MAFIA XXVII: The Infection of Townston!
It has been three weeks since the gang war that tore Townston apart ended. For the first week, the town was in ruin. A select few malcontents were still running about, taking advantage of the towns ruin. Then they came. Parasol Inc, a pharmaceutical conglomerate that payed to repay the town and build a large lab just out of town in the near by forest. With the town properly funded, the police took back control and ended what remained of the civil unrest. Peace rained… if only for those precious two weeks.
Changes to the game:
So its the standard rules more or less. Back to hunting people, first to message gets the first shot etc. The theme is zombie comedy in the vein of such movies like Shaun of the Dead or Zombie Land. Being that this is themed after zombie movies however, I will be randomly assigning the townies 'stereo types' such as: the sceptic, the jumper, weak ankles and such the like.
(1) officer
(1) jogger
(1) paranoid
(1) priest
(2) body guards
(2) vigilantes
(1) gunslinger
(the rest) townies
(1) case 0
(1) free bite
(1) The man from Parasol
Mayor: The town will turn to you to stop these monsters. Don't let them down.
Let's celebrate- Within one hour of your inauguration, you may insta-lynch one other player.
Seal of the Mayor- Your vote counts as two, because that's how power works.
PO'd town- Twice a game you can declare a double lynch to slate your town's blood lust
It's not safe out there!- Once per game, you can declare a state of emergency. No lynching for a day.
You two, stand riiiiiight there- You get two body guards and their identities. While they live, your Zombie proofed.
Pardoner: monsters or no, you can still exercise your right to ruin peoples fun.
That's not particularly wise sir- Twice a game you may cancel a lynch. If it's a double lynch, you only save one.
You two, stand riiiiiiight there- You get two body guards but not their identities. While they live, your Zombie proofed.
Townies roles
Universal rule: RUN!- you have a 1/3 chance of escaping a zombie, and only a zombie. If you get away, the zombie leaves no clues.
Officer: This towns yours. No zombie can take that away from you… you hope.
Sir/ Ma'am you need to calm down!- Once per day you may select another player to be put under house arrest for the day. Their safer, and they won't frighten the populace. They won't be able to vote/ preform a night action until the next day, but they are also safe from attack. A player may only be affected once tho.
Ello, ello, ello, woats all dis den?- You wouldn't believe what you'd learn about someone if you just stalked them! Hobbies, people they stalk, their alliances… Once per day you may investigate another player. You will learn if they are pro or anti townie.
I smell rot!- Once per game, you may check the results of an election and see how many zombies voted. You won't get names on the ballots, just some rotted skin and the knowledge of who the dead voted for.
The Jogger: their in every zombie movie. Sometimes they make it, others they're fast food.
ARRIBA!- If attacked by a zombie, your odds of escape becomes 50%. If you succeed, the zombie drops almost no clues.
Paranoid: You've seen this movie! You know what happens to the unprepared! No one's catching you flat footed!
OH NO YOU DON'T- You kill the first visitor you get in the night. Friend or foe, they're biting dust!
Body guards: You were pick to protect the mayor from the mob. With no mob, you'll have to settle for zombies. Lucky you.
FOR THE TOWN- While you live, the mayor and pardoner cannot be targeted.
The priest: PRAISE THE LORD now pass the ammunition!
God's love- You may choose to watch over someone at night. You have a 50% chance of killing their attacker. If they become infected, you save their soul… by killing them.
Death before taint- if you get bit, you turn the gun on yourself. You die instead of being infected.
Vigilantes: Underpants! On the outside! What more could you want?
Justice- You go out and kill at night, in the name of the greater good. Beware, one wrong attack and things can go wrong fast.
It's self defense- He started it! You have a 1/6 chance of killing your own attacker.
Gunslinger: Self defense. In belt held form.
It's self defense- He started it! You have a 1/3 chance of killing your own attacker.
Townies: Live, lynch repeat. That's all you do. Try not to get bit.
Mental states: *Note, there may be multiples of the same state.*;
The Sceptic: “There's no such thing as zombies!†You doubt their existence, thus if you are attacked by a zombie, you don't run. Sucks to be you.
Weak Ankles: “Run. Run. Ru-woah!†You are the main stay of zombie movies. You run, you break something, you get eaten. Your odds of escape are less.
The Jumper: “It's ok… it's ok… it's AAAAHHHH!†You are jumpy as all hell. Any repeat killers can't target you as the second kill.
Trigger Happy: “BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!†You get a bonus to your attempt at self defense.
Universal rules: I don't feel well- The day after you are infected, you can't vote. You feel to “Sickâ€.
Brains- You don't kill, you infect. Your victims join the team. You may bite one person a night.
Case 0: You are the first successful carrier. Are you a helpless victim of nature, or Parasol's play thing? It doesn't matter. All that does is the hoard.
Free bite- Before the game starts, you select one other player of your choice to be your other zombie. In the elections, that zombie may vote, he's not feeling sick anymore.
Perfect disease- your virus is perfect. You remain in disguise if you don't attack and thus appear as a townie. As well, while your "children" (THE ZOMBIES) live, you can't be targeted.
