Banner by: Rokulily
Halloween was rolling around the corner. The kids were gathering around getting ready for Halloween. They decided that they needed a leader to lead them through their rounds. Lil’ Niccea stood up in front of the assembled kids, a few days before Halloween. “Ok, guys. I think we should all wear cat/fox/dear ears.â€
“No one likes your stupid ears, Ni!â€
Niccea pounced swiftly on the naysayer and beat the poor child into a bloody pulp.
[spoiler]The no name kid was sent to the hospital[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Niccea was grounded until she could pay off the hospital bills.[/spoiler]
Looks like a new Leader is needed. Vote for one until 6pm CST tomorrow.
Table Of Contents
Day 0
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Night 4
Final Narration

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Mafia XXXVI: Trick or Townston
Their goals.
The goal of the trick-or-treaters will be to get rid of the kids in group costumes.
Leader Kid
The Leader Kid is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Cause I Said So!: Increased vote count of 2 during voting.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Leader Kid can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people. (The Leader Kid must notify the GM during the night phase or early during the the day phase so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) (Big Kids) are alive.
Let's celebrate!: The Leader Kid has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Leader Kid picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could tell you who's a monster at that time.
The Soft Hearted One
As a check and balance to the Leader Kid, the Soft Hearted One is the runner up to the Leader Kid. The Soft Hearted One has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be two single lynches, one double lynch, half of a double and one single or whatever. The Soft Hearted One will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The Soft Hearted One shares the protection from the Big Kids.
Big Kids
Two random Trick-or-Treaters will receive the role of Big Kids, once the Leader Kid has been elected. The Big Kids cannot be monsters or special roles, they can only be regular Trick-or-Treaters. As long as the Big Kids are alive, they'll protect the Leader Kid and Soft Hearted One from being killed. Normally the Leader Kid gets to know who the Big Kids are but in this game it will be kept a secret. When a bodyguard is turned by a monster, the town will be informed via narration.
The Tattle Tell
The Tattle Tell is focused on making sure any rule breakers will be punished. He will function as a mixture of the vigilante and the detective. During each day and night cycle, he's allowed to do one of the following:
I sense a taint of evil!: The Tattle Tell can check upon a player and determine if he's a monster or not. He can only do this 2 times. Note. This power can also identify the monster leaders.
Who dun it?:If a clue is left behind, The Tattle Tell can ask the GM if a specific someone was behind the attack.
Tonight we hunt: The Tattle Tell can spend his night action hunting someone who he believes to be a monster and get rid of him. A clue is left behind every time. Note. Can only be used during night.
Help Wanted!: During the night, The Tattle Tell is allowed to recruit someone to become a Snitch. He can only use this power twice. Can only be used at night.
Note: Only those who are not monsters can become a Snitch. He can only recruit two times and if he tries to recruit a monster, the attempt is considered spent and wasted. In those situations he will kill the target instead.
Special: The Tattle Tell knows how to defend himself against monsters and will survive any attack made by an underling. He is however defenseless against an attack from one of the three monsters leader. The Tattle Tell is allowed to pick a defense against one of the three monster types to render himself immune to attacks from one of the leaders. If The Tattle Tell is successfully attacked, he will not be turned but will instead die.
Snitchs are recruited by The Tattle Tell. He's allowed to recruit up to two players that he trusts (can only recruit once per night). Every night, the Snitches can target and get rid of someone who they suspect are monsters. A clue is left behind every time. A Snitch can't be turned and will die if attacked. The Snitchs are not as experienced as The Tattle Tell and thus can't kill the monster leaders.
Kid with Band-Aids
Every night they're allowed to either protect themselves or someone else for the night. If a monster attacks someone who's protected, he will survive the attempt and a clue will be left behind, pointing at the attacker. If more then one monster attacks a person that's being protected, only the first attack is canceled.
Trick-or-Treaters are the back bone of the group. They have no powers, but they can vote and carry special items.
Special Items
All the Trick-or-Treaters (including all the special roles) will get to choose a defense against one of the monsters types at the beginning of the game.
