Thank god that's over. Lets get this started:
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:Gertrude veribles.
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia 45 election
reserved for narrations
[quote=Salsa's Narration]
The Dark Lord was not pleased. The Adventurers had already slain half of his minions and his Trap Master. He sent a lone minion to find the elusive adventurers, hoping to be able to send his champion to finish them off.
The little minion was to met his doom.
He had found the Adventurers as he had been instructed, but was discovered almost as soon as he spotted them. The Cleric pointed at the intruder.
[size=20]Jninjashadow the Minion is Dead[/size]
-I'm pointing in my avatar
-My profile ends in Boom…
the narration ends in You…
[quote=Zeph's Narration]
Do to an error by Same, the world advanced in time through an entire year, however nobody had any memories of what happened during that year, it was as if it never existed. They had all went to sleep on new years eve 2011, only to wake up on new years day 2013. The entire year of 2012 did not exist. The citizens of towns ton were boggled by this discovery. How could an entire year just vanish?
After the events of mafia 43, with the slaying of the Dark Lord BFF Satan by the legendary Hero Rokulily with guidance from the Vampire Hunter Zeph, and the Healing Sorceress Ochi. The forgotten year revealed itself, a massive gaping portal in the middle of town. It swirled backwards into town, clocks span backwards, calendars reattached their pages.
Example Narration
The entire town was sucked through it, but when they appeared, they were not the people they use to be. Same fell through the portal slamming into the cold cobblestone floor. He felt a cold liquid drop upon him, "What… what the fuck is this?!" he roared. Taking a deep breath he realized it. It was gasoline. "Burn." a voice cackled, dropping a Zippo lighter onto him. The last image he saw was two glaring red eyes, one of which had a whitish scar across it.
[Spoiler] Same the former GM was burned alive [/spoiler]
Clues: Putting gasoline on someone with a Zippo: Plastic Bullets, Andrew Cross douses Zero in gasoline, and attempts to light him on fire with a Zippo.
Clue 2: Andrew Cross of plastic bullets gets red eyes when enraged, and has a white scar across his eye.
I'm in.
Drunk Duck Mafia presents…
a Salsa(thegeek) production…
Return to Townstonia
Yep we're going back to the game that pretty much got me the title Salsa the luckless. but with a tweeeeeest! You see, it's been over two years since Reverse Mafia, I think we're about due for another round. So here's the setup.
Just for Clarification.
sacrifice- a lynch
death-match- double lynch
The village of Townstonia is in ashes. The ravens feed upon the flesh of the fallen. Only the faint howls of the damned are heard in eerie twilight.
But the ravens are far from alone.
A dark figure strides into the square, once vibrant and thriving, now reeks with rot and death. He pulls a tome from his concealing robes and begins to recite the ancient words. Power, dark and ravenous, sweeps from his out stretched hand and into the blood-stained ground. The earth groans, then shrieks, in protest as vast caverns, towering spires, and imposing walls flowed into existence.
His work finished, the dark figure places an enchantment on the door.
"To all those who wish to test their strength, to all those who wish for treasure beyond their wildest dreams, to all those who dare, I beckon you," the man chants as he does his work.
He smiles as he settles into his throne. For the Dark Lord Salsa, this is only the beginning.
The Dungeon Master- The Dark Lord's right-hand man, er, being. Selected from the cream of the crop on the first day. Being so close to the top brings untold power.
Let there be blood- Upon being named, the Dungeon Master can pick a person to be sacrificed to the Dark Lord, but he must act quickly and choose wisely.
Fight…TO THE DEATH!- The Dungeon Master can declare a death-match between two people twice. The loser dies, the victor gets the honor of dying upon the Dungeon Master's sword.
Blood for the Dark Lord- The Dungeon Master's vote counts twice
Foolish to fight me alone- While at least one Blood Knight lives, the Dungeon Master cannot be attacked successfully.
The Keeper of the Keys- Second to the Dungeon Master, the Keeper of the Keys is selected at the same time as the Dungeon Master. He too also has terrible power.
Preserve the blood, preserve yourself- The Keeper can halt two sacrifices to the Dark Lord.
Stronger than you think- Like the Dungeon Master, the Keeper cannot be successfully attacked while at least one Blood Knight lives.
Forces of Darkness
The Dark Champion(1)- The sword arm of the Dark Lord, this being can kill once a night. Since he is also the Dark Lord's Champion he has two night lives.
The Shaman(1)- Skilled in the ways of blood and bone, the Shaman can give one person an extra nightlife every other night. He can also give two people their lives back after being killed (the people not the Shaman).
The Witch(2)- Powerful spells are a trifle to you. You can protect one person from one a attack a night.
The Beholder(1)- An ancient being that has seen much and knows more. You can find out if how many Adventurers voted for someone to be sacrificed, ask whether someone follows the Dark Lord twice, or paralyze someone for one day and one night.
