Mafia NOIR is almost done, so…
Once again it's time for a changing of the guard, time for the new doctor to emerge from the corpse of the previous one. It's time for me to pass the baton to the second runner (Or the 29th). So people, who's up?
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

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Mafia XXIX: GM election
Ba zing!
Townston has been through a lot of crazy things. From time travel to monster attacks. This time towns ton has been ripped from the fabric of space and has been moved to a different world. This world is know as central gaia. Townston now finds itself in a tolken esc world. Elves and Gblins fight over land. Giant trees move and dragons rule the skies. Heros triumph over evil lords and others fall in the attempt. Townstoria, rebuilt as a stronghold for the righteous and good. Although where there is good there is evil.
A dark elf lord sits in his shadowy throne. He watches the stronghold through a portal. He holds a glorious ring in his fingers. “This place, I shall claim it as my own†He says sipping his wine from a goblet made from bone. He stands to face best his warriors. “My faithful warriors, we make our plans. The 5 of you will infiltrate this stronghold as part of their community and we will take them down from within. I will remain here and watch your progress. Do not fail me.†His warriors bow and march off to their barracks to get well rested for the operation ahead of the. The dark elf looks through the portal and places the ring on his finger. “Rest now Townstoria. I shall write your nightmares.â€
This game is a simple mafia with a few twists to the rules and revised roles.
Narrations will be given at 9:30 pm gmt and 10:30 pm gmt on weekends.
Mafia are now The demon spawn.
Demon spawn roles:
Dark Elf lord.
Darkest dreams
The darkest dreams ability allows the Dark elf lord to enter and control the dreams of his target. His enchanted ring gives him the ability to deeply disturb the minds of whoever he chooses. This ability makes the target deeply traumatized causing them to barricade themselves inside their home for 1 day and night turn. Meaning that they cannot be killed or lynched. Although they also cannot give an action or vote. The Darkest dreams ability has a cool down time of 1 night turn. implying the game even lasts that long
Summon Oblivion:
Summoning this demon gives the dark elf lord the ability to directly effect the towns people without being there. Oblivions eternal suffering allows it to trap their target in a pit of sorrow and self pity. The target wont know what happened until the next day at the lynch. They will lynch themselves and the lynch will be cancelled. This can be used only twice.
The last boss:
Upon the defeat of the rest of the demon spawn minions the dark elf lord may choose to enter the battle field. This means that they will be able to kill. But they can also be killed. The only person who can kill the dark elf lord is the hero unless
The Shadow Magician
Dark clone
Providing the shadow magician chooses to use it the dark clone ability allows them to create a doppelganger once during the game. If the shadow magician is attacked or lynched they wont be killed. However it’s a dead giveaway if the doppelganger is lynched and the shadow magician is still in action. It will fade away upon the death of the shadow magician.
The shadow magician can use his ability to use the shadows to make the illusion of closing walls. Upon this abilities use the target is deceived into believing that they are in an empty room that is becoming smaller and smaller. They will eventually give up breathing and die. This ability can be used as each night.
The silent assassin
You didn’t see it coming
This ability allows the silent assassin to use their stealth to penetrate the defences of townie roles with special defensive abilities providing they choose to use it. This attack can only be used twice providing the silent assassin thinks they have pin pointed someone they need to use this ability on. Otherwise its wasted.
Deadly winter
This ability allows Deadly winter to attack twice in one night turn. Deadly winter creates an ice like being to impale the target. The frostling will leave no evidence behind of the culprit but the other attack will.
Me say you go boom!
This ability allows Boomgor to leave 2 hidden explosives under the house of their target. Upon Boomgor’s death or a time of their choice they will explode killing their target.
And demonic soldiers
Just basic spies with the ability to kill.
Pro townie roles:
You shall do as I command for I am king
The king has it in his right to choose who should be lynched and who should not be. The king can cancel lynches or announce a double lynch although this can only happen once.
My castle is my protection, and this meat shield!
The king is allowed to employ 1 bodyguard.
I disagree!
The queen has the right to cancel the kings command although this can only happen twice.
I double agree
The queen also has the ability to announce a double lynch but again this can only happen once.
