Hello all,
I'm looking to start a few new series the first of which is a Fantasy Action/Comedy graphic novel type series and I like so many other writers need a dedicated artist to help bring these projects to life at least once a week.
If you want an example of my comics I write Villainy Minor & 3rd Party Fantasy as well as co-write on Night School
The Fantasy Series is tenatively called "Magipunk" is about a fantasy world in essentially after the magical equivalent of nuclear war.
Here is the rough script I'm working on for the first twenty pages or so minus some of my notes like on the exact difference between high elves and other elves are. Naturally I'm willing to work an artist to try and make the series as enjoyable as possible for both parties.
Anyway if anyone is interested please let me know.
Page 1: Farewell Ozrien
Panel A
A high elf maiden (Katt) is being laid down upon a stone slab ala snow white. Katt is in a very beautiful dress with flowers in her hair soft locks of hair all very high fantasy. She is clearly slipping into sleep her eyes are heavy. A charming male-elf (Ozrien) is laying her down. All this should be extreamly high fantasy looking with a LotR sort of cinimatic feel to it.
Ozrien: I'm sorry Sister, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll find a way to life this curse from you.
Panel B
Katt smiles back at him dreamily, sad not for herself accepting she will sleep forever, but for her poor brother who is clearly heartbroken to be so helpless to save his sister.
Katt: Ozrien do not weep for me. To dream forever isn't such a terrible fate. I will dream of you. It is almost time, the curse is upon me. Fairwell my brother, find your own place in the world do not morn me.
Panel C
A final dramatic panel with Ozrien watching tearfully over his sleeping sister.
Page 2: Hello Future
This is going to be a "Flash Cut" page. This something I want to use many times in the series. Basically a flash cut page follows up a flashback and shows a page of panel between a flashback and the present. Flash pages are always open to new ideas for panels.
Panel A
Katt lays sleeping peacefully on her snow-white slab.
Panel B
(In the next few panels we see the passage of the ages as seen from Katt's 'tomb'. The whole thing decay eventually burying Katt alive and even then history goes on without her.)
In this panel we see her tomb begin to decay, color fades, ivy grows, cracks form.
Panel C
There is a nuclear explosion, the shock wave shatters the tomb and comically tosses Katt to the ground.
Panel D
Snow covers the whole area.
Panel F
The world is post apacolips mutants run about a small village, at this point Katt is buried alive and the Village is built over where Katt's Tomb once was.
Panel E
A mega city has been build over Katt. Much urban sprawl dark allyways, sinister figures etc. etc.
Panel F
Katt's arm punches out through the ground.
Page 3:
Panel A
We see this page from over the shoulder of two elf thugs (Zana & Dekku) watching Katt crawl up through the street in this panel Katt has only got her one arm out.
Zana: Hey Dekku, look at that why don't cha'.
Panel B
Katt pulls her out arm out of the ground.
Dekku: Kind of hard ta miss ain't it.
Panel C
Katt manages to push her head out of the gorund.
Zana: Its probably undead, which means if we kill it there won't be any bitching if we take its stuff.
Panel D
Katt starts to pull her torso out of the ground.
Dekku: Probably.
Panel E
Katt pulls herself out of the ground to her waste.
Zana: Well shell we get 'bout doing her then?
Panel F
Dekku gestures towards Katt who is trying to crawl out of the hole she burst out of.
Dekku: After you Zana.
Page 4: Katt Elf
Panel A
Zana and Dekku move to either side of Katt.
Zana: 'ello there Elf Cat.
Katt: *wimper voice* Ahhhh…ohhh.
Panel B
Zana and Dekku grab Katt by either arm and haul her up.
Zana: He's kind of messed up. Like a cat with one one eye and two tails. Think that would be a cat with a 'k' and two 't's?
Deku: Katt? Sure.
Panel C
Katt jerks a bit pulling her arm out of Zana's grip.
Dekku: Seems like he's got some life.
Zana: Nah, listen to him going on in gibberish. He is just some hit job they buried extra deep. We'll probably read about him in the morning.
Panel D
Dekku hold Katt's arms behind her back and Zana begins searching her.
Zana: Hmmm ya are dead right? Hmm Dekku maybe you right.
Deku: That complicates things.
