Mafia XXV: Time Rampage!
It looks like the battle between Mafia and Townies will go on forever. And it does. Time is like a river, always flowwing forward. But like a river if you have enough power you can go against the flow. And that is what has happen! The future has attacked the past!
For those of you unfamiliar with how mafia works, it's an RP style game where a group of townies get together and try to root out the mafia elements that have infiltrated town, and the mafia of course try to kill them before they do. Whenever someone kills, clues are left in the narrative pointing to them. Clues can be based on your comic, your avatar, your profile message, and it's up to the townies to figure these clues out and lynch the mafia.
Post here if you're interested in signing up. The actual rules for the game are as follows;
1. All official actions in game must be PQ'd to the GM (that's me) to be counted as valid.
2. Please do not deadtalk. If you died in the game, alas you are dead. Don't tell game information to other alive players.
3. Feel free to share the results of PQ's I send you, but do not post them in the actual forum.
4. Each day cycle will begin with a narrative summarizing the actions during the night. A clue will point to ALL actions that have transpired in the night.
5. Actions are resolved on a first come first serve basis. (Example: Mafia sends in a kill for the vigilante. Vigilante later sends in a kill for the Mad Hatter. Vigilante will die before he can make the kill.)
6. If your hit is preempted by someone else(ie, someone else kills your target before you do) I will not notify you of this. This is different from other games. But with so many killers I'm changing it. No clues will be left for you. But there will be a nar showing that someone else tried to kill the target.
7. Guns are not a lie.
As this is a webcomic forum, if you are campaigning for the position of mayor I will give one bonus vote to you if you draw your campaign in comic form~
Game Play:
This is a blend of normal mafia and Angels and Demons. Only a few townie roles and mafia roles survived the first night. They were never revealed in the history. Thus leaving a power vacuum on both sides. If either side wishes to win, they will have to recruit from the masses. Both the Future Mayor and Godfather have the power to recruit someone. They use there matter altering gun to transform the individual into a random townie role or mafia role, from a past game.
(1) Mayor
(1) Pardoner
(2) Bodyguards
(1) Future Mayor
(1) Vigilante
(0) Veteran
(1) Paramedics
(1) Paranoid
(0) Detective
(the rest) Townies
(0) Godfather
(1) Future Godfather
(1) Mad Bomber
(1) Hitman
(1) Serial Killer
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Boost Morale!: Once in the game, he can declare a holiday were nobody gets lynched.
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a mafia at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. He is also protected by the bodyguards. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be either two single lynches, one double lynch, one half of a double or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch or himself.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner can not be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
Future Mayor
In the future mayors are created not elected. You've been genetically altered to be the best you can be.
As such you can once per night either protect someone, kill someone, or turn someone using you Matter altering ray gun to change them into a random townie role from a pervious game.
Also once per day you may investigate someone((can only be used once)) or ask a yes or no question about a clue.
Vigilantes are like cockroaches. So even though a vigilante was killed by the Future Godfather a new one popped up.
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
One of the Paramedics being a modest soul, the Paramedic never took credit for any of his good deeds and thus never ended up in the history books. But the other one did take credit and was killed for being in the history books.
You have the ability to watch one other player during the night, which you must tell me about before the end of night. When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia members attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will state that someone was attacked but save and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless. The Paramedic will also intercept bombs sent to a townie during the night he is under watch but he cannot discover planted bombs.
Also in this game the Paramedic will stop the matter altering ray if it is atempted on the person under his watch.
Was in the history books and thus killed.
The Detective
Was in the history books and the first to die.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special notes, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. If the Mad Hatter targets the Paranoid will both die. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie and thus why he wasn't written into the history books.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
Also in this game you may just become something more than a townie.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia.
Future Godfather
Like the Mayor, the godfather has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The future godfather is able to do much more than leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. With the future tech he is able to leave a robot horse head! This has the effect of negating any special abilities the person may have had for one day and night cycle. A paramedic can intercept the message.
Time Interference: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a townie to the detective.
Matter Altering Ray Gun: Once per night the Future Godfather may attempt to turn a person into a mafia member. The person will be a random mafia role from a pervious game. This power can be used while behind the curtain.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
You can also investigate someone once during the game.
Normal Godfather was in history books and thus killed.
Mad Hatter
Each night, the Mad Hatter can do one of the following, plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that he's already planted. He can't plant a bomb and detonate it during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more, once he's detonated one. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given who he might be. Should the mad hatter be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If one of his targets are killed by someone else, he loses that bomb. The bomb is also discovered on the body, which gives the townies a clue who he might be. Bombs can be intercepted by a protector, giving a clue to the identity of the Mad Hatter as well.
Sense the Mad Hatter and his victims were all blown to bits his identity couldn't be determined and he was never writen into the history books.
Both orginal Hitmen were written in the history books and were killed. But a upcomming associate stepped up to replace one.
Can kill once per night.
While this individual is not allied with the Mafia, he is a dangerous person, none the less. His ultimate goal is to be the last person standing.
Can kill once per night and is immune to matter altering beam.
1.)I Am The 1337 Master the Goddamn Batman
3.)jninjashadow the town drunk
4.)Niccea the great deceiver and keeper or records
7.)Anthony Mercer the emotional lurker
10.)Hakoshen the spartan
13.)Salsa the luckless
14.)Gullas the Impaler and terrible gambler.
15.)Harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing and self proclaimed furry pusher
16.) PoorBoyBlues
17.)Product Placement the game master
18.)rokulily the Minister of Cuteness

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I am signing up! Already, I have a plan formulated to help save the town! All jump on the Mettaur bandwagon, as you all know he is always a good guy! Even when he is mafia, he is still a good guy! But my magical kat tells me that I am not Mafia this game, so all elect Mettaur as MAyor!
That would be an awesome prank, an exploding sandwich! in fact, to celebrate giving such a great idea, here you go Same, your very own sandwich to cherish forever! Bye bye now! (Teleports to Townston) Haha! (Presses button) *Rumbling noises in distance*
Aw! Damn, I think his tooth hit me! But that's it? A tooth? Man, that dude has a sturdy jaw if all he lost was a tooth…
This is probs gonna be like the second coming of jesus… but… ParkerFarker, the great, the wondeful, the handsome, the brave… has returned to mafia for a game.
I know, I know, try to keep the excitement to a minimum. But yeah school holidays starts tomorrow so I could fit in a game of mafia.
I've been curious to play this game. (Though I may have alot of questions if I get confused.)
Sign me up. Maybe I'll have myself a homocidal good time. I mean… uh… keep people safe.
(I like the fun art that comes along with the game too :P)
Don't worry, we all where like that in the beginning! lol And some of us still are :p
@ PF: And you are…??? :)
I've been curious to play this game. (Though I may have alot of questions if I get confused.)
Sign me up. Maybe I'll have myself a homocidal good time. I mean… uh… keep people safe.
(I like the fun art that comes along with the game too :P)
Don't worry, we all where like that in the beginning! lol And some of us still are :p
@ PF: And you are…??? :)
It's peter parkerfarker!
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