I had this weird dream last night.
In that dream I had a friend. Some guy I never met. I can describe him for you though. He's chubby… lets say around 210 lbs. Stocky built. Black curly hair, Possibly Native Indian or Asian features. He was wearing a short-sleeved green checkered dress shirt… on top of a grey long-sleeved t-shirt. He was wearing dark grey jeans, and had one of those red converse sneaker things.
Anyway this dude told me he wanted to shoot up the school. He was rambling about how much he hates the world about how unfair everything is and he just wanna blow everything to pieces. The scary thing though about his rambling was that he's talking as if this was SOMETHING WE BOTH PLANNED in the months before. I had no fucking clue whatsoever. The guy was just there. Telling me about a plan to shoot up the school Harris and Klebold style!
I had no fucking clue what was going on and here's this guy blabbering about something that we SUPPOSEDLY PLANNED a long time ago!
And then I was like… Dude. dont do it. Its wrong. Blablabla…
Then he was like… What the fuck are you talking about? I thought we agreed on this. yadda yadda yadda…
And then I told him to go chill out in the mall. Maybe we can think this over. Cuz its just fucking wrong to open fire on a group of innocent people.
So we went to the mall. After walking around and fluff talking a bit he decided to be like… FUCK I HATE THIS WORLD!!! Then rambled on and on again about shooting up the school. And then repeat. I was telling him again again again not to do it. Then he called me a fucking pussy for not being committed enough and being sort of a flip-flop who cannot make a decision properly.
He pulled out an MP-5 submachinegun from the back of his pants. I was surprised how he concealed that gun behind his back without me noticing it.
I thought he was gonna shoot me.
But he decided to point that gun on a random bystander and shoot him.
As that first shot was fired, I decided to make a run for it. I kinda felt guilty just running off like that and not trying to stop him but the dominant thought in my head was something like "GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! YOU CANT REASON WITH HIM AND IF YOU TRY REASONING OUT WITH HIM MORE THE MORE CHANCE HES GONNA SHOOT YOU!!! HE CALLED YOU A PUSSY RIGHT?!? YOU JUST GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE BECAUSE HE WILL SHOOT YOU!!!"
I darted towards one of the hallways that happened to have tables with large cloths and Italian-looking restaurants in the background as well as those little makeshift book shelves.
I ducked for cover under one of the tables. I tried to crawl under the thing but one of the bars of that table managed to clip my lower back. Making my crawling under it very very difficult. For five minutes I kept trying my best to get under that damn table. Until finally I got under.
I just lay down there face down like a soldier crawling on the ground. I was scared. shitless. Feeling really hopeless and guilty at the same time. As I heard the sound of gunshots and people screaming. The women screaming louder though with those shrieks like they're in some roller coaster ride or something. And guys saying "FUUUCKK!!!" or "AAGGH SHIITTT!!!" or "JESUS CHRIST!!! AAGGGHH!!!!"
I was really terrified. I'm just stuck there under that fucking table and cannot do shit about it.
But after about 20 minutes the shooting just stopped. I felt it was finally safe to come out.
But when I came out I saw HIM again. The dude with an MP-5!!! Now he had TWO of them and I was like WHAT THE FUCK!!! SHIT!!!
Then I decided to make a run for it again. I heard the bullets whizz past me and hit things in the background. Yeah like this is some fucking action movie where the hero runs around evading the bullets. This time the action hero has no guns or any means to defend himself. Just running around like a rat. Ducking and moving and hiding.
My previous military training sorta kicked in. I was just able to run fast and hide and duck in the right timing. I also made it a point to keep as close to the walls or anything that may act as a 'cover' or sort of distraction for the pursuing enemy. Stuff like those steel posts or the fruit baskets or anything thick enough that can stop a bullet to some extent.
As well as moving side to side to make myself a more difficult target. I just did that flawlessly like its a natural instinct. Fuck. Maybe if things turned out different I might have been a natural soldier and possibly a decorated war hero if I get lucky enough to survive.
Eventually I rushed towards the back of the store where they store all the boxes of supplies.
I decided to hide in one area filled with boxes. For some weird reason those boxes were formed in such a way that it looked like an improvised sand bag trench or something. In there was this other dude who was wounded in the leg. And for some weird reason again the wounded dude told me that he will try his best to hide me so that I will live and it doesnt matter if he gets seen first.
Then I just curled up like a fetus and prayed and cried. Too damn fucking helpless to do shit. Then I closed my eyes. I give up. If he finds me there and shoots me it would finally be over.
I fell asleep in the dream. Yes I fell asleep… in the DREAM while curled up and sat there like a bitch waiting to be shot.
After awhile, I 'woke up' IN THAT DREAM, there was a police officer who grabbed me by the left arm. He told me I have to come with him because he has a bunch of questions for me.
