Hey everybody, Mettaur the Regulator here! I used to watch a show called "Deadliest Warriors", but It got canceled. Due to lack of funds I think, can't remember. But did that mean my appetite for random match-ups would end? Of course not! I would discuss these match-ups with my friends at lunch, and I now spread the fun and insanity to you wonderful DD residents! Here is a game where our master of ceremonies (Hark for now) will introduce the two fighters, you vote for either fighter, and give a good reason why. Have fun! Take it away Hark!

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DD Comics!
Forum Fighters! Hosted by Mettaur, Harkovast, and TheFlyingGreenMonkey!
Voting Post
European Knight: 11
Japanese Samurai: 7
Who voted for the European Knight: Mettaur, Gullas, AzuJOD, Product Placement, Rokulily, Salsa, Harkovast, crocty, Short_Circuiting, pastel, therealtj.
Who voted for the Japanese Samurai: Kroatz, I Am The 1337 Master, TheFlyingGreenMonkey, PoorBoyBlues, Winter Soldier, ParkerFarker, AQua_ng.
Japanese Samurai has my vote!
not only do they have cool hats and stuff, they also wear lightweight armor, wich makes them more agile than the armorclad knights of old europe.
Samurai swords are sharper and all european knights are like Muir…
Just read king Arthur.
All of them…
Alright, time for my vote! Not done yet, gonna add to the list until I'm sure I didn't forget anything.
The Samurai's sword may be sharp, but it lacks the force to get through the heavy armor of the Knight. The Knight however, has a sword that could go through the armor of other Knight's, a Samurai's armor wouldn't stand much of a chance.
Their horses were better than that of the Japanese at the time.
The Knight DOES have a crossbow you know. Think about that one. The crossbow.
If I'm not mistaken I believe the goal when fighting a full plated knight with a sword was to get your sword inbetween the plates to stab your opponent. I don't believe most swords could actually cut through armor. They could dent it and cause blunt damage that way.((correct me if I'm wrong)).
A samurai have the agility to doudge a knights sword and to place themselfs in a place to easily strike at these with there "wakizashi", 16inch-20inch sword that went with the katana.
Also there long bows could shot through said armor.
Or they could just continue to doudge a knights attack until the knight grew fatigue and then kill him.
Now if the knight was on horseback with lance I'd say the samurai would have a much harder time.
Aslo Samurai from "Harkovast" the comic could easily take down any Knight.
So as it stands I vote for samurai.
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Look out Hark, there's a new self-promoter in town! Okay, that was a bit too much, so I'll make up for it with an actual post. We are doing pretty good, don't stop voting, but for now me and the others have to decide on either a dead-line for votes or a maximum amount of votes allowed per contest. Also, don't forget to play the game, Who, Would, Win! WWW, fun on DD, fun with your friends! Share the fun! And also, we have a surplus of other match-ups planned, we just have to decide on them. PQ me if you want to guess, but I just might change it if you get it right. Why? Because I'm that good. :) Ha! Just kidding! In fact, forget I said anything, just continue having fun! But no spam, or you will regret it.
And now for more shameless advertising!
Great, with your new Protectrons your town's progress is improving bunches! But what about evils and traitors within? Introducing the Protectron, Regulator Version! This bot can-
Alright, I decided not to post commercials here for a long time.
(Maybe… :kitty: )
But the Samurai, I would think that the crossbow would take him down pretty quickly!
looking at samurai weapons they have a sword or dagger for anything it looks like- the purpose is to cut down the foe as quickly as possible so they can't afford the time that the blunt weapons of the knights had.
knights, however, as well as having so many different swords an' daggers(swords shouldn't really compared by type but by the swordsmiths skill), had blunt weapon such as axes and maces. and a mace to the face will end any battle.
both knights and samurais could do alotta damage on horseback so no points there really…
knights had chainmail- samurai didn't
samurais left their necks unprotected- a good slash there an' its over
samurai helmets wasn't designed to handle blunt force- you could take them out with a rock.
knights in full helmet gear had poor visiblity. but could defect heavy blows a bit more.
crossbows were much more deadly because they're easier to use comparative to accuracies. long bows- which both sides had access too requires actual skill
all in all, i'd vote the knight to win.