Panel E
Zana stops searching Katt for a moment.
Zana: What?
Panel E
Katt kicks Zana in the face surprising Zana.
Page 5: Unkind
Pane A
Zana is down on the ground holding her face while Dekku shakes Katt.
Zana: Owww damn! It kicked me in my face.
Dekku: That was unkind now Katt.
Panel B
Katt slams Dekku into the ally wall.
Panel C
Katt spins around and punches Dekku hard.
Panel D
Katt hits Dekku again in the gutt and he stagger back under the surprise assault.
Panel E
Dukku leans against the wall holding his gut.
Dekku: *Weazing* I take it back, now that was unkind.
Page 6: Rational(izing) Discussion
Panel A
Katt runs off leaving Dekku and Zana in the allyway.
Panel B
Dekku helps Zana gets to her feet.
Dekku: I'ma thinkin' that could have been handled better.
Zana: Yea, no doubt about that.
Panel C
Zana & Dekku dust themselves off.
Zana: If it is dead she must be one of those really angry vengful dead.
Dekku: Not incoporial that's for sure.
Panel D
Zana and Dekku try and strugge off the incident and look at each other awkwardly.
Zana: Twas was an honest mistake.
Dekku: Could have happened to everyone.
Panel E
Zana and Dekku gesture as they try and talk the whole incident out between themselves
Zana: The whole thing was really quite embarrassing.
Dekku: It wasn't our best moment.
Panel F
Zana crosses her arms looking one way while Dekku look the other way and strugs.
Zana: And Katt really over reacted.
Dekku: Didn't have cause ta hit us.
Panel E
Zana and Dekku look at each other all sly like.
Zana: Still we should probably findin' her and set things right.
Dekku: It does seems like the thing to be doin'.
Page 7: Think, think, think
Panel A
Katt tears off through the streets running in no direction in particular through people and urban squall.
Katt thinking: Okay think girl! Think, think, think…..
Panel B
Katt slows down from her sprint.
Katt thinking: Great now I sound like that bear with very little brains that I used to read when I was a girl. Time ro stop running.
Panel C
Katt stop running altogether now.
Katt thinking: Okay Ozrien isn't here, the high elves aren't here, and the whole freaking forest isn't here. I've probably been sleeping for a while. I must have been moved to this place while I was asleep.
Panel D
Katt takes on a sterio typical thinking pose.
Katt: I bet Ozrien just couldn't let me go. He took me here looking for a cure and…and Ozrien must have burried me to keep anyone from finding me and molesting me!
Panel E
Katt frowns at herself realizing how silly that sounds.
Katt: Except that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
Page 8 Ertanon Zella vek metra. *Speaking in High Elf I am.*
Panel A
Katt examinging her cat feature.
Katt thinking: Well I'm off the sleep for eternity curse I guess. But something wierds must have happened while I am out.
Panel B
A chibi-Kworfweird (Kowrfwerids are sort of more chibified dwarves or halflings but rather evil looking) comes up and tries to sell her some junk.
Katt thinking: I need to find my own kind. The high elves take care of their own.
Kworf: Hey! There you look like you need a new dress.
Panel C
Katt just stares at the small Kworfweird.
Katt: Etra zelsa fu kal? Vesser kal vek ja treya! *Saying what are you? Understand you I do not.* <- Stars are not to be written in the text bubble but just so we know what they are saying.
Panel D
The Kworfweird just looks blankly at Katt.
Kworf: So you um, want dresses or not.
Katt: Lei treya vessella jara vek metra. Kakko kepas kal tul vek treya. *I do not know where I am. Sorry help you I not can.*
Panel F
The Kworfweird just backs away slowly.
Kworf: Yaaaa, okay I'll take that as a no.
Page 9
Panel A
Katt wanders through the streets.
Katt thinking: I wish I knew more magic. I never had much use for it before. How AM I supposed to get on in a city full of people I can't talk to.
Panel B
Katt still walking.
Katt thinking: Nothing is looking familiar and perverts keep staring at my dress. I'm not keen on stealing so I better figure something out soon.
Panel C
Katt turns suddenly as off panel comes of a voice speaking in high elvish.
Panel D
Derek and Kaleska stand a short way into an ally out of the main street talking. Derek protests mildly mostly dismissing Kaleska�s accusational tone of posture.
