Okay, here's the deal. I'm a front page blogger for Comixpedia and every month that I contribute, I get one free week-long ad. Unfortunately, I have nothing to plug since the last time I had a regularly updating comic, unicorns were probably roaming the earth. :) But I hate for it to go to waste especially when there are comics out there who probably wouldn't mind getting a free ad.
Last month I gave it to Civil War. For May and June, I think I have a nifty idea…
Want a free Comixpedia ad for the week of May 27th? Here's what you got to do to enter in a draw to win one: recommend and review a comic. Pick a comic on DrunkDuck that has never been featured, isn't on the Top 10 lists, and isn't your own comic. Recommend and write a review to explain why you would recommend this comic for others to read.
Deadline: Thursday May 24th.
Requirements: A good healthy paragraph that's coherent.
Friday I will PQ the person that won and they must provide me with an image and text by Saturday so that I can get it to run on Sunday.
If writing isn't your thing, then you can potentially win a free Comixpedia ad for the month of June if you sign up for Fusion! You sign up for Fusion, you do panel, we dance dance dance, Fusion XVII ends, I draw name out of hat, and if you win you get a free ad for June! (And you got to participate in something that's fun!)
And so concludes my post. Batteries are sold separately and no refunds or exchange allowed.

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DD Comics!
Hey! Want to win a free Comixpedia ad?
Post it here. :) That way everyone can read it and maybe it'll drive some readers to your recommended comic.
[Edit: One thing I do want to clarify is that this is an ad that appears on Comixpedia. So if they have rules about their ads, I have to abide by those rules. I know this seems kind of obvious but I figure it wouldn't hurt to say it anyway.]
Seriously give Gnoph a shot.
I can't believe this comic wasn't featured yet. Original sci-fi story about parasites that give people creepy powers, personalities(and tattoos!), two medieval time-like men stuck in the not too distant future, and one really really cool anorexic albino chick with attitude. It's painted amazingly! It is drawn in a original style. The detailed line work, watercolor, and photoshop work so well together. Mina Lunga is a master of mixed media.
That'll teach me to think I know what I'm doing at this time of night when I'm sick. >_> I wrote out a lovely review for The Path (which you should all read anyway), then only AFTER I posted it did I realise we should be plugging a comic which HASN'T been featured. Go me. :P
The comic I'll go for instead is Hellfire.
Sure, it's my brother's comic, but I think I'd choose that one to plug even if it wasn't. I'm incredibly lucky to have such an incredible artist as my little brother, because even though he outclasses me art-wise by several million degrees, he's always willing to throw a fanart or guest strip my way.
I always know he had what it took to do a comic, art-wise. His backgrounds look like wonderful paintings. His characters are expressive and unique. His control of artistic techniques is very natural, and is and always has been much more advanced than his age (just turned 18). But what I'll admit surprised me is his ability to write. His jokes have had me laughing out loud with every page, and his whole comic is a joy to read. I'm horribly jealous. ;) I've always been considered the writer of the family, and him the artist. Now he's got both, and I'll just have to murder him in his sleep or something. Or maybe I shouldn't say that… ;)
Wow Arctic Blast wasn't been featured yet?
The story of three friends in the arctic. Great humor all over the place. Humor not only a twisted person like myself can enjoy, but people of all ages, clean langauge (gasp!), no violence and it even talks about the enviorment!
The main animals are well rounded even if its a gag strip. When you see a joke pulled you think "that IS something they would do." The art is simple but works great, its a daily strip but the sunday gag is in full color, and when that is done it looks even better!
I've been following this comic since it started and I love every single page.
Oh! I totally forgot to do this. I'd like to reccommend Tales of the Revenant. :kitty:
It's a black and white pulp-occult story that has some of the most awesome ink work I've ever seen in a webcomic. I find myself going back and looking at it even when it hasn't updated just to goggle at the pretty art. :P The story and characterization are great, too, they both grab you from the very first panel and make you want to keep reading to find out what's going to happen next. Sadly it only updates one panel at a time (arggh the suspense!!) but it's been updating more frequently than once a week lately, which has been great. >:3 The comic deserves way more attention than it's getting, so go reeeead it.
Heres mine:
The Truth.
The truth is quite possibly one of the funniest Sprite comics on this whole entire site. That is if you are a fan of Final fantasy and even more so Final fantasy Tactics. The Comic is written along the same story line as final fantasy tactics but there is a very funny twist, there is lots of needless violence and and the dialog is definitely more funny than the original. Art wise it is a bunch of rips from the game but ripped in a fashion that the characters are doing hundreds of unique things that they don't normally do in the game. I feel the creator worked long and hard to produce a good sprite comic that is generally looked aside, but I promise you that it delivers a load of laughs.