He looked at me like I'm the guilty party. As if I had something to do with the shooting that supposedly killed about 50 people!!! Yep. One man with a worse death toll than Columbine or Virginia Tech.
Then he brought me to a black SUV. We drove around. The background of the place and architecture looked like I'm in the UNITED STATES. Its not Canada.
Then we went to the police station… he brought me to a room.
There was a big TV screen and a desk with a white policewoman in her 40s with short hair.
I somewhat 'knew what this is'.
Why am I being brought to a police station like I'm guilty in the shootings?!?
Then the policewoman told me about alleged 'plans' I had with the shooter. And that the cops MANAGED TO TAKE THE SHOOTER ALIVE!!!
I was rambling on with a shaky voice trying to prove my innocence. While at the same time crying with the partial guilt I felt in those shootings.
And then I woke up. Finally in the real world. I'm still scared… :(

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Vivid Dream I had about a Shooting Rampage...
Alrighty…uh…whoa. That was a pretty intense dream. Hopefully it's not foreshadowing anything. Quite detailed. I would truly be shakin' up after a dream liked that.
I'd be freaked out if something in the news pops up like this.
If it does, you can all point to this post. More cred to my ability to see the future.
Or shit… I just hope nothing of this carnage happens in the future.
Why do we have dreams like that that just seem to real to be a dream? Were you wounder for days on end if what you dreamed with real or not?
Who knows, maybe we will learn why some day.
But calm down, you'd be the last person to go around shooting and killing people, let alone allow someone to plan to kill people.
But, if a guy in green and red goes on a shooting spree… … … Then start up a Phone buisness.
Weird. You fell asleep in the dream? In that case, it was not a dream and you switched minds with a guy in another dimension. I bet he's feeling glad he wasn't involved now that he's back.
I'm kidding, please don't take that seriously.
Anyway, my suggestion is that you find one of those 'dream dictionary' sites and look up a few key words. Might help you understand it better.
Be sure to post the results here though, I'm too lazy to look for meself.
I had this weird dream last night.
In that dream I had a friend. Some guy I never met. I can describe him for you though. He's chubby… lets say around 210 lbs. Stocky built. Black curly hair, Possibly Native Indian or Asian features. He was wearing a short-sleeved green checkered dress shirt… on top of a grey long-sleeved t-shirt. He was wearing dark grey jeans, and had one of those red converse sneaker things.
Anyway this dude told me he wanted to shoot up the school. He was rambling about how much he hates the world about how unfair everything is and he just wanna blow everything to pieces. The scary thing though about his rambling was that he's talking as if this was SOMETHING WE BOTH PLANNED in the months before. I had no fucking clue whatsoever. The guy was just there. Telling me about a plan to shoot up the school Harris and Klebold style!
I had no fucking clue what was going on and here's this guy blabbering about something that we SUPPOSEDLY PLANNED a long time ago!
And then I was like… Dude. dont do it. Its wrong. Blablabla…
Then he was like… What the fuck are you talking about? I thought we agreed on this. yadda yadda yadda…
And then I told him to go chill out in the mall. Maybe we can think this over. Cuz its just fucking wrong to open fire on a group of innocent people.
So we went to the mall. After walking around and fluff talking a bit he decided to be like… FUCK I HATE THIS WORLD!!! Then rambled on and on again about shooting up the school. And then repeat. I was telling him again again again not to do it. Then he called me a fucking pussy for not being committed enough and being sort of a flip-flop who cannot make a decision properly.
He pulled out an MP-5 submachinegun from the back of his pants. I was surprised how he concealed that gun behind his back without me noticing it.
I thought he was gonna shoot me.
But he decided to point that gun on a random bystander and shoot him.
As that first shot was fired, I decided to make a run for it. I kinda felt guilty just running off like that and not trying to stop him but the dominant thought in my head was something like "GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! YOU CANT REASON WITH HIM AND IF YOU TRY REASONING OUT WITH HIM MORE THE MORE CHANCE HES GONNA SHOOT YOU!!! HE CALLED YOU A PUSSY RIGHT?!? YOU JUST GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE BECAUSE HE WILL SHOOT YOU!!!"
I darted towards one of the hallways that happened to have tables with large cloths and Italian-looking restaurants in the background as well as those little makeshift book shelves.
I ducked for cover under one of the tables. I tried to crawl under the thing but one of the bars of that table managed to clip my lower back. Making my crawling under it very very difficult. For five minutes I kept trying my best to get under that damn table. Until finally I got under.
I just lay down there face down like a soldier crawling on the ground. I was scared. shitless. Feeling really hopeless and guilty at the same time. As I heard the sound of gunshots and people screaming. The women screaming louder though with those shrieks like they're in some roller coaster ride or something. And guys saying "FUUUCKK!!!" or "AAGGH SHIITTT!!!" or "JESUS CHRIST!!! AAGGGHH!!!!"
