Mafia XX: The Book of Foreshadowing
If you aren't familiar with the Mafia game, here's how it works: you're assigned to one of three teams (Town, mafia, and serial killer) and each group desires to kill everyone from the other two groups. The game takes place in 24 hr. cycles, during which you can preform an action. There are day cycles and night cycles: During day cycles, each player can cast a vote for whoever they wish to lynch, and whoever wins is lynched. Also, some characters have extra day actions. Night cycles, any player with special night actions can preform whichever one he chooses. At the end of each cycle, I'll post a narration, and certain night narrations will include clues (taken from profiles, avatars, signatures, and comic names) pointing to who is responsible. The game is won when one group (or serial killer) stands.
Now, aside from traditional rules, there is an added element at play: certain special events will take place each cycle. Unless someone has found the book, everyone will be left in the dark as to what these events are.
The townie’s win condition is to find and kill all mafias.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a mafia at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be either two single lynches, one double lynch, one half of a double or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch.
Random townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. The bodyguard cannot be a mafia or special role, he can only be a regular townie. As long as the bodyguard is alive, he protects the Mayor and Pardoner from being killed via mafia or vigilante hit.
You have the ability to kill once per night, whoever you so choose. A clue will be left behind that points to you for the mafia (or the town) to interpret.
You have the ability to watch one other player during night, which you must tell me about before the end of night (this move can be made during the day cycle). When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will indicate that the target was attempted but saved, but it will not explicitly say who the target was. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies.
While pro-town, the paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. At day, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or villager (such as a paramedic opting to protect him, or the book-hunter searching for the book). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons attack him, the first person will die but the second will not.
The Book Hunter
Each night you can raid anyone's personal belongings to try and find the book.
The Preventer
If you know what event the book predicts for that day, you can prevent it from happening! However, the book gods don't approve of fraud. If you ask to prevent something that wouldn't happen, you'll be struck down. So, be careful if you just want to guess!
Book Holders (2)
Two random townie will find the books and hold onto them! Unfortunately, they don't realize the power they hold, so the only one of the book's powers they get to use is "Just Take It!"
You are a dedicated townie! Although you do not have any special abilities, you participate by solving clues, networking, and voting.
Additional, there are two books and when you obtain either you are granted their respectful abilities (they can be used once each cycle, day or night):
The Book of Roles
Magic Eight Bal- I mean, book: You can use the usual detective powers in the book. This includes two things:
-You can ask the roles of any two people. Note, this can only be used a total of two times. This means that if someone has the book and uses it twice, and someone else steals it, he can't use this power.
-You can ask if someone is linked to a specific murder.
List of roles: You can ask for the list of hidden roles.
Just Take It!: If at night, someone tries to kill you, you will just give up the book to them, and they’ll leave you alone.
The Book of Foreshadowing
What does the future hold?: Every day cycle, you'll be told what is going to happen that day. I will automatically send this out to you, and this won't affect your use of any other powers.
Just Take It!: If at night, someone tries to kill you, you will just give up the book to them, and they’ll leave you alone.
The mafia's win conditions are to defeat all townies and serial killers.
Godfather: The leader of the mafia, you have the following abilities:
-Send them a message: By putting a horsehead in anyones bed, you can negate any special abilities they may have for one day and night cycle.
-Call in a favor: Once a game, the Godfather can cancel a lych. If there is a double lynch, he'll cancel both.
-Behind the curtains: The Godfather will appear as a townie to the person who holds the book of roles. Also, he can't be killed at night.
-Now it's personal: The Godfather can use this and gain the ability to kill once per night, but will lose his "Behind the curtains" Ability.
-Preventing: Once the fetcher has got you the Book of Foreshadowing, you can prevent whatever it predicts (if you wish to).
Mad Bomber: You can place bombs on people to detonate later. Only two bombs can be placed at the same time. If you die, your bombs will detonate. If you attack the paranoid, both of you will die.