Panel E
Kaleska shoots back unflinchingly.
Panel F
Katt butts into the conversation. She knows it is rude buts he just can�t let this opportunity to communicate with someone.
Panel E
Katt sparks recognition something.
Katt: Derek?
Page 10
Panel A
In the past Derek takes a powerful kick to the gut from an sleepy elf maiden (Velser). Velser is dressed in beautiful elven robe (and very little else) with oriental stylings. She really shouldn't be wearing it for this and it is getting a little dirty but Velser is still kicking Derek's ass. The idea is not to imply that Velser is a skank but that Velser dragged her out of her house for this in the early morning before she got dressed for the day and that she is comfortable enough with Derek fight him in a state of partial though not indecent undress. Velser has a short katana like practice sword in each hand. Derik on the other hand is dressed more for battle clothing. Derek is much more lively in his past self looking like a normal human. His hair is brown as are his eyes (As opposed to black and black in the present.). He is using a longer bastard style sword though much less fluently then Velser.
Panel B
Derek lays face down on the ground and Velser walks over to him commenting.
Panel C
Velser's expression gets a little more harsh but remains sleepy.
Velser: <…but in my case I am only annoyed.>
Derek: Ummmmm…….No velser elf-talk?
Panel D
Velser's eye twitches a bit.
Velser: Vesser. Vesser is 'understand', Velser is my name or as near as you can mispronounce it.
Panel E
Velser pulls Derek up out of the dirt. She is strong for an elf woman.
Velser: Derek I know you have something of an inferiority complex since I've been at this for eons and you've only been here a year but try and keep in mind I didn't spend all those thousands of years training day in and day out.
Panel F
Velser looks Derek in the eye very seriously.
Velser: You will learn, in your life time, before you are a senile old man unless one day you come to my house like this and I decide to just kill you and sleep in.
Panel G
Derek comically sweats and Velser gives him a sweet look.
Velser: Okay Derek?
Derek: Yes Velser.
Page 11
I'm open to ideas on this page. I'm looking for a sort of flash cut feel here like we are seeing less then a second of derek's life in every panel until we get to the present. The content isn't as important as feel. The idea is to capture something like the flash cuts used at the opening of Battle Star Galactica or the seen shifts in TV's Angel.
Panel A
We begin our flash forward of Derek's life. First we see Derek as a Monk at the elf shrine.
Panel B
Derek fights in some unknown battle against ninja like humans. It should be clear his efforts have elevated him to a matrix like statue where normal warriors are no match for him though far from DBZ's overwhelming invincibility.
Panel C
Derek now a vampire stalks an elf from the trees.
Panel D
Derek now more vampiric then his past of current selves in dark bloody triumph. Wanders a post apocalypse waste land on a demonic horse.
Panel F
Derek a high and mighty dark lord of vampires holds one of Velser's now ruined swords and it should be implied in the background his in the ruins of a temple.
Panel G
Derek now more normal walks casually through the city streets with Viradyne.
Page 12
Panel A
Kaleska as a young 13 year old dirty flower girl stands on the street with a basket of flowers. We're going for sad pretty orphan/Areis look here.
Panel B
Kaleska runs up to a fantasy looking half-something half-man.
Kaleska: Buy a flower sir?
Panel C
The man hands Kaleska a coin and she gives him a flower.
Panel D
Kaleska runs up to another person an old man who looks mostly human.
Kaleska: Buy a flower sir?
Panel E
The man shoves Kaleska aside.
Man: Away from me you ugly beggar. Shoo. Shoo
Page 13
Panel A
The man walks away from Kaleska looks savage and evil as much as a dirty 13 year old girl can, and she reaches her flower basket
Panel B
Kaleska pulls out an evil looking crossbow/wand like weapon.
Panel C
Kaleska blows the old guy away.
Panel D
People run away while Kaleska searches the body for cash.
Panel F
Kaleska looks through his wallet, flower basket in on arm with the weapon hanging out of it.
Kaleska mumbles: Asshat.
Page 14
We see a flash through Kalesca's life similar to that of Derek except even panel is her getting old, better armored and armed and fighting violently except for the second to last one which shows her in Derek's arms hugging him in a romantic pose looking vulnerable stripped of her armor and in a simple ripped cloth outfit in his strong arms.