I was really terrified. I'm just stuck there under that fucking table and cannot do shit about it.
But after about 20 minutes the shooting just stopped. I felt it was finally safe to come out.
But when I came out I saw HIM again. The dude with an MP-5!!! Now he had TWO of them and I was like WHAT THE FUCK!!! SHIT!!!
Then I decided to make a run for it again. I heard the bullets whizz past me and hit things in the background. Yeah like this is some fucking action movie where the hero runs around evading the bullets. This time the action hero has no guns or any means to defend himself. Just running around like a rat. Ducking and moving and hiding.
My previous military training sorta kicked in. I was just able to run fast and hide and duck in the right timing. I also made it a point to keep as close to the walls or anything that may act as a 'cover' or sort of distraction for the pursuing enemy. Stuff like those steel posts or the fruit baskets or anything thick enough that can stop a bullet to some extent.
As well as moving side to side to make myself a more difficult target. I just did that flawlessly like its a natural instinct. Fuck. Maybe if things turned out different I might have been a natural soldier and possibly a decorated war hero if I get lucky enough to survive.
Eventually I rushed towards the back of the store where they store all the boxes of supplies.
I decided to hide in one area filled with boxes. For some weird reason those boxes were formed in such a way that it looked like an improvised sand bag trench or something. In there was this other dude who was wounded in the leg. And for some weird reason again the wounded dude told me that he will try his best to hide me so that I will live and it doesnt matter if he gets seen first.
Then I just curled up like a fetus and prayed and cried. Too damn fucking helpless to do shit. Then I closed my eyes. I give up. If he finds me there and shoots me it would finally be over.
I fell asleep in the dream. Yes I fell asleep… in the DREAM while curled up and sat there like a bitch waiting to be shot.
After awhile, I 'woke up' IN THAT DREAM, there was a police officer who grabbed me by the left arm. He told me I have to come with him because he has a bunch of questions for me.
He looked at me like I'm the guilty party. As if I had something to do with the shooting that supposedly killed about 50 people!!! Yep. One man with a worse death toll than Columbine or Virginia Tech.
Then he brought me to a black SUV. We drove around. The background of the place and architecture looked like I'm in the UNITED STATES. Its not Canada.
Then we went to the police station… he brought me to a room.
There was a big TV screen and a desk with a white policewoman in her 40s with short hair.
I somewhat 'knew what this is'.
Why am I being brought to a police station like I'm guilty in the shootings?!?
Then the policewoman told me about alleged 'plans' I had with the shooter. And that the cops MANAGED TO TAKE THE SHOOTER ALIVE!!!
I was rambling on with a shaky voice trying to prove my innocence. While at the same time crying with the partial guilt I felt in those shootings.
And then I woke up. Finally in the real world. I'm still scared… :(
Man, you are edgy!
See also: Psychiatrist
seek help?
lol @ your 'logic' lol!
So I have a bad dream and I need to 'seek help'. lol @ psychiatrists. They only do temporary help by prescribing you on some meds… while its all up to YOU to help yourself in reality.
I remember this trip to a psychiatrist when I told him something politically incorrect that will surely jeopardize the cash cow of the lawyers as well as the living of the psychiatrist if more people adopt that way of thought. I dont wanna blabber on about the details but it wasnt a good experience.
seek help?
lol @ your 'logic' lol!
So I have a bad dream and I need to 'seek help'. lol @ psychiatrists. They only do temporary help by prescribing you on some meds… while its all up to YOU to help yourself in reality.
I remember this trip to a psychiatrist when I told him something politically incorrect that will surely jeopardize the cash cow of the lawyers as well as the living of the psychiatrist if more people adopt that way of thought. I dont wanna blabber on about the details but it wasnt a good experience.
Actually they'll listen and offer practical advice, sorta like how this thread is turning out so lol @ your logic.
Seriously get help. I've been to one before. They don't have doctorates for nothing.
I remember this trip to a psychiatrist when I told him something politically incorrect that will surely jeopardize the cash cow of the lawyers as well as the living of the psychiatrist if more people adopt that way of thought. I dont wanna blabber on about the details but it wasnt a good experience.
Oh yeah, you totally stuck it to the man that time! They just hand out those doctorates out of the back of trucks anyway.
Oh yeah, you totally stuck it to the man that time! They just hand out those doctorates out of the back of trucks anyway.
Must be the same truck they hand out badges to cops.
something politically incorrect that will surely jeopardize the cash cow of the lawyers as well as the living of the psychiatrist if more people adopt that way of thought.
Then why would you write that. Are you seriously afraid that posting what you said on a webcomic forum is going to unhinge the very foundation of modern psychiatry, or is it because that never happened and you're just trying to look cool?
I doubt he needs to seek out help for a weird dream, seems a bit excessive to me.