Hive mind- while you live, your “children†benefit from your leadership. The zombies may vote, so long as you are alive.
SWARM THEM!- Using your hive mind, you summon your pets to cause general chaos during a lynch. Once per game, you may cancel a lynch. If it's a double lynch, everyone's saved YAY!
Hive Blast- You're the only zombie that can kill other zombies (should you choose to)
Zombies: Brains! Mrrrrn. Grr. Brains. You go out at night and feed. Nuff said. Have fun!
Special zombies: Randomly, the virus will mutate its host beyond normal. What comes out, only the new zombie and it's team will know. Perhaps multiple attacks, perhaps more night lives. Only one way to find out.
Serial killers
The man from Parasol: The town is infected. The only solution, is quarantine… by lead.
Silenced- You may kill once per night.
Quarantine- unlike some unruly killer, you have authority. Select an other player, and for one whole day and night, they can't vote or preform night actions. Unlike the detective they are no safer tho cause you don't care about the street fairing riff-raff!
That's everything.
I plan to stop accepting actions at 12 am GMT and I will preform the narrations at 1 am GMT.
Oh, and we start it at night 1 so day one can have the normal mob numbers (mathematically speaking of course.)
Opening Narration
Townston was quiet as the sun set. After a long battle between rival gangs, everything was as it should be. The town had been graciously rebuilt just as it was by the Parasol Inc pharmaceutical company, well, not exactly the same. The forest beyond Townston now had a large Mansion in it. But hey, it added aesthetic quality to those creepy woods.
No one in town was prepared for what happened next… ok, maybe a few were prepared. Anyway, the mansion in the forest was alive with the wail of its emergency Klaxon. Doctors and scientist scatted like the roaches of Gullas' shop to the four winds as security personal went to work. Subject 4s5 H01E, or Case 0, was free. And he wasn't alone. With him was his so called "child" which in reality was a hobo they injected with Case 0's blood. The "child" was now a long tongued, skinless horror.
The two infetees gleefully hacked apart the meager Parasol security and escaped their former prison. As their eyes adjusted to moon light as apposed to lamp light, they saw Townston and all its tasty glory. The town was much to far to have heard the commotion of their escape Case 0 thought. The two went to town as the moon stared down just as hungrily as they did. It was about to be a bloody Dawn… of the DEAD!
Begin Night one
here's some motivation
1.Mettaur Case 0 survived
2. maru the last Rager Pardoner Paranoid Died night six
3. ProductPlacement the Game Master Licker Died night two
4. Kroatz Townie Died night one
5. Alwinbot Zombie survived
6. Zeph Townie Died night one
7. Harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing and Self Proclaimed Furry Pusher Zombie Died night three
8. Salsa The Luckless Zombie Died night five
9. rokulily the Minister of Cuteness Mayor Witch Zombie died night six
10. TheFlyingGreenMonkey the everlasting pardoner, bringer of bloodbaths, the Imperialist of Townston, first one to receive three titles, record holder of titles and the wearer of the green hat Zombie Died night six
11. Retaya the dramatic The Man From Parasol died night six
12. Randomdudeperson The Confusing Townie Died night six
13. Niccea the Great Deceiver and Keeper of Records Townie Died night four
14. ParkerFarker the Crazy Glow Stick Stabber Townie lynched day 3
15. JabberwockyJones Townie Died inactivity
16. Hakoshen the spartan Zombie Survived
17. Shirkersama Townie Died night five
18. I Am The 1337 Master the Goddamn Batman Running Zombie Survived
19. GracehFaceh Zombie Survived
20. Anthony Mercer The emotional lurker Townie Lynched Day 5
21. PoorBoyBlues Zombie survived
22. Same (freshly bit) townie Died night four
23. Gullas the Impaler and Terrible Gambler Boomer Zombie Died night three
24. Rengishi Priest Died night three

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DD Comics!
Mafia XXVII: The Infection of Townston
*Door of Vault creaks open*
…is it over? Okay, I guess now we re-build the town and prepare it for the next game…wait, the town is already re-built? Wait, that means…a new game has begun! Now we will be put into deeper peril than the chaos in-between games here, and our private thoughts and everything we do will be broad-casted over the internet!…god I love this game.
Mayor: The town will turn to you to stop these monsters. Don't let them down.
Let's celebrate- Within one hour of your inauguration, you may insta-lynch one other player.
Seal of the Mayor- Your vote counts as two, because that's how power works.
PO'd town- Twice a game you can declare a double lynch to slate your town's blood lust
It's not safe out there!- Once per game, you can declare a state of emergency. No lynching for a day.
You two, stand riiiiiight there- You get two body guards and their identities. While they live, your Zombie proofed.
Pardoner: monsters or no, you can still exercise your right to ruin peoples fun.
That's not particularly wise sir- Twice a game you may cancel a lynch. If it's a double lynch, you only save one.
You two, stand riiiiiiight there- You get two body guards but not their identities. While they live, your Zombie proofed.
