Seeing as we're at the last leg of the current game, I believe it is time to star fishing for the next sucker who wants to run this mess.
So step right up, if you think you're up for it :þ
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia XLI: GM Elections!
Reserved for narration examples and election results.
[quote=Salsa's narration][size=20]Narration[/size]
Normally, his bugs were undetectable. Normally, he was silent and invisible to those who wanted to find him. Normally, he had the best intel and data. Normally.
Tonight was different.
His info currents trickled to a halt. His data sniffers clogged on scrambled and trashed feeds. Someone knew he was out there, and all he knew was this
The only piece of info he had.
"The guy must be a genius with crypto," mused the resistance's bug man.Actually, I'm pretty average, I just know what to look for.
The Bug man sat straight up, and looked all around the room. Wondering what was going on and who was pulling the prank.Oh and...
Product Placement the Bug Man has been hacked.
-Boom is the last word at the end of my profile.
-I'm a Computer science major, the conversation over the Computer terminal was an allusion to that. (a vague one, but still an allusion)
Narrations will be at 18:00 CST unless stated otherwise. (that's 0:00 GMT) actions end an hour before that.
Clues will come from profiles, comic thumbnails, friends, the first few pages of any comic and the author's notes, favorites, and avatars. They will be hard (as hard as I can make them anyway) and they will be attached to any action. Killings and protections being the most obvious.
I will also incorporate any zany, crazy, inane, asinine, and otherwise weird request you may have into the narrations, if I can. Keep it clean please.
First person to submit an action or vote each cycle gets to request a drawing, which will be displayed in the next narration, quality may be suspect, but I will try my best.
[quote=Mettaur's narration]
The pod carrier climbed through the hole he just punch in the giant metal door. Strangely, that seemed to be the only security there was. He made his way along the path, feeling quite smug with himself. Hard to tell tough, he was really ugly with all the extra appendages he'd grown after mutating. Especially the giant ear coming from his front left leg. But besides that note, he almost made it to his intended victims room before being stopped by a tinny voice."Will you play with me? I'm so lonely.." It was coming from a tiny broken robot lying near the door,"He said I waz so crazy, and he threw me out here alone, I'm really friendly but he wouldn't's always money." The mutated alien kicked the robot's faceplate in then entered the room. It was a mess of electronics and mexican food. But, he didn't quite notice the BB Gun that was aimed point blank at his skull.
[spoiler]Turns out, an inch from your temple with a delicate alien skull, Product Placement the Pod Carrier was splattered.[/spoiler]
[quote=A Reaver's narration][size=20][b]Narration[/b][/size]
Townston apartment blocks.
2:30 am.
Product placement was on his balcony looking over the town. Things where a little quieter tonight than usual. Noone seemed to be dying to night. Atleast not yet anyway. He retired to bed with the knowledge that all was well for a change in this messed up town.
Turning the lights off he got into bed and curled up into a comfortable possition. Before he knew it he was fast asleep.
4:27 pm.
The smoke alarm was bleeping. Product woke up to a room filled with black smoke. It was hard to see. He tried to open the door. It wouldnt budge. With what little strength he had he slammed his way through the dry wall. Into the hallway he noticed that his living room was filled with fire. A discarded cigarette started the blaze. Running for the fire escape a tall man in a long coat lept out from the side corridor and hit him square in the temple with a baseball bat. Unconscious Product hit the floor with a mighty band. His head covered in blood which stained the carpet a dark red.
The attacker dragged the body into the hallway, covered him in petrol and tossed him back into the fire before fleeing. The apartments burnt to the ground but luckily everyone else made it out and where seeking refuge elsewhere.
[Spoiler][size=20]Product Placement the townie was barbecued alive.[/size][/spoiler]
Yes. Clues in the spoiler. Because I am a revolutionary. Although there wont always be. Could be a red herring.[/quote]
Duck Wars
three thousand two hundred forty-two years, seven months, two weeks, three days, seven hours, six minutes, and 14.34578978 seconds in the future there is a war going on between the Humanity Union Meta Bureau of Unlimited Gruesomeness and the Federal Republics of Orion are at War. An epic struggle takes place among the stars. Fleets numbering in the thousands do battle over pivotal locations. Each one flinging the fury of a hundred suns at each other. This has nothing to do with New Townston, a colony on a small backwater world belonging to H.U.M.B.U.G., except that a band of resistance fighters has now taken root. And pouring liquid oxygen over the whole damn mess is a recon pilot whose been shot down. And for the piece de resistance, the town has been conscripted to fix both problems. There goes the the neighborhood.
