I doubt the current game has much longer to go, so without further ado, the GM election for game XXI. Mafia veterans, you know the drill. Those who are new here, read this:
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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DD Comics!
Mafia XXI GM Election
The Townies go to Rand land.
This is me forcing mafia into Rand land. Rand land is a term used to describe the world in the "Wheel of Time" series. In Rand land thousand years in the past. The world was perfect. This was due to people who could use the one power, the same power that keeps everything going. But they found an energy source that could be even more powerful. So they broke into it and unleashed the DARK ONE. A war of good and evil takes place. It dosn't look so good until the Dragon the hero of the era attacked the darkone with 50 male channelers. They sealed him and his generials away. But the Dark One would have his revenge! He tainted the male channelers' source. Causeing any male channerler to eventually go mad. They did and when they did they used there power to break the world. 3,000 years have passed, the seals that hold him prisoner are failing and he Is threatening to break out. The Breaking that happened 3,000 years ago has caused the one government world to be come a world with many different countries.
This game will be different than normal mafia. I'm going to divide the players into groups of 3. These groups will be given names of countries from Rand Land. Tear, Andor, Cairhien, Shienar, Tar Valon and the mafia group = Friends of the Dark.
The countries are the townies in this game. Each country is structured like this
King/Queen = can once per 24 cycle can ask which country someone is apart of and I will tell you. And they hold a seal.
Soldier = Vig
Herb Healer = Paramedic
People that are in the same country will know each other as there teammate.
If the King/Queen of a country is killed, then the country is destryed. And so is the seal they hold. The remaining members may become serial killer team, join the Friends of the Dark, or join any of the other countries
Now here is the trick. The countries could work together to fight the Friends of the Dark or they could just try to be the only country left standing.
Friends of the Dark
Friends of the Dark will have 5 players.
Forsaken(Godfather): Family members head: it is just like the horse head. Threaten the lynch man: Cancel one lynch. If double lynch was called then you can cancel both or just one of the lynches? The Dark Lord Rewards his servents: You may bring back one person from death((Including yourself)) Only works once. I can look how I want to look: Its just like the "behnd the curtains." Except instead of townie he will be said to come from a random country other than the one who tried to look at him. Now its personal: Drop the curtain and start killing once per night.
DarkFriend: Hey I'm normal: If tested will not appear to be Friend of the Dark. REVENGE!: If two or more of your allys are dead you gain the 'Kill ablitiy' and lose the "Hey I'm normal ablity
Trolloc: Kill: Once per night you can kill someone. Eat: Once per night you can eat a player who is dead. Every two bodys you eat will give you an extra life.
Fade: Kill: Once per night you can kill someone. Die Hard:If you are targeted at night you will kill them. If someone one tried to kill you then he and you both die..
Black Sister: Kill or Heal: Once per night they can either choose to kill or protect someone. Eye and ears: Once per day you can get the role of one person.
Yeah this is just the rough draft I'll finish it up soon enough.
There will be no townies in my mafia version, everyone has a special role.
My game is Greek Mythology themed!
Have you ever wanted to feel….
Here is your chance!
In my game I will have no townies, epic narrations, new roles, and a never before seen storyline! I don’t see a reason NOT to vote for this game!
Mafia- Battle of the Olympians!
It was just a normal day on Mt. Olympus, the muses were having a concert, Ares was planning war strategies, and Athena was reading up on philosophy. But Zeus was bored; there had been no air disasters for quite some time. He decided to shake thinks up a little; a thunder storm would be interesting enough. But one of his lightning bolts hit the gates of tartarus, and freed the titans with only one thing in mind: revenge. An all out war was started, the Olympians VS. the Titans.
How to play- Every day cycle everyone votes for who they want to be lynched. Every night cycle you use your ability.
The Rules:
1. All actions will have to be PQed to me to be counted as valid.
2. If you’re dead, you’re dead. You can still post, but don’t help any players with clues or give out any information to living players.
3. If I send you a PQ, don’t quote it on the forum, you can tell other people the results, but no quoting.
4. Each day and night takes 24 hours. Each ends at 12 am, to make it easier, I’m using GMT time. (I don’t go by it but I will try my best to have narrations on time. If you want to know the time for where you’re at, go to google and type in “GMT timeâ€)
5. All actions are first come first serve. If you send a kill for someone after they sent one for you, you’re dead. I will tell you if your kill was wasted.