Oh, and we accept fan art! Anyone that wants to help draw out the matches, feel free to assist us in making this thread a real thread! And yeah, they both are good, It's just a big thing (not the only thing mind you, nitpickers!) is that the knight is better equipped for the job. And buy a pear today! Seriously, pears are awesome. Just cut one up, and eat them slices of pear. Yeah, I know. It IS good. I mean, come on guys, people obsess over apples, but the pear never gets any love! And Rokulily, thanks for putting why you thought they would win and stuff, including the factors. That's a real good thing, much better than just saying who and then a corny catch-phrase. Yay! I started something and It hasn't failed completely yet!
looking at samurai weapons they have a sword or dagger for anything it looks like- the purpose is to cut down the foe as quickly as possible so they can't afford the time that the blunt weapons of the knights had.Have you even watched a reinactment of a full plated knight fight? They are slow as hell. TFGM is right knight has no chance at actually hitting a samurai.
knights, however, as well as having so many different swords an' daggers(swords shouldn't really compared by type but by the swordsmiths skill), had blunt weapon such as axes and maces. and a mace to the face will end any battle.
samurais left their necks unprotected- a good slash there an' its over
Vote samurai!
Well its time for TFGM to start destroying my opponents' arguements.
First off this isn't about who you'd like to win but who WOULD win.
Crossbow had a fire rate of 2 bolts per minute. Longbow had 11! Not only that but crossbows were peasant weapons.
Also Samurai could shot there bows on horse back at a gallope. I don't believe the knight can be said to do the same with the crossbow.
Knight Plate = heavy = slow movement = easy to hit
Japanese leather = light = fast movement = hard to hit
Samurai had more than just swords and daggers Roku. I'd like to see a knight get close ot a samurai when they are using a "yari". Sweep the legs out from under a knight and have at him.
Chainmail isn't good at stopping blunt damage. Which the "Kanabo," a large club with iron studs embedded in it, could deal lots of.
So once again I say the Samurai will when.
Max and Andrew decided to kindly aid in visualizing the opponents.
…I swear it…
I'm going to die a horrible painful death…
Oh right, forgot to say who I pick. Thats pretty split actually. The samurai does have higher mobility, but lower armor, basically I think it's just fighting with two different kinds of guns, whoever hits first pretty much wins. You can aim Deagle at someone with a Taurus, and whichever bullet hits their opponent first wins.
If the knight gets a good thwack to the Samuarai its all over. -looks at Max- But, if the Samurai gets in between the knight's armor, the knight is done for. When it comes to long ranged, the knight doesn't just use the crossbow, well if they're English, they'd probably use a long bow too, that was a favorite of the English back then. The middle finger originated from the English taunting the french that their pull back finger was still in tact, after the french said they'd cut them off when they kicked their ass in the war. Needless to say, they kept their fingers, and the French didn't win.
The Samurai has a large weapon thats used for sweeping people off their horses if I'm correct, I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it's pretty much the same as a Pikeman's pike, a big stick with something sharp on it, used to kill cavalry.
The knight is kinda like a tank in a sense, that it can take more damage, but if you drop a grenade downit's barrel, it's going to get royally screwed over. Where as the Samurai is like an airplane, fast but flimsy, shoot out it's wing and it's crashing down hard.
So it's a tough call, as really the match is depending on the luck of the opponents, and their skill. It comes down to a personal level, the Samurai could be a drunken womanizer who can't wield a sword, or the Knight could have taken too many blows to the head, and drank himself into a stuper before the battle.
I can't really give a clear choice on the two.
