PP's form is a oldy but a goody.
Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
TFGM walked home alone. He was disappointed. His game hadn't gone as he planned. He had tried to cheer himself up with one of Rokulily's apple pies, but not even the taste of freedom seemed to lift his spirits. As he strolled home, he heard a noise behind himself, like a stumble or shuffle.
TFGM turned around and saw someone standing under a lamp post a block away. The person was wearing a long black jacket and had his arms folded behind his back. TFMG looked to see if he could recognize the strangers face. It was covered with a gas mask and light reflected from the glass eyes giving the stranger a demonic look. Then he saw it. On the strangers head was a capka with a red star in the center. He's a Commi TFGM gasped.
The stranger removed his right hand from behind his back. His hand was in cased in a large metal fist with yet another red star on it. "MFF MFF GFF MUHF MMMF!" the stranger shouted. TFMG stared confused at the stranger "What?" He asked. The Communist sighed and lifted his mask slightly. "Prepare to die capitalist swine." he said with a tired moan.
And with that the spy charged. TFMG barely dodged the large fist in time. TFMG looked up and found a pistol barrel in his face. "What, you think I'm too crazy to NOT be packing heat?" The stranger scoffed. TFMG just sighed and said "This is a sucky day."
TFMG The townie was shot by efficient communist bullets
stumble or shuffle: My signature calls me a zombie and a drunk
long black jacket and had his arms folded behind his back: my most frequent pose in Canadian Gamers
glass eyes giving the stranger a demonic look: Red haring. Many avatars have demonic eyes, but mine has a monocle ie glass eye.
large metal fist: I LOVE power fists (hence my constant reference to them). Plus I have a Warhammer 40k web comic.
"MFF MFF GFF MUHF MMMF!": Reference to TF2's pyro a video game, and I run a comic called Canadian Gamers (a stretch)
he said with a tired moan.: My current signature calls me a zombie. Zombies moan.
"What, you think I'm too crazy to NOT be packing heat?": I'm insane.
Ok… so I think that's all. I'm open to any suggestions.
The godfather was waiting for the Mad Hatter outside the vault, and was getting quite impatient. He would sit down on a rock, pace around, his wings sprouting from his back and just as quickly would meld back into his suit. But still, the spot he was waiting in did have a nice view of Townston, a small little village that has plagued the Mafia for years. Every time that a Mafia went to bribe someone, beat someone, tell someone a rude joke, no doubt something ridiculously violent and absurd was bound to occur. This very town, had spurned the very genius of the Godfather himself. He clenched his fists, eyes filled with a burning rage. Ignorance, indulgance, and when a good idea was thrown in, they had to screw it up with their bickering and alliances. He had it all planned out, had hired the help of a expert, nothing could stop his vengeance. Soon, Townston would be blown up more than the laughter at a Gabriel Iglesias (Mr.Fluffy) show. Monkey had been a fair, stable minded man before, but the constant weight of responsibility and hatred for the town had caused him to go a little…well, let's just say the Mad Hatter wasn't the only one there that was "Mad". Ah, yes, nothing could stop this MadMan from obliterating the citizens of the village..unless, by a slight chance, the Mad Hatter went a tad madder.
The Bomber was actually at the vault already, watching his new employer pacing and muttering and nervously glancing at the town. Now, the Bomber also felt that the Town was a horror, a abomination to mankind, but his obsession with it's death was of a different kind. Monkey was more of a frantic, nervous wreak of what was once a strong and talented GM. The Bomber, however, had completely lost his mind. The Bomber readied his knife, flicked the switch, and stepped out of the bushes.
"Well hello sir, glad you could make it,"
"About time, I've had to wait a long ti-"
Monkey noticed the knife in the Bombers hand. "Whoa now buddy, lets calm down" "Oh no, I'm very calm sir, very calm indeed…" "Look, try to stab me, I run. Chase me, and my goons in the town will gut you faster than a Boston dock worker" "Oh, I had no intention of stabbing you sir! None at all, I just want to help…" Monkey stood, uncertain, should he run, fight, mess himself? Wait, no…, run or fight? But he didn't have time to think about this, as the Mad Hatter then pressed the button on his knife and-
-the blade of his ballistic knife shot deep into the guts of TheFlyingGreenMonkey.
"Oh god! Why the hell did you- Uh! I-It's twisting itself…inside my gut! Ergh, agh- uh…" "Oh, but that's not the half of it sir! You see, I've been tinkering with things, and I put something special in this knife, just for you!".
-the blade of the knife then exploded, tearing TheFlyingGreenMonkey into roughly a dozen pieces of Godfather.