6. If you are under 13 then you must post your E mail address on the actual forum so that people will be able to contact you.
7. If you are annoying other people in the game, I will give you a warning. If you don’t stop whining, then I will take you out of the game. This has only ever happened once (humorman) and I don’t want to have it happen again.
8. If you are inactive for two nights, no posts or actions at all, then I will PQ you, I need to see if you are just playing it cool or blowing us off. If you don’t respond I will take you out of the game.
9. At the end of the day and night I will include a narration. At the end of the night the narration will have clues. The clues won’t be too easy or too hard; they will be based on avatars, profiles, sigs, titles, and will only be based on the first page of the comic if it is in their signature. I will tell you if there are no clues in a narration.
There will be no campaign, but I will randomly announce during the game if there will be a double lynch.
Narration: Hermes, AKA Therealtj, was rushing to deliver his message. The scroll that he held in his hand contained the newest battle plan that Athena had thought up. Going as fast as his winged feet would carry him, he headed towards Zeus to deliver the message, until he was tripped. After sprawling onto the ground, he looked into the face of the head titan Kronos. “It’s you.†He breathed. Kronos replied “Honestly, sometimes I think you have two left feet Hermes. Now hand over that scroll.†Kronos thrust it from his hand and tucked it in his toga for safe keeping. His eyes danced as he removed his sword from the hilt. “Hey, now, remember what they say, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’.†Kronos smiled wickedly and said, “Well this isn’t a gun now, is it?†after the sword plowed into therealtj’s stomach.
Therealtj (Hermes) is dead
Clues- “left†my profile
“danced†my avatar
Red herrings- anything else
The Olympians-
Zeus- He came prepared to battle; Zeus has a stash of lightning bolts that he uses once per night to kill any suspected of being titans. (clue is left)
Poseidon- With the power of his trident, Poseidon also has the ability to kill once per night (clue is left)
Hades- Being the lord of death has its perks, Hades has two lives.
Hermes- Being the official messenger of the gods, Hermes has found out the role of another Olympian. You can completely trust this person.
Apollo- The god of prophecy knows what will happen in the future and is able to protect someone during the night stage. (But if the people attacking outnumber the people being protected, then the target will die)
Ares- The war god is well equipped with weapons and will kill the first person who dares attack him. (clue is left)
Hephaestus- *New role* after Hephaestus built Hades throne, Hades lent him his helm of invisibility. For one night of his choice Hephaestus will be completely un-killable.
Now here is the deal with the girl Olympians, the majority of mafia members are boys, so if you get a girl role then I will let you pick a hero (Hercules, Perseus, ect.) to be instead, you will still get the same abilities, but a different character to play.
Hera- *New role* Being the queen of Olympus, Hera has decided she will share the roles of the Olympians. Every night Hera will randomly be assigned an ability another player has. For example, I will PQ her saying she has the powers of Artemis that night. But I won’t tell her who that person is.
Demeter- Being related to Persephone, Hades wife, she also has two lives.
Hestia- *New role* The goddess of the hearth has a say in who gets killed, twice during the game, Hestia will be given an night action that she can vote on. For example, I will PQ Hestia saying that Zeus is planning on killing ParkerFarker or somebody. If she thinks he is a Titan, she will vote yes, if she wants to keep Parker alive, then she will vote no and she can send in a replacement kill instead of Parker. But the clues will still point to Zeus. I would notify Zeus that this has happened.
Artemis- The goddess of the hunt kills once per night. (clue is left)
Aphrodite- The goddess of love also watches over someone each night.
Athena- The goddess of wisdom can ask me if a someone was killed by a specific person, how many Titans voted to lynch a specific person, or you can ask what role a specific person has (this one’s only usable twice) you can ask one question per day and night cycle.
Titan Roles (the Titans all know the other Titans)
Kronos- Kronos has two abilities; he can disable a person’s ability for a complete day and night cycle. If he tries this on Ares, he will die. It also won’t stop Hades or Demeter from having two lives. He can also kill once a night (clue is left). But he must do one or the other in a night cycle; he can’t do both in one night.
Hyperion- The sun titan, Hyperion will plant bombs of fire on anyone he wishes. During the night stage he can either plant or activate a bomb (clue is left if activated). All bombs activate when he dies.
