Snuff is currently looking for a dependable site coder. we need some one who can do the job right and do it quickly. To get our comic out to the people sooner we need another teammate. You will get 100% credit in everything you do. so if interested please email me at
or contact me through AIM at iamkatieholmes.
thanks for listening.
the SnUFF team.
Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Web Help (a dependable site coder wanted)
Because people only come here to get help on coding, not to actually find someone to code a website for them. (well, they do. But it usually to find someone to do something really, really quick, not a full time coder.) I'll move this to the Networking Forum, so it gets more views.
..Anyways, it's more of a Networking thing. :wink:
.: Myxomatosis :.
well i have all the graphics ready that i want used and i know HOW i want ot set up i can send you a package explaining to you what i need its only the basic links…. home, gallery, archive, links, and contacts. to see what im talking about click on my banner and you'll get an idea for it…
thanks though email me at so i can send you the packet.
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