The bomber especially enjoyed the red, his favorite color. The Monkey was still alive, barely, if you could call that horribly agony preventing him from death alive. His still twitching torso fell to the ground, in a small crater made just for him. The bomber strolled up to the hole in the turf. "Ah, wasn't that nice of me? I even dug your grave for you! And, now you can honestly call yourself the FLYING Green Monkey!" Monkey, was still alive, just barely. "Wh- why would you…" He could speak no more, but still, he was still alive. This pleased the bomber, because he could then still have an audience to his speech. "You see, I have tried to help this town for years, but none would appreciate. Those Townies are evil folks, and so are you Italians! So I've wired bombs all over the place. Remember that pay-check you gave me? Bombs in every person, every building, and if a person tries to leave town…well, I think you know what happens then!" The trembling torso of what formerly was a proud, strong man uttered" But…why?" The bomber then had a flash of anger in his eyes, but quickly regained his composure, no need to terrorize a man in his final hours. Who knows, might even find some use for what's left. "Well, Mister Crime Lord" said the Bomber, in his silk voice, "Because I'm the goddamn hero". He then enjoyed the last hour as he watched as TheFlyingGreenMonkey slowly expired in the blackened pit. Soon, he would watch as these fools slowly killed each other off. Oh, what fun, seeing them fight!
TheFlyingGreenMonkey has suffered a fate worse than death. He had to listen to one of the Mad Hatters long speeches of what is right and wrong. Oh, and then he died afterwards.
Of course, there was a Mafia member watching over Monkey, not much he could do though. He ran back to the Town Center, called everyone over. He warned them of what happened, told them that both Mafia and Townie would have to work together! This was agreed to, if not uneasily. They could continue their feuds later on, but for now, the Bomber would have to be stopped. The reporting Mafia then went back to what remained of the hill, and tried to give his father a decent burial. Later that night, Rokulily was walking around the town, enjoying the fresh night air. Suddenly, she stopped. She heard a strange noise, near Black Kitty's statue. She started to walk towards it, but then abruptly halted.Monkey's green fedora, still containing bits of his brain, had just landed on her head. The following morning, she had the hat cleaned.
I'll list more of the clues later, figure some out yourself in the meantime!
Silk Voice: I'm a very good talker, can get away with many things if I want.
he was still alive. This pleased the bomber, because he could then still have an audience to his speech: I talk lots, and I like to hear feedback on my speeches, but mostly I like to write and have people think on what I write and say.
ReD HerRinGs!
REd was his favorite color: Actually, red is my second favorite color, but it is a close call. This can throw people off because other people have red haired or red colored avatars, violent comic types are also in suspicion.
Narration, seen from the detective's (ME) point of view:
Townstreet, 1940.
He called again, needed my help covering up once more.
As I walked through the sweet rain I couldn't help but noticing a man running from the butchers, all alone, Used to the big city, like me.
As I stepped into the sweet scented building I called out to Gullas, expecting him to come walking in with one of his fabled meatpies, a big smile on his face. I expected him to greet me, tell me where the body was and then push me out again. Gullas didn't answer my call however.
I looked around, searching for any signs of struggle, any signs that the pigs had been there. My boots were soaking up the blood that usually collected itself in puddles all over the shop. There was even more than usual. Gullas usually cleans up every couple of days, he doesn't like the cats that are attracted to the blood, he despises cats, hates them. As I followed the trail of blood all the way to the back of the shop I saw several bloody footsteps, leading to the backdoor. As I rushed towards the door I heard a muffled sound coming from the freezer to my left, an old system, it barely keeps the meat cold but Gullas likes the cold emanating from it on the ouside. It reminds him of home.
As I touched the doorhandle, ready to open the freezer, a clicking sound alarmed me. I jumped back at the same time as an explosion removed the rusty freezer from it's petty existance.
Covered in bits of people I looked at the wreckage, finding the bloody remains of my old friend Gullas, the serial killer.
WARNING: *CONTAINS SPOILER* - Mouse over black box to read.
Gullas the serial killer died.
As the police took yet another statement from me I couldn't quite control my thoughts. I needed a drink and I needed it quick. Waving off the cops, promising I came in first thing tomorrow I headed for Ninja's Pawnshop and bar, knowing he had some drinks ready for me that could raise the dead. Ninja is insane, has been for years, ever since he drank himself into a coma, ever since the war.
When I arrived, Ninja, as he chose to call himself, had a stiff drink ready for me, twiching as he poured it in. As I drank by myself for a while I looked around the bar, recognising my next door neighbor, Mr Placement. He used to be rich, back in the UK, used to sell some art until he got sued for all he had. He fell in with some very bad people when his wife died, murderers, thieves and rapists. An average Joe around here.
WARNING: *CONTAINS SPOILER* - Mouse over black box to read.
Product Placement is drunk.
After gulping down his Whisky Mr Placement stood up, clumbsily pulling an Enfield No 2 Mk I Revolver from his belt, probably took it from the UK. As he pointed the gun at Ninja something inside him snapped, as he started crying deeply. In a flash Ninja grabbed my glass and smashed it on the table as he ran towards Mr Placement. Stabbing my neighbor in the throat in a rapid manner. As Placement died he pulled himself together for one last shot and pointed it at Ninja, blasting his blood all over the mirror behind him.
WARNING: *CONTAINS SPOILER* - Mouse over black box to read.
Product Placement the hitman is dead.
I ran towards Ninja, helping him up and getting him to a hospital was the first thing that came to mind.
As I looked at the open door I could almost see the bullet fly from the gun the man was holding. The bullet was laid to rest in the cozy brain of Ninja.