That would ruin the picnic
Lynches will be cancelled so that the queen can enjoy a picnic with her servants.
Be a good servant and catch that arrow for me.
The queen is also allowed to emply 1 body guard.
Captain Commander head of knights:
Can’t kill me! I expected it.
The captain commander can avoid being killed aslong as he tells the GM that they think someone will kill them that night. This is only allowed once.
With faith
This allows the hero to be once resurrected after being killed. Unfortunatly this means that they could be mistaken for the shadow magician either are lynched.
Hero of legend
This allows the hero to cancel an ability of the demon spawn for 1 night turn. But they must choose wisely otherwise they may end up cancelling the ability of a pro townie.
Kind Guardian:
I will protect you:
This ability allows the kind guardian to protect someone from being attacked during night turns.
ITS YOU! I’m out of here!
Attacking the Squealer is a big mistake. When the squealer is attacked the attackers identity is given away and they will be caught. This ability will only be available while the captain commander is alive and the squealer submit’s the use of this ability before hand. They must PQ the GM to give them the name of the player that they think will attack them.
Its dangerous to go alone. Take this!
This ability allows the blacksmith to transform 2 townies of his choosing into heroes. By giving them weapons and armour they have become the unlikely heroes of townstoria
Armed defenders
Unlikely hero
Only if the blacksmith chooses to arm two townies this can be used. Otherwise the townies are just there for lynch voting. This ability allows the townies to pick up arms and defend their town. Upon gaining weapons they have the ability to kill just like every other killing class.
Also since PP requested a horror themed narration before. A warning. ITS FUCKING LONG!
The head of knights was doing a check up on the streets as the moon entered the dark starless sky. The murders had became more frequent over the last week. He wanted to make sure that the citizens could rest easy with him protecting them. A dark figure came out of the shadows. He drew his sword. The figure was tall and ominous. "State your name now or prepare to be cut down where you stand!" He shouted brandishing his blade. The figure pulled two shining blue blades from his cloak."If you think you can cut me, Have at thee!"
The figure burst from the shadows. Swinging down his blades in a spinning motion, one after the other. The captain deflected each blade with his sword but the sparks had blinded him on one eye.
The figure jumped over him, using his head to push off to perform a spectacular leap, he ran towards the outer city gates. The captain followed behind in pursuit.
The shaded figure escaped the fortress walls and vanished into the forest. Following behind the head of knights ran as fast as his legs could take him. Entering the forest he knew he would instantly regret it. The trees where tall, the surroundings where black. Nothing could be seen.
He was lost. The figure had managed to escape his sword. It was hopeless. He had run him out so all he had to do was return to the fort and wait.
He walked for miles but there seemed to be no end to the forest. It seemed pretty simple. He had only run in a straight line. Going back should have been no problem. The trees began to get closer together. He crushed a skull as he walked. He felt his throat tighten as he walked. Smoke began to build up and he was feeling a presence of pure evil. A knife flew from the darkness. It missed his head but had cut his eye on the way past. He was totally blind now. The figure emerged from the trees. It walked round him juggling his knives. "Helpless as an infant. I think i'll leave you hear. Bleed out your wounds. Die in complete darkness. Feel the despair as the rats eat your wounds. While i go back and destroy the city you've vowed to protect. You see I despise your kind. The only thing youre any good for is feeding the rodents. Well i guess you're about dead anyway so i'll leave you to it. Enjoy what remains of your life as youre eaten alive. Goodbye, Kroatz." The figure walked away. Kroatz was left to bleed. He couldn't see, he didn't know where he was and he could feel the rats teeth bighting through his flesh.
[spoiler]Kroatz the Head of knights has been eaten alive by rats.[/spoiler]
I'm tired of dying in the game so I'm gonna be running for GM, yet again.
I understand though if I won't win, since I'm the record holder of "Player who's GM'd most mafia games" and you want to give someone else a chance.
Drunk Duck Mafia XXIX - Anarchy in Townston!
The impossible has happened. Our beloved Mayor and the tree hugging Pardoner have been viciously attacked and killed. Townston has been thrown into chaos with the power vacuum that they left behind and the Mafia intents to take full advantage of that fact.
This is a standard game with the classic roles with few minor and major changes.