Wow, thanks for the art! But you do hold a good argument, it depends lots on the person themselves.Hmmm… thanks. Now, I'm going to get breakfast, it's bloody 6:37 over here, and my school is an hour drive at most. So I better get going. Remember, buy a Protectron today, and be safe forever! See ya!
I'm going to have to go with the knight.
If I remember right, most knights could use most of the weapons of their day, this included weapons that were meant to break men in armor. Samurai, I believe, specialized in a few weapons, their swords, the bow, and some flavor of polearm. I keep hearing the argument that a knight in plate armor is rather slow, That's wrong, a knight in full plate is actually rather mobile. Chainmail is rather heavy, considering the protection you get from it, so really the question is what era are we talking about, Later Medieval knights would have advantages over their earlier cousins.
Samurai armor is similar to plate, just lighter, The fighting style does not allow parries, which can be a big factor in a fight. The armor is light and it doesn't cover as much as the knight's so in a sword battle there's more to hit. In a battle where the knight has a war hammer or a mace, it becomes much harder for the samurai. Swords may have a longer reach, but blunt force weapons can break them. (Don't give me crap about how much better the swords of Japan are, they're still metal and metal can be broke) One hit to the side and it's over for that sword.
So in a fight the samurai not only is, but has to move around like a monkey while the knight can stay relatively still. Remember that this is a fight between nobles so it is more than likely to get close. Moving your whole body around like that is going to tire anyone out, so eventually the samurai either has to adapt (parry blows), surrender (not likely), or lose.
for reference
The knight would win.
The knight is better armoured.
A few people are trying to make out that the samurais armour makes him more agile but they are wrong for several reasons. Knights were actually quite agile in their armour and samurai armour (while offering inferior protection) was still quite heavy, so the manuverability difference is very low.
The big difference is in protection.
Knights armour is VERY hard to penetrate! It required specialist weapons to break the plates, like a mace or war hammer (see the post above!)
A samurai sword is sharp and fast, but sharpness is useless against plate armour! You need weight and power!
The samurais weapon would bounce off while the knights heavier weapons would smash through the samurais weaker armour and cause terrible injuries.#
Against lightly armoured opponents, the samurai could cause terrible wounds, but against steel armoured plates? forget it!
If the fighters are mounted, the advantage gets even greater for the knight! European horses were of better quality at that period compared to Japan and Europeans had invented the lance, which would allow the knight to take the samurai out of the saddle before the samurai could get into range to attack.
So on foot or mounted, KNIGHT WINS!
(Also I like how a few people here are talking about this like its Muir as the knight! Thats funny! If its Muir then the knight wins double!)
Actually, now that I think about it, the whole Samurais being faster thing is pretty inaccurate. As Ninjas were designed to take out Samurai with speed, a Samurai is pretty much the equivalent of a Knight with their agilitity, one wore boots the other sandals. I'm not changing my standing that the fight counts solely on the individual fighters more than their actual gear. (Gear is only as good as those who use it) But Samurais are just Japanese Knights in a sense, since assasins, (An European Ninja) had to basically train themselves to pick off a knight fast before it could kill them. As the Ninja do to Samurai.
Just a thought, I was looking at the armor of a Samurai when I drew the Max and Andrew pick, it leaves more exposed but it looks pretty much equally as heavy.
Though I may be wrong.
Also wow, just wow, my pageveiws are at an all time high on PB. Is it because of this little picture? I need to do fanart more often XD
Wow, I actually thought people would just ignore this and it would fall behind to the dead thread pages, but people seem to like this game! Well, don't worry, as long as I'm as crazy as I am now, you can expect lots more. Thanks for the art Zeph, so would you like to draw? You don't have to, but if you want to you can. Have fun, soon we shall declare the winner!
They were trained for this armor, to be agile in it, fight in it, and kill in it. It wouldn't be a good idea to go into battle if you were slow moving, so they had to not be slow moving, I have no idea how they did it though. Hey, I ain't no knight, how should I know? Wait, I heard that Deadliest Warriors might still be alive, I'm going to confirm this.
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