WARNING: *CONTAINS SPOILER* - Mouse over black box to read.
jninja the Paranoid died.
I ran after the man, following him into a little alley, as he jumped over a fence I got a hold of his coat.
Pulling it off him as the man ran on. The coat was covered in Cat's hair, So I know who to go to next.
Clue breakdown:
As I walked through the sweet rain I couldn't help but noticing a man running from the butchers, all alone, Used to the big city, like me.
Mettaur is a city boy, he came from New York. Which is a big city. He also talks about having an empty in-box, meaning he's lonely, all alone.
He doesn't like the cats that are attracted to the blood, he despises cats, hates them.
In this specific Narration Harkovast is mayor, this clue shows that Gullas is anti-town.
As I touched the doorhandle, ready to open the freezer, a clicking sound alarmed me. I jumped back at the same time as an explosion removed the rusty freezer from it's petty existance.
This shows that Mettaur is the Mad Bomber, seeing as he was at the butchers.
The coat was covered in Cat's hair, So I know who to go to next.
This clue is not about Harkovast, that's all I'm willing to say on the subject
Weather: Crystal clear
He walked down the street, oblivious to what was happening. He had no clue. Nothing. Who was he? What happened? Did anything happened? He couldn't remember anything, not even what happened that morning. He just simply woke up walking, and he had been walking ever since. He say this town out of the corner of his eye, and was instantly drawn to it. He had no idea why, but perhaps everything would make sense here. He continued to stumble down the street. His body didn't seem right. Yes, something was deffinately wrong.
"HEY THERE JNINJASHADOW!!!", TFGM called out. The thin man slowly looked for where the sound came from. He somehow had the feeling that he would have sensed the man a long way off if only things where normal. Then he spotted TFGM, coming up the street behind him.
"Hmmmm…, he's not hiding from me. Obviously he's no threat to my existence", the man thought. TFGM stopped when he saw the mans face. "Oh, sorry, I saw you stumbling and thought you where jninjashadow. He's always drunk. Um, do you have any clue where he is though? You wouldn't have been drinking with him, would you?"
"I have no idea where I've come from, or who I am, let alone who or what this "jninjshadow" is. Do YOU happen to know who I am and whats wrong with me?"
"Um…, your drunk, DUH! That much is obvious.", TFGM said, looking into the mans bloodshot eyes.
"I can asure you, I'm not drunk, I'm just…", but the man was cut off when a figure came strolling round the corner. "Sorry fellahs, nothing personal. But I've got my orders, all townies must die in order for the guilds to recruit those who are worth somethin". And with that, the the figure pulled up two revolvers.
TFGM, being a townie, stood still. He wanted to run, but what would be the use? His name had already been mentioned quite a few time already, so he knew his fate was sealed. The man, however, stared at the new comer. "So, you wish to fight me? Very well." Without hesitating to think better of it, he rushed into his oppenent. The man had no clue what was going on. He couldn't control his body anymore, he only knew he was in grave danger, and now his body was fighting on its own. What where those things the man was holding anyway? He didn't know. The figure was stunned, but was able to jump out of the way before he got slammed. However, the man reached out to his side as he jumped, clawing the figures side. Wait, CLAWING!?!? TFGM noticed it too, the mans hand had grown in size, and it wasn't a human hand any more.
"Well, apparantly you aren't a townie, so I'm going to let you live", the figure said.
"Do you know who I am?", the man asked.
"Uh, should I?", the figure was confused.
"If you don't know who I am, I have no need of you." The man made a mad dash again at the figure, but this time, he threw a smoke grenade down.
"I was ordered not to kill anyone but townies, please don't make me take you down!", the figure called back as he ran away.
"Thanks for saving me!", TFGM said. The man just looked at him, then his blood covered hand. "Who am I? What happened?"
TFGM stood there. It was quite the awkward moment. "Ok, well I'll see yah round.", and with that, TFGM ran away.
[spoiler]TFGM was attacked, but a neutral interfered![/spoiler]
Clues: My blood shot eyes. You wish to fight me? Stumbling = RANDOM steps.
There are also clues about my role, but you arent allowed to know them! :p
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(Must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Both Mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the Bodyguard('s) remain alive. The Mayor will be informed of the identity of the Bodyguards.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help point you at a criminal at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. Pardoning both suspects during a double lynch will use up both powers but it's also possible to pardon one suspect while lynching the other. The Pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The Pardoner will also receive protection from the Bodyguards but will not be informed of their identities.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the Mayor has been elected. The bodyguards and the Mayor will be informed of their identities. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro-Town are in business to save Townston from corruption. Ah, but that was in the past. For now, all you are supposed to do is kill the bomber, lynch him and see the wretched life seep out of him. but, then again, you can always lynch some Mafia while you look for the bomber…
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
Pow! Biff! Bam! Ka-Pow!: SInce you are the goddamn hero of Townston, with your very own belt full of tools and various weapons, you have the ability to kill a person once every night cycle.
You have the ability to watch one other player during the night, which you must tell me about before the end of night. When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia members attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will state that someone was attacked but saved and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect that person regardless. The Paramedic will also intercept bombs sent to a townie during the night he is under watch and can discover planted bombs.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt if he still has both night lives but it will count as a hit attempt.
