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Two days ago I went out and saw the new Indy. I made it about half way and fell asleep in the theater, so I had to go yesterday and see the rest.

I wont go into too much detail here because I'm sure some of you have yet to see it. It was shot in it's classic look, set in the 1950s, I was really impressed with the malt shop scene. That is probably my favorite scene out of the entire movie. It was shot perfectly.

A lot of people didn't like this film but honestly I hope Shia LeBoeuf gets his own series of Indiana Jones…Mutt Jones…ok that name wont work but if you haven't watched it yet you'll understand later. It would require a bit of a character change but it could definitely be done well and breath some more life into the franchise, life I said..If it's done right.

See, I did some prep of buying the first 3 a total of 2 days before going to see #4 and quickly crammed them into my brain and the series is nothing compared to what I expected. Most reference to anything shows these movies as over the top cheezy but it's nothing like that, they are great. So if you have any uneasy thoughts like those about the series that are keeping you from checking it out, you really should check them out.

Watching them so close to each other for the first time, I find that they all fit together quite well, expect for two, but the fourth does fit and I accept the changes except for two things and to not give anything away I'll short phrase them:

1) Jungle Road
2) Jungle Vines
3) CGI Animals

All in all, I'm going to give the movie 8/10 and I want to be in the next when it happens. The end.