I for one am going to be very disappointed if no one runs a Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed game. Anf even more so if it doesn't win.
Anyway. Time to pick a new GM.
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia 42 GM Elections
The vampire hunter ventured into the woods in search of clues. Leaping over various pitfalls and dodging the poisonous frogs that inhabited the dark woods. A cliff face presented itself before him. It seemed like a dead end. He turned away almost about to go home when he heard a maniacal laugh coming from the top. He put his whip onto his belt and climbed the rugged face of the cliff in front of him. Inch by inch he tore through the dirt gripping whatever he could to pull himself up. The face of the moon rose over the trees. "What a horrible night to be climbing a cliff" he thought to himself looking down to see a pack of werewolves snarling and attempting to climb after him but fumbling with the loose rocks on the cliff. Getting to the top he saw a man clothed in black wearing sunglasses. The vampire hunter dusted his clothes off. "You wear your sunglasses at night?" "Yes, Ive heard the joke before. You think you're original? Its the same joke from everyone that sees me in these." The vampire hunter grasped his whip as he noticed who he was talking to. "Youre the vampire king!" "Very deductive. But you shouldn't have been trying to figure out who I was. You should have been trying to figure out which I was.". The vampire hunter scratched his head "Uh… wha-" before he could even finish his sentence a second vampire king popped out from the bushes and pushed him over what appeared to be a third vampire king that was crouching down behind him. The hunter fell to the bottom of the cliff attempting to grab all that he could on his way down to stop the fall and inevitable dinner invite with some hungry werewolves.
Nothing did.
[spoiler]Salsa the vampire hunter was served cold.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=contains clues]Sunglasses at night = reference to the first page of gents boxing and the first response to the i dont like you 2 thread which I started.
3 Vampire kings = reference to the fact that I've had 3 accounts.
Sample Narrative
Number 20 headed towards his prey. He strolled down the street not caring who saw him. He was the big shot in town. No one was stronger or as hot as he was. He stopped outside of his victoms home. Before he could head in a wimpy little figure stubbled into. "Hey what's the matter with you?" 20 asked looking at the little man. He wore black and looked a little green. "I ain't no medic so if ya is feeling sick feel sick some where else," 20 said as he pushed the sick looking person away.
He started up the pathway when his hand started to burn. "WHAT!" 20 yelled as he saw his hand turning green. His viens were clearly visible. The green color spread from his hand and so did the burning sensation. "Didn't notice the little prick did ya big bad 20?" The green figure asked stepping infront of 20. "B-but I am number 20!," 20 yelled as he fell to his knees.
The green figure kneeled beside 20 whispered, "Yeah and I am number 1," and pushed the soon to be corpse of number 20 over.
[spoiler]Salsa number 20 is dead.
Clues: Wore black and looked green. Avi is in suit and I am the flying green monkey[/spoiler]
Clues would be off avi, name, pro, sig, how act in forum, comic icons, first 5pgs of comics.
It was a grand and momentous occasion.
Salsa was introducing his next Playground. Here was the Imperical Galactic Government's second finest craft ever introduced. Complete with a mostly intact Probability Drive. The president had spent Millions ensuring that this would go smoothly, and not be stolen. again.
"Sir!" came a voice from behind "i am here on my wedding, and would love a tour"
"Why you came to the right Person" Exclaimed Salsa "i know everything about this ship, and then some, Like how it's only half built."
Inside the cockpit, the strangers asked about how to Operate the ship.
"Well the improbability drive ignition is located right in the center console but it's–" Salsa had no time to react as the person with seemingly ninjaesque abilities hit the ignition.
Salsa, would have warned them about the preposterous effects, except he had somehow ended up right outside the spacecraft.
Salsa Died of radiation poisoning…or asphyxiation, i'm not sure which happens sooner in space
Wedding, and ninjaesque. Ninja Wedding is one of my comics.
Product Placement: 1
I for one am going to be very disappointed if no one runs a Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed game. Anf even more so if it doesn't win.

My only requirement is that you don't vote for me. Seriously. I do not want to run the next game. I'm way too busy at the moment with schoolwork.
Anyone's welcome to hijack it though, provided they promise to do it justice.
Mafia XLII: Super mafio Bros and the legend of mega fantasy castle.
