The current game is finally drawing to a close after lots of ups and downs and thus it's finally time for a yet another GM election. Mafia veterans, you know the drill. Those who are new here, read this:
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.
Niccea's narrative
Rokulily was late. She clutched a rectangular object tightly to her chest. She would pay dearly if he didn't deliver it in time. She decided to take a shortcut to his destination through Cutthroat Alley. Normally, this would not be a good idea, but Rokulily was armed and dangerous.
As she hot footed it through the alley, a shadow rose up. Roku was clearly shaken as she raised her gun and fired.
The rat that she had shot at scampered away with a squeak. Roku breathed a sigh of relief. She stepped out of the alley and saw the glimmering front of Gamestop. She knew that she was safe.
"You are a bit late aren't you?"
Rokulily turned around quickly to face the alley. There was no one there. Her breaths came in sharp bursts. That was when the piano wire was slipped around her throat. Her assailant used the momentum and the added height of a trash can to hoist her into the air.
Death came slow, but it came all the same. The figure dumped the body into the alley for the butcher or the police to find. All the figure took with it was the rectangular object.
[spoiler] Ok, I know this was an odd one. This would most likely be a first day one. I will just explain it like this:
Rokulily is carrying a rectangular object and she is late.
She would pay dearly for it…
The rectangular object is a library book. And I am the librarian. I know that is a little odd, but I thought it worked.
I also released my comic, When Books Attack Part II recently.
Especially since we don't have a Blockbusters to hurry to.[/spoiler]
GarBonzo Bean's narrative
“Is it that bad?†Roku thought. The appointment wasn’t going so well, the doctor came in, examined her swollen wrist, mumbled, “Hmm…†and left. You think that being a god would give you better health benefits, but the waiting room had been stuffed with parched muses, dehydrated mermaids, and a nymph with a broken arm. Roku reminded herself that there was a battle going on after all, but how was she supposed to swing a sword with a bum wrist? More importantly, how was she supposed to DRAW with a bum wrist? The chances of her injury affecting the outcome of the war were slim, but the idea of the Titans ruling mount Olympus sent shivers down her spine. The doctor entered the room. “Well?†Roku asked. “It is far worse than I thought, you might never draw again.†Roku gasped. What will be of mafia without drawings by the minister of cuteness? “Why! What is wrong with me?†The doctor looked at her, his eyes danced, “You stand in the way of the battle, the Titans deserve victory!†The master of time, Kronos whipped out his dagger and threw it at Roku with deadly accuracy as it drove through her heart.
Roku the Goddess Hestia is dead
Hakoshen's narrative
therealTJ's narrative
Rokulily was taking a pleasant night-stroll home. The cool, brisk air lightly pushing her along her way, the moon sparkling off whatever surface it could find… it could not be a more perfect night. She was so distracted by the spectacular night, she failed to notice the figure scurrying along behind her.
She breathed out a deep sigh of contentment as she turned down the shortcut through Cut-throat Alley. "Perfect," thought the killer, gripping the knife in their pocket. "Beautiful night, is it not?" said the murderer.
Rokulily jumped back, shocked to learn she was being followed. "Oh! You know, you should be careful on sneaking up on people in a town like this," she said. The killer quipped back, "You ought not be walking down back alleys in a town such as this." "Ah," started Rokulily, "I suppose we both have a bit of learning to do. At least we ran into each other, instead of mafia hitme-" She was cut off by the knife the killer had jabbed through her throat. She fell on her knees, holding on to her neck. "Wh-why?" she said, pouring blood out the mouth. "It was unavoidable," said the killer solemnly.
[spoiler]Rokulily the Book Hunter is Dead.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Scurrying: I'm a squirrel.
It was unavoidable: My signature.[/spoiler]
VOTING! so far…
Anthony Mercer

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Mafia XIX: GM Election
Introducing MYSTERY MAFIA!
The roles are the traditional roles but there are just a few changes.
Going in blind: No one, not even the mafia will know their roles until after day one. This is to make the chance of the mayor being mafia more randomized. If a mafia becomes mayor, it is purely due to chance.
