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Soul Chaser Betty Interview at Baker's Dozen


Hey, just dropping a line here to let everyone know about the new interview with web comic Soul Chaser Betty creator, Brian Babendererde, over at World Famous Comics.

The interview is about the Betty graphic novel, which is currently available for pre-order in the Decemeber Previews. But we also discuss a wide range of other topics, including the creative ups and downs of the game and comics industry, and how small press comics allow authors to tell unique stories on their own terms.

Check out Bill Baker's "Baker's Dozen" column for more.

Soul Chaser Betty Vol 1 is currently avialable in Previews.

See page 319 in the December Diamond Previews. Vendor: Twilight Order Code: DEC084285

Fans of independent comics are urged to reserve copies in December!

For more information, a first chapter preview and more, please visit: