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Moonlight meanderer

Look at me, look at me- metaohorically streaking across your monitor in the hope of attracting attention!

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Howdy folks, I'm Ben Norton-Davies creator of the hilarious 'My TV is Evil' (my Mum said so so it must be true) and I'm here to gently nudge you in the direction of this fabulous little gem nugget of a webcomic. I know we all want the same thing here so believe me when I say: "I'll look at yours if you look at mine." ;-)
Thanks in advance

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might be better if you introduced yourself more then your comic- the look what i did thread is the perfect place for showing off you comicy goodness.

now i must assume you like pink bunnies, wrestle wild tunas, and wrote the great american novel in your basement but burned it because the sheer awesomeness was too great and you live in london- you owe these yanks no favors!
now drink your tea!

and welcome to the duck, i hope you enjoy your stay and have a merry ol' time.

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Thanks for the tips rokulily. So okay- here goes with the real introduction… now's your chance to go grab popcorn and tea, don't worry I'll wait… Are we sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Here's the dealio; I recently turned 29 and, filled with panic realised that I had done very little with my life. Then, even more recently, I turned 30 and, filled with panic realised that I had still done very little with my life. It was around this time that I decided to draw. Well technically first I decided to write but that is proving to be harder work than doodling so I decided to dedicate more time to the drawing. I'm not lazy, I use far more energy and effort avoiding work than I ever would actually doing it.

Now don't get me wrong; I have always drawn and I carry decades worth of notebooks and sketchbooks from studio to bedsit to flat as I rent the rungs on the property ladder, and it was in several of these sketchbooks that I found an old Comic strip 'Catatonic' that I used to draw at college. I read a few and they still made me laugh so I thought: 'well I can probably make these look prettier' so I did and that was where I got the bug for webcomics- and then I stumbled across Drunk Duck and thought what a 'fantastic forum for work. I must utilise it!' Now as I was already pretty established with Catatonic I didn't want to ship that across here wholesale I thought I would develop another sketchbook regular Evil TV and that is how I got here.

"But is that all there is to you?" I hear you cry, well no. I won't lie, I did lie above: It isn't that I haven't done anything with my life it's just that I like fun jobs that mean I don't have to work in the mornings so I mean I have done nothing with a pension plan- To date I have been a (terrible) stand up comedian, a skin character actor (dressing up as everyone from Scooby Doo to Dipsy from the Tellytubbies and prancing round sports stadiums)I've been a 70's DJ with the moniker DJ Pinky, a cocktail barman, a nightclub dancer (not as seedy as it sounds) and am currently working in the world famous West-End as a theatre lighting technician and operative (which is a posh way of saying follow-spot operator.)

I collect comics (Walking Dead is my absolute favourite) and trainers/sneakers (51 pairs and counting) and I have a pretty impressive DVD collection if I do say so myself. I am a huge fan of pink bunnies, I have wrestled farmed tuna and I was writing the great American novel but as an Englishman realised it was probably a waste of time.

Thanks for listening.

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Moonlight meanderer

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