Hi there! I have quite a lot of friends on here, so I thought I'd make an account here and upload some of my stuff ^_^
My name is Sonia Leong, I'm a professional manga artist.
(Disclaimer: I just want to say that "professional" does not equal "perfect", it just means I get paid to draw XD there will always be people who are better or worse! Some people get really aggro for some reason and want to use me as a punching bag T_T;; )
I love manga, been reading and drawing it since I was little, but never studied art (I have a degree in economics and politics XD) . A few years ago I got lucky with some book contracts and competitions so I quit my old job to become a full time artist. Hobby turning into job = epic win! I won't bore you with more details of the books I've done, you can find that out by going to my profile/website if you want to. But if you'd like to ask me any questions about the UK manga scene and the industry, please do. I shall try to help by sharing some of my experiences.
I still draw and self publish work for fun in my spare time, mostly with Sweatdrop Studios, a UK manga circle/independent publisher.
I'll be posting some of my stuff on here from time to time and apologies if I don't respond every now and then - I have a lot of book deadlines to meet! I will start with older works first, so you'll get some stuff that dates back to 2005 (so if you think it looks crap, that's why, LOL), but I will gradually get my pages up to speed so you can see what I am capable of, these days XD.
*bows* Thank you very much for your time!

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Hi, my name is Sonia Leong ^_^ Nice to meet you!
Hi, sonia_leong! I'm Renga Studio, and I welcome you to DrunkDuck with open arms and a sunny sky! :) It's not often that we get to greet a professional manga artist around here! Hey! I have an idea! Since a certain curmudgeon is out of town for a while, how 'bout we throw a big anime party right now? That old party pooper will never know, and there's nothing he can do to stop us! Whaddaya say? 8D
Since a certain curmudgeon is out of town for a while, how 'bout we throw a big anime party right now? That old party pooper will never know, and there's nothing he can do to stop us! Whaddaya say?Anime party? ANIME PARTY???
A certain curmudgeon has left me with strict instructions to quash any anime parties or manga festivals that threaten to take place in his absence! You don't want me to unleash the fearsome power of the Trout Mask Replica again do you Renga?
Hello Sonia Leong; I don't want to use you as a punching bag, but I would like to know more about manga. Unfortunately, every time I raise the issue, manga afficionados use my head as a kicking post. You won't kick my yellow furry head will you. Your work looks very impressive.
Welcome to the Duck shoot.
What in god's name is XD?
Ah, a curious mind is fine. ^_^ It's more that some people think that just cos I'm published, it gives them license to act like a real bastard to me, LOL. I have feelings too, goddamnit!
Manga is a Japanese word that formally translates to "Whimsical Pictures". Over time and a century, the word has become synonymous with "comics" in Japan. As such, the term "Manga" refers to "Japanese comics".
Stylistically, manga looks quite different from comics/other forms of sequential art found outside of Japan. Once could say that there is a certain look, particularly of the older pieces from 70's and 80's, that you would see across most comic series. Nowadays, the boundaries are getting broken down, so much so that the character art alone might actually look quite European, or American even. But certain storytelling techniques unique to manga still remain, such as the visual grammar of things like sweatdrops, a throbbing nerve or vein on angry person, the use of abstract backgrounds, the unconventional panel layout (particularly in girls' or shoujo manga).
Reading direction is simply a language/cost/audience thing - if you're writing in Japanese/Chinese/Arabic for a Japanese/Chinese/Arabic audience, of course you draw it right-to-left, as that is the direction your language reads. If you're drawing a comic in a language that reads left-to-right for an audience that reads left-to-right, then you do so. Authentic Japanese manga is often left as it is, read right-to-left so that publishers don't bother flipping it (and taking on the associated costs of redrawing certain sections etc.) and the original creators are happier because their work isn't messed up. Anyway, if you're any good at drawing manga, you should be able to draw in either direction, to cater for different audiences and different publishers' preferences.
Anyway, the reason why there tends to be a lot of drama about manga in general is that there are non-Japanese people out there who create comics that look very much like manga. But is it truly manga if it's not made by a Japanese person?
So I've been called everything from a copycat, to a wannabe, to uninspired, to rubbish etc. because the comics I make resemble manga.
Now, I grew up in the Far East. Manga style just came naturally to me - obviously, one is inspired by what one likes, and one will draw what one likes, right? Just cos my surname isn't Japanese doesn't mean I can't understand the concept. Do you have to be Italian to make a pizza? XD seriously.
Strictly speaking, my stuff might even be considered Manhua (the Chinese word for manga) as I'm ethnically Chinese… but even if you compare comics from China to comics from Japan, there is a distinct difference in style. And mine resembles the Japanese the most.
In reverse argument - I have a friend, his name is Andie Tong. He illustrates Spiderman for DC comics. He's Chinese. So, Spiderman is Manhua?! It's a ridiculous argument.
What further complicates the matter is that these days, there is so much crossover in style and influence.
What it really comes down to is that comics are comics. Even in Japan, if you go to the bookstore, rather than seeing the word "manga" in the aisles, you see the word "komikkusu" which is the Japanese pronunciation of "comics".