HUMBUG Infantry
You've been assigned the task of ridding your town of the resistance fighters that have cropped up as well as capturing the recon pilot for interrogation. There are also rumors of an alien menace terrorizing the citizenry, investigate and neutralize any threat. Failure in these objectives will result in paperwork, lots and lots of paperwork.
The Commander(1) Elected: Due to some flub up at central, the town is left with out a commanding officer, so they elect one. As the CO you have several abilities:
This is a democracy: you cast two votes instead of one.
Discipline is the root of efficiency:This is war, efficiency is the key to victory so lynching two people at a time is more efficient and helps get the troops to work a little harder to find those pesky resistance fighters. Can be declared twice.
Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Fire at will: For one night all your non-specialists will be able to kill one other person. Use with caution because your Honor Guard is reduced by one for the night.
The Exec(1)Elected: You ran for the top slot but couldn't cut it. But hey, being second in command has it's own perks.
You're all on KP duty!:When things get out of hand you can cancel a lynch and put everyone on KP duty for the remainder of the day. Can be used twice. If used during a double lynch only one of them is spared.
Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Burning through the ranks:If The Commander is killed You become The Commander with all the powers and responsibilities all one shot abilities are restored and can be used along with you're normal abilities.
The Tank(1): You're a bloody tank. No one takes you down on the first try and you kill people and break their stuff, with kiloton yields. You have two night lives every night (tanks can be repaired) and get one kill every night. Attacking the paranoid, being attacked by the Demolitions expert, or getting lynched is an instakill.
INFINTOPS(1): You're the intel guy, you've got dirt on almost everyone.
Background check: reveals whether someone is HUMBUG Infantry or an impostor. If used on the Downed Recon Pilot, it's an insta-capture. can be used twice
HEY THAT'S NOT YOUR UNIFORM!: can check the results of any vote to find out how many enemies voted.
Medic(2): You took and oath long ago to "Do no harm," well at least not directly. You can protect one person a night, but you can't protect each other.
Black Ops (1): You are a black angel come from the heavens to bring fear to your enemies. You appear as a regular grunt to the Bug Man. You can kill anyone, anytime, but only once.
Paranoid (1): Gunfire, explosion and the muzak of the combat make you jumpy, really jumpy. You kill the first person that comes near you every night. The only exceptions are the Demolitions Expert and the Black Ops guy.
Quartermaster (1): You know people, people that do shady, but nowhere near treasonous things. You know the role of one of the infantry, you can completely trust this person.
Honor Guard (2): Your job is to take a bullet for the under-qualified, over-paid Brass. Sucks to be you.
Grunt (the rest of the lot): You stand at attention, get shot at, and lynch people to relieve the tedium. If you're lucky you live to fight another day. If you're really lucky you get to shoot back. If you're unlucky, well good luck being a human shield, hope you already got life insurance.
La Resistance!
VIVA LA REVOLUTION! You are tired of the way this way has brought out the worst in the government. Your solution? Rebel and establish a new government. or at least not get deaded. Your goal is to outnumber the HUMBUG Infantry, kill or capture the recon pilot, and kill the Black Marketeer and the Schlockinator.
Chief (1): You're tha big cheese of this group of misfits. You are cunning, your armed, and, most importantly, you've got cunning, dangerous friends to help you kill people and break stuff.
Smoke and mirrors: You can cancel one lynch, in the event of a double lynch, you cancel both of them. Can be used once.
Hard ball: You can arrange for someone break someone else's legs. This person can't do anything for two cycles. Passive abilities such as night lives and reflex killings still work. Does not work on the Tank. HE DRIVES A FRIGGIN' TANK!
Hiding in plain sight: You appear as a simple HUMBUG Infantryman. While in this state, you are immune from attacks.
Let's blow shit up: You appear as a resistance fighter. You can kill people and break their stuff. You can be attacked, but you can shoot back. triggered by A ) sending in a kill. B ) losing the rest of your team.
Demolitions Expert (1): You love your job, I mean REALLY love your job. You blow stuff up. You're also the only person that can one shot the tank. You can plant as many bombs and IDE's as you like, but you can have two in circulation. They explode on command or when you die. If a person with a bomb is killed, the bomb is gone. Poof, bye-bye. You can't blow up a bomb on the same night that you plant one, and you can only plant one bomb a night.