(Or if anyone can think of a better name)
Its a classic video game based mafia although no knowledge of the game is required to enjoy. Just using video game type players.
As incentive ill remove the Charlie Sheen avatar.
Elected: Master player
The holder of the high score (of gained votes that is). What you say goes. Youhave the decision making power and the protection of the NPC's.
Score benefits: Each vote you cast is doubled to 2 votes. Auto usage when votes are cast.
Take another one with him: Not happy with just getting rid of 1 player a day? You can decree a double game over for 2 candidates. Can be used twice.
Sorry buddy. Its game over for you: After the election the Master Player decides if they want to kick a player from the game early. Only allowed on day one.
Serious error: If the Master player disagrees with the other players votes theyre allowed to cancel a lynch. Can be used twice.
Day off: There will be no votes on this day if the master player decides that there will be a day off. Can only be used once.
Runner up
The player with the second highest score (Again. Of votes) gets the privilege or deciding some aspects of how the game goes down and they also get protection from npcs.
Uh.. actually: If the runner up disagrees with the lynch options they can call off the lynch. Only allowed twice.
Heroes and NPC's:
Plumberman: The plumber man is a mushroom scoffing energy fanatic. Their healthy diet and constant star running and jumping gives them the edge over attackers.
1up: The 1up allows the plumberman to survive the first attempt on their life.
Jump: This ability allows them to stun a player. This can only be used once and will cancel another players ability for that night turn providing its sent in first. The skill cant hit another hero or itll be a miss but if they hit an npc by accident they cant vote the next day due to recovering from head injuries.
Vampire hunter: The vampire hunter is knows how villains work and think. His family have been in the business for thousands of years and the techniques are passed down from generation to generation.
I know this scent.: The vampire hunter can check the ballots to see if any minions or villians have voted. They will be given a number for every villains who voted except the dark lord.
Investigate: The vampire hunter can check up on a players background to see what they've done and when they've done it. All actions including votes will be shown to them from the person they choose. This can be used twice. The only actions that aren't shown are the dark lords.
Fighting Robot: The fighting robot is a special cyborg who gains the abilities of those who attack them. This allows the player with this role to gain an attack role and with that attack role they can absorb the abilities of the other players they kill with it.
Got weapon The fighting robot is invincible until they gain their first weapon. This weapon will allow them to kill but causes them to loose their invincibility.
Healing wizard: The healing wizard is a magic user who specializes in the ability to heal and protect.
Protect spell: The spell cast over another player allowing them to avoid an attack that night period.
Resurrect: Allows one single ressurection. Used up abilities dont recover when resurrected. Only used once and cant be used if the other healing wizard has already used it.
Legendary hero: An unlikely hero who became the saviour of the land many times by defeating the dark lord. Every 100 years they are resurrected to fight again and save the world from destruction.
Holy sword and shield: The hero takes it upon themselves to believe that they are the main defence against evil and so they have no quarrel with spilling blood in the name of good.
NPC's: The hard working voting population.
The Dark lord: Supreme overlord of all thats evil. Master of minions and destroyer of worlds. No other villains power comes close.
Watch and wait.: Until all of the other villains and minions are dead the dark lord cannot be touched or lynched. Instead it will appear as if the lynch had been cancelled. They are protected by their minions and wont need to lift a finger until its needed.
Disruption: By disrupting a player this will cause them to be paralyzed with fear and stay indoors for one day and night cycle causing them to be unable to use an ability or vote but at the same time causing them to be immune from being killed or lynched.
Hidden.: They will appear as an npc to the detective.
Require assistance.: Allows one minion to be chosen for sacrifice. The minion that is chosen is killed and in turn a random townie will become the vampire king. Can only be used at night.
Vampire king: The vampire king rised from the dead to get their revenge on the vampire hunter whos family have sent him to hell every time he is called back from the dead.
This role can be activated by a minion's sacrifice and is not given at the start of the game. An npc will be randomly chosen if the skill is activated.
Blood of the night: The vampire king gets a single night kill but cannot vote during the day.
Turtle king: A princess fetishist and a large crown wearing turtle. The turtle king is always chasing after a princess in one world or another. This time with no princess he turns to just causing havoc and dismay with his enchanted shells.
Bob-omb The turtle king sends up to two non living bomb minions to players of his choice. They will be detonated when they give the order or when the turtle king dies. Only 2 can be active at any one time.
Minion: A minion of the dark lord. Working against the side of good. No distinguishing characteristics here apart from a heart of pure black and an unexplained grudge against all that's good.
Rival: The rival player doesnt care which side they're on as long as they get what they want.
Sample narration to come later.
An extreme make over of rules of mafia.
Mafia XLII: Number Wars!
There is no good or bad side! It is everyone vs. everyone. Build your own alliances. Betray your own alliances! It's all good.
The game will be broken up into night and day cycles. Lynch and Actions. But in this game everyone has the ability to kill!
Everyone will be given a random number. The possible numbers go from 1-(How many players). After each cycle the numbers will change with each number getting +1. The highest number will change to the lowest. At night you can target a player to kill. If you have a higher number you kill the person. If you have a lower nothing happens. A special rule: the lowest number can kill the Highest number. Clues will be given to both the identity of the potential killer and victim.
You can form alliances by each member of the alliance pqing me telling me each player in the alliance. If I do not get a pq from each player of the alliance the alliance is invalid. The max members in one alliance is 3. You can be in any amount of alliances.
I will give each number a "power". This "power" will not be made public by me. These "powers" will not be know to the public.
Example powers: Extra life, Medic, Uncovering a players number, etc. Many of these powers will be from roles of previous games.
Game ends when:
Only one player is left standing
An alliance makes it to the end and agrees to have a joint victory
There is no elected roles. This game would start on the night cycle.
Narrative to come later.
The vampire hunter ventured into the woods in search of clues. Leaping over various pitfalls and dodging the poisonous frogs that inhabited the dark woods. A cliff face presented itself before him. It seemed like a dead end. He turned away almost about to go home when he heard a maniacal laugh coming from the top. He put his whip onto his belt and climbed the rugged face of the cliff in front of him. Inch by inch he tore through the dirt gripping whatever he could to pull himself up. The face of the moon rose over the trees. "What a horrible night to be climbing a cliff" he thought to himself looking down to see a pack of werewolves snarling and attempting to climb after him but fumbling with the loose rocks on the cliff. Getting to the top he saw a man clothed in black wearing sunglasses. The vampire hunter dusted his clothes off. "You wear your sunglasses at night?" "Yes, Ive heard the joke before. You think you're original? Its the same joke from everyone that sees me in these." The vampire hunter grasped his whip as he noticed who he was talking to. "Youre the vampire king!" "Very deductive. But you shouldn't have been trying to figure out who I was. You should have been trying to figure out which I was.". The vampire hunter scratched his head "Uh… wha-" before he could even finish his sentence a second vampire king popped out from the bushes and pushed him over what appeared to be a third vampire king that was crouching down behind him. The hunter fell to the bottom of the cliff attempting to grab all that he could on his way down to stop the fall and inevitable dinner invite with some hungry werewolves.
Nothing did.
[spoiler]Salsa the vampire hunter was served cold.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=contains clues]Sunglasses at night = reference to the first page of gents boxing and the first response to the i dont like you 2 thread which I started.
3 Vampire kings = reference to the fact that I've had 3 accounts.
I am the 1337 master was having a perfectly good day until some bitch made him drop his ice cream and he was like: ‘Bitch what you think you doin’ and the bitch was like ‘Man dog I is sorry and oh so bitchy and I make it up to you for free, yes’ and I am the 1337 master henceforth lost his virginity.
But the rage behind the loss of cream o’ ice made I am the 1337 master very is angry and he attacked with splash, a move only the dark side of the force can handle and we all know he is dark side-d because he is I am the 1337 master and that is what he do.
Long story is short, the attack did no damage and I am the 1337 master went to walk off his anger. He said: ‘man I is so angry I could eat a cow and that is very bad’
So I am the 1337 master did just that and once again his day became happy and shit and everyone applauded and laughed and he got a gramm-er
_ _ _
But to sum that all up…
[spoiler]Rokulily, AKA “The Bitch” killed herself and I am the 1337 master had nothing to do with it[/spoiler]
All right… I've unfortunately been very sidetracked while working on this, with tests coming up so I apologize for the tardiness. This is what I've written so far.
