Do you have any interesting and frightening nightmares? :gem: Share with us here.

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Ooh I hated Pumpkinhead. HE gave me nightmares for weeks, but then again I was like 6 years old when I watched it.
I once had a dream where I was having a drink with Christian Bale and the girl from those esurance commercials was the waitress. Not very nightmary, I know, but right after that dream I had a second dream, like a double feature or something. In this one I was being shot at by some random guy. I kept getting hit, but I couldn't wake up! I just had to watch as I bled from every inch of my body. Never woke up to a colder sweat in my life.
I dreamt that I was walking down a long red carpet alongside this girl in a veiled white dress. We eventually stopped in front of a guy with a white cone-like hat and white flowing robes. I said two fateful words, slipped a gold ring on her finger. Then I lifted her veil and was about to kiss her when I woke up in a very cold sweat… O_O
When I was really young, I mean like 1st grade or so I had a reoccurring dream that everything had turned to candy. Like remember those huge lolly pops that were spiraled with rainbow colors. Yeah every thing was made out of that. It was kinda like the midas touch thing where everything became what you wanted it to be when you touched it but it became the biggest curse ever.
And there was this huge ogre/giant thing that would get you if you ate the candy.
Prolly the most retarded dream I ever had, but it scared me as a kid.
Other reoccurring dreams I had when I was a little kid that scared the hell out of me. One where giant ants invaded my home. Like saint bernard sized ants. And they had me trapped at the top of my stairs, for some reason they couldn't go up the stairs.
And one that still gives me chills to think about, where there was this big thing that would talk to me all creepy like, it was kind of shaped like a huge Mr. Potato Head, but it had a nose, and eye holes (no eyes) and no mouth. But it would sit on the dining table and talk to me.
I think I'll sleep with the lights on tonight.
And one that still gives me chills to think about, where there was this big thing that would talk to me all creepy like, it was kind of shaped like a huge Mr. Potato Head, but it had a nose, and eye holes (no eyes) and no mouth. But it would sit on the dining table and talk to me.Who has nightmares about lovely ol' Mr. Potato Head?
I think I'll sleep with the lights on tonight.
I think the worst dream I've ever had was when I was about 8 or maybe even 10. I used to sneak in on my older brothers watching scary movies. Jason, Freddy.. the Leprechaun. So I can bet this dreamed sparked from one of those nights.
In my dream something was in my attic smashing against the door, and begging me to open it. I'd run back and forth between the attic stairs, and my dad, asking him for help, and him denying it until finally he says he'll be there.. in a few minutes. After he accepted to help, he doesn't show up, and the banging is now ear-drum bashing, and the begging is now screaming. So I run one more time seeking his help, but the sheets were pulled up over him. And as I got closer, the sheets began to reveal that my father was now a dead, and long rotting carcass. And then BAM, the attic door broke, and I woke up. Scariest part being: we never had an attic door at the top of the attic stairs.
Other than that, my most recent scariest dreams involve two terribly realistic ones in which my brother shot me in the face, and me being eaten alive by I don't remember what.
Just this morning I had this horrific dream and I woke up in a cold sweat for the first time in a very long time.
I was walking up a flight of stairs in an old stone building. Inside a priest was walking behind me. He turned to me and asked "are you baptized?"
"Yeah, but I was baptized methodist, does that count?"
"That will do," he says.
I go to this old stone basin, and there is holy water in it. As I'm about to put my hand in there this demon creature comes out of no where. It's long and thin and has these bat wings and thousands of needle-like teeth. This creature starts to taunt me, and I suddenly get the urge to banish it. I feel like I should be able to. So I put my hand in front of it and say some words I don't understand and I feel like there should be light coming from my hand that will kill it, but nothing happens. It laughs and floats around me. I try again and again but nothing. Then it swoops down on me and bites into my right forearm, it's tiny needles digging deep. The priest who was there earlier says in an utterly calm voice: "the holy water should probably do it." I rush over to the basin with the water and pry the beast off my arm, ripping up a chunk of my flesh in the process. Then I plunge it into the basin.