Day 1: First of all: THERE IS NO MAYORAL ELECTION!!! There will be no Mayor or Pardoner to help organize townston which will drastically affect how Townston operates during the lynches. Players are free to "run campaigns" where the promote themselves as leadership figures during the first day, in hopes that they might attract protection from the newly modified protector roles.
Lynch rules:
After the first night, players will form lynch mobs where they vote to lynch a player that they believe is a criminal. Like usually, criminals in disguise are free to attempt to manipulate those votes. Since there is no central figure around to help organize the town these lynch mobs will operate under different rules.
Basically it works like this: If Suspect 1 and Suspect 2 are both suspected of being criminals, we can assume that people will flock and vote for those two miscreants. However, votes are not depicted as calm people politely standing in line to cast votes for the one they wish to lynch. Instead they form mobs. Players who vote to lynch Suspect 1 represent one mob while the ones who vote for Suspect 2 represent another.
If either Suspect 1 or Suspect 2 receives more votes, it will mean that the winning mob that promoted the death of their player grew to such high number that all other mobs submitted to their will. However in the case where both suspects receive equal amount of votes and we end up with a tie, chaos occurs…
Lynching complications:
In a case of a tie, during lynch votes, two of the mobs (or more in case of a three way tie or more) will have formed great support for their cause and both sides will refuse to back down. The heated debate will end up in a street conflict which will cancel the lynch. During these conflicts, ONE player of EACH side will die. A randomizer will determine the casualties and the players who were voted to be lynched can breathe a relieving sigh about being ignored during these street fights… that is of course unless they happen to be part of the conflicting mobs. In that case they're free game, like all the other players participating in the fight.
Altered protection roles:
The bodyguards survived the attack and are now unemployed. They will take over the roles of the paramedics and protect people during the night. Because of that, the local paramedic(s) can stay home for the night and focus on doing what they do best, curing boo boos. Please read the following role description to find out more about their altered powers.
In case of a game with 20 players, the number of starting roles will be:
8 Townies
2 Bodyguards
1 Paramedic
1 Veteran
1 Detective
1 Vigilante
1 Paranoid
1 Godfather
1 Mad Hatter
2 Hitman
Serial Killers:
1 Psychopath
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
As a bodyguard with no one to protect, you're pretty useless. Therefore it is advisable you find someone who you prefer stays alive during the course of this game. You're free to pick any player as your protected target and you will defend him with your life. A protected player can not be killed during nights or lynching complications. Once you've picked a player to protect, you will continuously protect him unless you change your mind and ask to protect someone else.
Since you're now able to actually stay in your clinic, you now have full access to all your medical equipment. After a good nights sleep, you spend the following day turn, looking over the newest victims to see if you can help him.
No wait! He's still breathing!: Pick a player who was killed during the night or lynching complication and revive him. This power can ONLY be used on a player who died during yesterday's lynching complications or the previous night (the corpse can't be older then two turns). This power does not work on people who were properly lynched.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt or an attack during lynching complications, if he still has both night lives but it will count as a hit attempt.
The Detective
The detective is after the bad guys of Townston. His brilliant reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him among the best investigators in the Town. The Detective is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Detective can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a Pro Townie or a criminal. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the detective to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that someone was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
What's going on here?: During lynches, the detective can infiltrate a lynching mob and look for possible suspects. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any criminals voted for a specific player and also how many criminals voted for that player (if any). This power can only be used during the day and he can only investigate the lynch mobs that form during that time (can not investigate lynches from previous times). The results of his investigation will be presented to him at the end of the lynch election.
Note: In order to activate this power, the detective HAS to vote for the same player that the mob that he's investigating is voting for, in order to infiltrate it.
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia.
The godfather is the undisputed leader of the Mafia and has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a horse head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If this ability is used during lynching complications, the fight will be prevented.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a pro-townie to the detective. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night or lynching complications.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
Mad Hatter
Each night, the Mad Hatter is able to plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that's already been planted. He can't plant a bomb and detonate during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more once he's detonated or lost one of them. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given about his identity. Should the mad hatter be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If a target of his somehow dies by other means, the mad hatter loses that bomb. That bomb is also discovered on the body, which gives the townies a clue who the Mad Hatter might be. Bombs can be intercepted by the bodyguard, giving clues to the identity of the Mad Hatter as well.
