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Hello. Movements have been sighted in the bowels of tFP Central: things are starting to happen again.

Most notably, the strip is being re-launched. And this time, we need an artist.
Essentially, tFP is a superhero comic. So someone who can draw in a relatively Marvel-esque style is what we need.
(Not looking for a perfect rendition of Wolverine here; just someone who can do the American style. Though it's a fairly lenient thing, when it comes to art.)

The entirety of the Prologue and first chapter is already written up and ready to go, and most of the next…seven-ish chapters are sketched out to various degrees.

If you wanna see what we have already, go and check out The Front Pagers as it is now. Tweaks are appearing throughout, obviously, but the bulk of that script will stay pretty much the same.

So, if you're interested, give me a jingle through the PQ system. Or if that's not your deal, you can email me at neutraltwin[at]hotmail[dot]com.

~ Aaron