I need to work on it some more and It needs few more fleshed out roles and you guys are more then welcome to come up with suggestions.
I'm also thinking about introducing the improbability drive, which will makes something really random happen whenever its activated. It can either be something automatic that happens at the end of every day/couple of days or actually be controlled by one of the players. I've listed down few possible things that the improbability drive at the end of this post but it's hidden in a size 0 text.
So let me know what you think about it so far.
The hitchhiker guide to the galaxy!
Or… Whatever you want to call this; I'm not running it.
"The Heart of Gold" was such a technological marvel. Being the first ship to be powered by the controversial improbability drive, The Imperial Galactic Government was very sad to see it snatched from them, during its christening ceremony. Therefore it was decided to build another model but using a much cheaper budget. Thus "The Ticker of Pyrate" was made.
…unfortunately it was also subsequently stolen.
The thief, hoping for fame and fortune for stealing such a unique technology really should have read the user manual, though, before spinning up the drive cause the next thing he remembered was being a lovely looking couch in the captain's chambers. As if that wasn't enough, the ship was also full of hitchhikers that it had randomly picked up from all over the universe.
That's where you guys come in…
Elected personel.
As a captain, it's very important to look important and boss people around. That's why it seemed like a good idea to occasionally declare that it's time to clean up this ship and order someone into the airlock. However people wanted to have their say in the matter so it was decided that they get to vote for whom should take the plunge. Expect that unlucky sod to be someone unsociable or at very least with very poor hygiene.
Let's test this thing out: Can airlock a person as soon as you get elected.
Hey! This thing fits two!: Can declare a double lynch.
Never mind…: Can cancel a lynch.
Congratulation. As the runner up for the election, you've been given access to a very important looking button. Whenever you feel like it, you can press it which will activate the improbability drive. This can have various interesting effects. You're limited to once per day turn, after the first night, since the drive takes time to charge up (like previously mentioned, the ticker is a cheaply made ship).
Two random Hitchhikers are chosen to protect the Captain and the Navigator. As long as they live, the Captain and the Navigator can't be killed at night.
This seems like a pretty nice ship that you found yourself in and since nobody was using it, none of you felt that guilty about commandeering it. You only have to get rid of those pesky people who are trying to kill you and it's all yours.
Guide editor
You don't only read the guide, you work on the guide! You've visited countless of planets collecting info from them in order to update the good book. This has made you exceptionally knowledgeable individual who can use his experience for various use.
Friends in high places: You can call the head editors of the guide to ask what role one of the shipmates play in the universe. However they are very busy people and are likely to only answer your call twice.
Consult the guide: The guide is constantly being updated so the editor can usually look up to see if somebody was involved with the killing of someone or not.
…it's a very extensive guide.
Classic voting tactics: Looking up the guide, the editor can look up all the classic voting rigging tactics and is thus able to give a very accurate calculated guess about how many criminal voted for a particular person during an election.
Lab mouse
Seemingly unimportant lab mice roam around the ship and are usually ignored by everyone. This does give them the perfect opportunity to stalk people and provide assistance whenever it's needed. This will also inform them if the individual they're watching does something over the night or stays inactive but since they're never in the right angle to witness that action, they will not realize what it was that he did.
The Ruler of the Universe
For some strange and highly unlikely reason (which is probably exactly the reason why he's here), the Ruler of the Universe ended up on the ship as well. Normally he keeps to himself and refuses to take anything he hears for granted or as absolute truth.
But how can you be sure you exist?: Whenever the Ruler of the Universe meets up with someone, he starts speculating whether or not these people actually exist. He does such a good job of doing that that the person he talks to ends up doubting his own existence to the point where he wills himself from it.
Paranoid Android
A standard model android that came with the ship. Unfortunately it's the same standard model as Marvin the Paranoid Android and thus also clinically depressed.
Oh… What's the use?: Anyone who spends sufficient time with the paranoid android gets so depressed from his whining about the unfairness of everything that he ends up committing suicide. This happens to anyone who decides to visit him but if more then one people decides to pop up, he will only affect the first visitor although he will leave a sense of melancholy in the hearts of any subsequent visitor, regardless of their intention.
