favorite treat.
A few survivors had made it through sewers to discover a safe city. The plague had not yet reached here. It seemed like the perfect place to seek shelter. Tranquillity set in, they felt although this was the safest place they could be. But like all good things, it came to an end.
The once safe haven city now lies in ruins. Each of the survivors now face a dilemma. Either moving on with the quest and overcoming their inevitable fate or becoming one with the disease they spent so long escaping from. The city has been turned to rubble. The once pure white has been turned to a blood red.
Dark shadows lurk behind the destruction. Could the infection of the city have been instigated from within? The mysterious Mr.Z has disappeared. Some have died and some remain.

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DD Comics!
Dungeons and ducks 1.5: Welcome to the new world
Narration 1
The city was under attack by the infected. Citizens where being killed and began to turn. Fras was now mindless attacking both infected and citizens. His mouth dislocated itself and he bit clean through the giant wolfs arm before recieving a blow to the head. Shirk didn't give up easily though. A few swipes to the torso stunned Fras. The survivors of the attack had barely made it out with a few losses. The last thing they saw was a puppet like Fras rip a hole in Shirk.
Everything went dark. Zach awoke in a field.
"What happened?! Did i dream all of that?"
He had a black marking along his arm. It looked like the black imprints of a circuit board. He turned around. He could see what appeared to be the remains of the city. Smoke rose from them. A familiar voice asked
"You woke up then?"
Zach turned around Green was standing looking over at the city.
Zach walked over to the undead.
"What happened?"
"I don't know Zach. Shirk is dead and god knows what happened to Fras."
"You think he'll ever be back to normal?"
"He's gone. Even if his body is moving his mind is gone. You saw him shoot himself and fall out hat window. You where out of it for a few days. After that weirdo Zeph showed up things started getting strange."
Zach dusted off his hat and placed it back on his head. "But how did this happen?"
"You blacked out for a couple of days. That last one we fought let off toxins. We assumed that they weren't lethal. Shirk began to loose it. He locked himself in his room. We went to bury Fras but the body disappeared."
"Someone took his body?!"
"It seems so. Next thing we knew the city was being attacked. We fought them off but after a while… Everyone began to die. Only a couple made it in. We assume they where let in."
Zach clenced his fist. "Who would do that?"
Green turned around with an incredibly straight face. "Fras did."
They traveled on for a while. Through a wasteland they saw an abandoned nomadic village. They approached it carefully. A head popped out and disappeared.
"Who's there!" Green shouted.
A rock flew at Zachs head.
"Ouch! That wasnt nice."
A purr ran out from behind the rock.
"I am leet you are fail! HAHA!"
Another purr appeared to slap him in the head.
"Stop it Vast"
"Sorry Lily."
"I am Lily and this is Vast. Are you alone?"
Green replied with an emotionless tone.
"Unfortunately yes."
Lily cocked her head to the side.
"You wanna stay for a while?"
A small man dressed in a trench coat wearing aviator goggles appears from the horizon.
"Hello there! Would any of you happen to need any goods?"
Shop: Travellers shop
Faded blade
5+ attack
Price 16 currency
Rusted assasin's knife
3+ Attack
Price 13 currency
Dirty pistol
7+ Attack
Price 20 Currency
Defense +8
Price 20 Currency
Rusted Copper vest
Defense +8
Price 10 Currency
Peace maker revolver
10+ attack
Price 30 Currency
Blessed trinket
3+ strength
Price 10 Currency
___________(Shopping instructions in forum)____________-
I wipe off the blood on my face, and say,"Hello Lily! I'm Zach, pleasure to meet ya!" As I walk away, I notice I am not holding any coins but a note saying"Yeah, I'm a rouge too."
"Heh, sorry bout that, just in a wasteland you need money to make it." As I walk over to the trader I say,"Okay, I won't steal from you, mostly because you seem to need the funds. Okay…Oh! I would like that copper armor, thank you, and that dagger." I hand over the coins and recieve the items.
(Transaction made: Rusted Copper vest and Rusted assasin's knife for 23 coins)
Trying on the armor, I turn to the other three and say,"So, looks good?"
To Saleslady: "Oh that's nothing new with the croud we have over here. Hey can I get some crack for my nerves? No? Well then how about that DIRTY* pistol? That is if I got money…let me check on that. Or Lily could give me some? Or someone?"
To Mettaur: "No you look terrible. Go waste your pointless human money on it though."
*Yes I was making a joke but I still want the item. But really DIRTYpistol? You expect me and my teenage mind not to pick up on that?
"crack vast? that's just… this is way i took your money last time- sigh, you've 40currents to spend on something reasonable. no crack, last time you were convinced you were the king of leaves and when they started falling you thought it was a riot and they were coming to ursup you…"
hands vast his monies back, and turns to the salesman.
"geez thats horrible about that city though. i hope most people got out in time… um, i'll buy a knife an' vest if you have anymore… hey so when did this all happen? Are you from the city by any chance mister?"
(can i steal those goggles?)
"Most people from the city died early on in the infection. All a bunch of softies and politicians, it was Zeph's wonder city. Like a huge, extravagent hotel. Mostly it was the serious who survived, the peasants and theives, guards and soldiers, or the newly arrived. Those who resided as civilians were big, soft targets." And then, to lighten the mood off such a depressing topic, I then comment,"So, are you two related by any chance? Because it seems a tad like the older sister, and younger brother scenario here. I wish I still had a younger brother…wait, what's that in the sky?"
