Okay, heres how it spins. I will give you a scenario in which you will be given several objects, suroundings, and if worse comes to worse the actual zombie/s. There are no limitations to what you can do. But don't go overborad, I don't wanna see crap like "I pulled out a bomb and blew us all up!" or "Captain America comes in and saves us all!" because i will mute them. Ok, heres how most of the rules work-
-Any items specified inside the room can be used to a rational extent. No improvising and finding things that were not stated.
-Ammo is critical, no take backs or pratice shots.
-People who die are dead and will come back as zombies, no miracles and such. God isn't with you here.
-Hijacking vehicles isn't possible unless stated so, sorry, but this is suposed to be hard.
-Afer recieveing the mission parameters just write down what ou would do to reach the end. Remeber all the factors I've gien you and maybe you'll make it out of this alive. Log in after a while to see if you made it or not.
-Good luck. You'll need it.
Mission 1:
You sigh as you look out of the tattered window in the abandoned flat you've hid in for what seems like 3 hours now. You survey your equipment in your backpack…you have a flashlight with used batteries, a small swiss armyknife, a box of matches, a leaded pipe you decided would make an excellent club, and some instant noodle ramen(3). Your main weapon is a .22 hunting rifle, 3 rounds are inside it right now and you have about 34 rounds in your backpack, pants pocket, and tucked away in your belt. The undead moan as you see them aproaching your location fast. Aproximatly a block or two away. Some small arms fire can be heard, and the common scream. The radio in the house tells you that there is an established "green zone" on Market street. Damn. Market Street unfortunatly is eight blocks into downtown, which is heavly infested with undead, piled traffic, and fires. Luckly you know that theres an alley that can lead you halfway to Market. Then you can either take the main street straight down to Market, or you could wade pass the Hencheson apartment complex and hop out straight on Market. You know that the apartment complex was a low income housing project and is probably filled with people, but hopefully evacuated before hand. The alley has a mass of fireescapes in it, but theres no gureente that the escaping masses haven't blocked that way with traffic. You have to hurry now, the undead are closer and the moans can be heard like a siren. The room has a back exit and the front door, nothing is the flat save the radio and the dead bastard you shot earlier. The dead are getting closer and you count about 54 of them with more coming in from the road, what do you do?

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Zombie Survival Game! Test how good you are againt the living dead!
Okay. I'll go out the back and try and make it to the alley. I'll shoot any zombies there if any (could've also used the fire escapes to walk above them to the end of the alley) I'll then run past the remainder of zombies on main street and shoot any that get close. I'll leave about 20 more rounds just incase and duck behind the cars that are left abandoned on main street and just duck past any zombie and get to the "green zone" on market street
i run to the alleys and escape up the fire escapes. the buildings are close enough that i just jump from one to the next to the end of the alley. then i go down the fire escape. i run as fast as i can into the next block and duck behind the closest thing and watch the zombies for a minute. then i run to the market to escape.
Good stratagey. FActors
+ Putting distance between you and the undead via the fire escapes.
+ Looking at the zombies can triangulate several danger zones, at the most can buy you a couple of minutes
+ Concealment can save your life in this situation. Good job in staying low in keeping it cool.
- Unfortunatly for you and me the alley was filled with at least 13 crawlers moaning and stinking up the place. But using the fire escape easly soves this problem.(PASS)
- Using the fire escapes is a good way to get pass the zombies, but the variable of zombies inside the windows of the building grabbing you is just too big a factor to ignore. Also jumping between buildings in the alley wasn't nessicary and could've gotten you killed. (FAILED)
- Asssuming you made it through the alley Main Street is literally filled with dead traffic, and lurching zombies. Staying low just saved your life. (PASS)
- Traffic in Main Street proves that there are probably a number of zombies crawling on the floor or simply pinned under a car or waiting in a pile. Taking a minute to survey the area was a damn good idea. (PASS)
% You reached the green zone: 81%
Grade: B-
You survived, but possibly have several cuts a strained ankle or at the worst a broken leg.