You are a mafia hitman. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face. Have fun with that.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
If it moves, you kill it. If it's standing still, you shake it so it moves and then you kill it. You love the smell, taste and texture of blood. Your epiphany is the sound of a screaming victim. In short, you're not right in the head. Each night you must kill someone of your choice to satisfy your blood lust. Leave none left standing.
It had been an eventful night but it was far from over, for the next subject our tragic tale could bee seen walking down the shopping street as he hoped to reach his home in time for his favorite infomercial, featuring lightly clothed women in revealing position on cheaply made exercise equipment. Sadly, the highlight of his day would not happen in front of his TV.
"Could you help me with something? I'm in a bit of a hurry and would like to get home early tonight. My favorite infomercial is about to start."
Kroatz turned around to see who had asked that question but was quickly overwhelmed with pain. Looking down he could see a knife, deep inside his stomach. The attacker pulled out the knife and stabbed him again, before rushing to his backside and pushing the bloodied knife up to his throat.
"Man you were way too easy. Here's hoping that the next one will put up a bigger fight." said the attacker in a frustrated tone.
"But why me?" asked the terrified townie.
The knife ruptured his vocal cords and Kroatz was pushed to the ground where he got to watch the puddle of blood grow below him. The killer knelt down and rested his knee on the back of his victim and whispered:
"If it hadn't been you, it would have been someone else. Bad luck, I guess."
[spoiler]Kroatz the townie is dead.[/spoiler]
Clues. Rather easy one. The infomercial was pointing at my name and avatar. The brutality of the attack and the things I said gave clues that I was the psychopath.
You still have active leadership in your game (King/Queen replaces Mayor/Pardoner). While I may have highlighted the "no election" part, I was actually trying to point out that I was completely ditching the leader roles. I don't think that's ever been done before. I'll be waiting for Niccea to correct me if I'm wrong.
Good job with the horror narration, btw.
I believe I'll run too. I'm gonna propose a sci-fi mafia since I believe that is the one geeky theme that has been left untouched.
Duck Wars
three thousand two hundred forty-two years, seven months, two weeks, three days, seven hours, six minutes, and 14.34578978 seconds in the future there is a war going on between the Humanity Union Meta Bureau of Unlimited Gruesomeness and the Federal Republics of Orion are at War. An epic struggle takes place among the stars. Fleets numbering in the thousands do battle over pivotal locations. Each one flinging the fury of a hundred suns at each other. This has nothing to do with New Townston, a colony on a small backwater world belonging to H.U.M.B.U.G., except that a band of resistance fighters has now taken root. And pouring liquid oxygen over the whole damn mess is a recon pilot whose been shot down. And for the piece de resistance, the town has been conscripted to fix both problems. There goes the the neighborhood.
HUMBUG Infantry
You've been assigned the task of ridding your town of the resistance fighters that have cropped up as well as capturing the recon pilot for interrogation. There are also rumors of an alien menace terrorizing the citizenry, investigate and neutralize any threat. Failure in these objectives will result in paperwork, lots and lots of paperwork.
The Commander(1) Elected: Due to some flub up at central, the town is left with out a commanding officer, so they elect one. As the CO you have several abilities:
This is a democracy: you cast two votes instead of one.
Discipline is the root of efficiency:This is war, efficiency is the key to victory so lynching two people at a time is more efficient and helps get the troops to work a little harder to find those pesky resistance fighters. Can be declared twice.
Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Fire at will: For one night all your non-specialists will be able to kill one other person. Use with caution because your Honor Guard is reduced by one for the night.
The Exec(1)Elected: You ran for the top slot but couldn't cut it. But hey, being second in command has it's own perks.
You're all on KP duty!:When things get out of hand you can cancel a lynch and put everyone on KP duty for the remainder of the day. Can be used twice.
u]Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Burning through the ranks:If The Commander is killed You become The Commander with all the powers and responsibilities all one shot abilities are restored and can be used along with you're normal abilities.