Beefed up security in town hall: The detective can only get into town hall once. He can only investigate the mayor or the pardoner but not both.
The Paranoid needs to see a psychologist: The paranoid is unaware of the fact that he has an alter ego. He will not know that he is paranoid but think he is just a townie.
There might be a slight problem with cycles. I can do 6 pm CST every day except for Friday. Because of work, I don't get near home until 10 pm CST at the latest. But that will be the only foreseeable problem
Also, due to a request from some people wanting to play but can't because of scheduling problems. Night actions will still go in the order I receive them, but where I start in the list is randomized.
Rokulily was late. She clutched a rectangular object tightly to her chest. She would pay dearly if he didn't deliver it in time. She decided to take a shortcut to his destination through Cutthroat Alley. Normally, this would not be a good idea, but Rokulily was armed and dangerous.
As she hot footed it through the alley, a shadow rose up. Roku was clearly shaken as she raised her gun and fired.
The rat that she had shot at scampered away with a squeak. Roku breathed a sigh of relief. She stepped out of the alley and saw the glimmering front of Gamestop. She knew that she was safe.
"You are a bit late aren't you?"
Rokulily turned around quickly to face the alley. There was no one there. Her breaths came in sharp bursts. That was when the piano wire was slipped around her throat. Her assailant used the momentum and the added height of a trash can to hoist her into the air.
Death came slow, but it came all the same. The figure dumped the body into the alley for the butcher or the police to find. All the figure took with it was the rectangular object.
[spoiler] Ok, I know this was an odd one. This would most likely be a first day one. I will just explain it like this:
Rokulily is carrying a rectangular object and she is late.
She would pay dearly for it…
The rectangular object is a library book. And I am the librarian. I know that is a little odd, but I thought it worked.
I also released my comic, When Books Attack Part II recently.
Especially since we don't have a Blockbusters to hurry to.[/spoiler]
I’ve decided to follow this ‘no townies’ trend. My game is Greek Mythology themed!
Have you ever wanted to feel….
Here is your chance!
In my game I will have no townies, epic narrations, new roles, and a never before seen storyline! I don’t see a reason NOT to vote for this game!
Mafia- Battle of the Olympians!
It was just a normal day on Mt. Olympus, the muses were having a concert, Ares was planning war strategies, and Athena was reading up on philosophy. But Zeus was bored; there had been no air disasters for quite some time. He decided to shake thinks up a little; a thunder storm would be interesting enough. But one of his lightning bolts hit the gates of tartarus, and freed the titans with only one thing in mind: revenge. An all out war was started, the Olympians VS. the Titans.
How to play- Every day cycle everyone votes for who they want to be lynched. Every night cycle you use your ability.
The Rules:
1. All actions will have to be PQed to me to be counted as valid.
2. If you’re dead, you’re dead. You can still post, but don’t help any players with clues or give out any information to living players.
3. If I send you a PQ, don’t quote it on the forum, you can tell other people the results, but no quoting.
4. Each day and night takes 24 hours. Each ends at 12 am, to make it easier, I’m using GMT time. (I don’t go by it but I will try my best to have narrations on time. If you want to know the time for where you’re at, go to google and type in “GMT timeâ€)
5. All actions are first come first serve. If you send a kill for someone after they sent one for you, you’re dead. I will tell you if your kill was wasted.
6. If you are under 13 then you must post your E mail address on the actual forum so that people will be able to contact you.
7. If you are annoying other people in the game, I will give you a warning. If you don’t stop whining, then I will take you out of the game. This has only ever happened once (humorman) and I don’t want to have it happen again.
8. If you are inactive for two nights, no posts or actions at all, then I will PQ you, I need to see if you are just playing it cool or blowing us off. If you don’t respond I will take you out of the game.
9. At the end of the day and night I will include a narration. At the end of the night the narration will have clues. The clues won’t be too easy or too hard; they will be based on avatars, profiles, sigs, titles, and will only be based on the first page of the comic if it is in their signature. I will tell you if there are no clues in a narration.