Prometheus- Can kill once per night. (clue is left)
Atlas- Atlas can thrust the sky on someone, which will instantly crush them, once per night. (clue is left)
Oceanus- The titan of the sea will temporarily flood Mt. Olympus during one day cycle. During that time he will have canceled the lynch (or lynches) of the day.
No one's going for GM? That's not cool. I'd go but this next game will only be my 2nd.Well, it is the holidays now. Most people are too busy with other things right now so it's understandebla if the applicants aren't lining up at the moment. Give it few more days.
I would run, but I'm starting a job soon! Well, "job", actually. It,…um,… Mcd's *sigh* But yeah, if noone take the position by the time my schedule is set, I wouldn't mind running one. Then again,… PP??? Isn't it about time that you normally run another game? lol!
The Townies go to Rand land.
This is me forcing mafia into Rand land. Rand land is a term used to describe the world in the "Wheel of Time" series. In Rand land thousand years in the past. The world was perfect. This was due to people who could use the one power, the same power that keeps everything going. But they found an energy source that could be even more powerful. So they broke into it and unleashed the DARK ONE. A war of good and evil takes place. It dosn't look so good until the Dragon the hero of the era attacked the darkone with 50 male channelers. They sealed him and his generials away. But the Dark One would have his revenge! He tainted the male channelers' source. Causeing any male channerler to eventually go mad. They did and when they did they used there power to break the world. 3,000 years have passed, the seals that hold him prisoner are failing and he Is threatening to break out. The Breaking that happened 3,000 years ago has caused the one government world to be come a world with many different countries.
This game will be different than normal mafia. I'm going to divide the players into groups of 3. These groups will be given names of countries from Rand Land. Tear, Andor, Cairhien, Shienar, Tar Valon and the mafia group = Friends of the Dark.
The Dragon reborn(Mayor)
The Amyrlin Seat(Pardoner)
The countries are the townies in this game. Each country is structured like this
King/Queen = can once per 24 cycle can ask which country someone is apart of and I will tell you. And they hold a seal.
Soldier = Vig
Herb Healer = Paramedic
People that are in the same country will know each other as there teammate.
If the King/Queen of a country is killed, then the country is destryed. And so is the seal they hold. The remaining members may become serial killer team, join the Friends of the Dark, or join any of the other countries
Now here is the trick. The countries could work together to fight the Friends of the Dark or they could just try to be the only country left standing.
Friends of the Dark
Friends of the Dark will have 5 players.
Forsaken(Godfather): Family members head: it is just like the horse head. Threaten the lynch man: Cancel one lynch. If double lynch was called then you can cancel both or just one of the lynches? The Dark Lord Rewards his servents: You may bring back one person from death((Including yourself)) Only works once. I can look how I want to look: Its just like the "behnd the curtains." Except instead of townie he will be said to come from a random country other than the one who tried to look at him. Now its personal: Drop the curtain and start killing once per night.
DarkFriend: Hey I'm normal: If tested will not appear to be Friend of the Dark. REVENGE!: If two or more of your allys are dead you gain the 'Kill ablitiy' and lose the "Hey I'm normal ablity
Trolloc: Kill: Once per night you can kill someone. Eat: Once per night you can eat a player who is dead. Every two bodys you eat will give you an extra life.
Fade: Kill: Once per night you can kill someone. Die Hard:If you are targeted at night you will kill them. If someone one tried to kill you then he and you both die..
Black Sister: Kill or Heal: Once per night they can either choose to kill or protect someone. Eye and ears: Once per day you can get the role of one person.
TIME: I'll be releasing nars at 12:00 GMT. I'll stop accepting votes and actions an hour before.
therealtj run down the village street. His heart beat was as loud as his foot steps ringing off the stone paved street. He was being chased by someone. He didn't know who and he didn't care. His only focus was to get back to his nation's camp. He'd be safe there. The town had been in nuetral tertiory and he thought the other side would keep it that way. "Blood and Ashes!" tj cursed as he rounded a corner and bumped into a figure wrapped in a cloak. "Sorry about that," tj said not bothering to slow down to get a closer look at the figure. Tj heard, "No your not and neither am I," along with the sound of a dagger being unsheathed. Tj turned around just in time to see the flash of steel come swinging down. By instinct he reached out and grabbed his attackers arm. Tj made for his own dagger when he felt a blade plunge into his stomach. "You can never have too many daggers," the figure said with a voice that put a chill in the night's air. Tj peered into the hood of the figure and shivered at the inhuman face inside. "I don't want to leave this half finished," the figure said with a smirk as he plunged his dagger into tj's heart. Tj gave a flinch and then sagged in his killer's grip. "Lets put some fear into these fools hearts," he said as he jammed a dagger in tj's left eye. The killer let tj's lifeless body drop onto the ground and walked into a building's shadow. The figure seemed to merge with the shadow as if it was welcoming a friend and then the figure was gone.