A hitchhiker with a towel
You are a Hitchhiker who have founds yourself on board the Ticker of Pyrade. Don't remember to carry a towel with you at all times.
A hitchhiker with a spare towel
You came prepared. It will be harder to take you down, compared to other hitchhikers. You have a second night life as a result.
The Imperial Galactic Government
These are loyalists to the Imperial Galactic Government, who wish to return the ship to its rightful owner.
Wait… who the hell let a Vogon on board? The mere idea that an unlicensed ship is running around the universe offends him greatly and thus has decided to do something about it. Fortunately for the rest of the crew, the formal request that he sent to have the ship tracked down and apprehended is still being processed by the bureaucratic center of the Vogon council. Unfortunately for the crew, it means that he's taken up his favorite pastime, while he's waiting to hear back from them.
Did you fill in the voluntary manslaughter permit?: Anyone who approaches the Vogon at nights with the intention of harming him will end up with so much paperwork to go through that he won't even know if he's allowed to go to the bathroom anymore by the end of it. The Vogon can't be killed while this power is in effect.
You're going to need a permit for that: If the vogon decides to show up for one of the airlocking ceremonies, he can request to see the proper paperwork to allow unassisted spacewalk. This will result in a lynch cancel.
"Oh freddled gruntbuggly. Thy micturations are to me…": The vogon has decided grant you the honor of listening to his latest poetry. It is the type of honor that leaves you desiring to become closely acquainted with whatever blunt instrument that happens to be near you at the time. There usually are no survivors. The vogon pours his heart and soul into his pieces so during the nights where he writes them, he'll be left suitable distracted enough to be attacked (The vogon can be killed during nights when he himself is attacking someone).
A Blagulon galactic policemen, who enjoys shooting people. He was originally tasked with tracking down the Heart of gold but found himself on the ticker. He answers to the vogon.
Shoot: Your favorite pastime. Killing who you deem to be ship thieving lawbreakers.
Bang Bang
Another Blagulon galactic policemen with similar goals and interest. Also onboard the ship.
Bang: Well, what a coincidence. You also like killing people.
Hactar the bomb making computer
You were made to destroy the universe, a mission that you thankfully failed. Many attempts have been made to destroy you but being a resourceful type, you've found a way to survive. Today you appear as a normal humanoid but still has a flair for making bombs. You've decided to employ your services to the vogon and blow up anyone he asks. Each night you can either plant a bomb that you've made or detonate one that you've already planted. You can only keep two bombs in circulation at a time but are free to plant more if one of them has been lost or detonated.
Not really part of the crew and not really after them either. This guy has the potential of being a serial killer but is otherwise just an annoyance.
An Infinitely Prolonged person
It was a very unfortunate accident, involving an irrational particle accelerator, a pair of rubber bands and an alcoholic substance that left you without the ability to die. This can become very irritating when it happens. In order to pass time, you've decided to insult every single person in the world. Lucky for you, the last people that you've left to insult just so happen to be onboard this ship (what were the odds of that happening?).
You want to know what I think of you? Pick to people at the start of the game to insult. Then pick two more for the end of the first day, then two more for the first night and so on. Those who are insulted are too traumatized to do anything for that following turn (This means that the two players insulted at the beginning of the game can neither run nor vote during the captain election). If you actually manages to insult every person onboard, you get to laugh at all of their faces before leaving, satisfied of your job well done. People can't kill you when you're in this state.
(This is a personal victory for this player. He's done with the game if he achieves this goal and is not required to kill for any side in order to win)
But… Oh dear… someone just killed a person you had yet to insult? And you were so close; here you were almost done insulting everyone. Poor you.
The frustration that comes from seeing your achievement snatched away from you during the final stretch made something very important snap in your brain. You won't be happy again until you've killed everyone onboard the ship. While you're in this unbalanced state, it actually becomes possible to kill you. (You're essentially a serial killer now. People can and have to kill you in order to beat the game).
Improbable side effects:
Oh no. Not again: Someone who already died returns to the ship reincarnated. This will give him a random role that may or may not be good or bad to the crew of the ship.
I don't remember having fins: Someone's been turned into the second most intelligence animal on earth; the dolphin. He gains and extra life, due to his ability to sense incoming danger, the ability to protect people and can do backflips.