The Fetcher: Your job is to fetch the book for the Godfather. Every cycle, you can raid through someone's personal belongings. If you find the book, you will gain its abilities.
Mafioso: You can kill once per night.
This game will run at a 48 hour cycle. Each day or night will take 24 hours in real time. Day-/Night-breaks occurs at 24:00 GMT. During those times, a narration will be posted by the GM, explaining what's transpired.
For those unfamiliar with the GMT system, I offer you a conversion table for you to study.
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
I will post narrations at 11:00 pm GMT and actions must be in 30 minutes beforehand.
As for some slightly more specific rules:
1.Any PQ I send you should be seen as confidential. You may tell results of the message, but you may NOT post the message for everyone else to see.
2.Once the mafia game has started, do NOT change your avatar, signature, profile, or comic names so the clues can stay consistent.
3.If you have been killed, you are allowed to talk, but cannot theorize, speculate, or give any sort of help to other living players.
1. Randomdudeperson
2. Anthony Mercer the Emotional Lurker, the vigilante. Still alive.
3. Harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing and self proclaimed furry pusher, the townie Died night 2.
4. GarBonzo Bean, the Mad Bomber. Died night 2./color]
5. Seventy2 the Mafioso, Died, day 1, night 1, and night 2.
6. Waff-man, the Preventer. Died night 2
7. I Am The 1337 Master the Book Hunter.
8. TheFlyingGreenMonkey the Everlasting Pardoner and Bringer of Bloodbaths
9. Phillby the Godfather. Died Day 4.
10. D_Dude, the Paranoid. Died night 2.
11. martinlo_23
12. Niccea the Great Deceiver and Keeper of Records
13. Retaya the Dramatic, the Paramedic. Lynched day 3.
14. Rokulily the Minister of Cuteness the townie. Died day 4.

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Mafia XX: The Book of Foreshadowing
TJ sat high at his mayoral desk. He pulled the cigar out of his mouth and blew out some puffs. This was the life! The mafia hadn't reared their ugly heads in some time, everyone seemed to be getting along… it was perfect. Then, as if life were simply playing with his life as though a yo-yo, his door flung open. A strange bearded man in plain white robes rushed in.
"Hey, hey!" TJ started, angrily. "You can't just rush in here! You need an appointment."
"Y-you don-don't underst-stand…" the stranger gasped. "Your town… is in grave danger!"
"Danger, you say," the glorious mayor confirmed. "Well, I suppose that is the sort of thing a mayor should know about. Very well. Nancy! Get this man some water! Now then, what's this danger I've heard so much about?"
The man looked deep into TJ's eyes. He began to tell the story of a mythical book that could see into the future. It was made during the renaissance by a mistical wizard, but lost shortly after. It wasn't until ten years ago he had found the book, and in the cover it was written "Go to Townston, where our rising shall once again take place." And so after many years traversing the globe, he had finally made it.
"Ah," Said TJ, "Now I see your game!" He stood up and slammed his hands down on the desk. "This is some scam, isn't it? You want to sell us some sort of service to "get rid of the risen dark lord" or something of that nature, no?"
The stranger was shocked. "I assure you sir, I am most serious! This could mean the end of the world as we-"
"Nice try," interrupted TJ, "but even I know there was no such thing as a renaissance. It was just an urban myth! Nancy, see this man out of my office!"
As the strange man headed out, TJ looked down at his desk. The man had left behind his book! "Bah," he said,"Just a worthless prop." He tossed it out the window behind him.
The book hit a townie as he walked by. "This book looks quite important," he thought. "I best find whom it belongs to!"
He stuffed the book in his back pocket and vowed to return it to its owner. As he turned around to begin his quest, he ran straight into the townhall wall. Forgetting completely of everthing that had happened in the past minute, he headed home holding his forehead and letting out some swears.
The stranger stepped out of townhall. He couldn't believe it! His whole life was spent getting here, only to be ignored! He looked around the town.