[spoiler]therealtj the Andoran Soldier is dead.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Clues: "I don't want to leave this half finished." None of my comics are finished.
danger into the heart = One of my comic icons is just a bunch of hearts[/spoiler]
CLUES: Will be based off of avi, profile, sig, how they act in game, comic icons, general theme of comics, and first 10 pages of comics.
Clues will get harder per action. All killing will leave clues. Bringing people back to life will bring clues.
PP??? Isn't it about time that you normally run another game? lol!Well… I'm a bit busy for something like that at the moment.
Glad to know that I'm still wanted though (even if it the comment was meant as a joke).
Yes, tis true,…I miss your narrations! :) Well, if you're not running, then TFGM had got my vote! This is actually similar to what I've been thinking of! And I beleive I've told him in rl too! THIEF!!! FIEND!!! STEALER OF IDEAS!!!
Really I can't remember. My memory is bad I guess. I just came up with it on the spot cause I had a Wheel of Time book on the table that caught my eye.PP??? Isn't it about time that you normally run another game? lol!Well… I'm a bit busy for something like that at the moment.
Glad to know that I'm still wanted though (even if it the comment was meant as a joke).
Yes, tis true,…I miss your narrations! :) Well, if you're not running, then TFGM had got my vote! This is actually similar to what I've been thinking of! And I beleive I've told him in rl too! THIEF!!! FIEND!!! STEALER OF IDEAS!!!
Really I can't remember. My memory is bad I guess. I just came up with it on the spot cause I had a Wheel of Time book on the table that caught my eye.PP??? Isn't it about time that you normally run another game? lol!Well… I'm a bit busy for something like that at the moment.
Glad to know that I'm still wanted though (even if it the comment was meant as a joke).
Yes, tis true,…I miss your narrations! :) Well, if you're not running, then TFGM had got my vote! This is actually similar to what I've been thinking of! And I beleive I've told him in rl too! THIEF!!! FIEND!!! STEALER OF IDEAS!!!
Yeah, it was going to be the guid wars. Where you couldn't send in a hit to a specific person, you targeted a house instead, unless if you where the bounty hunter. 3 different guild? Remember now? Oh well, I'm still putting it all together, maybe next time I'll run with it. It's going to be complicated. :p
Oh yeah! But that is totally different than this. There isn't houses to hit. I'm just basicly throwing in more teams. Sure it is still townies vs. mafia but townies can now kill townies if they wish.Really I can't remember. My memory is bad I guess. I just came up with it on the spot cause I had a Wheel of Time book on the table that caught my eye.PP??? Isn't it about time that you normally run another game? lol!Well… I'm a bit busy for something like that at the moment.
Glad to know that I'm still wanted though (even if it the comment was meant as a joke).
Yes, tis true,…I miss your narrations! :) Well, if you're not running, then TFGM had got my vote! This is actually similar to what I've been thinking of! And I beleive I've told him in rl too! THIEF!!! FIEND!!! STEALER OF IDEAS!!!
Yeah, it was going to be the guid wars. Where you couldn't send in a hit to a specific person, you targeted a house instead, unless if you where the bounty hunter. 3 different guild? Remember now? Oh well, I'm still putting it all together, maybe next time I'll run with it. It's going to be complicated. :p
ALso I'll finish editing my idea later today. Since it is 2am here I'm going to bed.
Hmm… Maybe because…Well we could always vote for…ummm no one?Well,… I don't see YOU running! :p
C'mon people! Step up to the plate! I need to feed my Mafia game addiction! :)
No one's going for GM? That's not cool. I'd go but this next game will only be my 2nd.But he's right. It's kinda silly to host an election when there's only one candidate.
I kinda want to go for it but I'm don't think I can spare the time. This is the first day where I could lazily hang around the computer for weeks.