I would start a fire by the front door with the matches and the clothes of the dead body to stall the advancing zombies. I would then make my way out the back door. Since it takes a while for a building, house, etc. to completely go up in flames, I would stand in the threshold of the back door and shoot myself a path through the undead (16-20 rounds depending on their positions). Once most of the zombies are down, I would put the pipe to use on the rest of them while running through the alley. Once I have made it to the main street, I would check if the area was safe. I would take cover behind of the vehicles, fend off the crawling zombies (if any) with my knife, pipe, and possibly the butt of my .22. I would continue to the ducking pattern untill I got close enough to Market. Since Market is a "Green Zone", the roads are probably not as bad as the rest of the city. Once I got close enough, I would sprint to Market, hopefully getting some help from the other survivors.
first I lock that dead guy in the closet so he dosn't turn into a zombie and start chasing me.
I go to the area or poor development just to peek in and see how bad it is, and to see if there are any people I can join in with. Then I bring them to the alley way, take the fire escape, run down it, since I doubt zombies can climb ladders and since you told us that was a good idea. Drop down at the end of the alley, and take a peek into the main street to see how bad it is.
it's art:
very good stratagey there, hop frogging the alley was a good idea, using the rounds earlier is a bad move, but only if you're not prepared. Good job.
+ killing the first couple of zombies
+ conserving ammo
+ triangulating zombies position
+ taking cover
- distracting zombies at first and picking them off is a good idea, bought you a couple miniutes to esacape(PASS)
- defending your self with the pipe and melee weapons is a good idea to conserve ammo(pass)
-concealment against zombies and trianglulating positions(PASS)
% you reached the green zone: 95%
Grade: A
you did a great job finding your way out of that mess, be careful though with setting distractions for zombies or using fire. Like the old saying goes, play wiht fire and a zombie might bite your ass.
the mediocre one:
good job in assesing the situation here. but there are very bad things waiting for you at the housing complex. seems that the evac took too long and now every body's infected. they mass on the upper floors which create stress on the upper floors and can collaspe on you at any moment! along with the undead gas mains and electrics have broken all over the place causing a virtual deathtrap.
+ locking up the first corpse, deaders can get back up
+ putting distance between you and the zombies is also a good idea
+ triangulating the location of the zombies on main street
- putting the body away is a good idea and stopped you from being eaten.(PASS)
- going over to the complex was a bad idea, too many people = higher rate of infection, not to mention personal differences. But you peekied in first to make sure if they were there so thats a good idea(PENDING)
- surveying the area for walkers is aways a good idea, saved your ass from the walking dead (PASS)
% you reached the green zone: 82%
Grade: B-
you did make it to the greenzone, but if had gone into that apartment complex, no doubt that you'd be splattered al over the wall. Remember, stay away from densly popoulated areas with tight places. Over all though good job
First thing i do is throw the dead guy in the closet and lock the closet door. Then I go outside and head to the alley. I look around the alley wall to check whats there. I see some zombies. I shoot the first three and jump up on to the fire escape. I hit the Zombie that is in the first window with the butt of my gun and then reloads one bullet in the gun. I shoot the Zombie in the window (who is geting back up) in the head, then I get the leaded pipe out and put the gun inbewine my back and my backpack. I climb the fire escape with my leaded pipe to hit anything that trys to grab at me. I get to the end of the alley and look around Main street. I see the pile-up cars, fires, and groups of zombies. One group gets ran over by a driver that then crashs in to a wall. The car blows up, burning some of the zombies around it. I decide to go up main street, avoiding as many zombies as I can (one that are near me I hit with my pipe), Climbing non-burning crashes, and then dash to the "green zone" at market street.
I quickly removed the dead guy's long-sleeved shirt, and dropped it. I took him underneath his arms, and pulled his body out the front entrance, and leaned him against the wall. I went back inside the room, and locked the closed door behind me. I grabbed the shirt back up, and ripped off both sleeves. I took the body portion of the shirt, and stuffed about a third of it into the end of the pipe till it’s in there as tight as possible. I put the pipe into the waistband of my belt. I got the flashlight, matchbox, and a handful of bullets from my pack, and figured since the flashlight batteries are almost dead they would serve their purpose better as projectiles. As I stuffed the bullets and matches in my front pocket, I hear what sounds like skin tearing outside the door. Dinnertime…
I took one of the D-size batteries from the flashlight, put it inside a sleeve, and tied the ends. Just as I stuff it and the second sleeve into my back pocket, the door received a huge crack down the middle. The zombies must have heard me. I slung the rifle over my shoulder and sprinted to the back door. I threw the lock and slammed the door behind me, hoping to give myself even a few more seconds . I looked in both directions, yet the scene seemed clear. I ran light-footed to eliminate as much noise as possible.