The Detective
The detective is after the bad guys of Townston. His brilliant reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him among the best investigators in the Town. The Detective is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Detective can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a Pro Townie or a criminal. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the detective to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that someone was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
This election has been rigged!: Looking up the vote results, the detective can figure out if any criminals participated in the election. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any criminals voted for a specific player (mayoral or lynch) and also how many criminals voted in it. This power can only be used once.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia. Yeah, but once again, this was when the bomber wasn't a live bomb. Now, your goal is to unite with the townies and kill the bomber. BUt, you can still kill the townies also.
Like the Mayor, the godfather has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a horse head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a pro-townie to the detective. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
You are the mafia hitman. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face. Don't forget to have fun.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
Mad Hatter
Those evil little freaks! They never appreciate anything, and those Mafia are just as bad! They all have to die, all of them! And when everyone is a nice red paste, you can start the town over, the world will be better without these two groups!
Your win condition is kill everyone, this includes all of the Townies and all of the Mafia. Boy, good thing you got the bloody mess perk, right?
Each night, the Mad Hatter is able to plant a single bomb on someone. He has to detonate the bomb the night he plants it, basically lob a grenade at someone, or put a mine in their path when they're jogging. Every time he blows someone up, or his bombs are defused, a clue is given about his identity. Should the Mad Hatter be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, the BB (BigBomb) will be defused, and the Townies and Mafia will win (Note: Game can be continued afterwards). If a target of his somehow dies by other means, the Mad Hatter loses that bomb. Bombs can be intercepted by a protector, giving a clue to the identity of the Mad Hatter as well.
This is gonna blow you away!: The Mad Hatter can kill a person once a night, but when he sets up his bomb, he has to detonate it the same night! Plus, a clue is left behind.
The man with the ball hat.
A mysterious person walks around the town giving people a unique and quite disturbing choice.
I have an offer to make: Each evening, the man with the ball hat will leave a box by someones front door. That box contains a button and instructions. Should the player who receives such a box press the button then someone, who is not him or the ball hat man, will die. The box will pick a totally random person. It can be a pro-town or criminal alike. The box could even kill someone who's protected so even the leadership is vulnerable. This choice is put solely in the hands of the person who receives such a box. Anyone who presses the button will receive million dollars which will translate into two things. Firstly, such a huge influx of cash will cause the town to realize what the player has done. As a result, the name of the player who presses the button will be announced. Secondly, the new found wealth, will help the player buy top of the line security system which will result in an extra night life. A person who receives a box will also get a clue about the identity of the ball hat man but it will never be publicly announced. It is up to the player who receives such a box to disclose those information.
Someone help me with the times here?
This is a standard game, with some modifications. There is a time limit, 5 days and 4 nights, if the Bomber doesn't die until then…blamo! Might lengthen the time, but not so sure…Plus, to be thorough, he planted bombs in people that only a special surgery, which is very expensive, can remove. This surgery can be bought using the money given by The Man With The Ball Hat, makes him invulnerable to the getting blown up at the end, but in return another is dragged down to appease Satan's hunger. Plus, you can still get lynched or killed by mafia. This game is where the Bomber has planted all the bombs, just has to wait it out. But he can still bomb a guy when he wants, but no waiting to blow it up, he decides to bomb someone they die on the night of sending in that night action, and it reveals a clue like always. Anyways, the main goal would be to kill the Bomber first, you can kill the former enemy mafia or townie if you want, obviously though some people will attack their uneasy allies due to tradition of these turf wars. But main goal, kill the Bomber. Can continue the game after-wards the time-limit if the hatter is killed or lynched, whatever. Only if the remaining survivors want to kill the ones that helped save their hides. So, hows my version?
Ok, so here is my idea, it will be standard mafia rules except with a new theme; 1950s America! That's right! Baseball, picket fences, apple pie, and… COMMUNISTS! The townies must deal with a new threat, the Russian spies that have infiltrated the town! Well them and the serial murderer…
(1) Mayor
(1) Pardoner
(2) Bodyguards
(2) Vigilante
(1) Veteran
(1) Paramedics
(1) Paranoid
(1) Detective
(the rest) Townies
(1) Commissar
(1) Mad Ivan
(2) Spetsnaz
(1) Serial Killer
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
Bribes aren't a crime, they COVER crimes
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous rules. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Full gallows: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game. When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
4th of July!: Once in the game, he can declare a holiday were nobody gets lynched.
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are.
USA USA!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a mafia at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. He is also protected by the bodyguards. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be either two single lynches, one double lynch, one half of a double or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch or himself.
Random Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner can not be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
Underpants on the outside, themed gadgets, side kicks what more could you ask for?
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
Et ez time for zha healing!
You have the ability to watch one other player during the night, which you must tell me about before the end of night. When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia members attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will state that someone was attacked but save and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless. The Paramedic will also intercept bombs sent to a townie during the night he is under watch but he cannot discover planted bombs.
Spit in the invisible face of death.
You cwill survive the first attempt to kill you.