The Tank(1): You're a bloody tank. No one takes you down on the first try and you kill people and break their stuff, with kiloton yields. You have two night lives every night (tanks can be repaired) and get one kill every night. Attacking the paranoid, being attacked by the Demolitions expert, or getting lynched is an instakill.
INFINTOPS(1): You're the intel guy, you've got dirt on almost everyone.
Background check: reveals whether someone is HUMBUG Infantry or an impostor. If used on the Downed Recon Pilot, it's an insta-capture. can be used twice
HEY THAT'S NOT YOUR UNIFORM!: can check the results of any vote to find out how many enemies voted.
Medic(2): You took and oath long ago to "Do no harm," well at least not directly. You can protect one person a night, but you can't protect each other.
Black Ops (1): You are a black angel come from the heavens to bring fear to your enemies. You appear as a regular grunt to the Bug Man. You can kill anyone, anytime, but only once.
Paranoid (1): Gunfire, explosion and the muzak of the combat make you jumpy, really jumpy. You kill the first person that comes near you every night. The only exceptions are the Demolitions Expert and the Black Ops guy.
Quarter Master (1): You know people, people that do shady, but nowhere near treasonous things. You know the role of one of the infantry, you can completely trust this person.
Honor Guard (2): Your job is to take a bullet for the under-qualified, over-paid Brass. Sucks to be you.
Grunt (the rest of the lot): You stand at attention, get shot at, and lynch people to relieve the tedium. If you're lucky you live to fight another day. If you're really lucky you get to shoot back. If you're unlucky, well good luck being a human shield, hope you already got life insurance.
La Resistance!
VIVA LA REVOLUTION! You are tired of the way this way has brought out the worst in the government. Your solution? Rebel and establish a new government. or at least not get deaded. Your goal is to outnumber the HUMBUG Infantry, kill or capture the recon pilot, and kill the Black Marketeer and the Schlockinator.
Chief (1): You're tha big cheese of this group of misfits. You are cunning, your armed, and, most importantly, you've got cunning, dangerous friends to help you kill people and break stuff.
Smoke and mirrors: You can cancel one lynch, in the event of a double lynch, you cancel both of them. Can be used once.
Hard ball: You can arrange for someone break someone else's legs. This person can't do anything for two cycles. Passive abilities such as night lives and reflex killings still work. Does not work on the Tank. HE DRIVES A FRIGGIN' TANK!
Hiding in plain sight: You appear as a simple HUMBUG Infantryman. While in this state, you are immune from attacks.
Let's blow shit up: You appear as a resistance fighter. You can kill people and break their stuff. You can be attacked, but you can shoot back. triggered by A ) sending in a kill. B ) losing the rest of your team.
Demolitions Expert (1): You love your job, I mean REALLY love your job. You blow stuff up. You're also the only person that can one shot the tank. You can plant as many bombs and IDE's as you like, but you can have two in circulation. They explode on command or when you die. If a person with a bomb is killed, the bomb is gone. Poof, bye-bye. You can't blow up a bomb on the same night that you plant one, and you can only plant one bomb a night.
Bug Man (1): You're the electronics expert. You ride info currents as easily as you breath. This gives you some special abilities.
Ghost in the machine: You can gather clues to a person's true role, but only once. You can use this ability once every cycle, but be forewarned, they know you're out there.
Bug in the system: You're bugs are the best. You can get much better intel than the INFINTOPS guy, but at a price. While you can find out the true role of one person, you can only do it once. You can't use this on anyone who you have already used the GITM ability on.
Bob (2): Nondescript, uninteresting, unemotional, You can shoot an entire family in the face and not even flinch. You can kill once a night.
You're not for any of the above sides. Your goals are all different but one thing's for sure, you REALLY wish th HUMBUG was dead dead DEAD!
The Recon Pilot (1) getting shot down sucks. Getting shot down while over a rinky dink planet sucks even more. And being behind enemy lines just seems par for the course. You want off this damn rock and the only way to do it is to find a smuggler. if your attacked at night by the tank at anytime, or by anyone else while searching for the Black Marketeer, you'll be captured. instead of killed. The difference is that you can vote until the end of the game and are protected from further attacks. You just can't go anywhere. you can still be lynched though.