There will be no campaign, but I will randomly announce during the game if there will be a double lynch.
Narration: “Is it that bad?†Roku thought. The appointment wasn’t going so well, the doctor came in, examined her swollen wrist, mumbled, “Hmm…†and left. You think that being a god would give you better health benefits, but the waiting room had been stuffed with parched muses, dehydrated mermaids, and a nymph with a broken arm. Roku reminded herself that there was a battle going on after all, but how was she supposed to swing a sword with a bum wrist? More importantly, how was she supposed to DRAW with a bum wrist? The chances of her injury affecting the outcome of the war were slim, but the idea of the Titans ruling mount Olympus sent shivers down her spine. The doctor entered the room. “Well?†Roku asked. “It is far worse than I thought, you might never draw again.†Roku gasped. What will be of mafia without drawings by the minister of cuteness? “Why! What is wrong with me?†The doctor looked at her, his eyes danced, “You stand in the way of the battle, the Titans deserve victory!†The master of time, Kronos whipped out his dagger and threw it at Roku with deadly accuracy as it drove through her heart.
Roku the Goddess Hestia is dead
Clues- “arm" my profile
“danced†my avatar
Red herrings- anything else
The Olympians-
Zeus- He came prepared to battle; Zeus has a stash of lightning bolts that he uses once per night to kill any suspected of being titans. (clue is left)
Poseidon- With the power of his trident, Poseidon also has the ability to kill once per night (clue is left)
Hades- Being the lord of death has its perks, Hades has two lives.
Hermes- Being the official messenger of the gods, Hermes has found out the role of another Olympian. You can completely trust this person.
Apollo- The god of prophecy knows what will happen in the future and is able to protect someone during the night stage. (But if the people attacking outnumber the people being protected, then the target will die)
Ares- The war god is well equipped with weapons and will kill the first person who dares attack him. (clue is left)
Hephaestus- *New role* after Hephaestus built Hades throne, Hades lent him his helm of invisibility. For one night of his choice Hephaestus will be completely un-killable.
Now here is the deal with the girl Olympians, the majority of mafia members are boys, so if you get a girl role then I will let you pick a hero (Hercules, Perseus, ect.) to be instead, you will still get the same abilities, but a different character to play.
Hera- *New role* Being the queen of Olympus, Hera has decided she will share the roles of the Olympians. Every night Hera will randomly be assigned an ability another player has. For example, I will PQ her saying she has the powers of Artemis that night. But I won’t tell her who that person is.
Demeter- Being related to Persephone, Hades wife, she also has two lives.
Hestia- *New role* The goddess of the hearth has a say in who gets killed, twice during the game, Hestia will be given an night action that she can vote on. For example, I will PQ Hestia saying that Zeus is planning on killing ParkerFarker or somebody. If she thinks he is a Titan, she will vote yes, if she wants to keep Parker alive, then she will vote no and she can send in a replacement kill instead of Parker. But the clues will still point to Zeus. I would notify Zeus that this has happened.
Artemis- The goddess of the hunt kills once per night. (clue is left)
Aphrodite- The goddess of love also watches over someone each night.
Athena- The goddess of wisdom can ask me if a someone was killed by a specific person, how many Titans voted to lynch a specific person, or you can ask what role a specific person has (this one’s only usable twice) you can ask one question per day and night cycle.
Titan Roles (the Titans all know the other Titans)
Kronos- Kronos has two abilities; he can disable a person’s ability for a complete day and night cycle. If he tries this on Ares, he will die. It also won’t stop Hades or Demeter from having two lives. He can also kill once a night (clue is left). But he must do one or the other in a night cycle; he can’t do both in one night.
Hyperion- The sun titan, Hyperion will plant bombs of fire on anyone he wishes. During the night stage he can either plant or activate a bomb (clue is left if activated). All bombs activate when he dies.
Prometheus- Can kill once per night. (clue is left)
Atlas- Atlas can thrust the sky on someone, which will instantly crush them, once per night. (clue is left)
Oceanus- The titan of the sea will temporarily flood Mt. Olympus during one day cycle. During that time he will have canceled the lynch (or lynches) of the day.