There will be no townies in my mafia version, everyone has a special role.
My game is Greek Mythology themed!
Have you ever wanted to feel….
Here is your chance!
In my game I will have no townies, epic narrations, new roles, and a never before seen storyline! I don’t see a reason NOT to vote for this game!
Mafia- Battle of the Olympians!
It was just a normal day on Mt. Olympus, the muses were having a concert, Ares was planning war strategies, and Athena was reading up on philosophy. But Zeus was bored; there had been no air disasters for quite some time. He decided to shake thinks up a little; a thunder storm would be interesting enough. But one of his lightning bolts hit the gates of tartarus, and freed the titans with only one thing in mind: revenge. An all out war was started, the Olympians VS. the Titans.
How to play- Every day cycle everyone votes for who they want to be lynched. Every night cycle you use your ability.
The Rules:
1. All actions will have to be PQed to me to be counted as valid.
2. If you’re dead, you’re dead. You can still post, but don’t help any players with clues or give out any information to living players.
3. If I send you a PQ, don’t quote it on the forum, you can tell other people the results, but no quoting.
4. Each day and night takes 24 hours. Each ends at 12 am, to make it easier, I’m using GMT time. (I don’t go by it but I will try my best to have narrations on time. If you want to know the time for where you’re at, go to google and type in “GMT timeâ€)
5. All actions are first come first serve. If you send a kill for someone after they sent one for you, you’re dead. I will tell you if your kill was wasted.
6. If you are under 13 then you must post your E mail address on the actual forum so that people will be able to contact you.
7. If you are annoying other people in the game, I will give you a warning. If you don’t stop whining, then I will take you out of the game. This has only ever happened once (humorman) and I don’t want to have it happen again.
8. If you are inactive for two nights, no posts or actions at all, then I will PQ you, I need to see if you are just playing it cool or blowing us off. If you don’t respond I will take you out of the game.
9. At the end of the day and night I will include a narration. At the end of the night the narration will have clues. The clues won’t be too easy or too hard; they will be based on avatars, profiles, sigs, titles, and will only be based on the first page of the comic if it is in their signature. I will tell you if there are no clues in a narration.
There will be no campaign, but I will randomly announce during the game if there will be a double lynch.
Narration: Hermes, AKA Therealtj, was rushing to deliver his message. The scroll that he held in his hand contained the newest battle plan that Athena had thought up. Going as fast as his winged feet would carry him, he headed towards Zeus to deliver the message, until he was tripped. After sprawling onto the ground, he looked into the face of the head titan Kronos. “It’s you.†He breathed. Kronos replied “Honestly, sometimes I think you have two left feet Hermes. Now hand over that scroll.†Kronos thrust it from his hand and tucked it in his toga for safe keeping. His eyes danced as he removed his sword from the hilt. “Hey, now, remember what they say, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’.†Kronos smiled wickedly and said, “Well this isn’t a gun now, is it?†after the sword plowed into therealtj’s stomach.
Therealtj (Hermes) is dead
Clues- “left†my profile
“danced†my avatar
Red herrings- anything else
The Olympians-
Zeus- He came prepared to battle; Zeus has a stash of lightning bolts that he uses once per night to kill any suspected of being titans. (clue is left)
Poseidon- With the power of his trident, Poseidon also has the ability to kill once per night (clue is left)
Hades- Being the lord of death has its perks, Hades has two lives.
Hermes- Being the official messenger of the gods, Hermes has found out the role of another Olympian. You can completely trust this person.
Apollo- The god of prophecy knows what will happen in the future and is able to protect someone during the night stage. (But if the people attacking outnumber the people being protected, then the target will die)
Ares- The war god is well equipped with weapons and will kill the first person who dares attack him. (clue is left)
Hephaestus- *New role* after Hephaestus built Hades throne, Hades lent him his helm of invisibility. For one night of his choice Hephaestus will be completely un-killable.
Now here is the deal with the girl Olympians, the majority of mafia members are boys, so if you get a girl role then I will let you pick a hero (Hercules, Perseus, ect.) to be instead, you will still get the same abilities, but a different character to play.
Hera- *New role* Being the queen of Olympus, Hera has decided she will share the roles of the Olympians. Every night Hera will randomly be assigned an ability another player has. For example, I will PQ her saying she has the powers of Artemis that night. But I won’t tell her who that person is.