At the top of my favorites is a comic that, I didn't check to see if it was featured, but I've been reading it for the past three weeks and its beyond awesome. I'm talking about a comic called artic blast. Its drawn with a cute newspaper comic strip style, and has a cute and witty writing that also has tender heartfealt moments that you don't often see in webcomics. I also think its a daily comic, I could be wrong, but it seems to be new ones up everyday. And that is always nice. I've always loved comics like this, and this one is no exception. I got to reading it in the middle of a story arc where a main character had moved to a sunny paradise, and was leaving his bird friend behind. It was so sad, I was moved that a webcomic could get ME to convey emotions. Let alone anyone else convey them. I think this guys going to go places KC green can't go. He's damn good, and if I had to pick another comic to talk about that isn't penis, this would be one near the top of my list.
Another comic that I think very highly of is basket case. With a witty satirical and political style that is cmoparible to the far side, or even my own comedy style, Kelly's created quite the comic. And Kelly's a man, strangely enough. His arts passable, since its a free webcomic. He draws well enough to get across his message, but he's not alex ross (neither is Subculture, though he continues to try) Kelly's real winner is his writing. Its always sharp and has some really great pages. All the comics are like Far Side style 1 page gags. Some memorable ones are Darth Vader on the weekends, with a picutre of a guy in a wife beater mowing his lawn, wearing a darth vader helmet. Another good one was of a pickle dreaming of himself being pulled out of a jar, with the caption "pickle nightmares". I can't really think of anymore, but they're some good ones in there. He updates three times a week, I think, and he also has his own home site that has newer comics on it. Kelly's also a fine webcomic guy.
I'm on a roll here, so why stop. Brutus is another classic comic strip style animal comedic type of comic. While thats usually suicide inducing when done in webcomic form, this is just too great not to love. The characters all are birds and express a wide variety of emotions. They usually prank one another and hilarity ensues. Again, the artwork isn't necessarily going to win any kind of awards, but its above average for a webcomic. I'm assuming its drawn in flash or a similar vecter graphics program and the updates seem pretty constant, I think it could possibly be daily. That means something when the comics are as consistant as they have been. The artworks looked about the same for as long as I've been reading it (which was around when he started posting it on drunk duck, possibly years ago) and I've enjoyed it. I don't read webcomics often, but this is one of my picks.
For something completely different and unexpected, this case, a comic that combines two things NO one ever thought of putting together before. Silverware and Noir. In case you're confused, it involves silverware taking on human characteristics, in a world much like Dick Tracy or old noir mystery/detective movies. I'm talking about detective fork, of course. I've loved it since I saw it. Its a throwback to older serialized cartoon strips, with long running stories and very detailed highly consistant illustration. The way the characters move and interact is very interesting, considering they're all mostly forks. Its pretty silly in places, and thats a good thing. Its a good read, and usually updates three times a week or five days a week. I've forgotten, and am too lazy to go look it up.
If this didn't win me the contest, I can do even more. I declare myself the winner, and every other post instead of mine or BK's has been a complete mockery of everything that this contest represents. I whole hearditly await my official acceptance as the winner, and will write up a rant about winning this contest so easily.
How do we know if something's been featured or not? I haven't been on DD to know if the one I want to do has been done yet.
In the fertile gardens of Yog's imagination grow the Flowers of Evil. An incredible comic sure to raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Flowers of Evil features one page trips straight to the twilight zone. Every update features beautifully rendered art that nicely blends with the honey tongued prose of a mad man. Every page ends with an ironic twist that often blindsides you like a bus but leaves you begging for more. Flowers of Evil explores the things that are best left unthought of and unvisualized and makes us realize that we love to be voyeurs of the disturbing. So when you walk through Yogs garden be careful the flora is hungry but be sure to take the time to smell the flowers of evil.
Wohoo! People participating! :D Yay yay yay!
Here's LeFarce's review. He PQed it to me so I'm going to post it in this thread:
My Review of Penis by Marine.
Penis is a comic strip series created by Marine, which follows several different characters ranging from a floating cube, to an angry black man, and their wacky adventures through adult humor.
Story: There is little to no overarching story elements in Penis. Occasionally a story arc will occur, but they often end quickly. Most issues can be read without any prior knowledge of the characters or settings, making the series really open-ended and easy to get into.