Not saying that I'm throwing my hat in the ring, but I just got PQ'd where I was encouraged to run as a GM, using the Monster Mash theme. Apparently there's interest for a round 3 in that department so I just wanted to let you guys know. It's a guarantied couple of votes from those players who are itching to play that theme again, just saying.
Introducing: Mafia! The Anime Convention!
It's that time, ladies and gents, where all the people too old to be watching cartoons gather to talk, trade and buy stuff related to them (and God help you if you call them cartoons!) The Townston convention center has been tricked out will all kinds of Japanese themed memorabilia from robots to kids with oversized eyes and swords, but what's this? This festive occasion has been invaded by Sci-Fi nerds who claim western popular media is worth their obsession more so than eastern imports! The cosplayers have taken up their plastic arms and replicas to meet this new foe, and the Sci-Fi nerds have their flashlight laser guns and spandex suits ready! And caught up in the struggle are the rest of the people who are just here to have a good time.
Every player has multiple abilities, but only one active ability can be used once per night!
The Organizer will be elected via an election on the first day.
The teams!
The Cosplayers (Victory comes with the death of all Sci-Fi nerds)
The Sci-Fi Nerds (Victory comes with the death of all Cosplayers)
The Attendees (Victory comes according to who they align themselves with. When one side is wiped out, they can either fight on in the name of said team or call it)
The Cosplayers
The Samurai Hero: One oversized wig? Check. One oversized sword? Check. One complete disregard for shame? Check. The Samurai Hero is a person in a suit of armor with an oversized sword who thinks he's in charge of the cosplayers.
Heroic Yell: If slain, the Samurai Hero unleashes his battle cry, coming back for a second life (two lives)
Hunt for Evil: The Samurai Hero can PQ the GM to reveal the alignment of a single tareget per night.
The Sword is Real: The Samurai Hero can take off the safety lining on his sword and actually kill someone with it.
The Hyperactive Kid: A young boy or girl who believes in love and the power of friendship. Also has a flourescent colored wig.
Eye for Adventure: Always on the go, hits on this person work 50% of the time because they may or not be where they were supposed to be.
Impressionable Youth: Can copy any previously used ability.
The Gorgeous Villain: Every show has one of these, the guy who's so evil you wanna kill him, but is just too damned handsome to die. While he's technically a villain, it's all part of the costume so he's on the side of the cosplayers.
Dirty Deeds: He'll do what the Hero doesn't have the spine to do; which is make bodies en masse. He can kill twice per night, but both clues will be tied together by a common weapon, The Infernal Blade of Eternal Evil.
Master Plan: Places his plan on Person A, and B. If A is attacked, B dies instead. This can only be used once, and can be used immediately at the start of the game. If he uses this during the day though, he cannot act the following night.
Scantily Clad Heroine: Do we need a description? Yes? Well this buxom young woman… or sick young man is in an entirely inappropriate costume and has all eyes, willing or otherwise, on them.
Photo Op: Surrounded by obsessive fanboys who have left their shame at home or just want a good laugh, anyone who approaches this cosplayer will ahve their identity revealed whether their action succeeds or not.
Wardrobe Malfunction: What happens when a skimpy outfit is made out of second hand clothes? Bad things. Something, what will not be discussed, slipped out in casual conversation and the viewer cannot act or vote for an entire day.
The Otaku: Master of all things Asian, he knows anything and everything about every show to ever come out, and he has the collection of eerily anatomically correct dolls to prove it.
That's Not How it Happened! A powerful ability, he can undo any action, provided he can guess (in his first PQ to the GM) what the role of the person who did it was.
Obsessive Knowledge: Not only has he watched every single episode of Naruto, Bleach and Dragon Ball, he will give you a detailed comparison of their plots, powers and art styles until you are bored to death.
The Sci-Fi Nerds
The Space Captain: The man this fellow is imitating has gone to distant planets and kicked alien ass. Just dressing up like that hero makes this nerd feel brave, bold and so damn cool.