"How dare you! She's a Purr, so you can only mean the other type of bitch." I unsheaf my dagger, I really need to control this rushing to peoples defense thing."How can you be useful, are you a Pick-Pocket, a soldier of sorts, perhaps a Tech-Wizz? What can you do that will stop me from shanking you right now?"
"'Cause I'm a rouge too."
I'm holding a dagger to your stomach. I suggest you calm down 'cause "I'm offensive and creative like handicap porn."*
"You shank me I shank you. If I had a knife" Grins. Shows that he has held a stick to Zach's stomach. "Hey green dude guy, why are you so quiet right now? Whatever."
"What'd you see anyway?"
*Bo Burnham quote.
(bops vast on the head again)
"ugh, sorry zach. i wound up babysittin' this hothead after a past incident in town, we were going the same way so it more or less works out. he's actually pretty harmless most of the time- he just never shuts up. we were practically tossed out of the last village cause this one doesn't understand that a rouge is best when they are aren't caught. he went ahead and bragged about robbing the village elder in a crowded townsquare. this is not a smart thing to do…"
Green gives Vast a unapproving glance as he turns to examine the wares of the merchant. "I've seen far too much in my long life, you crack head," Green said with a frown as he looked over the firearms. "Sir I'd like one of those Peacee Makers and one of those Copper Vests if you wouldn't mind my fine sir," Green said as he pulled out the currency to pay for the goods.
((I'm assumeing our old gear was lost and we somehow got 40 new currency. Most likely off some dead bodies during the escape.))
Suddenly, without announcement fanfare or any other means of recognition or acknowledgment, another stranger approached the merchant from the side.
"I'll take one of those Peace Makers," he said, offering his currency. The merchant started.
"Where did you come from?"
"I've been here the whole time."
"You have, have you?" he asked with a just a hint of nervousness.
"Are you a rogue or something?"
And then there was an awkward, prolonged silence, as Hakoshen waited for his gun.
Narration 2
Either an hour earlier or a day later. Doesn't make a difference really.
All transactions made. Remove the costs from your character sheets.
Zach removes 23 currency leaving 17.
Lily removes 23 currency leaving 17.
Vast removes 20 currency leaving 20.
Hakoshen removes 30 currency leaving 10.
Green removes 40 currency. Leaving nothing.
"Ill hang around for a while longer. Also I'll try my best to help out. And no. These goggles where given to me by wife. She died. She tried to take them back so i killed her."
Laurence the salesman has joined the party.
Vote on travelling north or south.
PQ your votes to me or role play them in discussion.
Make sure you make it clear which way your choosing.
Also you have until this time tomorrow to vote.
North: To the north, a desert covered in scorching sands and filled with what seem to be large lizard like creaers . To the north lies a large temple.
South: To the south, a swamp. It smells horrible but the scenery is beautiful. Colourful flowers growing 10 ft high. Silvery marsh water surrounded by vibrant green marsh.
Holstering his newly acquired weapon, Hakoshen addresses the others. "I think we should head north everyone. I hear there's some kind of temple up there, and at the very least that should offer us some kind of shelter. Nothing good came come of going south. Nothing good ever comes from the south."
"Great, all we have are rouges and soldiers and…actually, I'm not sure what the psycopath is. Well, doesn't the North have dangerous Giant-Sand-Lizards? And huge storms? Then again, we could make use of the carcasses of these lizards, maybe uuse them as shelter. I saw it on a holo-gram once. Also, those storms could show us some treasures long buried under the sand dunes…"I stop muttering to myself and say,"Okay, lets go to the temple, I need to do some praying anyways."
Green finished with putting on his newly acquired vest put his jacket back over it. "North means dessert. South means marsh. I like dry climates and this seems like a good nough time to pray," Green said as he removed one of the rusty revovlers from his side and replaced it with the piece maker. "One more of these and I should be good. Now before we head out we should give a formal introduction of ourselves. I'll start. My name is Green. Don't feel like saying were I came from or how old I am."
Hakoshen smiled briefly, and nodded to the others around him. "I'm Hakoshen, good to meet you" he said by means of an introduction, "I was a soldier before everything went to hell." With an adjusting of his coat and a glance at the flaming ruins of the city behind them, he added; "Hopefully we'll all be in one piece when this is over."
"yup! staying alive and in one piece would be best. i'm lily by the way, didn't even make it to the city before it went up in flames so if north is the nearest civilization then that sounds like a good plan to me!"
glancing over the nomad village
"hey 'fore we leave we should give this village a once over, and see if theres any thing that we carry some water in if we're heading to desert. this place is pretty deserted so i don't think anybody'll mind. a cart would be nice, laurence as a salesperson do you have anything like that?"
"Well I didn't wanna get wet so I guess the desert's fine. Thanks for asking my opinion. Sigh, But the looting does sound nice…"
Inside myself I do not trust this salesguy. And think that Green wants to kill me. And that Hakoshen will kill me. And that Lily will kick me after I'm dead. And that Mettaur will eat my dead corpse. And that the narrator will laugh.
"Let's go?"
"You know, I heard when the city was destroyed these psycopaths, and god knows what else escaped, perhaps spared by the monsters. They were last seen heading into the sands of destiny, according to a note pinned to the forehead… of someone they beheaded. But we can handle 'em, right Green?"
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