Demeter- Being related to Persephone, Hades wife, she also has two lives.
Hestia- *New role* The goddess of the hearth has a say in who gets killed, twice during the game, Hestia will be given an night action that she can vote on. For example, I will PQ Hestia saying that Zeus is planning on killing ParkerFarker or somebody. If she thinks he is a Titan, she will vote yes, if she wants to keep Parker alive, then she will vote no and she can send in a replacement kill instead of Parker. But the clues will still point to Zeus. I would notify Zeus that this has happened.
Artemis- The goddess of the hunt kills once per night. (clue is left)
Aphrodite- The goddess of love also watches over someone each night.
Athena- The goddess of wisdom can ask me if a someone was killed by a specific person, how many Titans voted to lynch a specific person, or you can ask what role a specific person has (this one’s only usable twice) you can ask one question per day and night cycle.
Titan Roles (the Titans all know the other Titans)
Kronos- Kronos has two abilities; he can disable a person’s ability for a complete day and night cycle. If he tries this on Ares, he will die. It also won’t stop Hades or Demeter from having two lives. He can also kill once a night (clue is left). But he must do one or the other in a night cycle; he can’t do both in one night.
Hyperion- The sun titan, Hyperion will plant bombs of fire on anyone he wishes. During the night stage he can either plant or activate a bomb (clue is left if activated). All bombs activate when he dies.
Prometheus- Can kill once per night. (clue is left)
Atlas- Atlas can thrust the sky on someone, which will instantly crush them, once per night. (clue is left)
Oceanus- The titan of the sea will temporarily flood Mt. Olympus during one day cycle. During that time he will have canceled the lynch (or lynches) of the day.
There will be no townies in my mafia version, everyone has a special role.
My game is Greek Mythology themed!
Have you ever wanted to feel….
Here is your chance!
In my game I will have no townies, epic narrations, new roles, and a never before seen storyline! I don’t see a reason NOT to vote for this game!
Mafia- Battle of the Olympians!
It was just a normal day on Mt. Olympus, the muses were having a concert, Ares was planning war strategies, and Athena was reading up on philosophy. But Zeus was bored; there had been no air disasters for quite some time. He decided to shake thinks up a little; a thunder storm would be interesting enough. But one of his lightning bolts hit the gates of tartarus, and freed the titans with only one thing in mind: revenge. An all out war was started, the Olympians VS. the Titans.
How to play- Every day cycle everyone votes for who they want to be lynched. Every night cycle you use your ability.
The Rules:
1. All actions will have to be PQed to me to be counted as valid.
2. If you’re dead, you’re dead. You can still post, but don’t help any players with clues or give out any information to living players.
3. If I send you a PQ, don’t quote it on the forum, you can tell other people the results, but no quoting.
4. Each day and night takes 24 hours. Each ends at 12 am, to make it easier, I’m using GMT time. (I don’t go by it but I will try my best to have narrations on time. If you want to know the time for where you’re at, go to google and type in “GMT timeâ€)
5. All actions are first come first serve. If you send a kill for someone after they sent one for you, you’re dead. I will tell you if your kill was wasted.
6. If you are under 13 then you must post your E mail address on the actual forum so that people will be able to contact you.
7. If you are annoying other people in the game, I will give you a warning. If you don’t stop whining, then I will take you out of the game. This has only ever happened once (humorman) and I don’t want to have it happen again.
8. If you are inactive for two nights, no posts or actions at all, then I will PQ you, I need to see if you are just playing it cool or blowing us off. If you don’t respond I will take you out of the game.
9. At the end of the day and night I will include a narration. At the end of the night the narration will have clues. The clues won’t be too easy or too hard; they will be based on avatars, profiles, sigs, titles, and will only be based on the first page of the comic if it is in their signature. I will tell you if there are no clues in a narration.
There will be no campaign, but I will randomly announce during the game if there will be a double lynch.
Narration: Hermes, AKA Therealtj, was rushing to deliver his message. The scroll that he held in his hand contained the newest battle plan that Athena had thought up. Going as fast as his winged feet would carry him, he headed towards Zeus to deliver the message, until he was tripped. After sprawling onto the ground, he looked into the face of the head titan Kronos. “It’s you.†He breathed. Kronos replied “Honestly, sometimes I think you have two left feet Hermes. Now hand over that scroll.†Kronos thrust it from his hand and tucked it in his toga for safe keeping. His eyes danced as he removed his sword from the hilt. “Hey, now, remember what they say, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’.†Kronos smiled wickedly and said, “Well this isn’t a gun now, is it?†after the sword plowed into therealtj’s stomach.
