(Sorry if this topic has already been made)
Hey, do you guys use the same icons/avatars for all forums and accounts on the internet? If not, how many times do you change them? I would like to know. I find this to be quite interesting, because some people on the forums change their avatars quite frequently, while others have always been the same.
Since I have so many questions about this, I will make a list of questions and turn it into a survey:
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
7. What does your avatar represent?
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
I have kept the same avatar until today. My old avatar was drawn by me a few years ago, and my style has changed ever since then. So, I decided to draw a picture of me in my own style.
I know, my questions are a little bit strange, but I am curious.

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1. Yes, this is only the second avatar I've had on the site.
2. I draw mine. Normally I clip them from my comic pages.
3. Yes. See previous answer
4. N/A
5. Yes, but I can't do animation, so I don't have one.
6. Once every six months or so…I guess. I dunno honestly.
7. My character, Keish, the oldest living relic from when I first started drawing (except then she was a purple cat with pink and blue hair), and a character in my comic.
8. Yes.
1. I use a different one for each forum. Many have different size rules. I'm using this one on another forum I frequent:
2. Yes. Another I frequently use here looks kind of like this:
3. Yes. My current one is a character in my comic.
4. Nope
5. Yes, sometimes…
6. Here, not so often. On others, fairly often.
7. That is open to interpretation
8. Almost always
Thanks for responding, guys.
You made some really cool avatars for yourself, Fenn!
I guess I will start answering my questions:
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
Yes, actually. I used angry yellow-eyed one for quite a while.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I draw them.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
The one I am currently using looks like me. The yellow-eyed one I made up.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Not really. Sometimes, I think it distracts me from what I'm reading. Although, if it's a simple animation, I don't mind.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
Not often.
7. What does your avatar represent?
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
I used this one before:
I use this one for my DA:
And now I'm using this one:
…This is the full version:
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
Eh, not really but similar
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
Draw 'em
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
A character, usually the same one.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
I have no preference either way
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
Whenever I draw a picture I like more
7. What does your avatar represent?
A character from my comic. I usually use pictures where she looks unsure/thoughtful, because that's how I feel in forums. (She can be arrogant and sarcastic too, but those avatars are not well-received. :P )
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
Yes, but she often looks androgynous.
Previous avatars:
Here's one I love but don't use anywhere because it doesn't represent me well.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
i switch it up based on my mood, or how creative the new one is…
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
sometimes…such as the current
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
my current one looks like my character with a naruto base..and my character is based on me…
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
eye catchy….like fenn's…
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
mos def.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
depends on how often i create or find a cool one..
7. What does your avatar represent?
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
as of right now…
avatars (sorry if they're large):
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
Not too much. Different sites represent different aspects of myself. For example, if I go to some video game forum, I'll just grab a pic of my fav character/monster from the forum's gallery.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
Both. Currently all of my online avatars are found.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
Always a character from some comics I'm drawing or drew in the past. I rarely do self-insertion comics.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Something that represents something of me. For example, same hairstyle, or character/archetype I identify with, etc etc.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
I guess not… I never used an animated ava.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
I try not to, because ppl recognize you by your ava. But there are times when I changed it often.
7. What does your avatar represent?
The current one is the villain from The Secret of NIMH.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
I seldom take that into account, because here's what happens:
If avatar is male- Ppl assume you're some guy and you want to be him.
If avatar is female- Ppl assume you're some guy and you want to do her.
So what's the point?
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
Not really. I prefer to mix things around every once in a while.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I don't draw, period, but on DD I'm using characters from my comic, A Roll of the Dice, which my talented artist draws. But on most forums, no, I have a couple specific ones I like to use.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
Well since it's from my comic, yes it looks like a character I made up.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Yup. Golgo 13 avatars, since he goes so well with my username of Steely Gaze. I've got two or three in use right now.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Dunno. I guess I don't mind looking at an animated avatar so long as it's not annoying, but I prefer to use a static image.
6. How many times do you change your avatar?
Often. Once every month or two. In fact, I think it's about time for a change soon.
7. What does your avatar represent?
My presence on the forums, obviously. Other than that, nothing.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
So far, but that could change at anytime. I'm not overly particular about gender in my avatar choices.