The Trap Master(1)- You handle the traps around the Dark Lord's keep. The first person to come to you for any reason at night dies. The only exception is the Rogue.
Blood Knight(2)- You guard the Dungeon Master and the Keeper of the Keys with your life. You have a one in twenty chance of killing your opponent if your charges are attacked.
Minion(the rest of you lot)- You pillage, plunder, put hickies on all the fair damsels. And by that, I mean, you sacrifice someone, die, repeat. If you're lucky you get to get some armor and kill someone.
The Adventurers
The Fearless Leader(1)- You and your merry band have come to plunder the Dark Lord's treasure and slay said abomination. As the leader, you have some very nice skills.
Coup de Grace- You can kill one person without revealing yourself. You have to let the GM know you're using this ability.
We need a distraction- you can disrupt one sacrifice or death-match
Well hidden- You appear as a humble servant of the Dark Lord, and are treated as if you're protected from all attacks. This is canceled if you:
==>Attack without using the Coup de Grace ability
==>are the only surviving member of your party, you don't get it back if one of them is raised from the dead.
Final Stand- You can kill once a night, but lose all of the benefits of the Well Hidden ability
The Cleric(1)-You can kill once a night and can bring one person back from the dead.
The Rogue(1)- You are a master thief and assassin. You can kill once a night and ignore the Trap Master's traps.
The Wizard(1)- You can prepare or activate a spell once a night, You can only have two spells prepared at once, if you die, your spells are activated and the people targeted die, unless they have more than one night life.
The Barbarian(1)- Fueled by rage and pride, you can kill once a night and have a one in four chance of surviving an attack.
The Priests of Chaos(2)- After being defeated in Townstonia once, the order has sent two of its highest Priests to exact revenge. As long as both are alive, neither can be attacked. Both can kill once a night.
Narrations will happen at 10 pm Central time. (4 am GMT) Clues will be from profiles, comic thumbs, avatars, and signatures. If you have any questions just ask.
The Dark Lord was not pleased. The Adventurers had already slain half of his minions and his Trap Master. He sent a lone minion to find the elusive adventurers, hoping to be able to send his champion to finish them off.
The little minion was to met his doom.
He had found the Adventurers as he had been instructed, but was discovered almost as soon as he spotted them. The Cleric pointed at the intruder.
Jninjashadow the Minion is Dead
-I'm pointing in my avatar
-My profile ends in Boom…
the narration ends in You…
If we are only going to have four or five Minions, then I'll probably ask PP for a little help and come up with some roles for those people. :)
Mafia 42: The Forgotten Year
Story: Do to an error by Same, the world advanced in time through an entire year, however nobody had any memories of what happened during that year, it was as if it never existed. They had all went to sleep on new years eve 2011, only to wake up on new years day 2013. The entire year of 2012 did not exist. The citizens of towns ton were boggled by this discovery. How could an entire year just vanish?
After the events of mafia 43, with the slaying of the Dark Lord BFF Satan by the legendary Hero Rokulily with guidance from the Vampire Hunter Zeph, and the Healing Sorceress Ochi. The forgotten year revealed itself, a massive gaping portal in the middle of town. It swirled backwards into town, clocks span backwards, calendars reattached their pages.
Example Narration
The entire town was sucked through it, but when they appeared, they were not the people they use to be. Same fell through the portal slamming into the cold cobblestone floor. He felt a cold liquid drop upon him, "What… what the fuck is this?!" he roared. Taking a deep breath he realized it. It was gasoline. "Burn." a voice cackled, dropping a Zippo lighter onto him. The last image he saw was two glaring red eyes, one of which had a whitish scar across it.
[Spoiler] Same the former GM was burned alive [/spoiler]
Clues: Putting gasoline on someone with a Zippo: Plastic Bullets, Andrew Cross douses Zero in gasoline, and attempts to light him on fire with a Zippo.
Clue 2: Andrew Cross of plastic bullets gets red eyes when enraged, and has a white scar across his eye.
When the others awoke, they found themselves inside a rather lavish looking hotel lobby. Blood red carpet trimmed along the edges with fine gold frilling, a stained mahogany desk sat in the room, with a man standing behind it, several keys behind him, he looked at the group, passing them a smug expression. "Ratty…" he muttered, the citizens didn't know what was going on. The roaring fire in the corner filled the room with a reddish glow that contrasted with the frozen outside. "Are we at a ski resort?" one asked, the others looked around, completely baffled. "And where the hell is Same?"
Game play: The citizens of Townston have been sucked into the world of The Forgotten Year, all their memories of what happened after that game have been erased. The Lost Year is a world comprised of nightmares, and dreams. This game will run like a normal mafia game,. The town is torn into two sides, the survivors and the insane.
Survivors: The survivors are those who do not hear the voices in their heads. They are able to retain their sanity for the moment, though that can change.