Commanding Presence: He can force the abilities of one of his team, and designate their target.
T.V. Kung fu: If attacked, he will flail his arms and fight back like a weasel with a two fisted karate chop! This effectively grants him two lives.
Alien Nerve Pinch: Using a special move he saw the captain's lieutennant do, he actually discovered a way to kill people with a nerve pinch. Can do so once a night.
The Cyborg: A victim of a mad scientist or a malevolent species bent on conquest and destruction, his tinfoil outfit is eerily well crafted. And how is he making his left eye glow??
Assimilate: He can pick a person, pick a target, and make whatever ability they have happen, if the person has a killing power it will be used. If not, one random ability will be selected.
Killer Drone: He can attack someone who will live, but they wont die until the coming day cycle after the vote.
The Bounty Hunter: A badass loner in a gun duster with a wide brimmed hat, he strides around with a reputation that preceeds him as one nerd you do NOT want to mess with.
High Profile Killer: He is so well known that his clue will be ridiculously easy. And I DO mean ridiculous.
See you in hell: You wont attack this nerd and get away with it! Anyone who attacks him will find themself killed with his dying breath.
Space Monk: Even in the depths of space there are those who insist on wearing burlap and using fancy melee weapons, spouting off their wisdom and heavy handed morality.
Fated by the Stars: He can PQ the GM and ask for the alignment of any single target.
Mediation: He can invite himself into someone's quarters and talk to them about life, fish, and the joys of peaceful resolution. They will be bored into a coma and unable to act for the night and coming day cycle (this includes voting!)
The Fanboy: He's here for one show, and he doesn't give a rats ass about anything else because everything else sucks. Don't argue with him, as far as he's concerned you've already lost.
Your Show Sucks: He will argue with a person about the merits of his show versus theirs until they lose faith in it and thus the ability to act that night. Should he do it to a cosplayer, they will have a 25% chance to kill him with no clues attatched.
THAT WAS ISSUE NUMBER ONE!!: If attacked, the ensuing battle will cause a corner of his beloved issue Number One of Two Weeks Notice to become dog eared, and the wrath of God will ensue. He will go on a mindless killing spree taking out two random people. If he is attacked by the Otaku, he will kill four.
The Attendees: The folks who just came here to buy a hard to find DVD or maybe some Pocky and take pictures of those geeks in the costumes, they just want the fighting to be over so they can enjoy the rest of the convention.
The Organizer: An elected official, this person has all the success or failure of the convention riding on them. The mayor, basically.
Cut that out!: Has the ability to once, and only once, prohibit ALL night actions.
Get out of here!: Has an inreased voting power of two, thanks to their position of power.
The Medic: Someone has to keep all these psychos alive, and it's gonna be you. Kind of a forlorne hope, but it's worth a shot!
Room check: Has the ability to protect one person from an attack per night, or revive them if they were attacked.
I'm a doctor AND a miracle worker!: With actual medical training (ie CPR and a cold compress) he has the ability to bring back anyone who's presently dead.
The Photographer: He's here for a magazine, or website, or maybe he's just a creepy guy wanting to take pictures of girls in crazy outfits.
It's Journalism, Not Stalking!: He can PQ the GM to reveal the identity of a single person.
Eye for Detail: Can instead ask who committed any certain act, but will NOT get their role.
The Registrator: The unlucky soul charged with controlling admissions, finances, and whether or not booths or costumes are appropriate or not.
Private Screening: Can take any vote, and four randomly selected votes will be the only ones that count.
Lost entry: Can effectively kill any person by telling them they have to leave and leave all their crap behind.
The Unassuming Attendee: He's just here because he likes anime. He didn't plan on getting caught up in any of this tomfoolery.
Whoa! I'm Innocent!: Can plead his case so well that he has a 50% chance to survive a hit, and if he does the person who attacked him will know he attacked the Unassuming Attendee.
You People are Crazy…: He is so grounded in reality that he is immune to all special abilities except kills.