Therealtj (Hermes) is dead
Clues- “left†my profile
“danced†my avatar
Red herrings- anything else
The Olympians-
Zeus- He came prepared to battle; Zeus has a stash of lightning bolts that he uses once per night to kill any suspected of being titans. (clue is left)
Poseidon- With the power of his trident, Poseidon also has the ability to kill once per night (clue is left)
Hades- Being the lord of death has its perks, Hades has two lives.
Hermes- Being the official messenger of the gods, Hermes has found out the role of another Olympian. You can completely trust this person.
Apollo- The god of prophecy knows what will happen in the future and is able to protect someone during the night stage. (But if the people attacking outnumber the people being protected, then the target will die)
Ares- The war god is well equipped with weapons and will kill the first person who dares attack him. (clue is left)
Hephaestus- *New role* after Hephaestus built Hades throne, Hades lent him his helm of invisibility. For one night of his choice Hephaestus will be completely un-killable.
Now here is the deal with the girl Olympians, the majority of mafia members are boys, so if you get a girl role then I will let you pick a hero (Hercules, Perseus, ect.) to be instead, you will still get the same abilities, but a different character to play.
Hera- *New role* Being the queen of Olympus, Hera has decided she will share the roles of the Olympians. Every night Hera will randomly be assigned an ability another player has. For example, I will PQ her saying she has the powers of Artemis that night. But I won’t tell her who that person is.
Demeter- Being related to Persephone, Hades wife, she also has two lives.
Hestia- *New role* The goddess of the hearth has a say in who gets killed, twice during the game, Hestia will be given an night action that she can vote on. For example, I will PQ Hestia saying that Zeus is planning on killing ParkerFarker or somebody. If she thinks he is a Titan, she will vote yes, if she wants to keep Parker alive, then she will vote no and she can send in a replacement kill instead of Parker. But the clues will still point to Zeus. I would notify Zeus that this has happened.
Artemis- The goddess of the hunt kills once per night. (clue is left)
Aphrodite- The goddess of love also watches over someone each night.
Athena- The goddess of wisdom can ask me if a someone was killed by a specific person, how many Titans voted to lynch a specific person, or you can ask what role a specific person has (this one’s only usable twice) you can ask one question per day and night cycle.
Titan Roles (the Titans all know the other Titans)
Kronos- Kronos has two abilities; he can disable a person’s ability for a complete day and night cycle. If he tries this on Ares, he will die. It also won’t stop Hades or Demeter from having two lives. He can also kill once a night (clue is left). But he must do one or the other in a night cycle; he can’t do both in one night.
Hyperion- The sun titan, Hyperion will plant bombs of fire on anyone he wishes. During the night stage he can either plant or activate a bomb (clue is left if activated). All bombs activate when he dies.
Prometheus- Can kill once per night. (clue is left)
Atlas- Atlas can thrust the sky on someone, which will instantly crush them, once per night. (clue is left)
Oceanus- The titan of the sea will temporarily flood Mt. Olympus during one day cycle. During that time he will have canceled the lynch (or lynches) of the day.
0.0 I promise to reserve my vote for you next time!
No election in my game, in order to have a role for everyone I spread out actions of the major and pardoner into different roles. I'm also going to announce the two double lynches sometime throughout the game.
No serial killers either, unless we get more than the amount of players I have roles for, then I'll add serial killers. They will be the greek mythology monsters.
No election in my game, in order to have a role for everyone I spread out actions of the major and pardoner into different roles. I'm also going to announce the two double lynches sometime throughout the game.If your promise that Medusa will be one of those monsters then you have my vote.
No serial killers either, unless we get more than the amount of players I have roles for, then I'll add serial killers. They will be the greek mythology monsters.
No election in my game, in order to have a role for everyone I spread out actions of the major and pardoner into different roles. I'm also going to announce the two double lynches sometime throughout the game.If your promise that Medusa will be one of those monsters then you have my vote.
No serial killers either, unless we get more than the amount of players I have roles for, then I'll add serial killers. They will be the greek mythology monsters.
Wait, r u still running then? Or do I need to change my vote?
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