At first nothing happens and it flies off laughing at me. Then I rip the basin out of the wall and a green glowing ooze, like algae comes spewing out and it rushes forth onto the demon. It screams and screams and slowly melts away. At that point I was starting to wake up but I refused to before I knew it was really dead. Finally, I saw it disappear and then I woke up.
I've had dreams that scare me for no particular reason, but let me call up one of the more frightening ones.
It started off at an old house, sort of an english manor. There was a great black gate surrounding it, rusted and just plain creepy-looking. Then there was this vast lake right beside the house. I dove into it. The waters were murky, green, and absent of weeds. As I descended, it got gradually colder…and then I started to see strange suspended shapes of huge animals, monsters, and strange machines. There was a great gaping elephant at one point with mouth wide and tusks glistening…though how they glistened when the water was completely black…I don't know. I discerned the shapes with no curiosity as to why I could see without light, then again…I didn't wonder why I didn't need to breathe either. As I travelled through this great garden of creatures, I began to panic. They got creepier and bigger the farther I went, and I began to think that if I did not get out soon…they would come to life. So I began to swim frantically for the surface, and already behind me I could hear a great creaking noise…like some sort of metal framework being ripped apart underwater. When I got out of the lake, I ran towards that huge house I described earlier, and opened the door.
And then it merged into another dream that reminded me of the movie Waxwork 2, but the lake part really scared me.
But when I was a little kid, I'd have dreams with a recurring character. My consience embodied, if you will. I'd only have these dreams when I did something bad (like stole a quarter or blamed something on my brother.)
It involved a teddy bear with a knife chasing me through hallways, scared me every time…and I'd always end up waking and running to mom to tell her whatever it is that I did wrong before I had that dream.
After watching Freddy v.s Jason I had this weird dream…wouldn't really call it a nightmare but it was pretty scary…Chucky v.s the Leprechaun, Child's Dismay. After Chucky kills his child from Seed of Chucky and gets his necklace back he goes to Ireland, there he tries to get a body but finds out somebody keeps killing the body's he's after…It's alittle green man with a pointy nose. They duke it out and such and it ends up where they both die in an explosion.
Once I had a dream where my house was haunted. And the ghosts were coming out from under my little sister's bed. And the only protection was to wear noodles on your head. It ended with an executioner coming down the hall at me to kill me.
Also, there was one where my older sister was dating a serial killer. It ended with him slaughtering some cops and attacking me with a knife.
Then there was the one where I was helping a scorpion kill a spider he didn't like. But in reality, I had aligned myself with the spider. The plan went wrong, the spider died, the scorpion found out. It ended with the scorpion trying to kill me.
I swear, if a dream is a wish your heart makes, my heart wants me dead.
I'm such a loser. My nightmares reflect it. My most common two nightmare motifs involve either missing a class (or forgetting I signed up for a course for the entire semester) or something bad has happened to my pet rats (I have 24 of them) and I'm trying to recover all of them and put them in cages or somewhere safe.
I had a weird dream once when there was a dark rain that was collecting in puddles of blood all over the street. And my teeth were falling out, so I was collecting them in a dixie cup.
I also have had a few dreams in which my brother died. Usually it took me a while to discover he wasn't joking. My brother's my best friend with a bizarre sense of humor. Those dreams are the most crushing to me. I'd hate to lose him… On a related note, I once dreamt (it wasn't really a nightmare) that he had his head surgically removed and then reinstalled using a metal snap button, so he could pull it off anytime he wanted, just to freak people out.
I often dream I'm being chased by some seriously scary villains. I inevitably end up trying to escape in an elevator and getting myself completely trapped.
I've had a few dreams about UFOs. The strangest and most "real" feeling one was that I was in my backyard and saw what looked like a giant flying saucer on the horizon. But I then realized it was only about three feet in diameter and was actually in my yard very close. I ran to the front yard and stood watching. The ship slowly moved around the house and hovered by the front door for about 30 seconds; then it vanished.