"Their dumb mayor may not believe me," he resolved, "but I know there has to be one person here who will!"
After taking a quick glance for someone, he shouted out, "You sir! Yes you! May I speak with-"
He was cut short, as the person he was trying to contact had sent a bullet through his head.
[spoiler]The Stranger has been murdered![/spoiler]
One of the onlookers rushed to the body, as the killer rushed off. A dead body, narratives, spoiler text… the townie reasoned it could mean only one thing: Mafia XX!
"And," added RandomDudePerson, "a new game means it's time for a new mayoral election!" He ran off and began his campaign.
Day 1 Has begun!
Remember, send in your votes for the new mayor. If you want a bonus vote, be sure to post a campaign poster!
Mayoral Pole
Seventy2 1
RandomDudePerson 3 Mayor
Random Dude Person
Harkovast 2 Pardoner
Night 1 Lynch
Harkovast 2 Lynched.
I Am The 1337 Master
Seventy2 1
Day 2 Lynch
Martinlo23 1
I Am The 1337 Master
Seventy2 1
Phillby 1
Anthony Mercer
Day 3 Lynch
Phillby 1
I Am the 1337 Master
Martinlo_23 1
Retaya 3 Lynched
Random Dude Person
Mayoral Seal
The Flying Green Monkey
Day 4 DOUBLE Lynch
RandomDudePerson 1
Niccea 2
I Am the 1337 Master
Phillby 2 Lynched
Mayoral Seal
Rokulily 4 Lynched
Mayoral Seal
I Am The 1337 Master
The Flying Green Monkey
Day 5 Lynch
Niccea 6
I Am The 1337 Master
Mayoral Seal
Anthony Mercer
Martinlo_23 3
Mayoral seal
I Am The 1337 Master
RandomDudePerson 1
You can vote for anyone you want, but I think it's pretty rare for a non-candidate to win.I'm totally running for mayor….yup….totally doing it bymyself…A vote for Seventy2 is a vote for freedom.
It's also a vote for the only current candidate, unless I'm missunderstanding and you can just vote for anyone regardless.
Also, RandomDudePerson is running, though he is gone at the moment.
I vote for philby….wait…this is the mayor vote, not the lynch vote isn't it?
Silly me!
I vote for Random Dude person!
*wipes a tear from his eyes* Thank you Hark! Although, I hope this isn't a sympathy vote! :p
Oh, yes, I forgot to vote for myself, AND make a poster, I'll do so shortly. And now, I would like to tell everyone that I am GOOD! Tj, though, has confused two different roles together in my pq from him, so i'm waiting to find out EXACTLY what I am. But it's a good role either way you slice it! ^^ So vote for ME!!!
mercer it is "CHRISTMAS!" not "holiday" you liberal, left wing, atheist fiend!
Bill O'Reilly was right! You guys ARE out to destroy Christmas!!!
Random spelt holiday wrong as a way to mock the liberal media elite that want to turn this country (which ever country you are in, they are all good) in a socialist, god bless soviet pile of crap! The brilliant irony was obviously wasted on you all.
Here is my master plan-
Step one- Vote randomdude as mayor
Step two- Use night action to kill Phillby
Step three- Kill phillby with the lycnh in case he somehow survived the night.
Step four- PROFIT!
mercer it is "CHRISTMAS!" not "holiday" you liberal, left wing, atheist fiend!
Bill O'Reilly was right! You guys ARE out to destroy Christmas!!!
Random spelt holiday wrong as a way to mock the liberal media elite that want to turn this country (which ever country you are in, they are all good) in a socialist, god bless soviet pile of crap! The brilliant irony was obviously wasted on you all.
Here is my master plan-
Step one- Vote randomdude as mayor
Step two- Use night action to kill Phillby
Step three- Kill phillby with the lycnh in case he somehow survived the night.
Step four- PROFIT!
Hey! Just because I'm an atheist, it doesn't automatically make me left-wing!