Bug Man (1): You're the electronics expert. You ride info currents as easily as you breath. This gives you some special abilities.
Ghost in the machine: You can gather clues to a person's true role, but only once. You can use this ability once every cycle, but be forewarned, they know you're out there.
Bug in the system: You're bugs are the best. You can get much better intel than the INFINTOPS guy, but at a price. While you can find out the true role of one person, you can only do it once. You can't use this on anyone who you have already used the GITM ability on.
Bob (2): Nondescript, uninteresting, unemotional, You can shoot an entire family in the face and not even flinch. You can kill once a night.
You're not for any of the above sides. Your goals are all different but one thing's for sure, you REALLY wish th HUMBUG was dead dead DEAD!
The Recon Pilot (1) getting shot down sucks. Getting shot down while over a rinky dink planet sucks even more. And being behind enemy lines just seems par for the course. You want off this damn rock and the only way to do it is to find a smuggler. if your attacked at night by the tank at anytime, or by anyone else while searching for the Black Marketeer, you'll be captured. instead of killed. The difference is that you can vote until the end of the game and are protected from further attacks. You just can't go anywhere. you can still be lynched though. If captured, the side that captures the Recon Pilot gets a boost during the next night or until the end of the game. Boosts include: Non-kill roles get a onetime chance to kill, Extra night life for kill roles. + 25% chance of survival, extra lynch cancel, extra Fire at Will, and extra shots on limited abilities for detectives.
Button up: You kill anyone who attacks you. It doesn't matter who and what manner. Unless it's the Tank then I guess it's a good thing you have a spare set of knickers.
Roll out:You're looking for the Black Marketeer. You pq the GM the person you're going to visit. If it is the Black Marketeer, yippee you're off this rock. If it isn't, well you just have to wait until tomorrow night. Since you listen before rushing in, you can't be killed by the paranoid.
The Black Marketeer (1): You look pretty and smile No one suspects you, but you deal in, ah, questionable items. Your goal is to live until the end of this whole mess. As a provider of cool, quasi-legal items you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
Harmless: you appear as a HUMBUG Infantryman to the INFINTOPS guy. You are immune from attack from the HUMBUG Infantry. You remain in this state until the recon pilot gets off world, dies, or is captured.
Mostly Harmless: You can now kill once per night, but you're also vulnerable to attack.
For a nominal fee: anyone can come to you for protection, but for a price. You can change the vote of anyone who seeks protection from you at any vote. However, you can only do this once per person and only once per vote. (You can't change seven people's votes on one vote, but you can change their votes over seven votes) Also you operate on a first come first serve basis.
Schlockinator (1): You burn your enemies to ash, then eat them. You love to kill and do it often. You have two night lives period. While you can be lynched, You can take one person down with you. you want to kill everyone except the Black Marketeer.
Normally, his bugs were undetectable. Normally, he was silent and invisible to those who wanted to find him. Normally, he had the best intel and data. Normally.
Tonight was different.
His info currents trickled to a halt. His data sniffers clogged on scrambled and trashed feeds. Someone knew he was out there, and all he knew was this
The only piece of info he had.
"The guy must be a genius with crypto," mused the resistance's bug man.
Actually, I'm pretty average, I just know what to look for.
The Bug man sat straight up, and looked all around the room. Wondering what was going on and who was pulling the prank.
Oh and...
Product Placement the Bug Man has been hacked.
-Boom is the last word at the end of my profile.
-I'm a Computer science major, the conversation over the Computer terminal was an allusion to that. (a vague one, but still an allusion)
Narrations will be at 18:00 CST unless stated otherwise. (that's 0:00 GMT) actions end an hour before that.
Clues will come from profiles, comic thumbnails, friends, the first few pages of any comic and the author's notes, favorites, and avatars. They will be hard (as hard as I can make them anyway) and they will be attached to any action. Killings and protections being the most obvious.
I will also incorporate any zany, crazy, inane, asinine, and otherwise weird request you may have into the narrations, if I can. Keep it clean please.
First person to submit an action or vote each cycle gets to request a drawing, which will be displayed in the next narration, quality may be suspect, but I will try my best.
