Have you ever wondered about why (and how, I mean, isn't there a law against these things?) DC Comics and Marvel Comics are pretty much the only mainstream companies putting out a ton of Superhero comics? Have you ever looked at their plots and characters, and told yourself that you could come up with better storylines, better heroes, better concepts?
I myself am currently writing a bunch of stories, respectively Countdown to Crisis (people start noticing other people dissapearing), Roseburg Crisis (the dissapeared people return, altered drastically) and Introduction After Crisis (attempt at introducing the primary set of characters). The first thing I'm looking for right now is the following:
- Artists - One artist per Story. You'll draw out the things I'm currently writing. You can do more Stories, but preferably only one at a time. Could include Colorist position as well.[/list:u]
- Colorists - Color things. Make the pages drawn by Artists shiny and colourful. Preferably of DC Comics quality.[/list:u]
And once I finish the major gist of the Crisis-Stories, I'll be looking for Writers.
- Writer - The writer gets to submit stories, which an interested artist might draw. The big, BIG thing about this, is that either it should fit completely into canon, or it'll be edited to. If RandomCharacter 25 is a lesbian, she does NOT get pregnant with the Governor's child. Start writing these now, and submit them Post-Crisis.[/list:u]
You can find all of the stories over at http://blog.squaremonkeys.org (Countdown under Pages, all the other stories are my Daily Writing projects.)
Contact me through E-Mail on johan@brokenrosefoundation.org, johan.tenge.x@gmail.com or johan@squaremonkeys.org. You can also tell me of your interest in the project in this topic.
EDIT: Got an email from someone who asked me to clear something up. Yes, every single page will be freely available online. Yes, there'll probably be alot of pages in the end, in alot of series by alot of artists and writers. And yes, there can be from one to one hundred artists.