Writing: The jokes in Penis aren't for the squirmish. Marine has had "battles" with admins on the rating of the comic, and has even had to censor some issues to lower the rating from M to T+. This works in favor of the writing. The censored issues are hilarious when you have already read the uncut installments, such as changing a penis from entering the face of a man who has a butt for a head (signifying anal and oral sex AT THE SAME TIME). The edited version ends up removing around half the panels, and replacing them with random disjointed insight. The penis was also changed to a fist.
Most of the humor is surreal and adult in nature. It plays off stereotypes, and shock value. It could easily be described as the Howard Stern of web-comics for it's defiant nature to go against every one's standards.
Art: The art is simple, clean and smooth. It's not overly complex, and doesn't try to throw many fine details out at you. Often times there is no background, just a white void, basically forcing you to pay attention to the characters. But Marine is crafty. If you look close at some issues, you'll notice funny little subliminal messages strewn throughout the backgrounds. Sometimes they have nothing to do with the art or plot, sometimes they will.
Characters are easy to distinguish because they always differ drastically in nature from every other character.
Site Layout: Best use of DD's ability to edit your template EVER. If you haven't read Vinhead then you fail as a human-being. I don't' think I need much more of an explanation than that, and anyone who has read Vinhead will agree with me.
Overall: 10 out of 5. Penis goes above and beyond with some of the best writing I've ever read, the best use of extras features I've ever seen, and some of the most easy to identify characters in any comic period. You'll come for the penis but stay for the humor.
Go read Penis.
And while I think it's totally awesome that you wrote a nice big review/recommendation of a bunch of comics Marine, I'm still doing this by draw. :D
Review On the Comic MAGE.
By Drazi500.
MAGE. is a very well Drawen and writen comic, following a Girl called Play, who applies at a school for mages even though she was born with Black Magic in her blood.
Play appiled for the school because she wanted to escape the Black Magic of her past, Realise her dreams and fulfill a childhood promise.
The art is simple Line art, that has been digitly remastered as Black and White tone, It is Manga style art and has a wide range of characters.
It is Written and Drawen by Tyara who is Dutch but has recently moved to Germany a possible reason why the comic seems to have stopped on Chapter 4.
It's Readers, which range around 40-80 readers and Favorites are hoping it comes back because anyone with an interest in Magic or just plain manga can get into this story.
It's rated Teens+, but I don't seem to see this being just for teenagers and up, it's a fun and enjoyable comic for all the family.
I think the reason why it hasn't been noticed or been on the top 10 list is because Tyara has stopped updating like her usual frequent self.
Overall I would rate this comic 8/10 because of the Lax in Updates.
I hope I'm not too late with this. XD
I shall review: South of Sanity by Radec
Here we go:
Well, it's pretty basic, black and white art. Nothing too nifty (of course, who am I to nitpick at someone else'd art?). It suits the comic well. The character designs aren't all run off the mill, though there is an over abundance of coats…
Very, very, very funny. Seriously. This comic is full of hilarious jokes. I can't even begin to describe them.
And while I think it's totally awesome that you wrote a nice big review/recommendation of a bunch of comics Marine, I'm still doing this by draw. :D
How about I start to review EVERYcomic on drunk duck? I'm not joking. I will do it if I have to. I want that adspace for free. I could just BUY adspace, but its more fun to earn it like this. Part of what makes me who I am is that I'm self made without throwing any money at anything. I'll start reviewing them if I have to.
And Kelly's a man, strangely enough. His arts passable, since its a free webcomic. He draws well enough to get across his message, but he's not alex ross (neither is Subculture, though he continues to try) Kelly's real winner is his writing.
alex ross is my hero :)
he's a true visionary
I know I want to do a review from the dynamic duo of slimredninja and DarkChamber, but the problem is this; which one? Each of their comics have high quality art, and superb writing, but it boils down on what flavor you want, scifi, action, humor? For this I decided to go with Slim Red Ninja.
Gritty, and in your face action is only the start with Slim Red Ninja. Set in the decay of urban Detroit, the gangs have taken control and its join, fight, flee or be eaten, and thats not just a coin of phrase. the weak are killed if they are lucky and if they aren't, they are eaten by the cannibals that roam the streets. There is only one person that arises to fight back , fueled by a personal vendetta, the Slim Red Ninja.
Our hero has a demon of his own to combat, The Dragon, who rages in him to kill and destroy. Can he keep the Dragon under control and deal out justice, or will it consume him with its bloodlust until he becomes one of those who he hunts?
There is a lot of action in Slim Red Ninja, but it's the characters that keep you enthralled. The art is fantastic, tons of motion, and the writing has you wondering how far this is going to go. And is there anywhere else that delivers a sai blade into an eye? thought not.
satisfy your bloodlust, read Slim Red Ninja
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