Art by PRODUCT PLACEMENT THE AWESOME GM!!!(borrowing the original 1956 poster from the studio "Allied Artists" )
Oh dear, as if Mafia, time travelers, dinosaurs and Halloween monsters aren't bad enough. Now we have to deal with aliens? And what's worse is that these are the sneaky kind that's slowly and gradually infiltrating our town. Why, already has one of us been infected by some kind of queen alien that plans on infesting Townston with her spawn. During the nights, as the unsuspecting villagers go to sleep, the aliens go on the prowl and sneak weird looking pods into their homes. These pods will feed of the villagers steeling their identity and memories, turning into a carbon copy of the now diseased victim. These "pod people" serve the queen from then on until the day they die.
Now are you going to sit idly and let some greasy slime creatures perform the greatest identity theft ever or are you going to do something about it?
The game alternates between days and nights, each turn lasting 24 hours. First day is reserved for an election to figure out the town leadership and subsequent days focuses on electing a shady character or two to be lynched. During nights, however, things tend to happen more behind the scenes. Those who have special night abilities can use them to further the agenda of their side.
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people (must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Both mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the bodyguard(s) remain alive.
It's never too early to start lynching!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help identify an alien.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. Pardoning both suspects during a double lynch will use up both powers but it's also possible to pardon one suspect while lynching the other. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The pardoner will also receive protection from the bodyguards.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The bodyguards and the mayor will be informed of their identities. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed or infected during the nights. Due to the perilous nature of their job, only the bodyguards are aware of their own identity. Their roles are initially kept secret from everyone, even the leadership. Should a bodyguard be infected or killed, the following narration will inform that the town has lost a bodyguard.
While most of the players might start with their humanity intact, their numbers will dwindle quickly if nothing is done to stop the alien menace. Days are your time to shine. Discover who're likely suspects and get rid of them. Do what you can to survive.
Light Sleeper
You're one of those who tosses and turns during nights and tends to take a bathroom break or raid the fridge couple of times over the night. In short, you're pretty easy to wake up. If somebody enters your house during nights, you'll have a 50% chance of waking up and jump out of your window for safety.
Ufo Believer
Ufo believers always knew that the day would come when they had to defend themselves and others against the alien menace. Each night you can visit someone's home and watch over them, long enough to protect them from a single attack/infestation. Alternatively, you can spend the night, proofing your own home for a single attack/infestation.
The Man in Black.
A secret agent has been dispatched to investigate the town and collect alien specimens to research on.
That's not normal DNA: The Man in Black can break into a person home and collect bio samples to study. This will tell him if the person has become an alien or not. He can do this unlimited amount of times but is restricted to day times only, since he has other plans during nights.
Requesting a pickup: With a quick order, the Man in Black can call in a Black Hawk and kidnap a person to study. This person will disappear without a trace and is then never to be seen again. Should he accidentally kidnap an uninfected human, they will be discretely disposed of, due to the secret nature of their business. A Black Hawk can only be called in during nights, when it can fly during cover of darkness.
Abduction Survivor - Oh, it was horrible! They had probes of various sizes and shapes!
The Abduction survivor claims that he experienced some terrible and traumatic experience in his youth and refuses to go into details when asked about it. Every night he tosses and turns, reliving his nightmares. Since the town is under an alien attack, the Abduction survivor is more unbalanced then he's ever been.
Oh god! They're back!: If somebody visits the Abduction survivor during the night, he will respond most violently and kill the one who enters his home (regardless of their intention). He will always kill the first person to interact with him that night but is vulnerable for the rest of the night.
Townies don't like having their brain sucked up into a a tube to feed to an oversized bean pod. For that very reason, they should do everything in their power to prevent the aliens from getting the upper hand. Help the town for your contribution matters allot.
The alien force may only start with a solitary queen but if she plays her cards right, she should be able to quickly overwhelm the town. All those who end up being infected by her spawn, will loyally follow her to their death.
The queen arrived on earth in a fallen asteroid and infected the first random human she encountered. During days, she masquerades humans perfectly while during nights, she plots to overthrow humanity. All she needs to do is build up an adequate power base where she can get started…
You will make a wonderful host for my child: The queen can infect one person per night.
A mothers job is never done: The queen is the only alien that can create more pods. If she dies, the aliens loose their ability to infect more people. As the creator of every pod, she's the one who gets to choose which pod creates what kind of alien. In other words, she chooses what kind of ability all her new minions will gain. Her choices are:
a)Guardians (limited to two in total)
b)Pod Carriers
Further explanation will be given further down this list.
The guardians stay by the side of the queen at all times and prevent outsiders from harming her. As long as the queen owns a single living guardian, she can't be killed during the nights (can only create max two guardians).
