What was/is your high school life? Like… who did you hang out with? What were the teachers like? Were you bullied, or were you the bully?
I'm just curious, is all…
Mine? Well, I guess it pretty much sucks. I can't leave school without taking some physical/mental abuse from someone who thinks they're cooler than me, when they are the ones that just sit on their lazy ass doing nothing all day, thinking they're going to achieve a great goal.
I hang out with geeks, goths, emo kids, punks, and just non-catagorized people. You could say I'm a punk. I'm not really sure where I am. Can't a girl wear chains, hand cuff jewelry, threatening shirts, and all black? I mean, come on!
I'm not popular. I only have very few best friends. Although, there are many friendly people I can just sit down and talk to. I like to hang out with kids that are older than me. Younger kids piss me off.
Some of my teachers are okay. Some of them are insane, and some of them are just assholes. Like my chem teacher. I mean… He's always gunna talk in sentences none of us understand. And he grades us on our homework. If we don't hand in every SINGLE assignment, we fail for the marking period.
If you high school life sucked, vent in here. I feel as if I'm not the only one, am I right?
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High School
Sorry to hear that, pal. That's sounds more like my middle school life, which sucked ass.
My high school life right now isn't that bad. True, it started kinda rocky, but everythings fine now.
I don't have bullies, instead, I had one guy who constantly popped up, and annoyed THE LIVING CRAP OUT OF ME!!!!!!!!
But, he stopped now, so…
Then again, I have to deal with my little brother next year…
We'll see.
I go to a Private school. And I believe my opinions of it can summed up with some rants I've had on my comic…
The other day the Local News was at my school interviewing people on a VERY newsworthy and VERY important topic….
The fact that grinding was banned from the Homecoming Dance.
I was like "seriously? You have nothing better to report?" I mean, if I turned on the news, I know I wouldn't want to hear about some spoiled kids who are upset because grinding was banned from Catholic school dance.
Can you even call grinding a dance? Seriously. It looks more foreplay to me. A dance? please.
Things like this make me glad I'm single.
And on a sidenote, I'm not normal. I mean, I'm failing gym but Latin's my best subject.
I hate gym. What did football ever do for me? Well, besides bore me. I mean, come on. It's not even a ball. It looks like this people are tossing bombs at eachother! And honestly, FOOT ball? There's nothing "Footy" about it! Why don't we just call Soccer "Football" like the rest of the world does? Where did the name "Soccer" come from anyway? It's a stupid name.
Homecoming is also a stupid name, come to think of it.
Anyway, my rant's done. For now. I might have a new one later.
Today I had the most interesting revelation about the benefits of paying extra money to send kids to Catholic school: There are none.
Let's take a look at the two most often brought up "benefits", shall we?
1. No Bullies
2. Religious Education
First, I shall address the second. It can be summed up as such: Kid goes to religion class is all "Oh yeah, Chastity and Kindness, treat others as you would have yourself treated. Oh I love you, God!" After class, they proceed to put down people they don't like, then go home and make out with whatever idiot they're currently dating. Yeah, real religious.
Now, as for bullying… Well, I gotta say, the teachers are very good at keeping the kids in line. I mean, we all know it's not bullying unless you actually touch the person. Nevermind that these two kids have been on my back for years. Nevermind that every moment they're nearby me, they take the time to get on my nerves. Nevermind that when you restrain yourself from attacking them, all it does is build up steam inside you. I mean, when you eventually explode and give the jerks what they deserve, you SHOULD get two demerits, and the two people who annoy you all the time SHOULD be let off the hook.
I mean, honestly. Everyone knows that depressed loners are dangerous. I mean, we loner types stand around, socially isolating ourselves out of fear for what other kids might do, whilst weighing the pros and cons of suicide against eachother (don't worry, I'm not suicidal; the cons drastically outweigh the pros), come on, we're trouble. If a loner attacks someone, it's obviously an unprovoked act of aggression and we're just doing it to be mean.