The Detective
May your private eye unveil the truth!
Who dunnit?: Once per cycle you may ask the GM if one player was involved with a murder. You must ask in a yes or no fashion, and will get your answer in the same manner. OR you may ask the GM if someone is pro or anti townie. Same restrictions apply.
THIS ELECTIONS BEEN RIGGED!: Once a game, you may ask the GM who the Russians voted for after an election. You wont get the voters names, but you will know how many spies voted for someone.
Some say the war drove him mad, other say he already was before he went. The keen eyed will tell you he never served in the military and is just insane.
The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be spie or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special notes, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. If the Mad Ivan targets the Paranoid will both die. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie and thus will not be told that they are paranoid.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the spies ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
Also in this game you may just become something more than a townie.
Russian Spies
The Russian Spy’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all spies know who each other are. All spies members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Commissar, a spy member cannot kill fellow spy.
Like the Mayor, the Commissar has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The Commissar is able to do much more than leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. He sends straight Russian Vodka. This has the effect of negating any special abilities the person may have had for one day and night cycle due to drunkenness. A paramedic can intercept the message.
Conscripts GO!: The Commissar can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Commissar doesn't dirty his hands since he has his spies to carry out his orders. The Commissar will appear as a townie to the detective and cannot be killed by attacks.
Russian Efficiency: The Commissar has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the Commissar is the only spy member left, this power is automatically activated.
Mad Ivan
Each night, Mad Ivan can do one of the following, plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that he's already planted. He can't plant a bomb and detonate it during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more, once he's detonated one. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given who he might be. Should mad Ivan be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If one of his targets are killed by someone else, he loses that bomb. The bomb is also discovered on the body, which gives the townies a clue who he might be. Bombs can be intercepted by a protector, giving a clue to the identity of mad Ivan as well.
Comrades let us teach these capitalist swine how to be efficient!
Can kill once per night.
While this individual is not allied with the Russians, he is a dangerous person, none the less. His ultimate goal is to be the last person standing.
Can kill once per night
Time: All actions dead line is 1:00AM GMT and all narratives will be given at 2:00AM GMT.
TFGM walked home alone. He was disappointed. His game hadn't gone as he planned. He had tried to cheer himself up with one of Rokulily's apple pies, but not even the taste of freedom seemed to lift his spirits. As he strolled home, he heard a noise behind himself, like a stumble or shuffle.
TFGM turned around and saw someone standing under a lamp post a block away. The person was wearing a long black jacket and had his arms folded behind his back. TFMG looked to see if he could recognize the strangers face. It was covered with a gas mask and light reflected from the glass eyes giving the stranger a demonic look. Then he saw it. On the strangers head was a capka with a red star in the center. He's a Commi TFGM gasped.
The stranger removed his right hand from behind his back. His hand was in cased in a large metal fist with yet another red star on it. "MFF MFF GFF MUHF MMMF!" the stranger shouted. TFMG stared confused at the stranger "What?" He asked. The Communist sighed and lifted his mask slightly. "Prepare to die capitalist swine." he said with a tired moan.
And with that the spy charged. TFMG barely dodged the large fist in time. TFMG looked up and found a pistol barrel in his face. "What, you think I'm too crazy to NOT be packing heat?" The stranger scoffed. TFMG just sighed and said "This is a sucky day."
TFMG The townie was shot by efficient communist bullets
stumble or shuffle: My signature calls me a zombie and a drunk
long black jacket and had his arms folded behind his back: my most frequent pose in Canadian Gamers
glass eyes giving the stranger a demonic look: Red haring. Many avatars have demonic eyes, but mine has a monocle ie glass eye.
large metal fist: I LOVE power fists (hence my constant reference to them). Plus I have a Warhammer 40k web comic.
"MFF MFF GFF MUHF MMMF!": Reference to TF2's pyro a video game, and I run a comic called Canadian Gamers (a stretch)
he said with a tired moan.: My current signature calls me a zombie. Zombies moan.
"What, you think I'm too crazy to NOT be packing heat?": I'm insane.
Ok… so I think that's all. I'm open to any suggestions.
I'm in North Carolina now, we moved to NC a few years back.Still eastern standard time. The chart tells you what time it is at 12am GMT. So in your timezone 12:00AM GMT is 7:00pm. So if you want to do the narrative at say 4:00pm your time it would be 9:00PM GMT.
@Ninja: I fine your narrative funny cause Hark has called me a commi XD
The godfather was waiting for the Mad Hatter outside the vault, and was getting quite impatient. He would sit down on a rock, pace around, his wings sprouting from his back and just as quickly would meld back into his suit. But still, the spot he was waiting in did have a nice view of Townston, a small little village that has plagued the Mafia for years. Every time that a Mafia went to bribe someone, beat someone, tell someone a rude joke, no doubt something ridiculously violent and absurd was bound to occur. This very town, had spurned the very genius of the Godfather himself. He clenched his fists, eyes filled with a burning rage. Ignorance, indulgance, and when a good idea was thrown in, they had to screw it up with their bickering and alliances. He had it all planned out, had hired the help of a expert, nothing could stop his vengeance. Soon, Townston would be blown up more than the laughter at a Gabriel Iglesias (Mr.Fluffy) show. Monkey had been a fair, stable minded man before, but the constant weight of responsibility and hatred for the town had caused him to go a little…well, let's just say the Mad Hatter wasn't the only one there that was "Mad". Ah, yes, nothing could stop this MadMan from obliterating the citizens of the village..unless, by a slight chance, the Mad Hatter went a tad madder.