When I was invited to give talks at the Kyoto International Manga Museum, I saw Snoopy and Superman in the museum. The majority of Japanese don't care! In fact, it was in Japan where I felt most welcome - the Japanese did not care if I was British or whatever, they saw my stuff as manga.
It's only in the West that bookstores make the distinction between "comics" and "manga". And the reason is because everyone is attracted to different styles. I call myself a manga artist or a manga-style artist simply because it's easiest way to describe my style in one word. Bookstores and customer need categories to make it easier to buy/sell.
So, have I blown your mind yet? hehe. I'm glad to say that there isn't as much prejudice around as there used to be. Part of it is that the whole argument of "Oh, the Japanese artists are just better quality" is beginning to fade as the non-Japanese ones gain experience and expertise, and as more and more titles are translated in English and brought over from Japan - people start to realise that not every authentic Japanese manga series is that great, there are crap ones too. (It used to be that only the cream of the crop was brought over, you see, so people had a skewed view of Japanese artists).
As forthe term, XD - Tilt your head to the left. It's a smiley to indicate scrunched up eyes and big grin.
Eh? Is there a mod who hates anime/manga? XD sads…
No, just some Brit who likes to baste in his bitter broth. In fact, I happen to know a Moderator who absolutely loves anime!
*breaks out the AMVs*
*turns the caramelldansen up to max*
WOOOOOO!!! It's a raaaaave!
All right, Sonia! Crank it up! WOOOOOOOO!!!!
Anime party? ANIME PARTY???
A certain curmudgeon has left me with strict instructions to quash any anime parties or manga festivals that threaten to take place in his absence! You don't want me to unleash the fearsome power of the Trout Mask Replica again do you Renga?
Well, I see that Custy got you to cover for him. But so what?! I'm gonna call for reinforcements! That's right; I'm inviting the KALA dan! >:) And when they get here, this party will be off the hook! 8D
Aw yeah, youtube for the win.
Ah, I iz a Brit too. And to let on more stuff about myself (to make stalkers happy), I have bum-length hair, wear glasses (usually with a chain attached to an ear cuff), dress in Gothic and Lolita fashion (apparently, I'm in the latest Gothic & Lolita bible! Guess they liked my photo), I bake cakes, make jam, and collect various weapons.
Oh sweet nelly, you're like everything I want to be when I'm older.You've already accomplished that part, Aqua. :3
The professional manga artist with an economics degree part, not the female part. >.>
Welcome Sonia! Always nice to see an anime/manga enthusiast. And one who draws it professionally? Awesome. *w*
Hope you enjoy your stay :3
I bake cakes, make jam, and collect various weapons.
You clearly belong here! Thank you so much for that manga tour; it's such a relief to hear someone talk authoritatively on a subject they obviously know and care about, rather than be given SHORT SHRIFT and quickly put in my place by the MANGA POLICE. I have a question for you about your inking, but I'll PQ it if that's okay - this is the party forum after all, or SO THEY THINK!
I'll ask you once more Renga, plead with you: take your anime party planners far away from this place - send them back to K.A.L.A.dan for their own safety. For all our safety. The full force of the Trout Mask Replica is untested. I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TERRIBLE CONSEQUENSES!
Do you want that on your concience. CAN YOU LIVE WITH THAT?!!
WOW, your work is amazing…and don't worry, some of us love and appreciate all things Managa and Anime (such as Renga and myself), and others are willing to learn (such as my friend Scarfey). A few are a little crusty but we tend to ignore them :)
Thanks and welcome!!! I hope you enjoy the duck.
Wai, what a wonderful welcome!! Thank you all so much, I feel very very warm and fuzzy now!! *floofy floatingness*
Weapon indulgence:
Haha, yes, I have a decent sword and dagger collection - mostly ornamental and replicas, but some are from when I used to do fencing (I was Madame President of the Warwick University Fencing club in 2003), my disciplines were foil and epée. I did archery for a year too, but that was sacrificed in favour of fencing. I also have some lovely birthday presents, a pair of Sai, a crossbow and two sets of nunchucks from my friends ^.^ I recently acquired a replica Navy Colt 1867 model (for COSPLAY! WOOT) and on Sundays mornings I go to my nearby shooting club, I have an ambidexrous air rifle with fabulous scope which I share with my husband. I can hit a 50pence coin at 50 metres… 8 times in a row.
Bakery nonsense:
You see, I live out in the sticks, in a small village in the middle of the countryside. There are cows in the field behind me. So every autumn, I go out berry picking - I make blackberry jam from the wild ones I pick in the fields round the back of my house.
PS: Before you start thinking I'm a blue-rinse granny, I'm 26, okay? XD I just happen to like twee pursuits.
I'm really, really so happy for the warm welcome you've all given me *wipes tear from eye* I will gradually put up more work that is newer. Thank you for saying such nice things about my stuff, even my older work!
I love Coke (particularly Coke Zero) but… hot? XD No way!
Although, I do know a recipe for braising beef shins in Pepsi…
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