As I reached the corner of the building, I pulled the rifle from my shoulder and peaked around. Three Zombies. I spun out into the open and fired at them. Two fell with bullet holes in their heads. I missed the third and he sprinted at me. I toss the rifle, butt-first, into the zombie's face, buying me enough time to retrieve the metal pipe from my belt. The zombie growled as I brought the pipe down between his eyes. Multiple times.
I picked back up the rifle and assessed the damage. Nothing major broken luckily. I reloaded as I jogged to the nearest fire escape. I slung the rifle back over my shoulder and climbed up the ladder. Moans from behind, told me that the zombies back at the house had broken through the back door as well. I had better hurry. Once at the landing I retrieved the pipe again. I got some matches out and lit the shirt that was stuck in the end. Holding the pipe out before me like a torch I power walked down the catwalk with the torch separating me and the dark windows of the building.
By the time I reached the end, the torch was extinguished, so I stuck it back in my waistband. Before going down the ladder, I spied out the terrain below from my higher vantage point. A narrow alley on the quickest route to the Green Zone ran right past the Hencheson apartment complex. It had a car broken down at its center blocking passage through. I spotted a zombie peaking out from underneath the car. I descended the ladder and made my way towards it like nothing was wrong. I retrieved the battery that I had tied into the sleeve from my back pocket. When I was less than twenty feet from the car where the zombie waited, I got a match and lit the knot. Twirling the sleeve like a sling, I let it fly under the car. The zombie broke free of its hiding spot in fear of the fire. A bullet smashed into its chest as it stood. Another took it through the temple.
The mob was gaining on me from behind. I jumped up on the hood of the car reloading the rifle. A zombie ran out the entrance of the complex behind me, and I blasted him in the throat. The hoard of at least fifty zombies came around the corner from where I came down the catwalk ladder. Thinking fast, I retrieved the other shirt sleeve from my back pocket. Tossing the rifle on the trunk of the car, I opened the gas tank. I stuffed as much of the sleeve in as possible, leaving only a bit hanging out as a fuse. I gathered back the rifle and waited with a match in my hand.
The zombies closed through the alley quick once they spotted me. More came out the front entrance of the Hencheson Complex to join the mob. As the first few reached the other side of the car, I lit the fuse and ran. At the other end of the alley I peered back over my shoulder. The car erupted in an enormous explosion. Body parts flew through the air. The alley was ravaging with fire.
I looked away and turned onto Market Street. I reloaded and kept to the shadows. Spotting the Green Zone, I crept in for a closer look.
First I'd cut Mr. Dead's head off with the Swiss knife. (Even halfway would probably work because then he couldn't control it due to the impaired neck.) Next I'd come out to the alleys, lock the door, and try to pick off the more menacing looking ones using the radio as a shooting block, checking behind every so often to make sure none come behind me. (Assuming they do I'd either shoot them or wait for them to come closer to bash them, depending on their range and the number.) Once only the slow ones are left, I'd run through, taking out each one with the lead pipe. (Alternate plan: Assuming I can't fight them all off, I'd quickly try to get to a safe position on the fire escape, away from windows [Assuming there is such a location before reaching any windows, otherwise I'd just continue to pick them off with my radio shooting block.], and shoot the remainders while making sure nothing comes from behind. [If they do I'd do the same as above, except because of limited range I'd probably only be able to use the lead pipe. I'd probably have to pick which would be safer, staying up there or clearing the alley.]) I'd duck behind cover, watching their movements, and when I get a good opportunity I would run across Main Street, climbing over safely parked cars to avoid the zombies. (If there is no discernable path of safe cars I'd walk around the traffic, looking around, including under cars, to make sure no zombies approach me. [The flashlight would be handy here.]) Then I would get to the Green Zone. Yay.
first I cook some ramen in a microwave, and keep the broth. I lock th zombie in the closet, and run out shooting at the zombies, saving 10 rounds, I then take out my lead pipe and kill any remaining zombies. I go into the alleyway using the fire escape, and go onto main street, where I use my swiss army knife in one hand as a projectile and the lead pipe in the other, I then continue to the green zone.