That said, I do hate it when people act like psychiatrists (this also applies to doctors, police, and everyone else who dedicate their lives to helping worthless ungrateful fucks) are stupid or ineffective really piss me off. Strange how those people are always healthy. Yes, there are ones who can't do their jobs properly, but they are the exception. Just because your problem wasn't enough to warrant full attention, doesn't give you an excuse to be an idiot.
Medication does fucking help as well you idiot, my uncle would still be a frustrated. wreck if it wasn't for Prozac.
something politically incorrect that will surely jeopardize the cash cow of the lawyers as well as the living of the psychiatrist if more people adopt that way of thought.
Then why would you write that. Are you seriously afraid that posting what you said on a webcomic forum is going to unhinge the very foundation of modern psychiatry, or is it because that never happened and you're just trying to look cool?
Maybe he didn't want to post the actual statement because he knew that Some People will tear his theory to pieces, no matter how good it is.
I dont wanna post my actual statement because I have the decency not to say things that may cause offense. I've done so a million times in the past and I kept on causing offense no matter how civil I try to say my shit.
Drunkduck forums apparently does not have free speech.
Now I have a knack for what to say and not say.
Btw I dont need to 'look cool' on the internet.
So what? I have nothing to prove here and the act and thought of trying to 'look cool' over the internet is completely pointless and stupid.
You wanna be rude to people go to some fucking bar and talk your shit in there. All you can do is hide behind a keyboard and act like a dick because it makes you feel better about yourself. Ooh… I can dick some dude over the internet from behind my keyboard. I'm sooo uber tough!!! WoW!!! At last I have some fucking meaning in my otherwise pathetic life!!! Ooh!!
Just quit it. Ok. I'm not gonna go down to your level. Go shit on someone else.
Drunkduck forums apparently does not have free speech.
Oof. I'm getting tired of hearing that from people every time they're told to stop saying something that's annoying other people. Seriously, the fact that LeFarce makes fun of you when you post something does not equal loss of freedom of speech. Oddly, though, a mod forcing LeFarce (or anyone, really) to not pick on you would, in fact, be a breech of freedom of speech. So I guess in that sense, sure, Drunkduck does repress freedom of speech, assuming that said speech is harassment of an individual. But then, the law also doesn't allow one to stand outside of a government building shouting racial slurs at passing minorities, and I'm pretty sure that's not considered loss of freedom of speech.
I guess I'm just tired of people assuming that being told "shut up" or "you can't say that here" is exactly the same thing as losing the power of the First Amendment.
Ahem, well, back to the actual topic, it was pretty weird, but there's been a lot of stuff about mall shootings in the media lately, and it's not too surprising that you would dream about it. Especially knowing you, and more specifically your disdain for stuff like High School, etc. In many ways I've seen in you some of the traits these crazed shooters have; especially the ones that the media likes to harp on. I don't know what you'll make of this, but I actually wouldn't be surprised in the least if you were involved in a shooting, or at the very least had a close friend involved in one.
I actually wouldn't be surprised in the least if you were involved in a shooting, or at the very least had a close friend involved in one.
If not for my strong Christian indoctrination I would have done it a long time ago.
I was raised up educated in Catholic school where it was constantly drilled into our heads that suicide is wrong and anything going against the 10 commandments.
Committing a shooting rampage is murder and suicide. The kind of sin that will send you to hell right away.
While I have lost alot of my original indoctrination because of exposure to the liberal Western world, I believe I will forever retain that belief of heaven and hell and suicide being a mortal sin that will send you to hell right away.
Especially knowing you, and more specifically your disdain for stuff like High School, etc. In many ways I've seen in you some of the traits these crazed shooters have
I'm not surprised you said that. When cho seung hui did virginia tech, that event was something that stuck HARD to my head. I share alot of the same characteristics as cho seung hui. Yes I've read TONS of articles about that event whenever I could.
That event also makes me feel kinda guilty. If I existed right there and then and knew about it, I would have tried to stop it.
But now I thank the Lord for saving me. For having a reason to make me born in a catholic country with strong religious indoctrination in school.
First: Hahaha, kyupol thinks America isn't religoious.
Blah blah blah freedom of speech or lack thereof.
There's also the fact that Drunkduck isn't America and it is completely up to the owners to decide what you can or cannot say. I hate people who assume internet = America. Especially when that person isn't even from America in the first place.
ALSO GASP I was not brought up with a strong Catholic influence! If you read about any mall shooting in Britain and I suddenly stop posting, don't be surprised.
I didn't write 'Britain' enough in relation to the amount of times I wrote 'America': Britain Britain Britain.
I'm not surprised you said that. When cho seung hui did virginia tech, that event was something that stuck HARD to my head. I share alot of the same characteristics as cho seung hui. Yes I've read TONS of articles about that event whenever I could.
Well, I think we just figured out where this dream is coming from…
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