Hmmm… I'll fix the spelling later then. :p Anyways, tj has confirmed that Im the vigilante. I would like the detective to step forward and confirm this. Then, we could vote him as mayor/pardoner. Either or. :) Oh yeah! It's all coming together! lolThere's no detective. There is a book of roles, but it must be found.
Vote Hark for mayor. That's how it's done…right? O_o…You have to PQ me your vote. There is no rule against reveling your role, but the other team is going to know who to attack if you do.
(sometimes this confuses me…)
We can reveal who we are? Are we not supposed to?
(sorry this is my 1st time)
Day 1 Narrative:
Mayor TJ noticed quite a bit of commotion outside the courthouse. As he stepped out the front door, he overheard some shouting.
"Random, Random, He's our Man!"
"Seventy2: Real Progress!"
"Read Harkovast, and vote him in!"
He could hardly believe his eyes! The town had decided to hold an election for mayor!
"Hey, hey!" He shouted at them angrily, "You can't go voting in a new mayor, I'm still alive!" The town stared at him blankly.
"But the mafia killed someone…" said one of the voters. "Yeah," interjected another, "we gotta vote when the mafia kill someone!"
TJ glared angrily at them. "No, no, NO!" he exclaimed. "Do none of you know how politics work? You can't hold a new election everytime someone dies. Now, I say we jus-"
"I have the results!" Screamed out one of the townies. "The ballots have been counted up and…" "STOP IT!" Interrupted the furious mayor, "YOU CAN'T HAVE AN ELECTION!"
"We just did," corrected the townie the rude mayor had interrupted. "And Seventy2 has won!"
Seventy2 is the New Mayor!
When he stepped up to give his speech, the mayor furiously stomped behind him. As he opened his mouth to begin thanking those who voted for him, a bullet flew threw his skull out of TJ's revolver.
[spoiler]Seventy2 the Mafioso is dead! A prophesy hath come true![/spoiler]
The town looked down, speechless. Before anyone had time to reason what to do next, RandomDudePerson stepped up. "Well, I guess this makes me mayor."
RandomDudePerson is the New Mayor!
"And only one man can handle the awesome job of pardoner…"
Harkovast is the Pardoner!
TJ was tired of this crap. He grudgingly headed for his home, but then stopped and turned around. He had a plan!
"Wait!" He screamed running back toward town hall, "What about the dead guy?" A town member pointed out, "He has a point. We need to do something about that murder."
TJ smiled. "We'll hold a night lynch," he said, "and get the guy who did it." This made the crowd stare at him. "But you killed him."
TJ put on a shocked look, and quickly said "No I didn't! It was someone wearing a me-disguise!"
"Well that settles it," determined Mayor RandomDudePerson, "We'll hold a night lynch!"
Day one has ended. Night one has begun.
Just to clarify, you may send in both a lynch vote and a night action.
Also, Random has until 11:45 to call for an instalynch.
Sorry ppl. I'm the veteran.
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I misunderstood tj. It's not like I wanted to trick you ppl or anything! So,… I hope you ppl dont resent me! 8D Anyways, I'm going to hold a vote amongst the ppl. Do we instalynch, and if so, who?
… Wait, how did 72 die? Is this one of the mafias abilities that are being withheld from us? 0.o THATS IT!!! NOT TAKING ANY CHANCES, THE VOTE IS WITHHELD, AND 72 GETS INSTALYNCHED!!! It could be a feign death, that way, he could do whatever he wants, and we'd think him dead! No chances! >:)
Instalynch Narrative:
"But before we begin the vote," said RandomDudePerson, "I'd like to do one quick thing to put my mind at ease."
He looked straight over to the lifeless corpse of Seventy2. "HANG THIS MAN!" The townspeople shrugged. This wasn't the first time someone in power was afraid of a zombie apocalypse. The hung a noose around the still warm body and tied it to the tree.
[spoiler]Seventy2 the Mafioso is still dead.[/spoiler]
"Now that that's taken care of, time for the vote!"
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