That doesn't go there: Two random individuals switch powers/abilities. A killer could receive a healing power while the healer gains a killing power. If one of the individuals has no powers/abilities then he will gain the ability from his counterpart while the other will end up with no powers. If both people have similar powers or none, then nothing stupendous will really happen.
A likelihood of tea.
Brainwashing ballot booth: The ballot booth where people vote to kick someone into deep space gains sentience for a day and decides it doesn't like one of the shipmates. At the end of the day, it will brainwash anyone who enters it to vote for that person, thus giving him 100% of all the votes. This can then be canceled.
Sample Narrative
Number 20 headed towards his prey. He strolled down the street not caring who saw him. He was the big shot in town. No one was stronger or as hot as he was. He stopped outside of his victoms home. Before he could head in a wimpy little figure stubbled into. "Hey what's the matter with you?" 20 asked looking at the little man. He wore black and looked a little green. "I ain't no medic so if ya is feeling sick feel sick some where else," 20 said as he pushed the sick looking person away.
He started up the pathway when his hand started to burn. "WHAT!" 20 yelled as he saw his hand turning green. His viens were clearly visible. The green color spread from his hand and so did the burning sensation. "Didn't notice the little prick did ya big bad 20?" The green figure asked stepping infront of 20. "B-but I am number 20!," 20 yelled as he fell to his knees.
The green figure kneeled beside 20 whispered, "Yeah and I am number 1," and pushed the soon to be corpse of number 20 over.
[spoiler]Salsa number 20 is dead.
Clues: Wore black and looked green. Avi is in suit and I am the flying green monkey[/spoiler]
Clues would be off avi, name, pro, sig, how act in forum, comic icons, first 5pgs of comics.
It was a grand and momentous occasion.
Salsa was introducing his next Playground. Here was the Imperical Galactic Government's second finest craft ever introduced. Complete with a mostly intact Probability Drive. The president had spent Millions ensuring that this would go smoothly, and not be stolen. again.
"Sir!" came a voice from behind "i am here on my wedding, and would love a tour"
"Why you came to the right Person" Exclaimed Salsa "i know everything about this ship, and then some, Like how it's only half built."
Inside the cockpit, the strangers asked about how to Operate the ship.
"Well the improbability drive ignition is located right in the center console but it's–" Salsa had no time to react as the person with seemingly ninjaesque abilities hit the ignition.
Salsa, would have warned them about the preposterous effects, except he had somehow ended up right outside the spacecraft.
Salsa Died of radiation poisoning…or asphyxiation, i'm not sure which happens sooner in space
Wedding, and ninjaesque. Ninja Wedding is one of my comics.
Almost done. I just need to include few more fun kill roles for the Imperial Government.
I messed around with the leadership as well. Now the captain has the final say in all matters regarding the lynch. That includes canceling it. Instead the runner up becomes the navigator which grants him the ability to activate the improbability drive. This can result in something good for the crew, good for the bad guys or bad for both.
Vote for invisible Mafia, I swear you won't be disappointed
I had my fingers crossed.
Anyway, I want a good clean fair fight. No back stabbing, lynching, biting, kicking, spitting, raping, pillaging, plundering, sacking, razing, burning, slapping,gnawing, cutting, stabbing, impaling, voting, debating, eating french foods such as fries of the french, turtle fence building, cheese burger eating, consumption, consumerism, seizures, stuffing, punting, bitch slapping, pile driving, grave digging, grave filling, dying, breathing, drinking, or any other form of bodily function.
Now have fun!
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- Smkinoshita
- jerrie
- Chickfighter
- Andreas_Helixfinger
- Tantz_Aerine
- Genejoke
- Davey Do
- Gullas
- Roma
- NanoCritters
- Teh Andeh
- Peipei
- Digital_Genesis
- Hushicho
- Palouka
- Cheeko
- Paneltastic
- L.C.Stein
- Zombienomicon
- Dpat57
- Bravo1102
- TheJagged
- LoliGen
- OrcGirl
- Fallopiancrusader
- Arborcides
- ChipperChartreuse
- Mogtrost
- InkyMoondrop
- jgib99
- Call me tom
- OrGiveMeDeath_Ind
- Mks_monsters
- GregJ
- HawkandFloAdventures
- Soushiyo