Good work, faculty, you're doing a splendid job of keeping the bullies in check. Nevermind the amount of times I've found myself unable to sleep because I'm busy wondering what vile things will happen to me at school next day. They never touched me, so obviously they're not bullies. Keep up the good work.
This has got to be the longest rant I've ever had.
I sympathize with you.
Lemme keep this short:
I wasn't cool in high school. Not amongst the popular kids, anyway. To be cool, you had to be one of those faux-thugs (or the real kind). Either that, or you could be one of the crazy punk kids.
Anyway, I didn't go to prom, any dance, or any sporting event. My Japanese class was kind of a haven for me. I hung out with the geeks, but never in the lunchroom because I dislike large crowds. I don't lack social skills by any means, but I just can't deal with all the personalities.
The biggest advice I can give you is to never do anything to try and fit in with people who aren't you, or who won't help you grow in your passions (art, reading, writing, anything you love).
Graduation day (last year, actually) was a lesson learned for me. The popular kids would walk across stage pumping their fists and "raising the roof", trying to get cheers.
After that? God knows. My best advice is that you shouldn't make high school your life. College is about 10 times as important- socially, academically, all that.
…That wasn't short. Dammn!!!
I was pretty isolated during HS years, despite being the only deaf in the school(and well known). The art room was like my second home and I spent as much time as possible there. I went to Junior ball, I think? Other than that, I skipped pretty much every school events.
I would say I've had my highs and lows during those years. It wasnt too bad, but it couldve been better if I werent so shy.
I just graduated highschool. XD
My freshman year was spent as a very seculded… emo-ish kid. >.> Until I ment five girls that drastically impacted my life. XD Soon after freshman year I became the sedestic, psycho bitch. :D I had 5 girls that were all pretty much different, but had the same ideas and a few guys that tended to hang around with us. XD I was the scary girl in the cornor who hardly ever spoke and had the scariest set of sleepless eyes in the room.
High school was pretty much just life. :/ A ton of bad stuff happened but I had wonderful friends that supported me every day.
I was not really liked in high school. a lot of the popular girls picked on me, and I had only on freind, and she wasn't really my freind, and she was only freinds with me to copy off my homework. So, I gave her a phony homework sheet, with all the answers wrong, so she got a zero, and never spoke to me again. It was the most hilarious thing ever, the look on her face was like, so funny I almost burst out laughing in the classroom, wich would have been a big giveaway.lol!
At one time I was bullied quite a bit. Even though I was the starting goalie for my schools hockey team I was still fucked with.
Then in 10th grade a kid pulled a knife on me trying to scare me. I've always been a smaller built person, so they didn't expect to get punched in the throat and stabbed with their own knife.
I didn't get in trouble as it was a act of self defense.
After that I never really got messed with after that, went on to go to college, then drop out of college. You know the american dream.
But one thing I learned was this:
Don't go to school in Detriot.
I did a lot of theater so I hung out with those kids a bunch. Most of HS sucked but my senior year I took a few provocative classes dated some cool ladies and the best part: left forever! (I also only took 4 classes my senior year so that helps too)
I think high school for the most part sucks for everyone… a little bit… somehow… trust me
Well, my high school didn't really have social groups. There were loud people in my classes who didn't know how to shut up, and they had plenty of friends too…so they roamed the halls in packs waiting to prey upon the unfortunate passersby who were attempting to get through their immense throngs (referred to as 'hall/blood clots'.)
That's about the only social group I can REALLY think off, and they're just jerks.
I hung out with alot of people who enjoyed passing insults to each other. A few pot-heads, but they were eventually weeded out from the groups when they got into other things and became anti-social.
I was in theatre, and had been in a few of the plays my junior and senior year, none as a freshman or sophomore but variety shows (because it was a different school, and the director there liked to play favorites.)
So my high school life was pretty easy-going.