These are:
A Toy Cross (against vampires),
A Fake Silver Pendant (for werewolves) or
A Glow Stick(to scare away zombies).
Example: If a Vampire attacks a player that owns a toy cross, the Vampire will run away and the player is not turned for the night. A clue will be left behind which can tell us who the monster is. The player is still vulnerable from attacks of the other two monster types. Once a defense has been picked, the player can't change it again.
Actions will be on a first come first serve basis with the protective items acting like paramedics would in normal games only against certain teams.
Their goals.
The children dressed as monsters are fighting for their group costume idea to win. They must defeat the other two and over run the rest of the Trick-or-Treaters
The roles.
Vampire Leader(1)
Werewolf Leader(1)
Zombie Leader(1)
All three monster leaders have these powers.
I wasn't turned yesterday: The monster leaders are stronger then their supporters. If a monster leader attacks another monster or is attacked by one, he will survive while the other monster will die. He will not be named in the progress but a clue, that might reveal his identity will be left behind. A monster leader can only be killed via lynch, by The Tattle Tell, Old Man Jenkins, or another Monster leader who attacks him.
Welcome to our fold: The monster leader can influence a Trick-or-Treater to wear his costume. Each night they can target a victim and attempt to turn him. Once that player is turned he will stay on that side until he's killed. Supporters also gain the power to turn others as well. If a supporter tries to turn another monster, they will initiate a fight to the death (see monster defense rule for more details).
If the leader goes we all go!: The lives of the supporters are sustained by the power of their leaders. Should the leader of any of the monster races die, all of his underlings will die with him/her.
Special Role
This player has their own win conditions.
Old Man Jenkins (1).
Old Man Jenkins
Old Man Jenkins is tired of the meddlesome kids not staying off his lawn. He has joined the group of kids under a disguise. He has the ability to yank one kid out of play per night. He is above the influence of being brought to the side of the Monster Leaders and The Tattle Tell, but if he is targeted, he will be discovered. Old Man Jenkins can only win once he has sent all the kids home to their moms (having a peaceful Halloween at last).
(I have decided not to weed out all the references to dying or lynching. It would be too much work. Just know that it will be called something else) And the Narrations can still be violent.
Read Harkovast
1. Salsa the luckless, Werewolf leader. Lost his tooth on Night One
2. Mettaur the atomic mirelurk, The Trick-or Treater with a fake silver pendant. Pushed in the mud Night 2
3. Anthony Mercer the Emotional Lurker, Beaten up night 2
4. shirkersama needs a title
5. I am the 1337 Master the goddamn batman, Vampire Leader. Kicked out of the group Day Two.
6. harkovast the self proclaimed furry pusher.
7. Hakoshen the Spartan
8. TheFlyingGreenMonkey the owner of too many titles. Trick-or-Treater with a glow stick. Banned from the group on Day One.
9. jninjashadow the town drunk
10. same needs a title
11. alwinbot needs a title
12. maru the last beserker
13. Keybounce the Old Man Jenkins, Discovered on Day 4
14. rokulily The Minister of Cuteness
15. Asmun Trick-or-Treater with Glow Stick. Banned from the gang on Day 3.
16. Product Placement The Game Master, Trick-or-Treater with a Toy Cross, Went on vacation without videogames Night 3.
(1/1) Leader Kid (Jninjashadow)
(0/1) Soft Hearted Kid (I Am The 1337 Master)
(2/2) Big Kids
(0/1) Tattle Tell
(0/2) Snitches
(2/2) Kids with Band-Aids
(3/7) Trick-or-Treaters
(0/1) Werewolf Leader
(0/1) Vampire Leader
(1/1) Zombie Leader
(1/1) Zombie
Serial Killer:
Old Man Jenkins (0/1)
Day One Leader Kid
jninjashadow (7)
Anthony Mercer
I Am The 1337 Master (5)
I Am The 1337 Master
harkovast (2)
Mettaur (1)
I Am The 1337 Master
TheFlyingGreenMonkey (1)
Keybounce (1)
Day Two
I Am The 1337 Master (5)
Anthony Mercer
(2nd vote pull)
Mettaur (2)
I Am The 1337 Master
same (1)
Day Three Vote
Asmun (6)
Cause I said so
rokulily (1)
Harkovast (1)
Keybounce (0)
Cause I said So
Jninjashadow (0)
Day 4
Keybounce (4)
because I said so
jninjashadow (1)
Shikersama (1)
Day Five
Hakoshen (2)
cause I said so
Whoa…I was looking through the player list and noticed that Roku and PRODUCT don't have titles?