The Bomber was actually at the vault already, watching his new employer pacing and muttering and nervously glancing at the town. Now, the Bomber also felt that the Town was a horror, a abomination to mankind, but his obsession with it's death was of a different kind. Monkey was more of a frantic, nervous wreak of what was once a strong and talented GM. The Bomber, however, had completely lost his mind. The Bomber readied his knife, flicked the switch, and stepped out of the bushes.
"Well hello sir, glad you could make it,"
"About time, I've had to wait a long ti-"
Monkey noticed the knife in the Bombers hand. "Whoa now buddy, lets calm down" "Oh no, I'm very calm sir, very calm indeed…" "Look, try to stab me, I run. Chase me, and my goons in the town will gut you faster than a Boston dock worker" "Oh, I had no intention of stabbing you sir! None at all, I just want to help…" Monkey stood, uncertain, should he run, fight, mess himself? Wait, no…, run or fight? But he didn't have time to think about this, as the Mad Hatter then pressed the button on his knife and-
-the blade of his ballistic knife shot deep into the guts of TheFlyingGreenMonkey.
"Oh god! Why the hell did you- Uh! I-It's twisting itself…inside my gut! Ergh, agh- uh…" "Oh, but that's not the half of it sir! You see, I've been tinkering with things, and I put something special in this knife, just for you!".
-the blade of the knife then exploded, tearing TheFlyingGreenMonkey into roughly a dozen pieces of Godfather.
The bomber especially enjoyed the red, his favorite color. The Monkey was still alive, barely, if you could call that horribly agony preventing him from death alive. His still twitching torso fell to the ground, in a small crater made just for him. The bomber strolled up to the hole in the turf. "Ah, wasn't that nice of me? I even dug your grave for you! And, now you can honestly call yourself the FLYING Green Monkey!" Monkey, was still alive, just barely. "Wh- why would you…" He could speak no more, but still, he was still alive. This pleased the bomber, because he could then still have an audience to his speech. "You see, I have tried to help this town for years, but none would appreciate. Those Townies are evil folks, and so are you Italians! So I've wired bombs all over the place. Remember that pay-check you gave me? Bombs in every person, every building, and if a person tries to leave town…well, I think you know what happens then!" The trembling torso of what formerly was a proud, strong man uttered" But…why?" The bomber then had a flash of anger in his eyes, but quickly regained his composure, no need to terrorize a man in his final hours. Who knows, might even find some use for what's left. "Well, Mister Crime Lord" said the Bomber, in his silk voice, "Because I'm the goddamn hero". He then enjoyed the last hour as he watched as TheFlyingGreenMonkey slowly expired in the blackened pit. Soon, he would watch as these fools slowly killed each other off. Oh, what fun, seeing them fight!
TheFlyingGreenMonkey has suffered a fate worse than death. He had to listen to one of the Mad Hatters long speeches of what is right and wrong. Oh, and then he died afterwards.
Of course, there was a Mafia member watching over Monkey, not much he could do though. He ran back to the Town Center, called everyone over. He warned them of what happened, told them that both Mafia and Townie would have to work together! This was agreed to, if not uneasily. They could continue their feuds later on, but for now, the Bomber would have to be stopped. The reporting Mafia then went back to what remained of the hill, and tried to give his father a decent burial. Later that night, Rokulily was walking around the town, enjoying the fresh night air. Suddenly, she stopped. She heard a strange noise, near Black Kitty's statue. She started to walk towards it, but then abruptly halted.Monkey's green fedora, still containing bits of his brain, had just landed on her head. The following morning, she had the hat cleaned.
I'll list more of the clues later, figure some out yourself in the meantime!
Silk Voice: I'm a very good talker, can get away with many things if I want.
he was still alive. This pleased the bomber, because he could then still have an audience to his speech: I talk lots, and I like to hear feedback on my speeches, but mostly I like to write and have people think on what I write and say.
ReD HerRinGs!
REd was his favorite color: Actually, red is my second favorite color, but it is a close call. This can throw people off because other people have red haired or red colored avatars, violent comic types are also in suspicion.
Someone help me with the times here?I still think your time limit is too long. I think it should be at most 3 days. Notice that monkey's game only lasted til day 4).
The rogue mad hatter idea is actually quite clever because the time limit it provides might force the town and the mafia to work together in order to find him. Otherwise they may be forced to loose to the serial killer.
Look, I'll try and settle times at the moment. Product Placement, I realize what you're trying to tell me, but I don't then want complaints from everyone else about the time limit. Look ,how does this sound: 5 days, 4 nights, he detonates the bigbomb on night 5. And the bomber can shorten the time limit of the bomb by a day and night, but it reveals a clue about him. Now, I'm looking to post these narratives by at least 11 PM or 12 AM where I'm at, what would be the GMT time for me then?