Button up: You kill anyone who attacks you. It doesn't matter who and how manner. Unless it's the Tank then I guess it's a good thing you have a spare set of knickers.
Roll out:You're looking for the Black Marketeer. You pq the GM the person you're going to visit. If it is the Black Marketeer, yippee you're off this rock. If it isn't, well you just have to wait until tomorrow night. Since you listen before rushing in, you can't be killed by the paranoid.
The Black Marketeer (1): You look pretty and smile No one suspects you, but you deal in, ah, questionable items. You're goal is to live until the end of this whole mess. As a provider of cool, quasi-legal items you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
Harmless: you appear as a HUMBUG Infantryman to the INFINTOPS guy. You are immune from attack from the HUMBUG Infantry. You remain in this state until the recon pilot gets off world, dies, or is captured.
Mostly Harmless: You can now kill once per night, but you're also vulnerable to attack.
For a nominal fee: anyone can come to you for protection, but for a price. You can change the vote of anyone who seeks protection from you at any vote. However, you can only do this once per person and only once per vote. (You can't change seven people's votes on one vote, but you can change their votes over seven votes) Also you operate on a first come first serve basis.
Schlockinator (1): You burn your enemies to ash, then eat them. you love to kill and do it often. You have two night lives period. While you can be lynched. You can take one person down with you. you want to kill everyone except the Black Marketeer.
It was raining, the ground was muddy and he was grumpy. This was the third time he had guard duty in a row and, on top of that, he hadn't slept in three days. A thunk and splorch were the only other sounds he heard all night. and that was from a spotlight falling off one of the guard towers. He knew that the red tape would mean that the war could be over before that was replaced. He sighed and continued his grumpy vigil.
He looked down at where the sound came from. A single light winked at him through the mud. "Ah bloody hell. They told me tha damn wall was clear."
The second to last thing to go through his mind was a curse at the guy who had this post before him. The last thing was the explosion.
Kroatz the Honor Guard is dead and in many itty bitty pieces.
"A single light winked at him" refers to my avatar having only one eye showing.
"Ah bloody hell. They told me tha damn wall was clear." refers to a discrepancy in my profile. I say I have comics when I have none.
Narrations will be at 12:00 CDT unless stated otherwise. (that's 17:00 GMT) actions end an hour before that.
Clues will come from profiles, comic thumbnails, friends, the first few pages of any comic, favorites, and avatars. They will be hard (as hard as I can make them anyway) and they will be attached to any action. Killings and protections being the most obvious.
I will also incorporate any zany, crazy, inane, asinine, and otherwise weird request you may have into the narrations, if I can.
I will also run as GM, I think I'll be going with my Corruption idea again, if that doesn't work then next time I do the Mad Hatter again. So, Narration will be up soon!
MAFIA XXVIII, The Determined, the Demented, the Deamons!
As with all destructive events in Townston, the small village rebuilt. But the noir theme left a moody, not funny or wacky feel in the air. The deamons of hell, awaiting all lynched mafia and townies alike, did not like this. They thrive on the chaos and humor of the town, so a noir theme kinda ruined it for them. So the Deamons burst through the town hall, crispy-fying the Mayor and Pardoner, smashing BK's statue, and spreading throughout the town. And when they entered, they tried to recruit a former insane follower. But they went too far corrupting his soul, so he targets even the deamons. The angels were sent to deal with this army of hatred, it was a long battle, but only few were left. A few deamons, and one angel that fell asleep at teh camp, and missed the battle. So, who will win this? The demons? The Angels? Or perhaps the only follower of Man-Bear-Pig? Only time, and some epic narrations, will tell!
x Detective
x Vigilante
x Priest
x Paranoid
x Veteran
x Townie
x Overlord
x Minion
x Tainted One
Serial Killers:
x Cultist
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Both mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the bodyguard(s) remain alive. The mayor will be informed of the identity of the bodyguards.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help point you at a criminal at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. Pardoning both suspects during a double lynch will use up both powers but it's also possible to pardon one suspect while lynching the other. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The pardoner will also receive protection from the bodyguards but will not be informed of their identities.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The bodyguards and the mayor will be informed of their identities. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
You are the winged guardian of Townston. the only surviving angel, you have decided that you cannot follow orders when not recieving any. So, you take it into your own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
You have the ability to watch one other player during the night, which you must tell me about before the end of night. When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia members attack a person being watched by one priest, the person will die. The narrative will state that someone was attacked but saved and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker. It does not matter if the priest chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect that person regardless.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt if he still has both night lives but it will count as a hit attempt.