Is this a mistake?
I thought Roku was something about cuteness and possibly the destruction of all mankind and Product was like THE GM or something of even more worldly destruction.
Whoa…I was looking through the player list and noticed that Roku and PRODUCT don't have titles?I stole their titles. All titles to the kittens *Cough Cough* I mean all titles to the normal human boy. *shifty eyes*
Is this a mistake?
I thought Roku was something about cuteness and possibly the destruction of all mankind and Product was like THE GM or something of even more worldly destruction.
Also I will not be running for I have no role and thus who ever comes forward with a role I shall vote for.
Oh god…drawing?
…I'm backing out of getting in that.
I'm seeing lots of "EDITS", and that's … Well,
I'm used to playing in a group that basically regards edits as a serious bad thing – instant scum sign. The idea is that a true innocent townie never needs to hide what they said, but a rogue might want to change a giveaway.
And I've seen two so far. And, it looks like I need a title.
So, I am Keybounce, The Man Behind The Curtain!
Master of Meta analysis!
Draped in what looks like a shower curtain with text on it calling for higher taxes in a pirate economic game.
I'm tossing my hat into the ring for Leader Kid.
Side note: While it seems from what I've seen so far that this group is used to recruitment games, our group has so far only had one. We discovered – very quickly – that one of the key normal rogue tells (err, what do you call the scum around here?) used to be group behavior, and that in a recruitment game, (1): There is no group tell giveaway, and (2): Since the leaders can choose who they go for, and they have played with people before, they know the play styles. They know who they can work with.
Except me. I'm new to this group of forum mafia. So none of the existing leaders know me. My style will be different than the existing players.
Electing me as the leader means that we kids have a chance to pull off surprises, and that can keep us alive longer. That's playing smarter, and smarter is how we will … send the bad kids to time out.
I'm used to playing in a group that basically regards edits as a serious bad thing – instant scum sign.
Well, no-one here minds if you use it to correct a typo, or realise something you said was incorrect.
Also, generally, you don't get to choose your title. Titles are agreed upon when someone does something particularly noteworthy (no matter whether it's actually a good thing or not XD). For instance, I got my title from doing nothing for half the game, then getting lynched when everyone thought my avatar was crying. (Not this current avatar XD)
Anyone still wanting to work on the "People of Townston" mini comic? I think that is like the third poster related to titles I've seen.
Heh… That was a brilliant poster Monkey. And you're right that's the third title related poster.
I was planing on starting a "The People of Townston" comic but I guess my motivation died down after a while. Anyways, I'm still interested if people are planing on making posters of each other. I won't be doing it until next week though, when I'm back from my trip.
Also, I prefer that we follow the theme of people making poster pictures of others then themselves, which has been the tradition. I made one of Monkey, Monkey just made one of Hark and Salsa has made one of me.
Hmm… Also… Now that I think about it, I think Roku technically made one of Mercer around the time when he first got his title. She was particularly active around that time.
(Foo; my referenced avatar is 150 x 150, and DD doesn't auto-resize.)That can be fixed. You just need to resize your avatar so that it's 100x100. If you can't upload it and post it on this thread and I'm sure someone will be nice enough to do it for you.
Votes have been updated.
Reminder: Voting ends at 6pm CST. Even if I'm not here, I will not except votes with a time stamp after time is up. Narration will follow that. This is also the deadline for the Trick-or-Treaters (except the Tattle-Tell) to choose their protection items.
And of course, I will be using inactivity rules. To avoid being labeled as inactive you must: vote, post in the thread, use night actions (if applicable), or PQ me begging for forgiveness. I will be giving you a warning, so this will not be sudden.
Re: Editing.
Whan I edit my posts, you know something cool has happened.
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