Inappropriately Loud Attendee: He's six foot five, two hundred pounds and he has a voice like an angry gorilla. If he tried to whisper the universe might implode.
YAH DOOD: His annoying voice will allow him to annoy anyone out at night into going back to their room, effectively cancelling their action.
HEY! CHECK THIS OUT OVER HERE!!: Can reveal the identity of any given person to the rest of the players, but in doing so he will die.
Bad at Karaoke: Someone loves their Japanese music a bit too much and someone told them they could sing. The result? Someone who puts their soul into every lyric of their song and does it terribly.
Engrish: Determined to match their favorite song to a "t", and this includes bad English. He can annoy someone so much that they will leave the convention for good (ie kill them).
Loud and Off Key: Two random people will be prevented from acting that night due to having gone partially deaf.
The Rich Jerk: He has a reserved seat at the front row of any event, and is first in line for whatever he wants, and buys five of the limited edition collector's edition goods because he can.
Special Suite: He can choose to be immune to any actions for the night, and can even bring one person along with him.
Class A Tickets: Money talks. He can choose any single person and have their action performed first that night, whatever it may be.
The All Encompassing Geek: He's neither anime nor sci-fi, he watches everything, and he knows everything. While he has a hint of a social life, he would rather be watching t.v. on his three big screens.
I'm So Smart: He will lie in wait and thus evade any attempt made on his person, but only once. When he does, he will gain the abilities of whoever acted against him.
That Wont Work and Here's Why: He knows so much about stuff he can strip anyone of one of their powers. Which one will be random.
The Guy Who Doesn't Just Act Smart, he IS Smart: The name says it all; he's not some poser who's just watched a bunch of crap, he has an IQ of 150 and isn't afraid to use it.
Genius: He can figure out the roles of every person who acted, but he will not know who said persons are.
Xanatos Gambit: He can choose two people and manipulate them into acting against each other regardless of what they intended.
The Guy Who Forgot to Bathe: He was so excited to be at the convention he stayed up all night and forgot to shower. The worst part is he hasn't noticed yet and no one has told him.
Good GOD you Stink!: He smells so bad anyone attacking him will have to first kill his smell. He has two lives.
What… What IS that?!: This guy has something on the back of his neck so vile and disgusting anyone who looks at it will be so driven with sickness they will accidentally kill someone else while trying to get to a bathroom to throw up. Essentially, your target kills someone else.
Rokulily was headed back to her home after a long, strenuous day of working her booth selling cute doodles to people for the low low price of $19.99. With a smile, she tapped her wallet which held all of her newly gotten funds, and waited patiently for the elevator as the dimming rays of the sun filtered in through the window paned walls of the convention hall.
"What're ya sellin?" a stranger asked from beside her, and with a jump she turned. Beside her was a tall, slender fellow with a fairly nondescript outfit but a strangely stern expression. She took a moment to slow her breathing.
"Drawings." she replied. "I had a booth up all day, didn't you see it?"
"I suppose not," the stranger replied. "Can I make a request for a picture then?" Before Roku could reply, the figure whipped out a long blade from his outfit.
"Are you crazy?" she asked.
"Just striking a pose. Can you title this one… the death of a saleswoman?" he asked before bringing the blade down. Roku managed a backwards dodge, swinging her bag full of possessions at her attacker catching him square in the side of his head. He staggered, confused.
"Is that a pillow??" he asked, confused.
"Just a distraction!" she shouted, pulling out her own handgun and shooting. Her attacker though dodged like a snake, and appeared directly beside her like one of the characters from some random anime involving swords.
"Guns…" he began, almost gently bringing the blade to her neck, "are for the weak!" And then, with a flick of his wrists, it was over.
Rokulily the Doodle Seller is dead!
A. Lots of talk specified on selling things.
B. The line "Guns are for the weak" resembles a line used by a character in my comic.
C. Pulling a sword out of nowhere. My character does this regularly.
D. Roku counterattacked with a pillow, and my profile has a song by the pillows.
Clues will be based on the first ten pages of your comic and general themes of said comic, as well as your profile and any especially weird behavior you may exhibit during the thread.