Now, I'm looking to post these narratives by at least 11 PM or 12 AM where I'm at, what would be the GMT time for me then?
Eastern standard time is GMT +5 like, monkey explained. If you post your narrative at 12 am, it will be 5 am GMT. Pretty much morning time in Europe.I'm in North Carolina now, we moved to NC a few years back.Still eastern standard time. The chart tells you what time it is at 12am GMT. So in your timezone 12:00AM GMT is 7:00pm. So if you want to do the narrative at say 4:00pm your time it would be 9:00PM GMT.
Consult the time zone world map in the first post for additional information. It should tell you everything you need to know.
Now, I'm looking to post these narratives by at least 11 PM or 12 AM where I'm at, what would be the GMT time for me then?Eastern standard time is GMT +5 like, monkey explained. If you post your narrative at 12 am, it will be 5 am GMT. Pretty much morning time in Europe.I'm in North Carolina now, we moved to NC a few years back.Still eastern standard time. The chart tells you what time it is at 12am GMT. So in your timezone 12:00AM GMT is 7:00pm. So if you want to do the narrative at say 4:00pm your time it would be 9:00PM GMT.
It would be 9:00 PM over here. Which is pretty good cause that is when I get off of work on wednesday. It would give me something to look forward to :3
I can run too right? I've got two games under my belt and I have a kick ass Idea:
Mafia Noir
A crime drama, if everything works out I'll be writing an actual crime story as the narration, And everyone that joins will be in it!
I'll send in the rules and a description later.
Narration, seen from the detective's (ME) point of view:
Townstreet, 1940.
He called again, needed my help covering up once more.
As I walked through the sweet rain I couldn't help but noticing a man running from the butchers, all alone, Used to the big city, like me.
As I stepped into the sweet scented building I called out to Gullas, expecting him to come walking in with one of his fabled meatpies, a big smile on his face. I expected him to greet me, tell me where the body was and then push me out again. Gullas didn't answer my call however.
I looked around, searching for any signs of struggle, any signs that the pigs had been there. My boots were soaking up the blood that usually collected itself in puddles all over the shop. There was even more than usual. Gullas usually cleans up every couple of days, he doesn't like the cats that are attracted to the blood, he despises cats, hates them. As I followed the trail of blood all the way to the back of the shop I saw several bloody footsteps, leading to the backdoor. As I rushed towards the door I heard a muffled sound coming from the freezer to my left, an old system, it barely keeps the meat cold but Gullas likes the cold emanating from it on the ouside. It reminds him of home.
As I touched the doorhandle, ready to open the freezer, a clicking sound alarmed me. I jumped back at the same time as an explosion removed the rusty freezer from it's petty existance.
Covered in bits of people I looked at the wreckage, finding the bloody remains of my old friend Gullas, the serial killer.
Gullas the serial killer died.
As the police took yet another statement from me I couldn't quite control my thoughts. I needed a drink and I needed it quick. Waving off the cops, promising I came in first thing tomorrow I headed for Ninja's Pawnshop and bar, knowing he had some drinks ready for me that could raise the dead. Ninja is insane, has been for years, ever since he drank himself into a coma, ever since the war.
When I arrived, Ninja, as he chose to call himself, had a stiff drink ready for me, twiching as he poured it in. As I drank by myself for a while I looked around the bar, recognising my next door neighbor, Mr Placement. He used to be rich, back in the UK, used to sell some art until he got sued for all he had. He fell in with some very bad people when his wife died, murderers, thieves and rapists. An average Joe around here.
Product Placement is drunk.
After gulping down his Whisky Mr Placement stood up, clumbsily pulling an Enfield No 2 Mk I Revolver from his belt, probably took it from the UK. As he pointed the gun at Ninja something inside him snapped, as he started crying deeply. In a flash Ninja grabbed my glass and smashed it on the table as he ran towards Mr Placement. Stabbing my neighbor in the throat in a rapid manner. As Placement died he pulled himself together for one last shot and pointed it at Ninja, blasting his blood all over the mirror behind him.
Product Placement the hitman is dead.
I ran towards Ninja, helping him up and getting him to a hospital was the first thing that came to mind.
As I looked at the open door I could almost see the bullet fly from the gun the man was holding. The bullet was laid to rest in the cozy brain of Ninja.
jninja the Paranoid died.
I ran after the man, following him into a little alley, as he jumped over a fence I got a hold of his coat.
Pulling it off him as the man ran on. The coat was covered in Cat's hair, So I know who to go to next.
Clue breakdown:
As I walked through the sweet rain I couldn't help but noticing a man running from the butchers, all alone, Used to the big city, like me.
Mettaur is a city boy, he came from New York. Which is a big city. He also talks about having an empty in-box, meaning he's lonely, all alone.
He doesn't like the cats that are attracted to the blood, he despises cats, hates them.
In this specific Narration Harkovast is mayor, this clue shows that Gullas is anti-town.
As I touched the doorhandle, ready to open the freezer, a clicking sound alarmed me. I jumped back at the same time as an explosion removed the rusty freezer from it's petty existance.