Elected Roles
Brave Leader: The bravest of the group. Elected by the others
Not on my watch: The Brave Leader may defend a player once per night cycle, they cannot defend the same player twice in a row.
Trusted: The leader's lynch vote counts for double
Soul bound: The leader cannot die as long as at least one of the soul bounds still lives.
Traitorous Dog: Within the first hour of being appointed leader, the player may instantly kill a player.
Double Kill: The Brave Leader may call a double lynch twice per game.
Arm of Vengeance: He balances the leader, but has no say in the lynches. (Second runner up in votes)
Vow of Hatred: Arm of Vengeance may target a player to kill each night. This does not stack. (If a insane is elected, they cannot kill twice, if a survivor is elected, they are no longer eligible to get the weapon at random.)
Soul Bound: Cannot be killed unless both soul bounds are dead.
Soul Bound: Tied to their masters, soul bounds will die for them. They serve as body guards, and must be killed before the leader, or Arm of Vengeance can be killed. Unless the arm of vengeance kills an innocent. (They're just like bodyguards in normal games)
Survivor: Quite simple, they survived going through the portal.
I aim to live: After every day Cycle, I will select 2 survivors at random, and grant them a weapon, they have the ability to kill only for that night cycle.
Deep regret: If they kill an innocent they can't vote in the next day cycle.
Take the bullet: A survivor may choose to protect another player, by sacrificing their own life for them.
The Doctor: You don't understand this new world, but you understand that people are dying.
I cannot take a life: The Doctor cannot kill.
Heal the wounds: During a rest cycle, the doctor may resurrect one player that had died that previous night cycle.
The sight of Blood: If more than 4 innocents are dead at the beginning of the next night cycle, the Doctor becomes Insane. (See insane doctor)
Game Hint: The doctor can keep from going insane by making sure the amount of innocents dead at any given time is 3 or lower.
The Coward: You're a spineless maggot, but at least you're alive.
Run: The first time you're attacked you run away.
Cowardly: Cowards can't kill people, they'd rather kill themselves (No this isn't a role
power dumb ass)
The Exorcist: Though they may not be demons, your methods seem to work.
Exorcism: During a rest cycle, you may attempt exorcise a player of the Voice's dark melody. They will no longer be converted.
The Insane and Evil.
The Voice: You are the voice inside the other player's heads, deranged from your travel through the portal, you look human on the outside, but really you seek everyone's utter destruction by leading them down the path to ruin.
Dark Melody: Each night you may infect a different player with your dark melody, if it is not removed by the next night cycle that player becomes insane.
Shattered Soul: The Voice's soul resides inside all of the insane. It cannot be killed until every insane is dead.
Paralyzing Fear: The Voice may interrupt one player's action for the cycle.
Blood Red Roses: When all of the insane are dead, the Voice can actively kill players.
Will of Darkness: The Voice cannot be killed or Lynched until all of the other insane are dead. All actions against him will be voided.
Insane Doctor: He has seen too much blood. Once 4 innocents have died, the doctor becomes this.
Psychotics: The insane doctor drives his former allies insane with his rambling about the hopelessness of existence. Target Player becomes Insane. (Can only be used once)
Insane: You hear the voices in your head, they tell you to kill, and strip you of all morals. Your only intent is the slaughter of your former comrades.
Insanity's Grasp: The insane may target a player once per night to kill.
Immoral: The insane do not care who they kill, if they kill their fellow insane, they are unaffected by guilt.
Whoever wins, once the election is over can someone please remind me to sign up to play?
I am very likely to forget due to a busy schedule of writing angry letters to politicians and making tin foil hats to keep the aliens out of my brain.
Lets face it, the last game was total crap (I assume) since I wasn't playing in it.
I didn't read the actual thread to draw that conclusion, but I think we know its true.
My only concern is that if Zeph wins, he will rig the whole game to make sure I win. (Just as I would be tempted to do for him if I was GMing.)
Zeph, remember, even though we are blood brothers, united by our shared destiny and unbreakable bonds of fellowship, you have to stay impartial when GMing!
Lets face it, the last game was total crap (I assume) since I wasn't playing in it.Your words hurt me hark…. they hurt me deep… my poor fragile heart… I BELIEVED IN YOU! I READ HARKOVAST!
I didn't read the actual thread to draw that conclusion, but I think we know its true.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT anyway, on to the winner, with an unprecedented total of all the votes. The winner is…. the person who recieved the most votes, who was in fact…
jninja well you see…that was because….it's just that….
Alright I admit it ! The last game was AWESOME!
It blew minds!
I read some of those narrations and I WEPT! WEPT WITH JOY!
I now live in shame with having failed to be a part of the glorious wonder and beauty of what you created.
And yes, I do take eveyrthing to extremes…why do you ask?
In other news, Zeph is now the main man, this means I MUST run for mayor.
The reason?
It will force zeph to do the thing he hates most and talk about me and all the silly stuff I say and do in the commentary.
Threads up
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