The Detective
The detective is after the bad guys of Townston. His brilliant reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him among the best investigators in the Town. The Detective is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Detective can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a Pro Townie or a criminal. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the detective to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that someone was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
This election has been rigged!: Looking up the vote results, the detective can figure out if any criminals participated in the election. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any criminals voted for a specific player (mayoral or lynch) and also how many criminals voted in it. This power can only be used once.
The paranoid is a tiny bit, well, absolutely insane from almost being killed by a cult. They did manage to sacrifice several parts of him first though, including a kidney, one of his…reproductive organs, and the part of the brain that keeps you sane. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a priest opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia.
Demon Overlord (No, hes not a Republican…well, maybe)
Like the Mayor, the overlord has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The overlord is able to leave a severed hydra in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a hydra head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The overlord can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The overlord doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The overlord will appear as a pro-townie to the detective. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night.
Now you've really pissed me off!: The overlord has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his sword the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the Overlord is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
The Sinful One
This demon is so full of sin, it seeps out of his pores! This demon cannot attack, but his ability is that if he is lynched, then someone of his choosing will be turned into a Minion. even the leadership is vulnerable to this. but, if he chooses the priest, it is just randomized who is turned. He is told after he is lynched that it was the priest.
You are a minion. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face with a pitchfork. Don't forget to have fun.
While these individuals are not allied with the Deamons, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
Townies? Bah, them and their not slaughtering! I worship a true demon lord, those townies and their good karma must be gutted like my old high-school friends! What, demons? They are not true darkness, I worship a darker lord than them! Man-Bear-Pig! In short, you're not right in the head. Each night you must kill someone of your choice to satisfy your blood lust. Leave none left standing.
and cause you do it half the time anyway. or at least throw out a couple of em.we can count on same doing art for the fun of it throughout the whole game.
Most likely since i'll be out of college in a week.
I request that Mettaur give a narration and make me change my vote. I want to vote mettaur or same but don kno which even tho i alwedy said yea to same.
baby talk
I will make a narration tomorrow, might be today. I just need something special for Kroatz. I really missed the wacky humor, so his death I want to make funny. :P
It was a dark night, cold and serious…actually, it wasn't. There was a big party as always for the next Game Master election for the local DnD club, but one man sniffed at this, turned up his coat, and trudged away. He had a serious mood about him, something as close to noir theme as possible in real life. Two friends were walking on the street, one telling the other how much of a git he was, and the other didn't seem to care. The one talking sternly appeared to be the shorter of the two, he had green eyes, and a strange hat. The lazy one had a even stranger hat, and was armed very dangerously. But he didn't seem that he would use those weapons, as he was too busy picking grapes off a townies garden-vine. As the villager shouted a curse at him, he just gulped down the entire vine, belched, and said something about a moose. Feeling pissed off, the shady and serious idividual pulled out a gun, and shot the obnoxious one.
[spoiler]Byndris the Sinful One is dead.[/spoiler]
"What the hell?" muttered the other, looking slowly up at the wanna-be-detective. As the man reloaded, the small man said,"You don't know what you are getting into, do you?"the man clad in trench-coat responded,"I don't die easy. Hell, I kept myself alive, ignoring the kill yourself GM rules! You expect me to follow the narration rules also?"
"No, but I expect you to die."
The dark man fired a cluster of shells, as the bullet casings clattered on the ground, he noticed the small man was no longer there. He felt a tapping on his shoulder, and then swung his fist around. This caught the small fellow by surprise, and he sat nursing his broken face on the pavement."Well, looks like you get a shitty death, and I walk away laughing. This is what you get, pissing off a man when his pad broke!" Then, the man in the suit, started to laugh."Did you ever think, as to why I wear this hat over my head?"As the deamon, as this was what he must be, started to remove his head covering, Kroatz started to run, to sprint away. But a trendil of darkness shot out, and grabbed his ankle."No-no Kroatz, I win this time!"