When I was a kid, I dreamed my friends were fishing and then pulled into the pond and turned into bananas. Then I fell into the whirlpool and drowned. I also once dreamed I was dressed in a chicken costume and my sister was chasing me around the house with a spork. And I had a few dreams with monsters and witches and things like that. (My childhood dreams contained no logic. Adult nightmares can't get away with that stuff because I realize they are dreams.)
Who has nightmares about lovely ol' Mr. Potato Head?Well it wasn't really Mr. Potato Head, but that's the closest comparison I can think of. It was a big brown potato shaped lumpy head that spoke to me with no eyes and no mouth. :P
I think the worst dream I've ever had was when I was about 8 or maybe even 10. I used to sneak in on my older brothers watching scary movies. Jason, Freddy.. the Leprechaun.I watched so much Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a kid. I've had the Freddy dreams where he's been chasing me through my house and trying to stab me. When I woke up I never really was freaked out though, I suppose I immediately ruled it out cause I knew it was just a movie.
Other than that, my most recent scariest dreams involve two terribly realistic ones in which my brother shot me in the face, and me being eaten alive by I don't remember what.The dream with your brother reminds me of another dream I had probably in 4th or 5th grade, though it was kinda in reverse. I was at summer camp with my best friend and we were running around in the woods at night, when suddenly her eyes turned red and she went evil. At which point I took the flashlight I had, and beat her to death with it. Waking up, I was horrified I had done that. Really I'd never do anything like that!
At first nothing happens and it flies off laughing at me. Then I rip the basin out of the wall and a green glowing ooze, like algae comes spewing out and it rushes forth onto the demon. It screams and screams and slowly melts away. At that point I was starting to wake up but I refused to before I knew it was really dead. Finally, I saw it disappear and then I woke up.Wow, that's really creepy. I don't think I've ever had a dream quite like that. Although I very rarely remember them.
It involved a teddy bear with a knife chasing me through hallways, scared me every time…and I'd always end up waking and running to mom to tell her whatever it is that I did wrong before I had that dream.I know it probably terrified you as a child, but it's kinda cute and funny. How easily a child can display their guilt.
I just remembered something else that frightened me as a kid though it isn't directly a nightmare. I saw a movie, can't remember what it was, where this guy was held down and they put these blue glowing worms next to his ears and they crawled in and ate his brain and made him crazy. So when I'd go to bed, and had my head on the pillow I would hear this noise that sounded like something was rhythmically crawling through the pillow to get to me. I used to freak out and tell my parents and they'd shush me and send me back to bed. Went on forever.
I finally figured out I was just hearing my own pulse. So dumb. :)
So when I'd go to bed, and had my head on the pillow I would hear this noise that sounded like something was rhythmically crawling through the pillow to get to me. I used to freak out and tell my parents and they'd shush me and send me back to bed. Went on forever.
I finally figured out I was just hearing my own pulse. So dumb. :)
Hahaha. Damn wild imaginations. I remember being afraid of knives quite a bit. Or rather a combination of the dark, and knives. I wouldn't go into a room if it was completely dark, because I was always afraid someone was hiding and would stab me. I'd usually go out of my way just to turn on a light.
So when I'd go to bed, and had my head on the pillow I would hear this noise that sounded like something was rhythmically crawling through the pillow to get to me. I used to freak out and tell my parents and they'd shush me and send me back to bed. Went on forever.When I was little, I thought it was a man outside walking toward our house through snow. Took me forever to figure out what it really was.
I finally figured out I was just hearing my own pulse. So dumb. :)
So when I'd go to bed, and had my head on the pillow I would hear this noise that sounded like something was rhythmically crawling through the pillow to get to me. I used to freak out and tell my parents and they'd shush me and send me back to bed. Went on forever.When I was little, I thought it was a man outside walking toward our house through snow. Took me forever to figure out what it really was.
I finally figured out I was just hearing my own pulse. So dumb. :)
I'm so glad I'm not the only one!
I used to also have that dark room fear, though no knives were involved. There was one room I had to walk all the way across to turn the light on. I'd run, couldn't get to it fast enough. Or sometimes I'd just avoid the room all together.
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