I quickly remove the Dead man's clothes and toss the body out the front door and lock it. I use the under garment's ( underwear/socks/undershirt) to start a small fire to block the door and slow the zombie's evan more. Then i run out the back and lock it behind me. I observe the area and notice that it is clear i move away for the apartment abit and take the batteries out of the flashlight. I use the swiss knife to peel the metal cover off and pour all the lithium ( extreamly explosive powder found in batteries) into the flash light keeping 1 batterie in my pocket i replace the top of the flash light and shake it as to make the powder spread everywhere inside. * looks and see's a few zombie heading towards me * shoots them with the .22 (4 rounds)*
i place the flash light in my right pocket and secure it. I tie the the shirt and pants around my waist and survey the area again seeing that it is still clear i head down the fire escapes to the alley ther are a few carswhich i check under and in for zombie's glancing back occasionaly keeping low i move from car to car as to stay out of sight of any zombie's that happen to be around and make it through the i use the pipe on any of the zombie's that i may encounter unless i am forced to use the .22 i will not use it. Hitting anything that moves towards me i keep moving down the alley as i reach the end i see the market and heads towards it stoping every so often to observe the area i sprint into the market. Imediatly i check the area for any zombie's and take out any that i see. Glancing i kneel and reopen the top off the flash light i tear a strips from the shirt around my waist and roll it to make it a usable fuse and stick it in the flchs light and replace's the top leaving bout a 10 second fuse. in effect i just made a bomb that can clear a quarter of a block. I then remove the shirt * still looking around * i take peices and stuff it into the pipe and rip off a sleeve and tie one end into a large knot and slip's it over the top of the pipe i tie more strips to the bottom to make a heat ressistant handle as when i light the torch i just made the pipe will get quite hot i stuff the rest of the material from the shirt into the back pack and secures the pipe in between my backpack and my back. i then place matches and the knife into my left pocket and secure them and the flashlight back into my right pocket. i stand up pick up the .22 and search one more time. Then duck nest to a parked car and wait. as soon as i see that it is clear i sprint into the green zone!
whoa, lots of people now. i'm gonna have to do this one by one so here we go!
Good tactics there, I see you people will fare well when an epidemic breaks out on your block.
+ Distracting the zombies and taking care of the body you dropped
+ Placing your equipment and gear in place, good move there, very good.
+ Conserving ammo is very smart and inspecting your weapons is very good. good job
+ A torch is a good idea to see through the dark.
- putting the boy away is still a good idea, using it as a distraction, even better (PASS)
- stapping yoursef down and seperating yourself from the zombies is an excellent move (PASS)
- looking round the corners, hiding, and picking off the zombies was the sign of an excellent marksman and a survivalist. good job. (PASS)
$ you reached the green zone: 98%
Grade: A+
You did magnificent here, and the highscore to boot. Strapping down all your items and reusing exhaisted equipment was ingenious. Overall you would make a very good canidate for survivalst.
Well, your standard zombie is attracted to sound, so…
Before implementing my plan, I use the pipe to bash the dead guy's brain and break a piece of the glass off from the broken window for use as a sharp object in case of a pinch. I then switch the radio to the tastiest sounding voice I can find, crank the volume to the max, and leave the radio behind as a distraction as I make my way down the back alley, using my rifle and, if need be while reloading, my large glass shard as a projectile, or my pipe as a melee weapon to defend myself from the zombies that weren't fooled by my ruse, always aiming for the CRANIUM!. Any zombies I feel I can feint and run past I will do so for the sake of time and ammo. If given enough time, I light the bodies as I go (No Crimson-heads for me, thank you!)
Main street looks more wide open so I can see my surroundings better. After giving Main Street a look-over, I move like Solid Snake and begin to carefully weave my way through the path of least resistance that I find from my observation, keeping my rifle in a ready-to-fire position at all times until I can reach Market Street.
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