Townies roles
Universal rule: RUN!- you have a 1/3 chance of escaping a zombie, and only a zombie. If you get away, the zombie leaves no clues.
Officer: This towns yours. No zombie can take that away from you… you hope.
Sir/ Ma'am you need to calm down!- Once per day you may select another player to be put under house arrest for the day. Their safer, and they won't frighten the populace. They won't be able to vote/ preform a night action until the next day, but they are also safe from attack. A player may only be affected once tho.
Ello, ello, ello, woats all dis den?- You wouldn't believe what you'd learn about someone if you just stalked them! Hobbies, people they stalk, their alliances… Once per day you may investigate another player. You will learn if they are pro or anti townie.
I smell rot!- Once per game, you may check the results of an election and see how many zombies voted. You won't get names on the ballots, just some rotted skin and the knowledge of who the dead voted for.
The Jogger: their in every zombie movie. Sometimes they make it, others they're fast food.
ARRIBA!- If attacked by a zombie, your odds of escape becomes 50%. If you succeed, the zombie drops almost no clues.
Paranoid: You've seen this movie! You know what happens to the unprepared! No one's catching you flat footed!
OH NO YOU DON'T- You kill the first visitor you get in the night. Friend or foe, they're biting dust!
Body guards: You were pick to protect the mayor from the mob. With no mob, you'll have to settle for zombies. Lucky you.
FOR THE TOWN- While you live, the mayor and pardoner cannot be targeted.
The priest: PRAISE THE LORD now pass the ammunition!
God's love- You may choose to watch over someone at night. You have a 50% chance of killing their attacker. If they become infected, you save their soul… by killing them.
Death before taint- if you get bit, you turn the gun on yourself. You die instead of being infected.
Vigilantes: Underpants! On the outside! What more could you want?
Justice- You go out and kill at night, in the name of the greater good. Beware, one wrong attack and things can go wrong fast.
It's self defense- He started it! You have a 1/6 chance of killing your own attacker.
Gunslinger: Self defense. In belt held form.
It's self defense- He started it! You have a 1/3 chance of killing your own attacker.
Townies: Live, lynch repeat. That's all you do. Try not to get bit.
Mental states: *Note, there may be multiples of the same state.*;
The Sceptic: “There's no such thing as zombies!†You doubt their existence, thus if you are attacked by a zombie, you don't run. Sucks to be you.
Weak Ankles: “Run. Run. Ru-woah!†You are the main stay of zombie movies. You run, you break something, you get eaten. Your odds of escape are less.
The Jumper: “It's ok… it's ok… it's AAAAHHHH!†You are jumpy as all hell. Any repeat killers can't target you as the second kill.
Trigger Happy: “BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!†You get a bonus to your attempt at self defense.
Universal rules: I don't feel well- The day after you are infected, you can't vote. You feel to “Sickâ€.
Brains- You don't kill, you infect. Your victims join the team. You may bite one person a night.
Case 0: You are the first successful carrier. Are you a helpless victim of nature, or Parasol's play thing? It doesn't matter. All that does is the hoard.
Free bite- Before the game starts, you select one other player of your choice to be your other zombie. In the elections, that zombie may vote, he's not feeling sick anymore.
Perfect disease- your virus is perfect. You remain in disguise if you don't attack and thus appear as a townie.
Hive mind- while you live, your “children†benefit from your leadership. The zombies may vote, so long as you are alive.
SWARM THEM!- Using your hive mind, you summon your pets to cause general chaos during a lynch. Once per game, you may cancel a lynch. If it's a double lynch, everyone's saved YAY!
Hive Blast- You're the only zombie that can kill other zombies (should you choose to)
Zombies: Brains! Mrrrrn. Grr. Brains. You go out at night and feed. Nuff said. Have fun!
Special zombies: Randomly, the virus will mutate its host beyond normal. What comes out, only the new zombie and it's team will know. Perhaps multiple attacks, perhaps more night lives. Only one way to find out.
Serial killers
The man from Parasol: The town is infected. The only solution, is quarantine… by lead.
Silenced- You may kill once per night.
Quarantine- unlike some unruly killer, you have authority. Select an other player, and for one whole day and night, they can't vote or preform night actions. Unlike the detective they are no safer tho cause you don't care about the street fairing riff-raff!
That's everything.
I plan to stop accepting actions at 12 am GMT and I will preform the narrations at 1 am GMT.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Oh, and we start it at night 1 so day one can have the normal mob numbers (mathematically speaking of course.)
TMNT are dead.
And that's what Batman said.
We interrupt this racism to bring you fast breaking Harkovast news-
This Monday I am going to start a Harkovast Design A Character Contest.
Basically entrants will need to design a character for Harkovast.
The winner will get some Harkovast swag from the DD store AND their character will appear in a minor role in the comic (and not just a walking passed in the background part, they will get lines and actually do stuff.)
More details will follow on Monday, but I thought I would give the mafia crowd the heads up first, since 90% of you read Harkovast (except for zeph, who I am racist towards right now).
Being a good racist is all about being small minded.
And I have the smallest mind around!
Lets get those no-signers!
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