Page 15
Panel A
Kaleska yells outraged at Derek.
Kaleska: Who is this!?!?!?!?!
Derek: I really don't know.
Panel B
Kaleska grilles derek while Katt ties to get some attention.
Kaleska: That was speaking High Elf. No one speaks high elf!
Derek: Well she does apparently but I don't remember any cat fey things.
Panel C
Kaleska glares at Derek drawing conclusions.
Kaleska: Well she remembers you.
Derek: Fey mostly have eternal memories unlike myself.
Panel D
Derek pondering aloud while Katt complains to Derek and Kaleska glares at Katt.
Derek: She doesn't seem afraid of me so……
Panel E
Kaleska spring at Katt much to Derek's Surprise.
Page 16
Panel A
Katt ducks as Kalesca's blade sings through the air.
Panel B
Derek tries to restrain Kaleska.
Panel C
Kaleska stomps down on Derek's foot and lets go of her sword to elbow Derek in the side. The move takes Derek by surprise.
Derek: Owww.
Panel D
Kaleska spins around and kicks Derek in the face knocking him off balance.
Derek: Ack!
Panel F
Kaleska goes to pick up her sword.
Panel G
Kat brings down some pain on Kaleska from behind. Hitting her with a some debris like a half broken barel from the allyway.
Page 17
Panel A
Katt grabs Kaleska from behind and pulls her away from her sword smashing her into the wall.
Panel B
Katt manages to hold Kaleska for a moment from behind both women struggling for control of their battle.
Panel C
Kaleska pushes off the wall with her leg and pushes her and Katt into the opposite wall of the ally.
Panel D
Derek sits back up rubbing his will kicked face.
Panel E
Derek looks over at Kaleska and Katt fighting. Katt still has Kaleska from behind and Kaleska is tearing out a chunk of her hair trying to get a hold of something more solid to flip Katt.
Panel F
Kaleska and Katt continue their struggle with Kaleksa now holding a check of Katt's hair and trying to elbow her.
Kaleska: *Snarls*
Panel G
Derek shakes his head.
Kaleska: You would do so for Vira.
Derek: Oh lets not get into that again.
Page 18 -19
Battle between Kaleska and Katt. Kaleska fights dirty and Katt takes a very hard pounding but gives back as good as she gets. (I'll expand on this later)
Page 20
Panel A
Kaleska's hand flair up with Infernal flames.
Kaleska: I've had about enough of you.
Panel B
Katt leaps impossibly over the flames and Kaleska look up trying to follow her.
Panel C
Katt lands behind hind Kaleska.
Panel D
Katt punches Kaleska who isn't ready for it and she goes crashing down into the allyfloor.
Panel E
Katt closes in to finish off Kaleska who is hurt and bloody but still moving.
Page 21
Panel A
Katt is about to Ace kick Kaleska to finsih her off. Kaleska is still someone stunned trying to get up.
Panel B
Katt is stopped suddenly as someone (Zana) grabs her leg before she can finish the kick.
Panel C
Katt hops comicallu trying to pull her leg free.
Panel D
Zara put a hand to the back of Katt's head and a small electric like shock flows off her glove shocking cat. Katt's eyes go wide.
Panel E
Then suddenly Katt goes limp, her eyes start to shut and falls into unconciousness again.
Panel F
Katt lays unconcious in the alleyway while Kaleska gets to get feet. Zara and Dekku smugly look over their handy work.
Zara: Sorry about that. She got away from us.
Dekku: No worries we've got it under control now.
Page 22
Panel A
Birds eye view of Katt sprawled in the ally with Zana, Dekku, Derek & Kaleska all standing her unconcious form.
Derek: So now what do we do with her?

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New Evil Empire Series Seeking an Artist
I e-mailed you back so check your e-mail for my response.
As for your question well I'm looking for a commited artist. I'm willing to work with or around art style and art level just as long as they are going to be serious about trying to maintain some sort of update scheduel even if it is only once a week.
I could do that. e-mail me: pthulin@comcast.net I'm the writer/artist of MOSAIC, and work around a more manga style. I do colour and toning, so what ever you like. I've been part of two other colaberations which only didn't work because the writers decided to discontinue their stories.
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