Over at the party, a great terrified scream could be heard. All ran over to the scene of the crime, but all that could be found was a dead mushroom man, and a fedora and trench-coat in a pool of blood. And so the townies continued their party.
[spoiler]Kroatz the Angel was killed, and rather sadistically too.
The rain came down hard upon the city's streets, diluting the newly spilt blood, black cloaked soldiers moved through the streets, silver armbands around their upper arm, "REVLIS" was written on it. One of the soldiers paused, and sniffed the air, his masked face turning to the source of smell. It was alcohol, the booze stench lingered in the air, the soldier looked down the alley, there he saw it. Ninja sitting against a dumpster, drinking himself stupid. His reputation as the town drunk did not go undeserved. He had been one of the few survivors of the zombie infection of a few months before. Drunken and broken he squeezed himself between the tin of dumpster and bags of trash. REVLIS' mission had been to eradicate the survivors of the infection. The soldier looked at the drunken man, raising his rifle, the last thing Ninja saw was bright green eyes, looking down the sights of the gun. He pulled the trigger, and everything went black.
[spoiler] Jninjashadow lays motionless as the rain washes away his blood [/spoiler]
The soldier backed away from the man, returning to the rest of the troops, a cross earring dangling from his left ear. They continued to mow down the survivors. Grenades went off, blowing out windows, people panicked in the streets before they were gunned down by these cloaked men. The former town hall was burned to the ground, soldiers riddling the former mayor and pardoner with bullets. Their body guards useless to save them against the onslaught.
[Spoiler] Former Mayor, and Pardoner's corpses decorate the now burning town hall [/spoiler]
The eradication of Townston had begun. The soldier made quick work of anyone who got in their way. However the townies began to fight back, several soldiers were taken by surprise and slaughtered, the others got wise, and began to only attack at night, pretending to be townies by day. Biding their time to wipe out the townies and fulfill their mission.
Operates like normal Mafia. Kill at Night, Lynch during the day. Townies want to kill off REVLIS soldiers. Obviously REVLIS wants to wipe out the town.
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of persuasion: Can besides his own vote change one persons vote to another person of his choosing during every lynch.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 1 double lynch anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero: Both mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the bodyguard(s) remain alive. The mayor will be informed of the identity of the bodyguards.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help point you at a criminal at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. Pardoning both suspects during a double lynch will use up both powers but it's also possible to pardon one suspect while lynching the other. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The pardoner will also receive protection from the bodyguards but will not be informed of their identities.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The bodyguards and the mayor will be informed of their identities. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. You need to pick one night phase to do so. Be careful who you choose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt, it will not have any effect.
You're crazy to the extent that you sleep with a shotgun, and have two vicious rots with you at all times. You can protect one player per night, your pooches will make it difficult for the attacker to get at them.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
Added Bonus:
-Hide and not get shot: A townie can barricade themselves in a building once ever other night, the first attack on them will fail, however if there is a second they will kill them.
REVLIS Soldier
REVLIS' win condition is the complete eradication of the town. Killing all opposition they claim to be containing the infection that plagued the town only months before. All REVLIS members can kill once per night. They cannot kill each other. Unlike the townies, all REVLIS soldiers know each other.
REVLIS President (Godfather)
Like the Mayor, the godfather has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a horse head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a pro-townie to the detective. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Godfather can declare 1 double lynch anytime during the game. When the godfathers double lynch is in effect the two people that have the highest amount of votes will both be lynched. No one will be notified of the double lynch until the narration.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
Seal of persuasion: Can besides his own vote change one persons vote to another person of his choosing during every lynch.
Hit man
You are the mafia hit man. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face. you have to pick a night phase to do so. Don't forget to have fun.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
If it moves, you kill it. If it's standing still, you shake it so it moves and then you kill it. You love the smell, taste and texture of a blood. Your epiphany is the sound of a screaming victim. In short, you're not right in the head. Each night you must kill someone of your choice to satisfy your blood lust. Leave none left standing.
Pretty much only a few names change, and a different story. I decided fast food isn't for me. If you read Plastic Bullets, you know I'm a very violent natured writer.
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