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Moonlight meanderer

WANTED: Co-partner for a new webcomic! C:

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Hello. So I've got this concept running around in my head and I really wanted to plan this out and start a web-comic for it. But… I also really wanted to have a co-partner in the making of this comic. By co-partner, I mean, helping in both the planning stages and the making of the comic. Before I get to the concept, I myself, leans towards more of the art side rather than the writing but I do love characterisation and plotting. I need a partner who is also loves to draw and write too and is great at chatting! C: Now onto the idea that I have…

Current Title for It: August 4th

It's about 4 completely random people who died at the exact same time, on the 4th August at 11:43pm. Thinking that they are dead, they end up in this blank field with a portal that looks like a black hole. Once they enter the portal, it leads them to a different place where they all encounter both enemies and friends. Each setting/scene has a portal to a different place and each place/setting/scene is what different people/society believe what the afterlife is, for example. one portal will look like Heaven or hell or another portal is a where they are all reincarnated etc etc. Each character will have some sort to drive as to why they want to live and the adventure will be a test of strength and weaknesses of each character. It will also be a leading factor for the 4 characters to grow in friendship and courage.

Genre/s: Drama/Adventure/I guess there is those fantasy elements.

I thought of an ending but it's really soppy and I guess cliche, but if I do find a co-partner to make this comic with, we can change it around.
Like I said, it's a concept, so I haven't got really anything planned in detail such as what's going to happen in each chapter and the backstory of each character, I was hoping we could do the planning together, if you're interesting in this concept.I do have a slight background for each character; one is a drug addict who dies from a car accident, a young amateur police officer who gets shot, an optimistic girl who dies from cancer and a young lady who is killed by her abusive boyfriend .

I prefer someone who is also have a closer timezone as I do ( GMT+10:00 ) that way, we can instant message as much as possible, if possible. Otherwise, emailing our plans will work just as good.

I would really love if this comic worked out and we finished it. That would be great and I would be euphorically happy. XD

If you're interested, please message me here or note me or on my deviantart account (if you have an account too)
I would love to see samples of both writing and art and would love to have a chat with you.
My other samples can be found at

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I like the sound of it X3
Can i be your Co-partner?
I can help you with the settings and such and i'm pretty good with writing and i could help you out with that ending!

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Moonlight meanderer

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