Alright, gonna try and run again with my Book of Foreshadowing game. Each day will have its own special event that will affect it.
Mafia XIX: The Book of Foreshadowing
It was an otherwise uneventful week in Townston. Well, except the mafia and whatnot, but this was pretty average for Townston. However, a strange book had come into the town. This book tells all the strange events that will soon befall Townston, and all the secrets about each townie. Unfortunately, it had been dropped, and an unsuspecting townie had picked it up, not knowing the powers it had. Now the race is on, to see who can get the book for their side first!
The townie’s win condition is to find and kill all mafias.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a mafia at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be either two single lynches, one double lynch, one half of a double or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch.
Random townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. The bodyguard cannot be a mafia or special role, he can only be a regular townie. As long as the bodyguard is alive, he protects the Mayor and Pardoner from being killed via mafia or vigilante hit.
You have the ability to kill once per night, whoever you so choose. A clue will be left behind that points to you for the mafia (or the town) to interpret.
You have the ability to watch one other player during night, which you must tell me about before the end of night (this move can be made during the day cycle). When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will indicate that the target was attempted but saved, but it will not explicitly say who the target was. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies.
While pro-town, the paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. At day, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or villager (such as a paramedic opting to protect him, or the book-hunter searching for the book). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons attack him, the first person will die but the second will not.
The Book Hunter
Each night you can raid anyone's personal belongings to try and find the book.
The Preventer
If you know what event the book predicts for that day, you can prevent it from happening! However, the book gods don't approve of fraud. If you ask to prevent something that wouldn't happen, you'll be struck down. So, be careful if you just want to guess!
Book Holders (2)
Two random townie will find the books and hold onto them! Unfortunately, they don't realize the power they hold, so the only one of the book's powers they get to use is "Just Take It!"
You are a dedicated townie! Although you do not have any special abilities, you participate by solving clues, networking, and voting.
Additional, there are two books and when you obtain either you are granted their respectful abilities (they can be used once each cycle, day or night):
The Book of Roles
Magic Eight Bal- I mean, book: You can use the usual detective powers in the book. This includes two things:
-You can ask the roles of any two people. Note, this can only be used a total of two times. This means that if someone has the book and uses it twice, and someone else steals it, he can't use this power.
-You can ask if someone is linked to a specific murder.
List of roles: You can ask for the list of hidden roles.
Just Take It!: If at night, someone tries to kill you, you will just give up the book to them, and they’ll leave you alone.
The Book of Foreshadowing
What does the future hold?: Every day cycle, you'll be told what is going to happen that day. I will automatically send this out to you, and this won't affect your use of any other powers.
Just Take It!: If at night, someone tries to kill you, you will just give up the book to them, and they’ll leave you alone.
Obviously, there are mafia and serial killers, however these roles will be held from the town.
Rokulily was taking a pleasant night-stroll home. The cool, brisk air lightly pushing her along her way, the moon sparkling off whatever surface it could find… it could not be a more perfect night. She was so distracted by the spectacular night, she failed to notice the figure scurrying along behind her.
She breathed out a deep sigh of contentment as she turned down the shortcut through Cut-throat Alley. "Perfect," thought the killer, gripping the knife in their pocket. "Beautiful night, is it not?" said the murderer.
Rokulily jumped back, shocked to learn she was being followed. "Oh! You know, you should be careful on sneaking up on people in a town like this," she said. The killer quipped back, "You ought not be walking down back alleys in a town such as this." "Ah," started Rokulily, "I suppose we both have a bit of learning to do. At least we ran into each other, instead of mafia hitme-" She was cut off by the knife the killer had jabbed through her throat. She fell on her knees, holding on to her neck. "Wh-why?" she said, pouring blood out the mouth. "It was unavoidable," said the killer solemnly.
[spoiler]Rokulily the Book Hunter is Dead.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Scurrying: I'm a squirrel.
It was unavoidable: My signature.[/spoiler]
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