We die, so you may live: If the queen (or an important follower) is about to be executed, the queen can order one of her guardians to disrupt the execution and cancel it. The guardian will be killed in the process but at least the one who was due to be executed gets to live another day.
Pod carriers
Since the pod that the queen produce can only survive for a limited time left unattended, the queen needs to create aliens who can carry the eggs within themselves in order to spread them more efficiently.
We carry her seed: Each additional pod carrier can infect one more person per night. For example, 2 pod carriers + queen, means that they can infect 3 humans per night.
The queen still gets to choose what type the humans that they infect become.
These minions are bloodthirsty and ruthless. They hunt down those who dare harm the queen and ensure they never get the chance.
Death to the uncorrupted: Can kill once per night
Victory conditions:
Human Victory Conditions: Kill the queen and all the aliens that have killing powers.
Alien Victory Conditions: Gain a big enough majority of the town, so that you're uncontested during lynches and kill/infect the man in black. Should the queen die, the aliens are still able to win as long as they can fulfill the aforementioned victory conditions. In that case it is ruled that one of the aliens eventually mutates into another queen and carries on her legacy.
psssst! leet! it's me, met- er, i mean your conscience. know what would be an awesome idea?…voting for me! Um, i meant that dapper fellow Mettaur! Pip pip cherrios, tea and crumpets and damn those Americans, I'm obviously not Mettaur!
The pod carrier climbed through the hole he just punch in the giant metal door. Strangely, that seemed to be the only security there was. He made his way along the path, feeling quite smug with himself. Hard to tell tough, he was really ugly with all the extra appendages he'd grown after mutating. Especially the giant ear coming from his front left leg. But besides that note, he almost made it to his intended victims room before being stopped by a tinny voice."Will you play with me? I'm so lonely.." It was coming from a tiny broken robot lying near the door,"He said I waz so crazy, and he threw me out here alone, I'm really friendly but he wouldn't's always money." The mutated alien kicked the robot's faceplate in then entered the room. It was a mess of electronics and mexican food. But, he didn't quite notice the BB Gun that was aimed point blank at his skull.
[spoiler]Turns out, an inch from your temple with a delicate alien skull, Product Placement the Pod Carrier was splattered.[/spoiler]
Mett, awsome idea. However, ive been a townie (or some equivalent) for the last dozen or so games ive played. and you game play starts off with many more ppl as townies. So…that being said, im voting for salsa this round. THEN, after that game, and if you run again, i WILL vote for you. unless someone comes along with a better game lol. but yah, run next round and youll get me vote then :p
Unrelated topic. turned 21 an hour ago ^_^ Lol, not like imma do anything bout it, but my mom doesnt know that >:)
Unrelated topic. turned 21 an hour ago ^_^ Lol, not like imma do anything bout it, but my mom doesnt know that >:)Hey, congratulations. 21 was a pretty great age to be, I thoroughly enjoyed it. -thumbs up-
I'm not sure how I feel about the mafia in that game starting out with only a queen. If she tries to change someone who can't be changed, or fails to change them, won't there still be clues pointing to her? It seems like she'd be caught after just a couple of actions, or is there something to mitigate that?
origanally your idea?It was a collaborated effort. The idea is his but I helped him with designing the rules and roles. The whole "specific alien roles decided by the queen" is my idea, for example.
I would very much like to see this idea run at some point and don't mind who does. So far both Mettaur and me have attempted to run it couple of times; back when I was simultaneously running two concepts over here and when Mettaur tried his luck during these elections. However, I did bug mettaur to fix the credit text under the concept picture, which he hasn't done yet.
Oh, and I guess I'll get around fixing the roman number on the title picture if Mettaur wins.
I'm not sure how I feel about the mafia in that game starting out with only a queen. If she tries to change someone who can't be changed, or fails to change them, won't there still be clues pointing to her? It seems like she'd be caught after just a couple of actions, or is there something to mitigate that?Well, the idea was that the queen starts the game at a severe disadvantage. However, the longer she sticks around, the more edge she will gain during the course of the game and the more screwed the town will be. However, it's a valid point that the disadvantage might be too great, especially considering that clues are given for every attempt to convert a human. One suggestion would be to give the queen a single "freebie", where she's allowed to change one player at the start of the game, no questions asked, no clues given. This was done during jninja's zombie game, although I would like to point out that that game ended with a decisive zombie victory.
Of course, it's Mettaurs decision to change it, since he's the one running the concept.
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