This shows that Mettaur is the Mad Bomber, seeing as he was at the butchers.
The coat was covered in Cat's hair, So I know who to go to next.
This clue is not about Harkovast, that's all I'm willing to say on the subject.
I ran towards Ninja, helping him up and getting him to a hospital was the first thing that came to mind.
As I looked at the open door I could almost see the bullet fly from the gun the man was holding. The bullet was laid to rest in the cozy brain of Ninja.
jninja the Paranoid died.
Also I suppose I should mention, my narrations will include illustrations because I like to draw and stuff…
Rules and Roles:
Townstreet, 1940. America is on the brink of death and times are grim. There is no city that has been hit as hard as Townville, a big town filled with criminals, gangsters and clowns.
People wish for their agony to end, for times to start looking up for a change. And then, the mayor got killed. Indicating the return of the gangsters, the crooks, the Mafia.
This game will almost use standard rules, with the addition of several roles and the altering of others.
The game takes turns, alternating between day cycles and nights. Each cycle takes 24 hours and will end when the GM posts his narration. Each narration is scheduled to be released around 20.00 hours GMT. Since players can hail from all over the world, it is important that they know which time zone they are in so that they can know when to expect the next narration. Here's a GMT conversion table.
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time. If you live in a +6 zone then the narration will be up at 02.00 at night. If you live in a +12 then it will be up at 08.00 in the morning.
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
The power of persuasion: The mayor can replace one vote of his choosing with a vote of his own.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 1 double lynch anytime during the game When a double lynch is in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Your sacrifice is appreciated: Both mayor and Pardoner cannot be killed during the night while the bodyguard(s) remain alive. The mayor will be able to pick both his bodyguards. If a Mafia is chosen as a bodyguard the Mafia-bodyguard will be able to kill the mayor. A bodyguard has to be chosen before the start of day two, the mayor will not be able to die before that time.
A day of grief: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help point you at a criminal at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor.
A day of grief: The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. When cancelling a double lynch the Pardoner needs to pick only one person to be pardoned.
I'm the runner up: When the mayor dies the pardoner takes his power of persuasion, he also gets the strength to live through two kills before dying, this power is only in effect after the mayor dies. A lynch will still kill the pardoner.
The pardoner will also be protected by the bodyguards but will not be told their identities, if a Mafia is bodyguard the Pardoner will still be protected.
Townies or Mafia will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The bodyguards will be informed of their identities if the Mayor has chosen them. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed via night hits except if a bodyguard is Mafia. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted, even when a bodyguard is Mafia.
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands.
Kill, Kill: Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
I know who you are: If the vigilante is killed everybody will be informed of the identity of his killer.
Protect: You have the ability to watch one other player during the night, which you must tell me about before the end of night. When a player is watched he cannot die. If two Mafia target the same protected person in the same night the Paramedic dies instead of the target, he does take one of the Mafia with him.
The narrative will state that someone was attacked but saved and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker, the target and the Paramedic. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect that person regardless. The Paramedic will also intercept bombs sent to a townie during the night he is under watch and can discover planted bombs.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt if he still has both night lives and it will not count as a hit attempt.
The Pig
The Pig is after the bad guys of Townston. His reasonable reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him the best investigator in the Town. The Pig is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Pig can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a Pro Townie or a criminal. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the pig to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that someone was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
Protective custody: The cop can pick one person a night that will not be able to do anything, he will also not be able to be killed. This power can be used every night besides his other powers. He can not choose the same person twice.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia.
Like the Mayor, the godfather has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a horse head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a pro-townie to the Pig. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
I make an offer: The Godfather can pick one person after day 1 to be converted to a Mafia, this power can be used only once and can be used besides his other powers.
Mad Hatter
Ka-Boom: Each night, the Mad Hatter is able to plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that's already been planted. He can't plant a bomb and detonate during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more once he's detonated or lost one of them. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given about his identity. Should the mad hatter be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If a target of his somehow dies by other means, the bomb will still explode but not do anything, a clue will still be given about his identity. Bombs can be intercepted by a protector, giving a clue to the identity of the Mad Hatter as well. Also if a paramedic chooses to protect someone with an undetonated bomb already planted, it will be discovered.
Kill, Kill:You are the mafia hitman. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face. Don't forget to have fun.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
Kill, Kill: If it moves, you kill it. If it's standing still, you shake it so it moves and then you kill it. You love the smell, taste and texture of blood. Your epiphany is the sound of a screaming victim. In short, you're not right in the head. Each night you must kill someone of your choice to satisfy your blood lust. Leave none left standing. If a kill fails because the target is protected you die.
Renegade Cop: You used to be a pig but you got shot on the job, leaving you unable to defend the law.
No you don't: You can call one person a night, that person will not be able to do what he tried. If he tried to kill then you can pick another target for him, if he tried to protect someone then you can pick another target for them too.
Not anymore: You can protect one person in the game one night, anyone interacting with that person will be killed by you.
I wrote the book on this: You can add one person to a lynch once in the game, the person you pick will be killed lynched too.
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