1. Yeah pretty often. Or at least a variant of the same character.
2. I pull them straight from my comics.
3. See above.
4. Not really. On the ocassions I do that I just pick an interesting picture.
5. It doesn't really mater to me. I can do it, I'm just to lazy to go through the effort.
6. Once in a while. Lately pretty often but I've more or less settled on the one I have.
7. Just one of the characters I often draw.
8. I don't even know if it really has a gender period. I call them guys but I don't really regard them as being gender specific.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
Yeah, the one I have now is being used on a few other websites.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
Up until now, I found them… this is the first one I specifically drew for avatar usage.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
This one was made to resemble me.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Usually it's favorite characters of mine. In the past I've featured The Cheat (from Homestar Runner), Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Grimlock, Jay & Silent Bob and a funny icon featuring Pac-Man ghosts.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
A few times per year.
7. What does your avatar represent?
Basically me and the nature of my comic (time travel - hence the Marty McFly look).
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
Um… yeah.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
No. I have a different avatar on most forums that I'm on. Never the same avy in two place.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I usually draw my own avatars, but sometimes I photo edit some for my own purposes.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
No, but technically, I'm a furry, so my character wont look much like me.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Usually, it has to match what I like.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Not really, but I wouldn't mind having one.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
A lot:
7. What does your avatar represent?
Stuff that I like.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
I'm staying with this one that I have here.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Anything that catches my eye.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
Nowadays, never.
7. What does your avatar represent?
Some guy getting his brains sucked out by an alien.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
No. Not on different forums at least, I usually use a different one in all of them. Same goes for usernames and sometimes even my personality.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I do make them by fiddling in Photoshop with a picture I like sometimes, but I don't think I've ever drawn one. I'm not good enough at it yet.
The one I have at the moment was actually made by Fenn.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
If I ever draw one, it'll be fictional.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
Nah. 'Slong as I think it's funny.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
I have no preference.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
Whenever I find one I like.
7. What does your avatar represent?
I haven't a clue, ask Fenn.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
I'm really not sure. I can't tell what sex the person on my avatar is, what with that big mask thing.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
I used to, but now, not often.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I usually draw all of mine.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
Usually it was my original characters, but recently they've been drawings of myself. All are clips of larger drawings.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Yes, I've animated a few of my own. :3
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
I used to change mine alot, but not so much anymore.
7. What does your avatar represent?
It's just me in a Moe Maid outfit. X3
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
Here are some that I've used here. I use this on Deviant art
There are a heck of a lot more, though. ._.
Mini sized full image of my current one.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
I keep an avatar for a few months before I eventually draw something better.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I find my avatars in the things I draw, usually something I'm really happy with from any one panel.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
Yep. I based the character on myself… only he doesn't have stubble like me.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Not really… I've tried making some animated ones before but I find they aren't right for me.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
Probably once every two or three months.
7. What does your avatar represent?
Other than myself? :) Generally a piece of my work I'm happy with.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
Yep, it does.
And this is my deviantART avatar.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
- its largely dependent on how lazy i am at the moment, ive been to the changing avatars on a daily basis to using the same one for years at a time range.
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
- i like my avatars made by me, something of a personal touch in them.
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
- ive done both cases before.
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
- probably something very amusing or cute.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
- as long as its not annoying or seizure inducing.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
- same as question 1, dependent on laziness level.
7. What does your avatar represent?
- its usually random, no specifics.
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
- usually.
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
I usually make them, the one i have now is drawn by me
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
It's one of my characters but that character is me… so BOTH
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
Yep some of them are amusing
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
I change it when i feel like it.
7. What does your avatar represent?
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
I surely hope so…
1. Do you use the same avatar frequently?
-Yeah, but I tend to randomly add things on it (like the headband/ninja-like mask etc.)
2. Do you draw your avatars, or do you find them?
-Every avatar I ever used I think I either drew, or used Heromachine lol..
3. If you draw your avatar, does it look like you or a character you made up?
-My avatar is supposed to be me actually (unlike a lot of other people's avatars)
4. If you find your avatar, is there a specific thing you are looking for?
-I don't really look for avatars, and I really don't know where I could look.
5. Do you like avatars that are animated?
-They're cool to look at for a while, but they get real old real quick…so no.
6. How many times do you change your avatar (if you ever do)?
-Every once in a while I'll add random stuff on mine, but usually like every month or so..
7. What does your avatar represent?
8. Does your avatar have the same gender as you?
-ummmm…..yeah lol.
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