On a note, maybe it was also easier for me because I am INCREDIBLY mellow. I don't get angry easily, even when I do…violence is not what I use to get back. I usually just say things that hurt people's feelings, or make them think twice about irritating me again. I guess I know how to hit chords with people. I think the only school years I ever had major difficulty were in elementary school, when I was much nicer and didn't like hurting people's feelings. I got over that one.
I didn't get in trouble as it was a act of self defense.
Wow, REALLY?! If anyone did that in my school, no matter what, you'd be suspended. The system in my school is so damn fucked up!
And being the starting goalie for the championship winning hockey team probably helped a bit.
Well At my school you had your social classes.
Jocks (male & Female)
preps & rich kids
Gangsta & emo/goths
And then you have my friend an I, we were " the losers"(we aggressive skate). Heh. So generally were good with all the teachers, skip alot to go skate alot. Don't go to high School parties, don't go to prom, no school spirit. Never really talked to anyone unless they showed us they were interesting enough to fly with us.
This makes it sound like were assholes, were not, its just sometimes you have to pick and choose your friends.
oh and I don't date girls in my school, It my policy, it avoids needless drama.
At one time I was bullied quite a bit. Even though I was the starting goalie for my schools hockey team I was still fucked with.
Then in 10th grade a kid pulled a knife on me trying to scare me. I've always been a smaller built person, so they didn't expect to get punched in the throat and stabbed with their own knife.
I didn't get in trouble as it was a act of self defense.
After that I never really got messed with after that, went on to go to college, then drop out of college. You know the american dream.
But one thing I learned was this:
Don't go to school in Detriot.
See, it's things like that that make me glad that I'm a Canadian. Around here, you don't get knives pulled on you.
Sure, there's still the occasional ass-whooping, but nothing earth-shattering.
High school sucked. I didn't quite ever fit in with any groups - I sorta missed the bandwagon in the first few weeks where you make new friends and was just sort of outcasted for my entire time there. :/
I mean, I had people who spoke to me and who I could hang around with but they were the sorts who'd drop me the instant someone cooler came along. I've never had friends who were "there for me". *sad violin music* I was never really bullied… I just don't think people cared enough to pick on me~ *more violins*
I was a hit with the teachers though~ a bit of a brainbox. XD I used to get the rules bent for me all over the place; that was kinda cool. I could get away with murder~
I really hated high school…
For me, Junior High school was the rough patch.
But by High School, I had things figured out. I handled bad situations better. I knew how to avoid trouble, and I didn't hope for things i could not have. Also, I think i was a bit more popular in High School. I think that in a small town, if you are the "outsider" long enough, you can eventually become something else, a "bonafide eccentric" or a "local fixture." Somehow, you get bored with them and they get bored with you.
So High school wasn't so bad.
I wasn't bullied or popular in high school. Most people tolerated me, nobody really went out of their way to pick on me. I had one really close friend from about the eighth grade onward, a couple of good friends that I hung out with outside of school sometimes, and a few more people who were "friends" in that I sat with them at lunch and talked to them between classes. For the most part, I just stayed to myself and everyone left me alone, which was fine with me. I never really had any desire (and still don't) to be one of the "popular kids".
Of course, I went to a tiny hick-town school (less than 90 people in my graduating class), so everybody kind of knew each other anyway. There weren't any gun or knife fights, just a few food fights in the cafeteria, and one kid who fell out of a second story window. o_O
That wasn't earth shattering. But it probably was for the guy that got stuck.At one time I was bullied quite a bit. Even though I was the starting goalie for my schools hockey team I was still fucked with.
Then in 10th grade a kid pulled a knife on me trying to scare me. I've always been a smaller built person, so they didn't expect to get punched in the throat and stabbed with their own knife.
I didn't get in trouble as it was a act of self defense.
After that I never really got messed with after that, went on to go to college, then drop out of college. You know the american dream.
But one thing I learned was this:
Don't go to school in Detriot.
See, it's things like that that make me glad that I'm a Canadian. Around here, you don't get knives pulled on you.
Sure, there's still the occasional ass-whooping, but nothing earth-shattering.
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